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View Full Version : Trump Makes Good on His $1 Million Hurricane Harvey Relief Donation

09-18-2017, 02:19 PM
Here's your receipt pete311


POTUS Trump Makes Good on His $1 Million Hurricane Harvey Relief Donation – Liberals Still Trash Him

President Trump announced in late August that he was pledging $1 million to victims of Hurricane Harvey.

Hate-filled liberals immediately attacked President Trump saying that he was lying and that he actually wouldn’t give the money. They also attacked Trump when he released the names of the charities he was donating to. Apparently Trump is evil because he donated his money to too many ‘Christian charities’.

Now that Trump has made good on his pledge, liberals are still trashing him. Satan runs the left.

President Trump tweeted over a report from the Washington Examiner confirming he officially donated the $1 million dollars to Hurricane Harvey relief saying “My great honor!”

Via the Washington Examiner:

President Trump made good on his promise to donate $1 million to Harvey relief efforts, according to a report Saturday.

The president sent 12 checks to various organizations helping Texas and Louisiana recover after last month’s disastrous storm, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed to The Hill.

Liberals immediately trashed POTUS.

Trump acts like $1 million is a lot of money to him.... pic.twitter.com/gcJTGZIsUj
You've been profiting off of taxpayers for 9 months by renting from yourself so technically WE donated $1M to hurricane relief.
And all tax deductible too!
Good strategy! Got great payoff in convincing your sheep you have lot more money than you do. It's got great ROI. Like not taking salary!
yeah and all it took was everyone having to nag you to actually do it and not just talk.
If you're as rich as you say you are (which you're not), that equates to having $1000 and donating a penny
Only $1 million? Who did you shake down to get that money?


Trump officially donates $1 million to Harvey relief efforts

President Trump made good on his promise to donate $1 million to Harvey relief efforts, according to a report Saturday.

The president sent 12 checks to various organizations helping Texas and Louisiana recover after last month's disastrous storm, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed to The Hill.

Directly following the hurricane, Sanders announced Trump would be making the generous donation to aid relief.

The Salvation Army and American Red Cross received the most notable donations — $300,000 each.

Reach Out America and the Samaritans Purse, two Christian relief organizations, received $100,000 each and the other eight groups — ASPCA, Catholic Charities, Direct Relief, Habitat for Humanity, the Houston Humane Society, Operation Blessing, Portlight Inclusive Disaster Strategies and Team Rubicon – would receive $25,000 each, according to the report.

Many of the organizations confirmed to The Hill that the donations had been received.

Reach Out America confirmed on Facebook they received their $100,000.


09-19-2017, 11:50 AM
Charities still yet to receive promised donations from Donald Trump's $107 million inauguration

09-19-2017, 11:53 AM
Charities still yet to receive promised donations from Donald Trump's $107 million inauguration

What does that have to do with Hurricane Harvey donation?

09-19-2017, 11:54 AM
What does that have to do with Hurricane Harvey donation?

Fine. Feel free to delete it and I'll make a new thread...

09-19-2017, 01:26 PM
Charities still yet to receive promised donations from Donald Trump's $107 million inauguration

The thread is fine...

Not only doesn't it have anything to do with Harvey and/or Trump living up to his word and a million dollars, it has nothing to do with Trump personally - as the donations to the aforementioned places were him.

09-19-2017, 01:28 PM

<img src="https://pics.onsizzle.com/your-stupid-is-showing-10573549.png">

09-19-2017, 01:32 PM
I don't think Pete's stupid is showing...

I think he went out of his way to find something negative to add to this thread since he could no longer claim that Trump wouldn't pay, or that he needed receipts. :rolleyes: So since Trump came through, "Let me see if I can find something else" is next. Nothing about Trump doing what he says, nothing about admitting he was wrong to imply he wouldn't pay. Just straight onto something else. Read the thread yesterday but had to wait a day until he found something else to reply with. :slap:

09-19-2017, 01:37 PM
I don't think Pete's stupid is showing...

I think he went out of his way to find something negative to add to this thread since he could no longer claim that Trump wouldn't pay, or that he needed receipts. :rolleyes: So since Trump came through, "Let me see if I can find something else" is next. Nothing about Trump doing what he says, nothing about admitting he was wrong to imply he wouldn't pay. Just straight onto something else. Read the thread yesterday but had to wait a day until he found something else to reply with. :slap:

I was just trying to be nice jim!:believecrap::believecrap:

09-21-2017, 09:56 AM
And to many that mocked, laughed, called him names and shrugged their shoulders. While so many find a reason to diminish his donations, just how much have THEY all donated to help so many others?
