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View Full Version : Fla. Teacher Tells 11-Year-Olds to Call 'Them' the Gender-Neutral Pronoun 'Mx'

09-21-2017, 02:10 PM
Alright, we aren't getting ready to go over the edge, we have officially passed that. Insanity rules. The education system has a SERIOUS problem, from grammar school through our colleges.

If a teacher or administration sent that to me? Dang, not happening. My son would be calling HER "Mrs" or "Ms" and that's that. My son will not be taught some new made up bullshit that these retards want to push on people.


Fla. Teacher Tells 11-Year-Olds to Call 'Them' the Gender-Neutral Pronoun 'Mx'

In the "Are you kidding me?" file, a 5th grade math and science (ha!) teacher is coming out as a biology denier and has sent a letter home to his or her (we're still not sure) class asking to be called by the pronoun "Mx." pronounced "mix." Parents in Tallahassee, Florida, were understandably alarmed when they received this letter from their children's' teacher:

One thing that you should know about me is that I use gender neutral terms. My prefix is Mx. (pronounced Mix). Additionally, my pronouns are "they, them, their" instead of "him, her, his."

Frankly, if I got a letter like this I would be down at that school asking them to remove the mentally ill person they hired who has power over my child. What kind of fresh hell is this? The school is standing behind this mixed-up person, of course, and spitting in the faces of parents who feel that this type of political grandstanding is a distraction to learning. How are the parents supposed to be assured that their child will not be punished for failing to deny reality should they slip up and use the proper pronouns? And will there be any recourse for the English language, which they are being taught to abuse in such a heinous way? Have we no respect left for basic grammar?

Third person, singular pronouns are not interchangeable with third person, plural pronouns. They are not now and will not ever be unless the LGBTQWTF crowd is going to dismantle the rules of grammar and rewrite them and then force us all to learn them again. This task would be so difficult I doubt they could pull themselves away from the latest vagina march to actually try it. No one should refer to a singular person as "they or them" and should be slapped by a stern nun for even thinking about it.

The sex-confused have ruined public education, locker rooms, public bathrooms, Target, and sanity, but by God, they will not ruin English. That's a bridge too far. Those of us immersed in its structure and thousands of tiny rules and exceptions, who live daily by the written fundamentals of the hardest language on earth, who have sweated and slaved over dangling participles and subjunctive moods will refuse, with rigid defiance, to take part in this destruction of our language. You don't want to tangle with the grammar Nazis! We will not be moved.

Anyone who is sending a child to a school that does not repudiate this grammatical horror show should realize immediately that it is not a place of learning but one of political indoctrination and idiocy. A school that supports this heinous pronoun person-swapping is no school at all but a place where someone goes to become irreversibly incoherent and unable to function in reality.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/parenting/2017/09/21/fla-teacher-tells-11-year-olds-call-gender-neutral-pronoun-mx/

09-21-2017, 02:18 PM
you're fired!

09-21-2017, 05:32 PM
Alright, we aren't getting ready to go over the edge, we have officially passed that. Insanity rules. The education system has a SERIOUS problem, from grammar school through our colleges.

If a teacher or administration sent that to me? Dang, not happening. My son would be calling HER "Mrs" or "Ms" and that's that. My son will not be taught some new made up bullshit that these retards want to push on people.


Fla. Teacher Tells 11-Year-Olds to Call 'Them' the Gender-Neutral Pronoun 'Mx'

In the "Are you kidding me?" file, a 5th grade math and science (ha!) teacher is coming out as a biology denier and has sent a letter home to his or her (we're still not sure) class asking to be called by the pronoun "Mx." pronounced "mix." Parents in Tallahassee, Florida, were understandably alarmed when they received this letter from their children's' teacher:

One thing that you should know about me is that I use gender neutral terms. My prefix is Mx. (pronounced Mix). Additionally, my pronouns are "they, them, their" instead of "him, her, his."

Frankly, if I got a letter like this I would be down at that school asking them to remove the mentally ill person they hired who has power over my child. What kind of fresh hell is this? The school is standing behind this mixed-up person, of course, and spitting in the faces of parents who feel that this type of political grandstanding is a distraction to learning. How are the parents supposed to be assured that their child will not be punished for failing to deny reality should they slip up and use the proper pronouns? And will there be any recourse for the English language, which they are being taught to abuse in such a heinous way? Have we no respect left for basic grammar?

Third person, singular pronouns are not interchangeable with third person, plural pronouns. They are not now and will not ever be unless the LGBTQWTF crowd is going to dismantle the rules of grammar and rewrite them and then force us all to learn them again. This task would be so difficult I doubt they could pull themselves away from the latest vagina march to actually try it. No one should refer to a singular person as "they or them" and should be slapped by a stern nun for even thinking about it.

The sex-confused have ruined public education, locker rooms, public bathrooms, Target, and sanity, but by God, they will not ruin English. That's a bridge too far. Those of us immersed in its structure and thousands of tiny rules and exceptions, who live daily by the written fundamentals of the hardest language on earth, who have sweated and slaved over dangling participles and subjunctive moods will refuse, with rigid defiance, to take part in this destruction of our language. You don't want to tangle with the grammar Nazis! We will not be moved.

Anyone who is sending a child to a school that does not repudiate this grammatical horror show should realize immediately that it is not a place of learning but one of political indoctrination and idiocy. A school that supports this heinous pronoun person-swapping is no school at all but a place where someone goes to become irreversibly incoherent and unable to function in reality.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/parenting/2017/09/21/fla-teacher-tells-11-year-olds-call-gender-neutral-pronoun-mx/

How about just using "asshole" for the pronoun?

09-21-2017, 07:28 PM
How about just using "asshole" for the pronoun?Because he wasn't addressing you.

09-21-2017, 08:45 PM
I'm glad I don't have a school aged kid, or I'd probably be in jail for kicking the dog shit otta some progtard ass clown so called teacher.

09-21-2017, 10:09 PM
I'm glad I don't have a school aged kid, or I'd probably be in jail for kicking the dog shit otta some progtard ass clown so called teacher.

Schools don't discipline any more. My youngest gave some libtard school administrator the finger and nothing happened. Those teachers get what they deserve in their own way. Like I said before, "asshole" is a gender neutral pronoun.

09-21-2017, 10:17 PM
Schools don't discipline any more. My youngest gave some libtard school administrator the finger and nothing happened. Those teachers get what they deserve in their own way. Like I said before, "asshole" is a gender neutral pronoun.Wrong. Teacher's DON'T get what they deserve. My daughter is a school teacher. They get what the left foists upon them.

When our society has emasculated parents, the police, teachers, and everyone else in positions of authority, the inmates run the asylum. And they are.

09-22-2017, 05:24 AM
I feel awful for my kids' kids. Ugh.

If my kid was in the class I would send the teacher a letter explaining my kid prefers to be addressed as "Supreme Lord" then sue if the teacher refuses to use it.

Abbey Marie
09-22-2017, 08:03 AM
I feel awful for my kids' kids. Ugh.

If my kid was in the class I would send the teacher a letter explaining my kid prefers to be addressed as "Supreme Lord" then sue if the teacher refuses to use it.
