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View Full Version : Lewandowski: Russia Colluders Should 'Go to Jail' for Life

09-21-2017, 02:56 PM
If someone is found to have actually done so, then I would next like to see specifically what they did before making a decision on the length of any punishment. But if someone is found to have clearly done so, then I too stand behind a call for a serious sized sentence. So long as that evidence is pure and severe, then call for their heads, even if it's Trump himself.


Lewandowski: Russia Colluders Should 'Go to Jail' for Life

Anyone on Donald Trump's campaign team who colluded with Russia during the campaign should "go to jail for the rest of their lives," former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told reporters Wednesday.

"I think if anybody, and I've said this, if Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, or Rick Gates or Carter Page, or anybody else attempted to influence the outcome of the U.S. election through any means that's inappropriate — through collusion, coordination, or cooperation — I hope they go to jail for the rest of their lives,” Lewandowski said during an event at George Washington University, according to the Washington Examiner.

"It's very simple. Our election process is too serious, our democracy is too important to allow people to try and try and have influence from the outside for their own gain."

Manafort, who worked as Trump's campaign manager for a brief period, reportedly offered to provide private briefings on the presidential race to a Russian billionaire with close ties to the Kremlin, according to a story published Wednesday in The Washington Post.

Rest - http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/corey-lewandowski-campaign-manager-collusion-roger-stone/2017/09/20/id/814801/

09-21-2017, 03:05 PM
If someone is found to have actually done so, then I would next like to see specifically what they did before making a decision on the length of any punishment. But if someone is found to have clearly done so, then I too stand behind a call for a serious sized sentence. So long as that evidence is pure and severe, then call for their heads, even if it's Trump himself.


Lewandowski: Russia Colluders Should 'Go to Jail' for Life

Anyone on Donald Trump's campaign team who colluded with Russia during the campaign should "go to jail for the rest of their lives," former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told reporters Wednesday.

"I think if anybody, and I've said this, if Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, or Rick Gates or Carter Page, or anybody else attempted to influence the outcome of the U.S. election through any means that's inappropriate — through collusion, coordination, or cooperation — I hope they go to jail for the rest of their lives,” Lewandowski said during an event at George Washington University, according to the Washington Examiner.

"It's very simple. Our election process is too serious, our democracy is too important to allow people to try and try and have influence from the outside for their own gain."

Manafort, who worked as Trump's campaign manager for a brief period, reportedly offered to provide private briefings on the presidential race to a Russian billionaire with close ties to the Kremlin, according to a story published Wednesday in The Washington Post.

Rest - http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/corey-lewandowski-campaign-manager-collusion-roger-stone/2017/09/20/id/814801/Let's go back to "Go" and explain to the simple Gunnery Sergeant something that seems to be zooming over his grape .... Collude with Russia to do WHAT? I keep drawing blanks with the answer to THAT question.

What exactly could Russia do to affect our election to the point that it altered the results? Last I checked, Russian citizens aren't registered to vote as US citizens. And what exactly does anyone to include Trump stand to gain from some Russian conspiracy BS?

If anyone stood anything to gain by collusion it would have been Hillary. Likewise, Russia would fare far better playing under the table with someone they know they can buy.

So I don't get it.

09-21-2017, 08:36 PM
He's talking about Manafort. If you've been following him, its pretty incredible stuff. He's pretty much toast. They got him tied to Russia hard. Question is, what did Trump know and why did he hire him.

09-21-2017, 08:50 PM
He's talking about Manafort. If you've been following him, its pretty incredible stuff. He's pretty much toast. They got him tied to Russia hard. Question is, what did Trump know and why did he hire him.Probably the same reason anyone hires anyone. You aren't a criminal until you get caught. That's kind of how the 4th Amendment works.

I don't know a thing about Manafort and who cares if he has ties to Russia? Again, WHAT impact can Russia have on our elections?

Let's say Trump openly hires someone from Russia, or associates with him/her .... who cares? Hell, I've associated with Russian soldiers. We rigged sh*t alright. A couple of bottles of vodka and bunch of US cigarettes worth. I guess I should feel bought?

09-21-2017, 09:41 PM
Probably the same reason anyone hires anyone. You aren't a criminal until you get caught. That's kind of how the 4th Amendment works.

I don't know a thing about Manafort and who cares if he has ties to Russia? Again, WHAT impact can Russia have on our elections?

Let's say Trump openly hires someone from Russia, or associates with him/her .... who cares? Hell, I've associated with Russian soldiers. We rigged sh*t alright. A couple of bottles of vodka and bunch of US cigarettes worth. I guess I should feel bought?

And...... this is why our country is going to hell. There is seriously a ton of stuff online. It will take you some time to go through it all, but I encourage you to instead of being ignorant. Manafort has been a big figure for the past 14 months. I also strongly urge you to rethink whether enemy operations within our government and election is a good thing or not. Your stance is actually flat out anti-american. Amazing, coming from a military man. Who knew a military man would sell out his country to the Russians.

09-21-2017, 09:58 PM
And...... this is why our country is going to hell. There is seriously a ton of stuff online. It will take you some time to go through it all, but I encourage you to instead of being ignorant. I also strongly urge you to rethink whether enemy operations within our government and election is a good thing or not.Our country is going to Hell because people put a ton of stuff online about shit that doesn't matter?

I asked the common sense, simple questions and have no answers. STILL. I don't just believe the ton of stuff online because it's convenient to my agenda. Perhaps it is YOU who should seek to see through the blind, partisan ignorance? Again ..

What does it benefit Trump to make some deal of unknown substance with a country that has no impact on our elections?

What does it benefit Russia to make a deal with an unknown quantity showing signs of being an uncontrollable loose cannon when if they had anything to offer
, Clinton is for sale to the highest bidder?

How does Russia affect our elections that they can choose the outcome rather than the American people choosing it?

Y'all been at this for almost a year now, and the usual leftwingnut witch hunt tactic has failed you miserably. You have NOTHING to show for it but a lot of wasted tax dollars.

09-21-2017, 10:01 PM
Y'all been at this for almost a year now, and the usual leftwingnut witch hunt tactic has failed you miserably. You have NOTHING to show for it but a lot of wasted tax dollars.

What do you know? You don't even know anything about Paul Manafort. You literally know nothing about what happening and yet call it a witch hunt. Hilarious. Also you should be old enough to know it took 3 years to take down Nixon. Keep your head in the sand my friend.

09-21-2017, 10:12 PM
So, Manafort was wire tapped, under the table, and he talked with a Russian? What about? I haven't heard squat.

How do we know he wasn't ordering a case of Stolichnaya?

This entire Russian business is a witch hunt. It's been going on now for almost a year, and it's found NOTHING. So at this point, with all the time and money spent, Mueller HAS to find SOMEONE to toast, and Manafort is simply the only thing the witch hunt has found that even has a snowballs chance in hell of actually having something on him. I'm sure if there isn't enough, they'll make something up. There's no dirtier bunch of under handed filth on the planet, not even the Mafia, not the Hells Angels, not the Bloods or the Crips, than the deep state in Washington. They want to teach ANYONE else that might have the big idea of coming to Washington thinking they're going to shake things up and DRAIN THE SWAMP to think twice. No way in hell are they going to allow anyone to come to their town and disrupt their sweet little game. They have to the power and they WILL destroy you. I hope you're watching KID ROCK, and DWAYNE JOHNSON, and any of you others. Washington belongs to those who play by the deep states rules, and by God they'll take down anyone that thinks otherwise.

WHY else is the entire filthy town of Washington DC, and I mean the "quiet" repubs too, all after president Trump with pitch forks and torches with no proof what so ever he's done anything wrong, yet scum like Hitlery Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Rice, Powers, the IRS targeting conservatives, on and on, that have committed KNOWN crimes, are all waltzing around Scott free?

It's absolutely reach up and slap you in the face obvious. DON'T FUCK WITH THE STATUS QUO IN WASHINGTON IF YOU'RE AN OUTSIDER.

09-21-2017, 10:15 PM
So, Manafort was wire tapped, under the table, and he talked with a Russian? What about? I haven't heard squat.

How do we know he wasn't ordering a case of Stolichnaya?

This entire Russian business is a witch hunt. It's been going on now for almost a year, and it's found NOTHING. So at this point, with all the time and money spent, Mueller HAS to find SOMEONE to toast, and Manafort is simply the only thing the witch hunt has found that even has a snowballs chance in hell of actually having something on him. I'm sure if there isn't enough, they'll make something up. There's no dirtier bunch of under handed filth on the planet, not even the Mafia, not the Hells Angels, not the Bloods or the Crips, than the deep state in Washington. They want to teach ANYONE else that might have the big idea of coming to Washington thinking they're going to shake things up and DRAIN THE SWAMP to think twice. They have to the power and they WILL destroy you. I hope you're watching KID ROCK, and DWAYNE JOHNSON, and any of you others. Washington belongs to those who play by the deep states rules, and by God they'll take down anyone that thinks otherwise.

You haven't heard what it's about because maybe um it's under investigation, but there is enormous amount of smoke and Mueller has already told Manafort to expect an indictment. You guys can cry all you want, but at some point your going to wake up to some shit going down. If you are surprised then you aren't paying attention.

09-21-2017, 10:23 PM
You haven't heard what it's about because maybe um it's under investigation, but there is enormous amount of smoke and Mueller has already told Manafort to expect an indictment. You guys can cry all you want, but at some point your going to wake up to some shit going down. If you are surprised then you aren't paying attention.
Oh I see, they can LEAK everything under the sun, but not what they have on Manafort.

You're a fool... really. This is a witch hunt, period, end of story. It's a gift to the democrats because Hitlery lost, and the way you talk is proof of it.

09-21-2017, 10:24 PM
Oh I see, they can LEAK everything under the sun, but not what they have on Manafort.

You're a fool... really. This is a witch hunt, period, end of story. It's a gift to the democrats because Hitlery lost, and the way you talk is proof of it.

I can see, you along with Gunny haven't research much. Not surprising. #merica #MAGA

Black Diamond
09-21-2017, 11:07 PM
You haven't heard what it's about because maybe um it's under investigation, but there is enormous amount of smoke and Mueller has already told Manafort to expect an indictment. You guys can cry all you want, but at some point your going to wake up to some shit going down. If you are surprised then you aren't paying attention.
the report mueller told manafort to expect an indictment came from an anonymous source or a.....


09-22-2017, 08:51 AM
What do you know? You don't even know anything about Paul Manafort. You literally know nothing about what happening and yet call it a witch hunt. Hilarious. Also you should be old enough to know it took 3 years to take down Nixon. Keep your head in the sand my friend.I think I just explained what I know. Enough to not drink the Kool-Aid.

Hilarious is I asked a question in general for anyone to answer. You chose to engage me in what you apparently call debate but have YET to answer one single question. You have deflected to the internet, and now my knowledge. What you think you know is a bunch of unsubstantiated garbage. Not ONE SINGLE FACT.

So what do I know? Let's see ... I've watched the left witch hunt Republicans for years. Anyone they find a threat. Dig and dig until they find some who-gives-a-shit A-HA! then turn it into a mountain through the media, while letting their own criminals walk. Only this time it ain't working. Don't know what to do.

I know enough to know the premise of the accusations is just stupid. There's no fact, logic nor common sense involved. I also know the Dems appear to be hanging onto that sinking frigate come Hell or high water. And I'm just watching you sink.

But good thing you "know" so much :)

09-22-2017, 10:24 AM
I think I just explained what I know. Enough to not drink the Kool-Aid.

Hilarious is I asked a question in general for anyone to answer. You chose to engage me in what you apparently call debate but have YET to answer one single question. You have deflected to the internet, and now my knowledge. What you think you know is a bunch of unsubstantiated garbage. Not ONE SINGLE FACT.

So what do I know? Let's see ... I've watched the left witch hunt Republicans for years. Anyone they find a threat. Dig and dig until they find some who-gives-a-shit A-HA! then turn it into a mountain through the media, while letting their own criminals walk. Only this time it ain't working. Don't know what to do.

I know enough to know the premise of the accusations is just stupid. There's no fact, logic nor common sense involved. I also know the Dems appear to be hanging onto that sinking frigate come Hell or high water. And I'm just watching you sink.

But good thing you "know" so much :)

Sorry I don't have time to fill you in on events over the past 14 months. I got a concrete wall to patch.

09-22-2017, 10:30 AM
Sorry I don't have time to fill you in on events over the past 14 months. I got a concrete wall to patch.That's okay, Pete. Your idea of "events" turned out to be nothing but hot air anyway. I seem to be quite up to snuff.

In case you missed this fact too ... you lost. Just like your candidate.

09-22-2017, 11:48 AM
Depends on the evidence, Pete, and the severity of the crime. I've read a lot of accusations and such from anonymous sources... I'll swing for the fences in my condemnation when I see proof of evidence from Mueller and his team about whomever they indict. Manafort was my first suspect, even prior to Mueller. We'll see what evidence they come back with on him as well.

With that said, I do think it's kind of a witch hunt in some aspects of the investigation. What started out as a Russia investigation turned into a what can we find on Trump or anyone on any subject. That, and I find suspect the amount of Clinton/Democrat supporting lawyers that were brought onboard. This is the truth, not excuses. If crimes are found then crimes are found. That would be up to attorneys to fight as to whether or not it was beyond the scope... but that doesn't mean that the crimes were invented, which I don't see this investigation doing. But nonetheless, evidence will still be needed.

09-22-2017, 12:28 PM
Depends on the evidence, Pete, and the severity of the crime. I've read a lot of accusations and such from anonymous sources... I'll swing for the fences in my condemnation when I see proof of evidence from Mueller and his team about whomever they indict. Manafort was my first suspect, even prior to Mueller. We'll see what evidence they come back with on him as well.

With that said, I do think it's kind of a witch hunt in some aspects of the investigation. What started out as a Russia investigation turned into a what can we find on Trump or anyone on any subject. That, and I find suspect the amount of Clinton/Democrat supporting lawyers that were brought onboard. This is the truth, not excuses. If crimes are found then crimes are found. That would be up to attorneys to fight as to whether or not it was beyond the scope... but that doesn't mean that the crimes were invented, which I don't see this investigation doing. But nonetheless, evidence will still be needed.That's kind of my point.

14 months = O indictments 0 convictions countless unsubstantiated allegations

For the accusations, the cost of the "investigations, complete with 13th Century Catholic Priest in the lead, are a phenomenal waste of money, resources and time that SHOULD BE spent governing the Nation instead of trying to find dust trails of lint on partisan opposition.

And I'm STILL waiting on how Russia can determine the outcome of our elections. Kind of makes having them pointless. I'd be more willing to believe that if such was possible, they put Obama in office since he speaks their commie lingo.

09-22-2017, 12:47 PM
That's kind of my point.

14 months = O indictments 0 convictions countless unsubstantiated allegations

For the accusations, the cost of the "investigations, complete with 13th Century Catholic Priest in the lead, are a phenomenal waste of money, resources and time that SHOULD BE spent governing the Nation instead of trying to find dust trails of lint on partisan opposition.

And I'm STILL waiting on how Russia can determine the outcome of our elections. Kind of makes having them pointless. I'd be more willing to believe that if such was possible, they put Obama in office since he speaks their commie lingo.


I do feel anyone caught of committing any crimes should be prosecuted, just as Hillary should have been. But I'm also having trouble seeing how they determined anything with the election.

They may find Manafort with other crap tied to Russia, or even other crimes with finances. But I certainly don't see anything that adds up to this major crime that could have affected the election process. With that said, they DO need to protect it though, however small the efforts or large.

Anything with Trump? Other than endless accusations, all I've seen is absolutely nothing, and feedback from everyone including the democrats in the senate intel committee, that they have seen nothing. But Mueller is now investigating the aspect of finding Trump guilty of obstruction depending on when he fired Comey and if any of the reasoning included Russia. They better find evidence of a Russia connection if they plan on claiming such.

Sorta different:

Here's Rob Reiner talking about how we are at war with Russia, cyber war. He lays out his claim. Then Carlson nails him with why the leftists never called out China. A decent watch.


09-22-2017, 01:15 PM
That's kind of my point.

14 months = O indictments 0 convictions countless unsubstantiated allegations

For the accusations, the cost of the "investigations, complete with 13th Century Catholic Priest in the lead, are a phenomenal waste of money, resources and time that SHOULD BE spent governing the Nation instead of trying to find dust trails of lint on partisan opposition.

And I'm STILL waiting on how Russia can determine the outcome of our elections. Kind of makes having them pointless. I'd be more willing to believe that if such was possible, they put Obama in office since he speaks their commie lingo.

It took 3 years for Nixon to get removed. These investigations take time as they should.

Black Diamond
09-22-2017, 01:16 PM
It took 3 years for Nixon to get removed. These investigations take time as they should.
Trump will not be removed. He won't even be impeached.

09-22-2017, 01:26 PM

I do feel anyone caught of committing any crimes should be prosecuted, just as Hillary should have been. But I'm also having trouble seeing how they determined anything with the election.

They may find Manafort with other crap tied to Russia, or even other crimes with finances. But I certainly don't see anything that adds up to this major crime that could have affected the election process. With that said, they DO need to protect it though, however small the efforts or large.

Anything with Trump? Other than endless accusations, all I've seen is absolutely nothing, and feedback from everyone including the democrats in the senate intel committee, that they have seen nothing. But Mueller is now investigating the aspect of finding Trump guilty of obstruction depending on when he fired Comey and if any of the reasoning included Russia. They better find evidence of a Russia connection if they plan on claiming such.

Sorta different:

Here's Rob Reiner talking about how we are at war with Russia, cyber war. He lays out his claim. Then Carlson nails him with why the leftists never called out China. A decent watch.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfAxKO-SoRsIf we're going to protect the election process, we can start by protecting it from the Democrats before worrying about some goofy idea that Russia can somehow affect them enough to change the outcome. Hell, the Dems want to throw out the electoral college if they lose.

Black Diamond
09-22-2017, 01:29 PM
Oh no. I missed the meathead interview.

09-22-2017, 01:33 PM
It took 3 years for Nixon to get removed. These investigations take time as they should.Tap dance much? You're grasping at straws.

09-22-2017, 03:05 PM
Tap dance much? You're grasping at straws.

Luckily the investigation doesn't hinge on this cesspool's opinion. Time will tell.

09-22-2017, 03:31 PM
Luckily the investigation doesn't hinge on this cesspool's opinion. Time will tell.Neither does the outcome. As far as a cesspool goes, I'm not drinking the Kool Aid falling for every little accusation and hanging on it as gospel. The lest are notorious chicken little's and outright liars.
Kathianne posted a thread about lefties taking the red pill. Maybe she'll link you to it. I'm too busy to do your homework (think I heard something like that before). If anybody needed a red pill, it's YOU.

Here's yet another factor you aren't considering. I don't really care what happens. If nothing concrete has been found by now, odds are good when something is dreamed up it'll be as laughable as the rest of the crap.

I only care in the long-term that I do not want an undeserving and incapable left running this country. If I want to live in a totalitarian regime, I can just hitch a ride to Russia on the Trump train :rolleyes:. Otherwise, y'all would figure out to rip off the Girl Scouts if you were put in charge of the cookie funds.

09-22-2017, 03:47 PM
Here's yet another factor you aren't considering. I don't really care what happens. If nothing concrete has been found by now, odds are good when something is dreamed up it'll be as laughable as the rest of the crap.

Just like Nixon right? For some reason you are obsessed with the length of investigation. It means nothing. You are fine because you are ok selling america out to the russians. That is exactly what people in the Trump admin did and were trying to do. If you don't understand that then you haven't been paying attention. Scream bloody murder over hillary emails, but you are ok with campaigns working with an enemy during an election. Got it!

09-22-2017, 03:57 PM
Just like Nixon right? For some reason you are obsessed with the length of investigation. It means nothing.Rather, you seem to be hinging your bet on "just like Nixon" as justification to waste money on something that will amount to nothing if anything. How about "Just like Bill Clinton"?

My opinion was the same then, and for him as now. All that time, effort and tax dollars spent on a blowjob and we were stuck with him for the rest of his term anyway. O f-ing YEA:drama:

Consider THAT versus the precedent the left is setting. Had they gone after Obama or Hillary with as much diligence as they are try to go after Trump, Obama would have been removed from office and Hillary would be in prison.

09-22-2017, 04:06 PM
Rather, you seem to be hinging your bet on "just like Nixon" as justification to waste money on something that will amount to nothing if anything. How about "Just like Bill Clinton"?

My opinion was the same then, and for him as now. All that time, effort and tax dollars spent on a blowjob and we were stuck with him for the rest of his term anyway. O f-ing YEA:drama:

Consider THAT versus the precedent the left is setting. Had they gone after Obama or Hillary with as much diligence as they are try to go after Trump, Obama would have been removed from office and Hillary would be in prison.

Even if you feel that way, strange how suddenly your outrage has ended.

09-22-2017, 04:24 PM
Even if you feel that way, strange how suddenly your outrage has ended.Ummm .... WHAT outrage? Man, you HAVE been hitting the Kool Aid :laugh:. You think I need to be bent out of shape just to make an argument? Dude, I got stuck with the 2 oldest grandkids today. I'm babysitting mostly. Those two little terrorists concern me FAR more than some argument on a message board.

You sir, are an aside :laugh: