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View Full Version : Bush supporting the Troops????

08-11-2007, 10:32 AM

08-11-2007, 10:33 AM

Look helping them after they do their duty is part of supporting them.

I am so sick of the phoney bullshit about supporting them and then short changing then at every turn.

Hey, at least he isn't cutting off their heads.

08-11-2007, 10:39 AM

Look helping them after they do their duty is part of supporting them.

I am so sick of the phoney bullshit about supporting them and then short changing then at every turn.

As usual, your Bush-bashing claims are bogus. Not giving them "more," is hardly shortchanging anyone.

Now if the Dems want to cut some handout programs to pay for this, I'm surethey'd get a more receptive audience.

08-11-2007, 10:41 AM

08-11-2007, 10:47 AM

08-11-2007, 10:51 AM
See what I mean?

Why is it people think keeping a program long in place fully funded is wrong?

I will never understand how people defend this stuff?

I see you can violate the copyright law here to boost your post count as well as other places.

The program was about as old when it got cut as the current one have been in place, so spare us the dramatic appeal to emotion.

08-11-2007, 10:55 AM

08-11-2007, 11:02 AM
So you dont think the people fighting this war are as deserving as the Vietnam and WWII vets?

I think the people fighting in this war have no expectations to get anything more than what they were offered to begin with. It has nothing to do with "as deserving." An irrelevant comparison to make a dishonest, partisan accusation.

08-11-2007, 11:07 AM

08-11-2007, 11:20 AM
Yeah just what I thought , you dont give a rats ass about the troops.

You dont think they deserve the same treatment we have always given our returning War vets.

These people have gone far and above for YEARS now.

Mulitiple tours with lacking resources and nothing but lip service for the R party.

I support these troops where it COUNTS instead of f'ing yellow magnets.

I love it when you one-dimensional uber-libs accuse ME of not giving a rat's ass about the troops. That's about as transparent a lame, cop-out accusation as it gets.

You don't support shit. You mouth off ultra-leftwing rhetoric. That doesn't support anything but your political agenda.

And don't think your "You dont think they deserve the same treatment we have always given our returning War vets." line has gone unnoticed. Now you wish to try and pass a lie?

What did troops get PRIOR TO 1944? Maybe these troops deserve THAT? So no, there's no "we have always given" involved.

Perhaps if you couch potato warriors would get off your asses and actually serve, you might have an idea of what you are talking about.

08-11-2007, 11:26 AM

08-11-2007, 12:09 PM
the GI BIll is a good thing and back when they made it, you could get through all of your college on about 30-40,000 dollars. but not really anymore with some of the schools. and when they are in active duty they get their school paid for anyways.

08-11-2007, 01:12 PM
Im not the couch potato warrior .

You see the couch potato warriors are the ones who do things like support wars waged on Lies that are pre emptive and serve no real purpose but to mire us into endless war for the military industrial complexes benifit and then watch others fight a war they refuse to fight in.

I support only wars we need to wage to defend ourselfs.

I have never in my life supported a war of agression and never will.

You seem to support any war as long as a Republican is waging it.

That, right ... I forgot for a second who I was dealing with. You're no warrior. You're the leftwing version of RSR.

You assume incorrectly. I supported winning in Vietnam ... a war started by Democats. I supported our involvement in Bosnia, a civil war a Democrat President involved us in.

Unlike you, my poitical alliances and ideology are secondary to what's best for this nation.

You also assume incorrectly that I am a Republican.

Mr. P
08-11-2007, 01:55 PM
These two Vets don't seem to agree with you, TM. I wonder why?

User Comments

I think Webb, Campbell et al are slightly wrong on this issue. I'm an 1980's vet, and received benefits under the GI Bill at the time. I went to school almost immediately after getting out of active duty, and with the GI Bill, state and federal grants and loans, plus working, I made it through and got my degree on time. It's really not that difficult (after doing a combat tour, going to college and taking even a part time job to supplement your GI Bill payments, grants and loans, is a cakewalk).

As it appears, even the VA says the 100% pproposal is cumbersome and unrealistic...and this isn't 1944...

Posted by: Jazz | Aug 9, 2007 1:03:12 PM

This story is either false or not complete. In TX, you give your GI bill to the state and 100% of your program is paid. If you come back with a compensatable injury or illness; again, 100% is covered by the VA. Everyone wants more, more and more. When is enough is enough. I used 15k of my GI bill and got the rest of my education 100% paid through the VA. I gave my life to my country and my country has been very fair, respectful and helpful in all my request for self improvement. Thanks everyone. Your tax dollars sometimes do go to worthy causes.

Posted by: disabledvet45 | Aug 9, 2007 1:20:10 PM

08-11-2007, 01:58 PM
These two Vets don't seem to agree with you, TM. I wonder why?

good find.....you know, i don't belive peopole like TM are even american....

08-11-2007, 02:41 PM
Im not the couch potato warrior .

You see the couch potato warriors are the ones who do things like support wars waged on Lies that are pre emptive and serve no real purpose but to mire us into endless war for the military industrial complexes benifit and then watch others fight a war they refuse to fight in.

I support only wars we need to wage to defend ourselfs.

I have never in my life supported a war of agression and never will.

You seem to support any war as long as a Republican is waging it.

Your not even a warrior. Your just a couch potato. You don't even understand what a pre-emtive war is all about. Just sitting back and waiting for the enemy to come to you will only endanger you and your family. It's better to make him defend his home rather than you defend yours. Set aside your Bush hatred and conspiracy theories and rejoin the real world.

You best find another thread to spout your garbage cause the real vets here are going to take you apart.

08-11-2007, 02:46 PM

08-11-2007, 03:56 PM
In case you havent noticed the world and our own country now believes the Iraq war was a mistake.

Now why do you and other Bush supporters insist on not giving our troops returning from war the same things we gave our other returning war vets yet you claim to support the troops?

i have iraqi friends that would disagree with you.....they do get the same....