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View Full Version : I support Kneeling during the National Anthem

09-27-2017, 03:49 AM
When the kneeling is done to protest ACTUAL injustice carried out in the NAME of our nation.

Best pic on FB in a long time:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-27-2017, 05:55 AM
When the kneeling is done to protest ACTUAL injustice carried out in the NAME of our nation.

Best pic on FB in a long time:


I have in my lifetime seen too many times , a good man-great father get shafted all to hell in divorce court.
And yes it is a systematic and well maintained program of discrimination against men....
I've seen women get the home, the new car, the kids ,most of the money and those women were by any standard totally unfit mothers.
They were selfish, uncaring , basically having sex with anybody and everybody in town but in court were treated like saints and the judge
true to the set-up discrimination system -shafted the guy and saw that he was treated like a criminal and sorry bastard --just because he was a male!
Myself, in my own divorce, I was lucky that my daughter was old enough to testify(about her true character) and choose which parent to be with (which caused her mom to give way) and thus I got custody and the house etc.
That fear of the truth being exposed in open court saved me, us. I finished raising my daughter until she was an adult, and married.
Yet my example is not the norm.... --Tyr