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09-27-2017, 01:42 PM
Whether intentional or not, CNN is again airing crap. The hatred for Trump runs deep, so no need to see if things are actually true or not!

And just WHERE would you get killed or jailed for wearing this? :rolleyes:


CNN Contributor Spreads Fake Picture Of LeBron Giving Trump The Finger

CNN contributor Ana Navarro apparently got fooled by a fake picture of Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James wearing an explicit anti-Trump shirt.

Navarro shared a picture of James wearing a shirt with a big middle finger on it above Trump’s name and the phrase “U SON OF A B*TCH,” an apparent reference to Trump’s attack on NFL players who kneel during the national anthem.

Navarro captioned the photo: “Freedom of expression Makes America Great. Whether u approve or not, we’re free to wear this. Could get u jailed or killed in some places.”


The image appears to be a photoshopped version of a picture from the 2016 NBA Finals. That picture shows James wearing a shirt with a picture of the Undertaker — a professional wrestling character — on the front.


09-27-2017, 02:25 PM
<img src="http://www.wwe.com/f/styles/wwe_large/public/all/2016/06/20160613_SplitGraphic_NBA--f7012888cf85eb95b63cb3ade447f4a1.jpg">

09-27-2017, 02:51 PM
Who the fuck watches CNN anyway?

I don't think I've watched more than 5 minutes of it in my life.

09-27-2017, 05:28 PM
Who the fuck watches CNN anyway?

I don't think I've watched more than 5 minutes of it in my life.

I don't. Stopped watching on September 11, 2001. Today, I just enjoy hearing all the stories about how they MAKE UP THEIR FAKE NEWS, and laugh at how many Liberal idiots actually believe....everything CNN says. And they wonder why the Cartoon Networks get higher ratings???

Black Diamond
09-27-2017, 05:33 PM
I don't. Stopped watching on September 11, 2001. Today, I just enjoy hearing all the stories about how they MAKE UP THEIR FAKE NEWS, and laugh at how many Liberal idiots actually believe....everything CNN says. And they wonder why the Cartoon Networks get higher ratings???
What did they do on 9/11? I remember Aaron Browns voice like it was yesterday. They are a different network now...

09-27-2017, 05:43 PM
What did they do on 9/11? I remember Aaron Browns voice like it was yesterday. They are a different network now...

It was him. I couldn't remember his name until you said it, but...he constantly repeated the same words, over, and over again before...If I remember correctly, he got into the whole Conspiracy Theory crap.
It hit home for us because our D-I-L worked for the Marine Finance Div..lN THE PENTAGON. Little did we know, at the time. She had been transferred back to Quantico, and the Marine Det there the previous Friday.

Not a day any of us will forget. But now, I can't stand to even hear Brown.

Abbey Marie
09-27-2017, 06:18 PM
It was him. I couldn't remember his name until you said it, but...he constantly repeated the same words, over, and over again before...If I remember correctly, he got into the whole Conspiracy Theory crap.
It hit home for us because our D-I-L worked for the Marine Finance Div..lN THE PENTAGON. Little did we know, at the time. She had been transferred back to Quantico, and the Marine Det there the previous Friday.

Not a day any of us will forget. But now, I can't stand to even hear Brown.

Aaron Brown was a real idiot on 9-11. After the second plane flew straight into the tower, I saw him still speculate that we may be seeing pilot error. WTH? I lost respect for CNN on that day.

Black Diamond
09-27-2017, 06:35 PM
Aaron Brown was a real idiot on 9-11. After the second plane flew straight into the tower, I saw him still speculate that we may be seeing pilot error. WTH? I lost respect for CNN on that day.
I missed all this. Must have been in shock.

Abbey Marie
09-27-2017, 06:39 PM
I missed all this. Must have been in shock.

Yup, I saw it live. I was yelling at my TV for the sheer idiocy at such an important moment.

Black Diamond
09-27-2017, 06:45 PM
Yup, I saw it live. I was yelling at my TV for the sheer idiocy at such an important moment.
I saw his broadcast taped (or apparently parts of it ).

I I don't get why anyone would think it would be an accident after both planes had hit. Especially after the 1993 attempt.