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09-30-2017, 09:33 AM
And I think it's sickening. 8 year old children don't discuss elections. They don't hate candidates. They don't give a crap about racism. Yes, they learn this crap from their parents - and places like WAPO placing words in their mouths.


WaPo Continues Uncomfortable Liberal Fascination With Political Opinions of Children

It has become an ongoing joke for American liberals to pretend the world is full of precocious little kids who are just brimming with political opinions. Of course, they don't think it is a joke, but everyone else does.

The Washington Post--a news organization staffed entirely by people who lack self awareness--has decided to check in with the kiddies to see how they're faring in Trump's America.

It can be tough to know exactly how the next generation is processing this difficult, tense era in our country’s history. Toward the end of last school year, we decided to go directly to the source and have Washington third-graders narrate some of the biggest questions of this political moment in their own voices.

I'll start by giving you three of the examples, but I won't use the kids' names.

1: "I think that Hillary should’ve won because people are saying that Trump cheated in the election because they said he was working with Russia or ISIS or something."

2: "I would vote for Hillary Clinton because Donald Trump doesn’t like black people and Hillary Clinton does."

3: "I think in the future a lot of people will study this because it’s really popular, everyone’s talking about it, really. It’s the most famous election I’ve ever seen."

The author does say that the comments were "very minimally edited," but I'm fairly certain that we're not operating with the same definition of "minimally" here.

Third graders are, on average, 8 or 9 years old. They don't talk like that. They don't use phrases like "It's the most famous election I've ever seen," because they've only seen two elections and they weren't old enough to remember the first one.

Third graders talk about TV, lunch, and what they want for their birthdays. In the Bizarro World of lefties who imbue everything with politics, however, this is what they think third graders talk about:

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/09/28/wapo-continues-uncomfortable-liberal-fascination-political-opinions-children/

Abbey Marie
09-30-2017, 10:20 AM
These folks won't be happy until each child is standing in line happily holding up [insert gender-neutral pronoun here] own ​copy of Mao's Little Red Book.