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09-30-2017, 10:03 AM
So he has had some words with the mayor of San Juan. I read in the comments section of a few of these stories about how Trump refuses to help, and now refuses to do anything since she expressed her anger. Once again, simply not true. First, he's been helping from day one.

Sadly, none of it will matter, as I truly believe that no matter what he does, a way will be found to condemn him


Donald Trump Promises to Work with Democrats for More Puerto Rico Assistance

President Donald Trump signaled that he would work with Democrats to provide more assistance to Puerto Rico after the island was devastated by Hurricane Maria.

“The dollars that you’re talking about are really tremendous,” Trump said. “I’ll be talking with the Democrats and we’ll be talking to Congress about what we’re going to do a little bit longer term.”

Trump said the situation was much more dire in Puerto Rico than Texas and Florida, noting that the electric grids, the roads, and the communications infrastructure were severely damaged.

“We have done an incredible job, considering there’s absolutely nothing to work with,” he said.

He also noted that it was hard to find enough truck drivers to help distribute the aid that was shipped to the island, but that more people had been sent to help.

“We have over 10,000 people in Puerto Rico right now,” he said, promising additional personnel.


09-30-2017, 10:13 AM
Like this knucklehead. Please. First off, congress needs to act as well. There was a very fast response to begin with in all of this. But this dipshit will have you believe that folks are dying on top of homes, drowning and Trump is ignoring them. :rolleyes:


Dem Rep Soto: Hurricane Maria ‘Has Already Become a Katrina’

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Beat,” Representative Darren Soto (D-FL) stated that the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico “has already become a Katrina.”

Soto said, “Well, this has already become a Katrina. We have American citizens, who pledge allegiance to our flag, serve in the military, pay taxes, and they don’t know when the power’s going to get back on. They don’t know whether they’re going to get water, whether they’re going to get food. And so, we need Trump administration to get up and act.”

He added that his Katrina statement meant “That it’s an act of negligence, that they completely underestimated the scale of this, and are only now starting to react, after we stood on our desks for days screaming about the lives in jeopardy.”


Another from 5 days ago....

Amid criticism, Trump ramps up Puerto Rico response

(CNN)President Donald Trump on Tuesday intensified his personal involvement in the growing crisis in Puerto Rico amid criticism that his response to the devastation there was lackluster.

There was an increased sense of urgency at the White House in confronting the situation, including Trump's announcement -- a surprise to some aides -- that he would travel there in a week to survey damage left over from the storm.

"Puerto Rico is very important to me, and Puerto Rico -- the people are fantastic people," Trump said before meeting with lawmakers in the Roosevelt Room on Tuesday. "I grew up in New York, so I know many people from Puerto Rico. I know many Puerto Ricans. And these are great people, and we have to help them. The island is devastated."


09-30-2017, 12:23 PM
Reading CNN and some other left leaning sites both laughable and sickening at the same time. Trump is committing genocide. :rolleyes:

And the mayor that liked him a few days ago, now states they are all dying there, and of course it's everyone else's fault. Trump needs to go there and do some wiring and pick up a damn shovel!!

Look, the NEED help, and need help quickly. And they're getting that, but you can't rebuild an entire island overnight. And there's only so much a man sitting in a chair in the WH can do. Then there's only so much congress can do beyond emergency funding.

videos on site


San Juan Mayor's Unhinged Anti-Trump Rants: Helping Puerto Rico or Just Politicizing Disaster?

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz was ubiquitous on the media circuit Friday attacking the Trump administration's response to the successive hurricanes that have struck Puerto Rico this month with comments that border on hysterical:



Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/09/29/san-juan-mayors-unhinged-anti-trump-rants-help-puerto-rico-just-politicize-disaster/

09-30-2017, 12:49 PM
Reading CNN and some other left leaning sites both laughable and sickening at the same time. Trump is committing genocide. :rolleyes:

And the mayor that liked him a few days ago, now states they are all dying there, and of course it's everyone else's fault. Trump needs to go there and do some wiring and pick up a damn shovel!!

Look, the NEED help, and need help quickly. And they're getting that, but you can't rebuild an entire island overnight. And there's only so much a man sitting in a chair in the WH can do. Then there's only so much congress can do beyond emergency funding.

videos on site


San Juan Mayor's Unhinged Anti-Trump Rants: Helping Puerto Rico or Just Politicizing Disaster?

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz was ubiquitous on the media circuit Friday attacking the Trump administration's response to the successive hurricanes that have struck Puerto Rico this month with comments that border on hysterical:



Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/09/29/san-juan-mayors-unhinged-anti-trump-rants-help-puerto-rico-just-politicize-disaster/
She's been coached by the dems. The dems WANT this to turn into an epic die off of people, because they'll use it in the mid terms and 2020. They don't give a DAMN about the Puerto Ricon people, they just want to SCREW PRESIDENT TRUMP.

09-30-2017, 07:14 PM
Ya, this freakin' bubble head is a leftist dumbass... how do these ASS WIPES get elected?

San Juan Mayor to Liberal Media: We Are Getting No Help From Trump – As She Stands In Front of Pallets of Aid


09-30-2017, 08:37 PM
Ya, this freakin' bubble head is a leftist dumbass... how do these ASS WIPES get elected?

San Juan Mayor to Liberal Media: We Are Getting No Help From Trump – As She Stands In Front of Pallets of Aid


:laugh: Nice,

10-01-2017, 08:55 AM
Any politicizing of this issue is revolting. Just get the people the help they need.

10-01-2017, 09:01 AM
Any politicizing of this issue is revolting. Just get the people the help they need.


But any issues they may be having certainly aren't at the feet of Trump.

10-01-2017, 09:25 AM
Here's a major issue as an example. This is in San Juan, where the mayor is that is complaining. Does she expect Trump to fly over and unload them? :rolleyes: FEMA has also come out and stated that she is not getting together with the others to help coordinate efforts. It sounds like SHE is the roadblock.


Thousands of Shipping Containers of Puerto Rico Aid Sitting on the Docks Waiting to be Delivered

At least 10,000 containers of food, water, medicine and other critical supplies in hurricane relief for Puerto Rico are sitting on the docks and at airports waiting for truckers to deliver them to residents in need.

Apparently, only about 20 percent of truckers have reported back for work. And the island's dilapidated infrastructure — in terrible shape before the hurricane — is preventing many trucks from getting through to the worst-hit areas.


A mountain of food, water and other vital supplies has arrived in Puerto Rico's main Port of San Juan.
But a shortage of truckers and the island's devastated infrastructure are making it tough to move aid to where it's needed most, officials say.

At least 10,000 containers of supplies -- including food, water and medicine -- were sitting Thursday at the San Juan port, said Jose Ayala, the Crowley shipping company's vice pre

Part of the reason for the distribution backlog is that only 20% of truck drivers have reported back to work since Hurricane Maria swept through, according to a representative for Puerto Rican Gov. Ricardo Rosselló.

On top of that, a diesel fuel shortage and a tangle of blocked roads mean the distribution of supplies is extremely challenging. Even contacting drivers is a problem because cell towers are still down.

"When we say we that we don't have truck drivers, we mean that we have not been able to contact them," Rosselló said.

On Thursday the White House authorized a 10-day waiver of the Jones Act, a federal law that limits shipping to US ports by foreign vessels. Puerto Rico's governor and other US officials had argued that a waiver would expedite supplies to the island.

But as Ayala has indicated, shipping companies already have aid and supplies either waiting at the port to be delivered -- or held up at ports on the US mainland.

Of the 3,000 containers that Crowley alone had sent to San Juan's port as of Wednesday, only 4% had been dispatched from there, Ayala said.

Ayala said the company can't get enough truck drivers or trucks filled up with diesel to pick up supplies for distribution across the island.

"The problem has been with the logistics, the parts of the supply chain that move the cargo from our terminal to the shelves or to the tables of the people in Puerto Rico," Ayala said Wednesday. "This hurricane was catastrophic."

Meanwhile, Puerto Ricans are waiting hours in line to get gas, food and cash. Gas stations and supermarkets are rationing supplies, while banks are running low on cash.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/09/30/thousands-shipping-containers-puerto-rico-aid-trapped-docks/

10-01-2017, 09:42 AM
What does he mean "they won't leave" - as in they are THERE? And then why is the other mayor saying "we are dying", when help is there, but she's a NO SHOW? Will the MSM show and/or correct themselves a little bit as this writer did? Will those who blasted him and the never Trumpers admit that this woman is the one handling it wrong and politicizing it? No way in hell! And that's where many said he needed to go for his "lack of response" :thumb:


Other Puerto Rican Mayor: Trump Has Been Great, San Juan's Mayor Has Been AWOL

The Washington Examiner reported earlier today that the mayor of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico criticized neighboring San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz for "playing politics" after Hurricane Maria. He also praised President Trump for his hurricane recovery coordination efforts.

Guaynabo Mayor Angel Perez Otero says that Mayor Yulin Cruz has been a no show at coordination meetings between FEMA, U.S. military officials, and Puerto Rican leaders

"I've seen other mayors participating. She's not," said Perez Otero.

Perez Otero says he has been in constant contact with U.S. officials and is confident that they will provide the very best recovery efforts they can.

"We are receiving a lot of help from FEMA and the Red Cross...there is lots of help coming to us," adding, "they won't leave until Puerto Rico is good."

Earlier today several conservative commentators, myself included, somewhat wrongly criticized President Trump for his Saturday morning tweets attacking the San Juan Mayor.

Increasingly though, it would appear Mayor Yulin Cruz seized this natural disaster as a political opportunity to score points as a hero for the people of Puerto Rico, despite not actually working with federal agents in recovery effort.

Perez Otero is now the second person today to report that Yulin Cruz has been non-compliant with federal aid.

FEMA administrator Brock Long told CNN today that "the problem that we have with [Yulin Cruz] unfortunately is that unity of command is ultimately what’s needed to be successful in this response"and “what we need is for the mayor, the good mayor, to make her way to the joint field office and get plugged into what’s going on and be successful."


10-01-2017, 10:20 AM
Want to talk about politicizing what's going on? And even worse, doing so without the facts, in spite of the facts... and somehow white nationalism comes in because of him? What a scumbag.


Jason Johnson on Puerto Rico: ‘This Is What White Nationalism Looks Like as Policy’

During Saturday’s “AM Joy” on MSNBC, The Root politics editor Jason Johnson said President Donald Trump’s response to Hurricane Maria’s damage to Puerto Rico was “what white nationalism looks like as policy.”

He explained, “When you have a policy, when you have a belief that only white people are true Americans, Puerto Ricans are Americans — Donald Trump doesn’t care about that. Therefore he is attacking people and distracting from the fact that a response there to fellow American citizens has not been adequate.”


Black Diamond
10-01-2017, 10:48 AM

10-01-2017, 10:50 AM
Think about it - 10,000 containers of food just waiting. Shit unloaded already. She's not attending any meetings intended to help get things going fluently...

but Trump is wrong and it's all about white nationalism? WTF?

10-01-2017, 11:12 AM
And yet another....

National Guard Chief: No Delay On Puerto Rico Relief

The head of the National Guard said on Tuesday that federal help for Puerto Rico was never delayed, even though President Donald Trump has received heavy criticism for the administration’s apparent lackluster response to the hurricane-wracked island.

According to The Hill, Gen. Joseph Lengyel stated that he did not see any politics from the White House injected into the decision making that would postpone or prohibit relief to Puerto Rico.

When asked if he’s seen any delay of aid sent to the island, Lengyel responded, “I wouldn’t say I’ve seen any of that.”

“The process that we’ve seen as responders with [Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator Brock Long], the White House, all of it has been exactly the same from Hurricane Harvey, Irma and Maria,” he said.

FEMA Administrator Brock Long agreed with this sentiment on CNN Saturday and said that the Mayor of San Juan has refused to connect the FEMA command center set up on the territory to give aid to those on the island.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/30/national-guard-chief-no-delay-on-puerto-rico-relief/

Black Diamond
10-01-2017, 11:13 AM
And yet another....

National Guard Chief: No Delay On Puerto Rico Relief

The head of the National Guard said on Tuesday that federal help for Puerto Rico was never delayed, even though President Donald Trump has received heavy criticism for the administration’s apparent lackluster response to the hurricane-wracked island.

According to The Hill, Gen. Joseph Lengyel stated that he did not see any politics from the White House injected into the decision making that would postpone or prohibit relief to Puerto Rico.

When asked if he’s seen any delay of aid sent to the island, Lengyel responded, “I wouldn’t say I’ve seen any of that.”

“The process that we’ve seen as responders with [Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator Brock Long], the White House, all of it has been exactly the same from Hurricane Harvey, Irma and Maria,” he said.

FEMA Administrator Brock Long agreed with this sentiment on CNN Saturday and said that the Mayor of San Juan has refused to connect the FEMA command center set up on the territory to give aid to those on the island.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/30/national-guard-chief-no-delay-on-puerto-rico-relief/
Mayor still butthurt from November 8

10-02-2017, 04:06 PM
Kerik Slams PR Mayor for 'Blaming' Trump for 'Failures'

Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik on Saturday ripped San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz for "blaming" President Donald Trump "for her failures" and saying on Twitter that "PR needs better leadership/management."

Kerik oversaw the city's forces during the 9/11 attacks. Here are his posts:


Kerik later posted a YouTube video saying that Puerto Rico’s government and community leaders are responsible for getting the relief supplies to island residents.

Trump ripped Cruz on Twitter earlier Saturday for her "poor leadership" after her repeated attacks on the administration's response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria — saying that "they want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort."

Rest - http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/Kerik-Puerto-Rico-Trump-defends/2017/09/30/id/816866/

10-02-2017, 07:25 PM
Whoever is to blame, it's so predictable what the opinions of this community are.

Black Diamond
10-02-2017, 07:26 PM
Whoever is to blame, it's so predictable what the opinions of this community are.

10-02-2017, 07:28 PM
Whoever is to blame, it's so predictable what the opinions of this community are.
It's also so predictable that whatever president Trump does you leftists will lie about it.

You hate him, we get it. Your problem is we know you lie, and you can't stop yourselves because of your hate.

10-03-2017, 09:23 AM
Gives you an idea into the mindset of this twit. And funny, as more and more comes out about her, and the truth of what aid has been sent to help them - the MSM has either continued and ignored, or went silent, and the Trump haters aka never Trumpers have mostly fallen silent on the issue. *bash bash bash bash* and then silently go onto the next subject when that fails.


San Juan Mayor: Puerto Rican Statehood Like 'a Slave Becoming a Slave Owner'

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz gained national media attention after attacking President Donald Trump, sparking a war of words between Trump and yet another Cruz. The San Juan mayor has made some very dubious remarks in the recent past that have nothing to do with Trump, however.

In a June interview with Britain's liberal The Guardian newspaper, Cruz compared Puerto Rico's current status as a U.S. territory to slavery and said that Puerto Rico becoming a U.S. state would be tantamount to a slave becoming a slave owner.

"You don't fight injustice by asking to become part of the system that committed the injustice against you in the first place," Cruz told The Guardian. "That's like a freed slave striving to become a slave owner."

"The issue of eradicating colonialism is extremely important, not for us as a country that's going through very hard times, but for the US which has been a beacon of freedom around the world, or at least has portrayed itself as that," Cruz added.

The San Juan mayor placed a heavy emphasis on the fact that the United States has engaged in imperialism, an ironic fact of history given that the United States threw off the imperial yoke of Great Britain. This irony is similar but not as egregious as the irony of the U.S. — a country founded on the idea that "all men are created equal" — harboring race-based slavery for nearly a century after its founding.

Cruz is a member of the opposition party, Partido Popular Democrático (PPD). The PPD does not advocate for Puerto Rican statehood, but a sort of middle ground between full independence and statehood. Her party supports full sovereign powers for Puerto Rico, but close ties to the U.S.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/10/02/san-juan-mayor-puerto-rican-statehood-like-a-slave-becoming-a-slave-owner/

10-03-2017, 09:32 AM
Gives you an idea into the mindset of this twit. And funny, as more and more comes out about her, and the truth of what aid has been sent to help them - the MSM has either continued and ignored, or went silent, and the Trump haters aka never Trumpers have mostly fallen silent on the issue. *bash bash bash bash* and then silently go onto the next subject when that fails.


San Juan Mayor: Puerto Rican Statehood Like 'a Slave Becoming a Slave Owner'

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz gained national media attention after attacking President Donald Trump, sparking a war of words between Trump and yet another Cruz. The San Juan mayor has made some very dubious remarks in the recent past that have nothing to do with Trump, however.

In a June interview with Britain's liberal The Guardian newspaper, Cruz compared Puerto Rico's current status as a U.S. territory to slavery and said that Puerto Rico becoming a U.S. state would be tantamount to a slave becoming a slave owner.

"You don't fight injustice by asking to become part of the system that committed the injustice against you in the first place," Cruz told The Guardian. "That's like a freed slave striving to become a slave owner."

"The issue of eradicating colonialism is extremely important, not for us as a country that's going through very hard times, but for the US which has been a beacon of freedom around the world, or at least has portrayed itself as that," Cruz added.

The San Juan mayor placed a heavy emphasis on the fact that the United States has engaged in imperialism, an ironic fact of history given that the United States threw off the imperial yoke of Great Britain. This irony is similar but not as egregious as the irony of the U.S. — a country founded on the idea that "all men are created equal" — harboring race-based slavery for nearly a century after its founding.

Cruz is a member of the opposition party, Partido Popular Democrático (PPD). The PPD does not advocate for Puerto Rican statehood, but a sort of middle ground between full independence and statehood. Her party supports full sovereign powers for Puerto Rico, but close ties to the U.S.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/10/02/san-juan-mayor-puerto-rican-statehood-like-a-slave-becoming-a-slave-owner/She's doing a LOT toward THAT. The Maxine Waters of PR ...