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View Full Version : Hood rats for cheerleaders - in high school?

09-30-2017, 10:37 AM
The Miami Northwestern High Golden Girls are dressing as strippers.

The group introduced the new look at a recent high school football game.

What the hell are they teaching these kids?
This is really disturbing.


Video at site as well. :rolleyes:


09-30-2017, 10:40 AM
"Hood rats?" These are kids, for god sakes! It's a dance outfit.
Come on Jim, this is very openly racist. You would never refer to a white girl as a "hood rat."

09-30-2017, 10:46 AM
"Hood rats?" These are kids, for god sakes! It's a dance outfit.
Come on Jim, this is very openly racist. You would never refer to a white girl as a "hood rat."

Racist? You're an ass. I call anyone that dresses like a hooker at that age a hood rat. Just as I call any chicks roaming truck stops lot lizards. It has nothing to do with race. Look up definition, it's not nice, usually runs around how a woman sleeps around.... but racist? Yeah, sure, only if someone wants to see the word "hood" and make it that. :rolleyes:

At worst, it sometimes refers to a ghetto or "hip hop culture".

But ANYONE who chills with all the guys wearing fucking stripper clothes - REGARDLESS of color - is a fucking hood rat.

09-30-2017, 10:53 AM
The official urban dictionary on "hood rat". And yes, I know MANY folks from the hood, and guess what? ALL WHITE!


Hood Rat
A girl who sleeps with various men in the neighborhood. Usually noticeable via her slacking standards of personal care.


09-30-2017, 10:55 AM
Racist? You're an ass. I call anyone that dresses like a hooker at that age a hood rat. Just as I call any chicks roaming truck stops lot lizards. It has nothing to do with race. Look up definition, it's not nice, usually runs around how a woman sleeps around.... but racist? Yeah, sure, only if someone wants to see the word "hood" and make it that. :rolleyes:

At worst, it sometimes refers to a ghetto or "hip hop culture".

But ANYONE who chills with all the guys wearing fucking stripper clothes - REGARDLESS of color - is a fucking hood rat.

I work with kids everyday. These are kids .. CHILDREN. They are wearing dance costumes. They are not "running around truck stops." They are wearing dance costumes for a performance. They are not "chilling with all the guys."
You say "regardless of color," but you posted a picture of black girls. You could easily find white kids who dress the same way.
I also notice you said "ghetto." Of course, most "ghettos" are black or Latino. Ghettos were created by white politicians and property owners who didn't want to live near minorities. They still exist for the same reason.

Not trying to be insulting. Just wanting you to be respectful of children.

09-30-2017, 10:55 AM
More, and I still don't see race...

Definition of hood rat

-skanky, ghetto looking female who always hangs with groups of guys.

-any shady individual who is walking their neighborhood doing nothing.

-a part of a gang and their life is just to hang out in the hood.

-A loose woman who has made the rounds with the guy throughout the neighborhood.

-a promiscuous female.


09-30-2017, 11:00 AM
I work with kids everyday. These are kids .. CHILDREN. They are wearing dance costumes. They are not "running around truck stops." They are wearing dance costumes for a performance. They are not "chilling with all the guys."
You say "regardless of color," but you posted a picture of black girls. You could easily find white kids who dress the same way.
I also notice you said "ghetto." Of course, most "ghettos" are black or Latino. Ghettos were created by white politicians and property owners who didn't want to live near minorities. They still exist for the same reason.

Not trying to be insulting. Just wanting you to be respectful of children.

Can you read? I didn't say they went around truck stops.

Wearing lingerie in HIGH SCHOOL is not a fucking costume, it's WAY inappropriate at that age, and not surprising that you would find nothing wrong with it.

"I" didn't post the black girls, that's who was in the article. If it were white idiots, they would have gotten posted.

Ya see, it's twits like you TRYING to find race and calling people racists where there is none.

Ghettos are FILLED with white people. Sure, the majority are black, but to claim I am racist is insulting - to claim solely black people live in ghettos is insulting. POOR people live in ghettos.

Do you teach this garbage to children? Or "guide" children on this garbage? I hope you deal with facts when working with children, and not your emotional non-factual side.

Kids don't and shouldn't dress like hookers. As a parent, my child wouldn't leave the bedroom wearing that, let alone leave my home - let alone dancing in clothing as such for everyone to see. It's disgusting. To the kids, shows the lack of teaching and guiding & shows bad parenting.

09-30-2017, 11:03 AM
A "hood rat" generally refers to someone who hangs out in their "hood." How many white "hoods" are there? I mean REAL "hoods," not the homes of suburban wiggas.
It is one thing to read about hoods. It another to live in or grow up in one. :cool:

09-30-2017, 11:31 AM
A "hood rat" generally refers to someone who hangs out in their "hood." How many white "hoods" are there? I mean REAL "hoods," not the homes of suburban wiggas.
It is one thing to read about hoods. It another to live in or grow up in one. :cool:

I grew up in NJ, you can verify all of this.

I was about 2 miles from Rahway NJ. I actually was Born in Rahway hospital. A very large portion of Rahway that runs alongside Route 1 has a ghetto area. It's not pretty and there's a fair amount of violence and drug dealing going on out of there, or was back in the day. I went there as I had a friend that lived there that we used to go pick up. He was white. There were a LOT of whites that lived there. It's a monster set of complex buildings, built for affordable living. It's NOT just blacks that can be poor and need more affordable living.

Sure, I would say it was VERY easily a majority black there. But still MANY white folks.

Also, I'm confident you heard of "Newark, NJ" - which was the stolen car capital of the USA for many years running for awhile. I had a few jobs that had routes through there, and one job that started off of Route 21 every morning. VERY "ghetto" area - BUT - they had a black area, and many whites as well. They have an ENTIRE ghetto area, or at least a large portion, they call "down neck", and that's majority Portuguese folks. Then while not as ghetto, but still a few complexes and extremely poor living, is an Italian area.

I'm sorry, but black folks don't own the term hood, nor is it remotely factual to anyway claim that the 'hood' is solely comprised of black people.

Black people have made the term famous due to movies and music, and yes, unfortunately so many born into and living in these places.

It almost like you are claiming only black people can be poor enough to live in ghetto areas. Where do you think extremely poor white people go? They magically have much nicer areas and free homes to go to maybe?

09-30-2017, 12:24 PM
A "hood rat" generally refers to someone who hangs out in their "hood." How many white "hoods" are there? I mean REAL "hoods," not the homes of suburban wiggas.
It is one thing to read about hoods. It another to live in or grow up in one. :cool:
Are you TRYING to impress on the fact that blacks ruin their neighborhoods, or is that just an unintentional consequence of the vapid point you're trying to make.

09-30-2017, 12:24 PM
Just saying, the first image that pops up under Yahoo images if you search the term 'hood rat'. Coinkydink?


09-30-2017, 12:26 PM
The Miami Northwestern High Golden Girls are dressing as strippers.

The group introduced the new look at a recent high school football game.

What the hell are they teaching these kids?
This is really disturbing.


Video at site as well. :rolleyes:

They look like the main attraction for Saturday night down at the titty bar.

09-30-2017, 12:29 PM
Just saying, the first image that pops up under Yahoo images if you search the term 'hood rat'. Coinkydink?

Well that's about enough to make ya lose your lunch... :puke:

09-30-2017, 12:40 PM
Well that's about enough to make ya lose your lunch... :puke:

And you WILL see both these types in the hood. Hell, one should visit Harlem, or what they call "Spanish Harlem" near 165th-180th in the Bronx, not far from Columbia Hospital. Walked the road there many a times, and sometimes even with a few OIL CANS, sometimes referred to as "Foster's Lager". :) Folks might be surprised by how many white folks live in the hoods of Harlem and the Bronx.

If your folks only make a grand total of like $500 a month, and you have say 3 kids living in NYC - you too may end up living in the hood or what some call the "ghetto", with government assistance helping you on various fronts.

I gotta ask - can a black person be "trailer trash"?

09-30-2017, 12:43 PM
And you WILL see both these types in the hood. Hell, one should visit Harlem, or what they call "Spanish Harlem" near 165th-180th in the Bronx, not far from Columbia Hospital. Walked the road there many a times, and sometimes even with a few OIL CANS, sometimes referred to as "Foster's Lager". :) Folks might be surprised by how many white folks live in the hoods of Harlem and the Bronx.

If your folks only make a grand total of like $500 a month, and you have say 3 kids living in NYC - you too may end up living in the hood or what some call the "ghetto", with government assistance helping you on various fronts.

I gotta ask - can a black person be "trailer trash"?
I can't stand cities. I'd rather live in a cave out in the hills.

I'd say that if you're a trashy low life living in a trailer, you're trailer trash... RACE has nothing to do with it, you could be from Mars.

Abbey Marie
09-30-2017, 03:44 PM
Back on topic- how old are these girls? This seems wildly inappropriate dress for high school. And I don't care if it's a dance costume, a Halloween costume, a cheerleading outfit, or a joke.

I literally mourn the loss of decency, dignity and self-respect I see in young women today.

ETA: the "dancing" is slutty. One step short of twerking, which I guess is next.

09-30-2017, 03:50 PM
Back on topic- how old are these girls? This seems wildly inappropriate dress for high school. And I don't care if it's a dance costume, a Halloween costume, a cheerleading outfit, or a joke.

I literally mourn the loss of decency, dignity and self-respect I see in young women today.

Not sure... but hell, let's assume all seniors, then that would make them mostly all 17 or so, maybe a handful at 18. WAY too young to be walking around in public like that. Hell, even at 40 someone shouldn't be walking around like that!!

It's just slutty looking. WHY have high school girls purposely dressed to look slutty? I don't get it.

And I agree with you, as it's more than just this article and photo. In the past decade an awful lot has went out the window. And the respect for others, and for one's self have both taken a nosedive.

I've been stating for a LONG time now that society has been slowly swirling around the proverbial porcelain bowl. :(

09-30-2017, 04:39 PM
Ya know... this brings up the subject of pedophilia... when we're always hearing about how young girls shouldn't be looked at or treated like an adult, yet more and more we're hearing kids being taught IN SCHOOLS, as young as KINDERGARTEN, about HOMOSEXUALITY, and young girls are being SEXUALIZED more and more at a younger age WITH customs and clothes and modern culture, and the women they look up to are PIGS like this CYRUS SLUT, and now a perfect example of this is the "cheer leaders" dressed up like two bit whores from the local cat house, well WTF? If these girls are so pure an innocent, then WHY are they being SEXUALIZED at a younger and younger AGE?

You can't be turning little girls into SLUTS and then turn around and say... "hey, they're too YOUNG, you men shouldn't LOOK."

Give me a break... this is LEFTIST dumbfuckery standards right to T. Looks to me like they're INVITING the pedophiles to look, or ANYONE and EVERYONE, and who wouldn't think these girls are "READY FOR ACTION" when that's EXACTLY what they're "costums" are IMPLYING?

10-01-2017, 11:02 AM
Hood rats --- I thought it meant cheerleaders were now including Muslim girls wearing those things they cover their heads with!


Yeah, the photo of the black girls in that costume was disturbing.

10-01-2017, 11:08 AM
Hood rats --- I thought it meant cheerleaders were now including Muslim girls wearing those things they cover their heads with!


Yeah, the photo of the black girls in that costume was disturbing.

I would say the same if it were all white girls. If it were a mixed race cheer team. Even if all muslim it would be the same. Well, except that they would need to be honor killed if they did so. :(

10-01-2017, 11:17 AM
I don't think it would happen with a white cheerleading team ----- the school would know parents would complain and someone would get fired.

10-01-2017, 01:22 PM
Strippers in Training

That is all

10-02-2017, 02:32 AM
Our society is so bass ackwards.

We sexualize kids. We let kids decide their sexuality. We encourage them to make life-long decisions as they 'transition'. We promote promiscuous dress and dance. We use child sexuality to sell clothes.

We flood 'kid' shows with sexual references and we tell them in EVERY F'ING DISNEY Sitcom "Kids are smart - its the ADULTS who need saving!"

Yet a woman pops out a boob to feed her kid and people lose their minds. "INDECENT!!!"

Yet a 19 y/o male has sex with a 16 y/o girl and The State must protect the girl from the now-lifelong "sex offender".