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10-01-2017, 10:02 AM
Hey, someone stole what was in my head and what I've been saying!!

Overwhelms it is an understatement as well, as I see almost NO discussion about any intended message.


When the Method Overwhelms the Message

Protesting NFL players and progressive activist journalists have not been having a good week. In an attempt to “raise awareness” of their cause they’ve become the Westboro Baptist Church of the national anthem. Although that makes me happy because I’m not a fan of frauds, I want to take a moment to let them and their fellow traveler progressives know what should be self-evident to anyone who thinks beyond the level of a 5-year-old: If you choose a bad method, your message does not matter.

As media boobs like Chris Matthews, Chris Cuomo, and Don Lemon predictably skip down their well-worn paths of claiming criticism of the protests are racists, we’re finding that apparently even the black people who don’t like it. Is to they and others with an IQ higher than their shoe size to whom I’d like to speak.

Almost everyone loves puppies, right? So, let’s pretend for a moment that I want to raise awareness about how puppies are great. After careful consideration, I settle on the idea of writing “Puppies Rule!” on a Band-Aid I’ll wear on my middle finger. And every time I meet or see someone I show them my middle finger, raised in pride for my cause.

How much awareness do you think I’m going to raise compared to how many people I tick off? Toward which side will that scale would tilt?

I suspect most people who love puppies still wouldn’t appreciate me flipping them the bird randomly, no matter how on board with my cause they were. Many would return the one-finger salute and, undoubtedly, a few fists would fly.

Now, I could just claim victim status – that everyone who flipped me off back or threw a punch at me did so simply because they hate puppies and people who love them. And some undoubtedly would. But only a tiny fraction of those who just had a knee-jerk emotional reaction to having me give them the finger out of the blue.

Being a rational person, after a couple of weeks of dirty looks, complaints, and swings at my head, I might stop and wonder if, perhaps, my chosen method of conveyance for my message was not the best.

Once I came to the proper, rational conclusion, I’d change my method, take the Band-Aid off my middle finger and switch to wearing a hat or shirt, or actually speaking to people about the virtues of puppies.

Rest - https://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2017/10/01/when-the-method-overwhelms-the-message-n2389035

10-01-2017, 09:28 PM
Hey, someone stole what was in my head and what I've been saying!!



Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-02-2017, 05:59 AM
First the damn message has to be given honestly. There is no systemic mistreatment of black people by police.
When a bad cop mistreats civilians, the skin color is not the problem, (NOR IS IT THE CAUSE.
The bad cop is problem in certain cases--not the many that they lie about to incite, and mistreatment of whites is ignored in this complaint.
We should be asking why it is ignored by these ffing groups and peoples..
As usual this has been used to advance a political agenda that is hellbent on dividing this nation .
And its being used to advance even further , special rights, for the strongest dem voting base--blacks (that 93/95% dem)..
In addition, they ignore the actions of those that are shot--each time pretending that the shot black guy did not resist arrest!
Resisting arrest is why most of these police shootings occur--another fact that these morons conveniently ignore, as the hype this overblown and deliberately misleading cause, IMHO.

That these athletes foolishly jump on this bandwagon is sickening-- mmffers too damn scared to cal it like it is--pansies in my book..
A man , a real man speaks the truth , cowards do not!! -Tyr

10-02-2017, 09:29 AM


I said this sooner than anyone else in the entire universe. If I had been wearing my tinfoil, then no way this hack gets my original statements. :)

10-02-2017, 04:12 PM
I said this sooner than anyone else in the entire universe. If I had been wearing my tinfoil, then no way this hack gets my original statements. :)Y'think? On this board? In real life? I'd say we all came to the same conclusion rather quickly (well, except Pete) regardless the nuances in arguments.

Which has nothing to do with the my response to the bolded portion of your OP. "Someone stole what was in YOUR head..." Have to ask one of our atheist science worshippers but I'm pretty sure you can't steal something from nothing, airhead :slap:

10-02-2017, 04:18 PM
Y'think? On this board? In real life? I'd say we all came to the same conclusion rather quickly (well, except Pete) regardless the nuances in arguments.

Which has nothing to do with the my response to the bolded portion of your OP. "Someone stole what was in YOUR head..." Have to ask one of our atheist science worshippers but I'm pretty sure you can't steal something from nothing, airhead :slap:

So mine wasn't necessarily an original thought of my own, is that what you are saying?

Oh, and trust me, there's an awful lot going on up there. :thumb:

10-02-2017, 04:53 PM
So mine wasn't necessarily an original thought of my own, is that what you are saying?

Oh, and trust me, there's an awful lot going on up there. :thumb:It doesn't count if what's going up there works like Trump's twitter account.

10-02-2017, 06:53 PM
The dysfunction among the leftists is real and palpable. They spit on the flag and national anthem thinking this will "bring attention to their cause." Well, to anyone with a BRAIN it would appear you have a problem with our FLAG AND NATIONAL ANTHEM, since that's what you're SPITTING ON. So when the heat turns up and they get backlash for their actions, and people make it clear that their actions against our flag and national anthem won't be tolerated, then... THEN they go into DAMAGE CONTROL MODE and say... "oh we don't have a problem with the flag or national anthem, it's this or that, that we have a problem with." Well then WHY IN THE MOTHER FUCKING HELL did you decide to piss on our FLAG and ANTHEM? What the FUCK are you THINKING?

This is the dysfunction of the left. I swear to GOD these people are fucking RETARDED. If they think COPS are giving blacks a hard time, then PROTEST THE COPS, DO YOUR PROTEST IN FRONT OF A COP SHOP, OR THE COURT HOUSE, OR SOMEWHERE ELSE. Don't piss on our flag and then cry your crocodile tears and BULL SHIT us that it's NOT about the FLAG or NATIONAL ANTHEM when THAT is what you were PROTESTING...!!!

I can't understand these people... I think they're just fucking STUPID.


10-03-2017, 04:41 AM
All the people the police were supposedly "brutal" to were criminals doing crimes at the time. Blacks plainly want to be given a free hand to do as much crime as they want, to be untouchable no matter what atrocities they do. And in fact, to stave off rioting, police have backed off enforcing laws in the inner city.

10-03-2017, 04:43 AM
Seems to me the anger at NFL and the boycott of football is about a safe way for whites to protest the criminality of blacks and their demand that nobody enforce laws against blacks, no matter what they do. This is a very strong feeling among a lot of us, and NFL is in a lot more trouble than they realize, I suspect. The football players had been seen as an oasis within widespread black criminality, but now they are seen as part of the problem and the heck with them. I think pro football could collapse.

Works for me.

10-03-2017, 05:16 AM
Perfectly-written piece.

Especially this:

The idea that the United States is a racist country is a lie, and so is the idea that protesting during the national anthem isn’t about the national anthem. That’s why they’re protesting during the national anthem. If they really cared about their cause they’d make a case, not a spectacle. But their case is bogus, so the spectacle is all they have. It’s enough for the media, but it’s also “enough” for a lot the American people too…just in a completely different way.