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10-02-2017, 12:06 PM
Was he mental and any type of mental illness history...?...

Wait <--- that's the word, WAIT. Fucking A, people are dead - DEAD - and bodies barely recovered. Families are just beginning the grieving process. They are in shock, as is the nation. We have no idea how this all unfolded really, other than tons of dead bodies, bullets and weapons.

I knew it would be politicized, but thought they would allow folks to grieve. I should have known better. :rolleyes:

Let these folks grieve. Allow them to bury their loved ones.


Democrats Immediately Call For Gun Control After Las Vegas Shooting

Congressional Democrats chose not to wait for all the facts to come in before immediately pushing for increased gun control measures following the Las Vegas shooting Sunday night that left 50 people dead and more than 400 injured.

It’s not yet clear how the shooter, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, acquired his guns or if gun control measures could have prevented him from obtaining them, but leading Democrats are already demanding stricter gun control legislation.

Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy issued a statement Monday morning claiming that “the thoughts and prayers of politicians are cruelly hollow if they are paired with continued legislative indifference.” Murphy demanded Congress “get off its ass and do something” following the shooting.

“Tragedies like Las Vegas have happened too many times,” Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren wrote on Twitter. “We need to have the conversation about how to stop gun violence. We need it NOW.”

Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton attacked the National Rifle Association (NRA).

“Our grief isn’t enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again,” Clinton wrote.

Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey demanded Congress “close the gun show loophole” in response to the shooting. (There’s no evidence at this time that Paddock bought his weapons at a gun show.)

“As after #Orlando, I will NOT be joining my colleagues in a moment of silence on the House Floor that just becomes an excuse for inaction,” Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton wrote.

“Thinking of everyone in #LasVegas, and praying Congress will have the courage to do more than stand in silence to commemorate them,” Moulton wrote in another tweet.

New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney demanded Congress “show they care by taking action” on gun control.

“It has been barely a year since what was previously the largest mass shooting in American history — the deadly attack at Pulse nightclub. In the interim, thousands more have been lost to the daily, ruthless toll of gun violence,” Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal said in a statement.

“Still, Congress refuses to act. I am more than frustrated, I am furious.”

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/02/democrats-immediately-call-for-gun-control-after-las-vegas-shooting/

10-02-2017, 12:54 PM
Was he mental and any type of mental illness history...?...

Wait <--- that's the word, WAIT. Fucking A, people are dead - DEAD - and bodies barely recovered. Families are just beginning the grieving process. They are in shock, as is the nation. We have no idea how this all unfolded really, other than tons of dead bodies, bullets and weapons.

I knew it would be politicized, but thought they would allow folks to grieve. I should have known better. :rolleyes:

Let these folks grieve. Allow them to bury their loved ones.


Democrats Immediately Call For Gun Control After Las Vegas Shooting

Congressional Democrats chose not to wait for all the facts to come in before immediately pushing for increased gun control measures following the Las Vegas shooting Sunday night that left 50 people dead and more than 400 injured.

It’s not yet clear how the shooter, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, acquired his guns or if gun control measures could have prevented him from obtaining them, but leading Democrats are already demanding stricter gun control legislation.

Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy issued a statement Monday morning claiming that “the thoughts and prayers of politicians are cruelly hollow if they are paired with continued legislative indifference.” Murphy demanded Congress “get off its ass and do something” following the shooting.

“Tragedies like Las Vegas have happened too many times,” Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren wrote on Twitter. “We need to have the conversation about how to stop gun violence. We need it NOW.”

Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton attacked the National Rifle Association (NRA).

“Our grief isn’t enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again,” Clinton wrote.

Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey demanded Congress “close the gun show loophole” in response to the shooting. (There’s no evidence at this time that Paddock bought his weapons at a gun show.)

“As after #Orlando, I will NOT be joining my colleagues in a moment of silence on the House Floor that just becomes an excuse for inaction,” Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton wrote.

“Thinking of everyone in #LasVegas, and praying Congress will have the courage to do more than stand in silence to commemorate them,” Moulton wrote in another tweet.

New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney demanded Congress “show they care by taking action” on gun control.

“It has been barely a year since what was previously the largest mass shooting in American history — the deadly attack at Pulse nightclub. In the interim, thousands more have been lost to the daily, ruthless toll of gun violence,” Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal said in a statement.

“Still, Congress refuses to act. I am more than frustrated, I am furious.”

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/02/democrats-immediately-call-for-gun-control-after-las-vegas-shooting/

Makes sense especially given that ONE guy who surely acted illegally in modifying or obtaining an bunch of automatic weapons fired upon a crowd of tens of thousands UNARMED folks.... Blame the NRA and lack of gun control laws which would have done NOTHING to protect those people.

We have a bunch of idiots in Congress.

10-02-2017, 01:14 PM
And of course Shrillary makes it political. :rolleyes: Somehow this is the fault of the NRA. Then this complete idiot turns around and says we need to put politics aside. She is one seriously stupid woman.


Hillary Clinton Politicizes Las Vegas Shooting: 'Stand Up to the NRA'

On Monday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton politicized the deaths of over 58 people in Las Vegas, Nevada, late Sunday night (PST). She explicitly targeted the National Rifle Association (NRA).

"Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again," Clinton declared in a tweet.


While she started her Twitter message sympathizing with the victims, she quickly transitioned to an attack on the NRA.

"Las Vegas, we are grieving with you—the victims, those who lost loved ones, the responders, & all affected by this cold-blooded massacre," Clinton tweeted. Immediately, she added, "The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get."

Details from the shooting are still coming in — the death toll was updated to 58 shortly before noon, Eastern.

Clinton could not even wait until all the details were released before pinning this violence on the NRA.


10-02-2017, 01:52 PM
And of course Shrillary makes it political. :rolleyes: Somehow this is the fault of the NRA. Then this complete idiot turns around and says we need to put politics aside. She is one seriously stupid woman.


Hillary Clinton Politicizes Las Vegas Shooting: 'Stand Up to the NRA'

On Monday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton politicized the deaths of over 58 people in Las Vegas, Nevada, late Sunday night (PST). She explicitly targeted the National Rifle Association (NRA).

"Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again," Clinton declared in a tweet.


While she started her Twitter message sympathizing with the victims, she quickly transitioned to an attack on the NRA.

"Las Vegas, we are grieving with you—the victims, those who lost loved ones, the responders, & all affected by this cold-blooded massacre," Clinton tweeted. Immediately, she added, "The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get."

Details from the shooting are still coming in — the death toll was updated to 58 shortly before noon, Eastern.

Clinton could not even wait until all the details were released before pinning this violence on the NRA.


The same woman who abandoned Americans in Ben Ghazi???

Maybe her vast experience in dodging sniper fire could be tapped to help folks avoid getting shot in the future....

10-02-2017, 02:38 PM
MSNBC Spreads Fake News About Firearm Suppressors

On Monday, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle and former NYC police commissioner Bill Bratton used the Las Vegas mass shooting to attack a law loosening restrictions on firearm suppressors.

During the discussion, the pair spread misinformation about firearm suppressors — more commonly referred to as silencers — and suggested that the Vegas shooting would have been more deadly if the shooter had used a suppressor.

While suppressors are primarily used to protect the hearing of firearm owners, Ruhle and Bratton said it’s more likely that firearm owners use that as an excuse to hide criminal activity.

“What is the rationale behind needing, wanting, a silencer if not to muffle or hide what you’re doing?” Ruhle asked.

“Well the NRA claims it’s to protect the ears of hunters,” Bratton responded. “But the idea is, under the ruse of protecting the hearing of hunters, they’re going to authorize a device that will effectively silence a weapon.”

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives released data this year that indicates there are nearly 1.3 million suppressors registered in the United States, and they are rarely used in crimes. Roughly .003 percent of suppressors are used in crimes each year.

“So imagine if this individual had a silencer on the end of some of these weapons, you would not have even known that this was happening but for the sound of these gunshots,” Bratton asserted.

In terms of suppressors “effectively silence[ing]” weapons, the Washington Post fact checker gave “Three Pinocchios” to Rep. Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY) for claiming that suppressors make guns “quiet.”

“There is little that’s quiet about a firearm with a silencer, unless one also thinks a jackhammer is quiet,” they wrote.
