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10-06-2017, 10:38 AM
The horror in this is just nuts! Imagine that, someone thought she was very pretty and took a chance in asking for her number. She apparently declined. And could have easily moved on with her life.

But no, now she's a victim. Apparently verbally assaulted by someone who took a fancy to her. It's scary and she wasn't "asking for it" - of course using such words that are normally meant for women dressing provocatively and then unfortunately get raped. C'mon, get a grip, a guy thought you were pretty, he didn't want to rape you. And the guy replying didn't blame anyone for anything, she chose those words herself.

The victim mentality anymore is sickening, and the desire for all of these celebrities to instantly hi twitter to try and shame people, or try and seek attention, is equally as sickening. Everyone seems to WANT to be a victim anymore. :rolleyes:

Worst case? Perhaps the guy shouldn't be trying to get numbers while on the job. But asking for a number, and someone responding as if she were assaulted, kinda stupid.

Hollywood Actress Complains That a TSA Agent Asked For Her Number

Actress Brie Larson complained on Twitter Thursday that a Transportation Security Administration agent asked for her number after she smiled at the agent.

“To live life as a woman is to live life on the defense,” Larson tweeted.


Some of Larson’s followers thought the complaint made no sense.

“OH NO! A guy asked for your number,” a follower wrote. “You poor thing. Women be complaining they don’t find a good guy, but complain when dudes ask for their [number].”


Larson responded by saying the situation made her uncomfortable. “You do realize you’re blaming me for a situation I did not ask to be in?”




Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/06/hollywood-actress-complains-that-a-tsa-agent-asked-for-her-number/

Abbey Marie
10-06-2017, 02:52 PM
I read the article thinking there must be more to this. But no, it appears that all he did was take a shot and ask for her number. WTH?

I don't know this actress, but I'd bet she is more than happy to trade on her looks and sexuality in both her career and personal life when it suits her.

10-06-2017, 06:31 PM
I read the article thinking there must be more to this. But no, it appears that all he did was take a shot and ask for her number. WTH?

I don't know this actress, but I'd bet she is more than happy to trade on her looks and sexuality in both her career and personal life when it suits her.I'd have been locked up before Jr High was over :laugh:

Abbey Marie
10-07-2017, 04:13 PM
I'd have been locked up before Jr High was over :laugh:



10-07-2017, 04:20 PM

:laugh2:Sad, but true. Well, not really sad. Girls used to like guys back then and (novel concept) actually wanted to go out on dates. The unwanted atrocity of asking first was sort of a requirement. Guess I could have just used a club and dragged them off by their hair .... Not seeing THAT end well :).

Abbey Marie
10-07-2017, 04:24 PM
Sad, but true. Well, not really sad. Girls used to like guys back then and (novel concept) actually wanted to go out on dates. The unwanted atrocity of asking first was sort of a requirement. Guess I could have just used a club and dragged them off by their hair .... Not seeing THAT end well :).

Kids today are seriously confused. And their heads are too buried in their phones to learn how to talk to the opposite sex, anyway.

10-07-2017, 04:33 PM
Kids today are seriously confused. And their heads are too buried in their phones to learn how to talk to the opposite sex, anyway.THE phone hung on the wall in the kitchen and we had a time limit on it. In Jr Hi? We passed notes in class :laugh:. We didn't have a whole bunch of options. "I'll come by on my 10-speed and pick you up and we'll ride to the pool together :).

Or, hopping on the 10 speed to ride to your carport 3 houses away so we could play board games :). We were so boring it was pathetic. Wouldn't trade it for anything. I wouldn't want to be a kid now. They don't have to actually DO anything.

Black Diamond
10-07-2017, 05:10 PM
Kids today are seriously confused. And their heads are too buried in their phones to learn how to talk to the opposite sex, anyway.
Do they really think there is an opposite sex?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-07-2017, 05:23 PM
Kids today are seriously confused. And their heads are too buried in their phones to learn how to talk to the opposite sex, anyway.

Yes they do--- just send the girl or the guy a picture of yourself naked--there is sex, text and sexting, now!
Girls seem to be big into sending guys pictures of their bobs or hoochie...
Back in my day, we could only dream of a pretty gal being that bold!!!
I raised my daughter to be old fashioned and it worked just fine for her..
This new crap these kids do, has me wondering just where the hell they got it from..-Tyr

Black Diamond
10-07-2017, 05:26 PM
THE phone hung on the wall in the kitchen and we had a time limit on it. In Jr Hi? We passed notes in class :laugh:. We didn't have a whole bunch of options. "I'll come by on my 10-speed and pick you up and we'll ride to the pool together :).

Or, hopping on the 10 speed to ride to your carport 3 houses away so we could play board games :). We were so boring it was pathetic. Wouldn't trade it for anything. I wouldn't want to be a kid now. They don't have to actually DO anything.
My wife wasn't allowed to talk after midnight on the phone at her moms house. I never understood that and still don't.

I get the "you're not allowed in her room ". "Be home by midnight". But not the phone part. Sperm doesn't travel through phone lines. :laugh:

10-07-2017, 06:23 PM
My wife wasn't allowed to talk after midnight on the phone at her moms house. I never understood that and still don't.

I get the "you're not allowed in her room ". "Be home by midnight". But not the phone part. Sperm doesn't travel through phone lines. :laugh:Never been a phone person. Still am not. I have a phone I can allegedly take over the world with and I pay bills with it and text one or two people every once in awhile. I rarely even answer it :laugh:.

Good thing girls like to talk :) Bad thing is I'll flat fall asleep on them :laugh:

Black Diamond
10-07-2017, 06:48 PM
Never been a phone person. Still am not. I have a phone I can allegedly take over the world with and I pay bills with it and text one or two people every once in awhile. I rarely even answer it :laugh:.

Good thing girls like to talk :) Bad thing is I'll flat fall asleep on them :laugh:
Me neither. But I wasn't allowed at her house after midnight. :laugh:

10-07-2017, 07:59 PM
Me neither. But I wasn't allowed at her house after midnight. :laugh:Wasn't an issue when I was 13-16. Lived on base. 10 PM curfew and usually a MSgt waiting on his daughter to show up and we military brats didn't have the option of being 1 minute late. Base housing a fishbowl.

Anything we got away with happened after school before our parents got off, or about 6-8PM. "Getting away with something" back then was getting a kiss and was a total SCORE! :laugh:

10-07-2017, 10:32 PM
I read the article thinking there must be more to this. But no, it appears that all he did was take a shot and ask for her number. WTH?

I don't know this actress, but I'd bet she is more than happy to trade on her looks and sexuality in both her career and personal life when it suits her.

You have captured the essence of feminism. Women want situational equality. Like I have seen in some marriages: What's mine is mine and what's yours is ours.

10-08-2017, 11:13 AM
You have captured the essence of feminism. Women want situational equality. Like I have seen in some marriages: What's mine is mine and what's yours is ours.Is being negative a default option with you the second you log on to your brain housing group? And people call ME grouchy. Some girl say no to you and you never get over it, or what?

You're scared. For all your bluster, it's obvious to all of us. You're afraid of girls. Everything you post is about some nefarious game some girls are playing. Yet, what exactly game is it YOU are playing? You think you've got everything calculated to the last detail and rigged in your favor. That's not a game?

In the for instance of this thread, being as TSA is a government agency, I would be willing to bet there's a rule against asking for personal info from customers while on duty as it can be perceived as an abuse of position/power. If that's the case, he risked his job and can be fired. No one made him ask regardless what-all blame you want to put on the woman who turned out to be a drama queen.

It's a shame something like this even makes the news, because it isn't. Just saying "no" would have sufficed and the practice has been around at least since I was in 6th grade :).

Don't be such a jerk.