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10-06-2017, 11:15 AM
I'm cool with an investigation, and whoever broke the law faces the judge.

But this "Russia" investigation seems to have lured in every possible angle they can think of. I suppose there is no limit to this investigation? Seems to me that much of it has nothing to do with what the investigation was supposed to look for.

And is Hillary and her foundation on deck? And if not, why not? I've read PLENTY to claim that perhaps it was the Dems involved with some Russian crap.


Witch Hunt On Steroids: Mueller Team Meets With Discredited ‘Russian Dossier’ Author

As if the scope of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election wasn’t wide enough, a new report claims former MI-6 officer Christopher Steele, author of the discredited Russian Dossier, met with investigators.

CNN claims:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators met this past summer with the former British spy whose dossier on alleged Russian efforts to aid the Trump campaign spawned months of investigations that have hobbled the Trump administration, according to two people familiar with the matter. Information from Christopher Steele, a former MI-6 officer, could help investigators determine whether contacts between people associated with the Trump campaign and suspected Russian operatives broke any laws. CNN has learned that the FBI and the US intelligence community last year took the Steele dossier more seriously than the agencies have publicly acknowledged. James Clapper, then the director of national intelligence, said in a January 2017 statement that the intelligence community had “not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable.”

President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton is one of the loudest voices calling for the end of the Mueller probe. He says the probe is out of control, unsupervised and unconstitutional.

In a July interview with The Daily Signal, Fitton said the Mueller probe is “a political effort to jail the president and his family because people don’t like him.”

Fitton is absolutely correct. The Democrats will not stop until Trump, his family members and people in his administration are put in jail.

Fitton also said, “Sessions should un-recuse himself and get rid of Mueller.”

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/10/witch-hunt-steroids-mueller-team-meets-discredited-russian-dossier-author/

10-06-2017, 12:09 PM
Why wouldn't they investigate the dossier? Let the investigation go where it needs to. Criticize the investigation when it's concluded. Contact Sessions if you want more investigations. Must be a reason he isn't going after Hillary.

10-06-2017, 12:54 PM
Why wouldn't they investigate the dossier? Let the investigation go where it needs to. Criticize the investigation when it's concluded. Contact Sessions if you want more investigations. Must be a reason he isn't going after Hillary.

It's the totality of the investigation, not just one portion. What started out to see if Russia had interfered with the election has turned into "lets investigate every person and all of their lives to see what else we can find" investigation.

10-06-2017, 01:36 PM
It's the totality of the investigation, not just one portion. What started out to see if Russia had interfered with the election has turned into "lets investigate every person and all of their lives to see what else we can find" investigation.

Your outside perception may not match reality.

10-06-2017, 02:27 PM
Your outside perception may not match reality.

Perhaps not. I don't claim to be a political genius, now someone who has knowledge like a lawyer. What I do know, is that this investigation was supposed to be all about Russia, and did they interfere with the election, and was there any collusion with Russia.

Now my perception may be off - but that's because all of the media, including the MSM who clearly leans left (CNN, WaPo, MSNBC...) have consistently came out with news about various things being investigated, and various folks being investigated. Now, is it possible that it's ALL bullshit? I suppose. Is it possible that ALL of these things reported somehow have a connection to Russia, even though from appearances don't show it nearly? I suppose so there too.

But in ALL this time, even leading Democrats have still stated that there's simply nothing there on Trump, nor Pence. Then the investigation turned to Manafort and others. And the things supposedly being investigated here and there had nothing to do with Russia.

Time will tell if I'm wrong or not, but I think the investigation should have been limited in scope. And even with that all said - if it's folks in the WH with wrongdoing, when do they plan on ending this investigation, when Trump's term is over? I think it was Pelosi who recently stated that it could take another year, or more.

10-06-2017, 02:41 PM
Why wouldn't they investigate the dossier? Let the investigation go where it needs to. Criticize the investigation when it's concluded. Contact Sessions if you want more investigations. Must be a reason he isn't going after Hillary.

petey. Only you, and the other dumb liberals who hate Trump would keep plugging, even after the dossier has been proven false. Almost the definition of YOUR INSANITY again.

10-06-2017, 05:55 PM
Time will tell if I'm wrong or not, but I think the investigation should have been limited in scope. And even with that all said - if it's folks in the WH with wrongdoing, when do they plan on ending this investigation, when Trump's term is over? I think it was Pelosi who recently stated that it could take another year, or more.

Yes so let's let time work. I've stayed away from investigation talk because the only thing that matters is what happens when the investigation is concluded.

10-06-2017, 06:08 PM
I thought this was about steroids jimnyc :slap:. A WAY more interesting topic than some conspiracy theory regarding Russia fixing our elections. If our elections could be fixed, Soros would already have fixed it for Hillary.

10-07-2017, 08:17 AM
It is a partisan witchhunt, no different than the Hillary email nonsense. This is how politics is now, both sides do endless "gotcha" hunts. Is anyone paying any attention? It's a whole tray of nothingburgers, both sides.

There is a lot of really exciting stuff going on now that deserve attention -- the revocation of crazy-bad Obama laws, stopping the PC heresy trials, starting to finally deal with North Korea, etc. The soaring economy, the Trump Bump in the stock market.

10-07-2017, 09:51 AM
The REASON this S.C. was impaneled was to investigate TRUMP campaign COLLUSION with RUSSIANS. TO DATE, almost a YEAR LATER, it has found NOTHING, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA... so what does Ferrus Mueller do, well hire an entire ARMY of Hitlery donors that hate president Trump and start digging into EVERYTHING and EVERYONE, and ta hell with the reason why they were appointed. Now it's LET'S FIND SOME DIRT on ANYONE... it's PURE GOLD to democrats, because this is about finding DIRT on Trump to use in the midterms and in 2020.


10-07-2017, 02:44 PM
Apparently the senate judiciary chairman and his "outside" perception isn't fond of the investigation either. It will be interesting to see what is eventually released in the report about meeting with him. This information was all looked into long before Mueller and all discredited. So I'm assuming Mueller is closing the door on that lead and will include as much in his report. Unless everyone in the world was wrong...


GOP Sen. Grassley Muscles FBI As Mueller’s Witch Hunt Reaches Peak Swamp Levels

On Friday Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) demanded the FBI explain the role former British spy Christopher Steele’s dossier has impacted “foreign intelligence sharing.”

Grassley wants to make sure the discredited document doesn’t have an impact on Mueller’s witch hunt either.

POLITICO reports: (http://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/06/chuck-grassley-trump-dossier-fbi-russia-investigation-243546)

Noting that the dossier was passed on to the U.K. government according to lawyers representing author Christopher Steele, Grassley asked the FBI to clarify whether the document’s contents could have been “surreptitiously funneled into U.S. intelligence streams through foreign intelligence sharing.”

If the FBI had interpreted a foreign intelligence service’s receipt of the Steele dossier as a de facto confirmation, “it would be alarming,” Grassley wrote on Friday to FBI Director Christopher Wray.

“Mr. Steele’s dossier allegations might appear to be ‘confirmed’ by foreign intelligence, rather than just an echo of the same ‘research’ that Fusion bought from Steele and that the FBI reportedly also attempted to buy from Steele.”

Grassley asked the FBI to detail any foreign intelligence that may have underpinned its investigation into potential Russian collusion with Trump allies, setting an Oct. 18 deadline for receipt.

As if the scope of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election wasn’t wide enough, a new report claims former MI-6 officer Christopher Steele, author of the discredited Russian Dossier, met with investigators.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/10/gop-sen-grassley-muscles-fbi-muellers-witch-hunt-reaches-peak-swamp-levels/

10-07-2017, 03:54 PM
It is a partisan witchhunt, no different than the Hillary email nonsense. This is how politics is now, both sides do endless "gotcha" hunts. Is anyone paying any attention? It's a whole tray of nothingburgers, both sides.

There is a lot of really exciting stuff going on now that deserve attention -- the revocation of crazy-bad Obama laws, stopping the PC heresy trials, starting to finally deal with North Korea, etc. The soaring economy, the Trump Bump in the stock market.Hitlery's e-mails ARE relevant only as far using an unsecure server go. Using an unsecure line to transmit classified info is a felony all unto itself. Whatever info the e-mails may contain would determine any further charges.

The difference in the two is Trump doesn't care who is investigating what while Hitlery has ducked, dodged and "Clinton-spoken" (lied) at each and every turn.

Where BOTH investigations are absurd and alike is in that BOTH should already be over.