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View Full Version : VP Pence bails on NFL game when players kneel

10-08-2017, 01:08 PM
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::c lap::clap:

Vice President Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after players reportedly kneel

Vice President Mike Pence spoke out on Sunday about why he left a football game between the Indianapolis Colts-San Francisco 49ers game, the same day it emerged that former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has said he'd stand for the national anthem if he can play in the NFL once more.

“I left today's Colts game because @POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem,” Pence tweeted.


Several 49ers players reportedly kneeled for the anthem on Sunday in Indianapolis.

Pence later tweeted, "At a time when so many Americans are inspiring our nation with their courage, resolve, and resilience..."


"...now, more than ever, we should rally around our Flag and everything that unites us...," he added in another tweet.


Rest - http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/10/08/vice-president-mike-pence-leaves-colts-49ers-game-after-players-reportedly-kneel.html

Black Diamond
10-08-2017, 02:04 PM

From my Facebook feed. Lmao.

10-08-2017, 03:26 PM


10-08-2017, 03:35 PM
Hey, if one is going to stand against something, they should lead by example in how it should be handled. It really won't amount to a bunch of beans at the end of the day, but shows that he respects the flag/anthem & "please rise to honor..." which is usually followed by "our troops around the world" or "America" - or usually both. :saluting2:

10-08-2017, 03:39 PM
I'm not convinced. I'd take any excuse to get out of a 49ers - Colts game I could come up with.

10-08-2017, 05:42 PM
Pretty expensive way to make a point...

He flew in from California for a PR stunt, then flew back, wasting a load taxpayer money.

He knew players would take a knee, the 49ers have probably got more players protesting than any other team, what the fuck did he expect?

It's not like he's a regular at the Colts games, when was the last time he attended one? 2014?

All the reports I've read say he was "following instructions from President Trump." Really? He can't think for himself?

Nope, sorry, no applause or kudos from me, the best you'll get from me is a "when are you going to pay back the taxpayer for your ill conceived and pointless PR stunt?"

10-08-2017, 05:52 PM
How many times did Obama vacation, play golf, and hide away on OUR DIME?

I SALUTE THE VP for showing everyone how serious most of us are.:saluting2::saluting2::saluting2::saluting2::s aluting2::saluting2::saluting2:

10-08-2017, 05:57 PM
Pretty expensive way to make a point...

He flew in from California for a PR stunt, then flew back, wasting a load taxpayer money.

He knew players would take a knee, the 49ers have probably got more players protesting than any other team, what the fuck did he expect?

It's not like he's a regular at the Colts games, when was the last time he attended one? 2014?

All the reports I've read say he was "following instructions from President Trump." Really? He can't think for himself?

Nope, sorry, no applause or kudos from me, the best you'll get from me is a "when are you going to pay back the taxpayer for your ill conceived and pointless PR stunt?"

Perhaps it does boil down to a stunt of sorts, but it didn't cost much. He was in Vegas and came home yesterday and spent the night in Indiana, went to game, then he is heading to the west coast.

10-08-2017, 06:06 PM


San Francisco 49ers safety Eric Reid said Pence’s departure looked like “a PR stunt.”

“He knew our team has had the most players protest, he knew that we were probably going to do it again,” Reid said. “This is what systemic oppression looks like: man with power comes to the game, tweets a couple things out and leaves the game in an attempt to thwart our efforts.”

10-08-2017, 06:09 PM


San Francisco 49ers safety Eric Reid said Pence’s departure looked like “a PR stunt.”

“He knew our team has had the most players protest, he knew that we were probably going to do it again,” Reid said. “This is what systemic oppression looks like: man with power comes to the game, tweets a couple things out and leaves the game in an attempt to thwart our efforts.”

Reid is a fool.

10-08-2017, 06:15 PM
I'm glad he left, I'm still thrilled about that...

But seeing more and more that it was a setup from the get go, he should just have stayed away. I think making an announcement that he wouldn't be attending at all would have been effective as well. Had they been standing, and then did something like this because of his appearance, and he was genuinely planning on staying for the duration, that would be different.

But oppression, because he bailed? Covfefe?

10-08-2017, 06:33 PM


San Francisco 49ers safety Eric Reid said Pence’s departure looked like “a PR stunt.”

“He knew our team has had the most players protest, he knew that we were probably going to do it again,” Reid said. “This is what systemic oppression looks like: man with power comes to the game, tweets a couple things out and leaves the game in an attempt to thwart our efforts.”What oppression and what effort? If the effort is to be a douche, he gets the t-bag. Otherwise, in case no one's noticed, not a whole bunch of anybody gives a damn about any perceived oppression and EVERYONE has an opinion on the anthem.

Still, was a PR stunt.

10-08-2017, 07:59 PM
Good. I enjoy seeing these commie punks being exposed for the douchebags they are.

Nice work, 46! 2024 is your year.

Black Diamond
10-08-2017, 08:27 PM
What oppression and what effort? If the effort is to be a douche, he gets the t-bag. Otherwise, in case no one's noticed, not a whole bunch of anybody gives a damn about any perceived oppression and EVERYONE has an opinion on the anthem.

Still, was a PR stunt.
It may be a pr stunt. But I love it. The media will be screaming for for another week. Jimmy kimmel might cry again.

10-08-2017, 08:47 PM
Glad it was finally pointed out that someone walked out of a game.

Fuck the NFL. I hope the league goes broke. Let these shit stain game players find a real job, if they have the brains for it.

10-08-2017, 09:15 PM
Glad it was finally pointed out that someone walked out of a game.

Fuck the NFL. I hope the league goes broke. Let these shit stain game players find a real job, if they have the brains for it.

Agree.......Money must be getting tight...Respect the Flag or quit and go back to the streets beating your wives robbing and looting...:laugh:

************************************************** ****************

"Jerry Jones: 'We're going to respect the flag"

https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/wE2AroefpR_o7kwMkWRNYg--~B/Zmk9c3RyaW07aD0zODg7cHlvZmY9MDtxPTk1O3c9NzIwO3NtPT E7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-images/GLB/2017-10-09/81a0e490-ac91-11e7-9668-d1c2ca047148_jones_14.jpg.cf.webp
“If there is anything disrespecting the flag, then we will not play. Period,” he said. “We’re going to respect the flag and I’m going to create the perception of it.”


10-08-2017, 09:26 PM
Glad it was finally pointed out that someone walked out of a game.

Fuck the NFL. I hope the league goes broke. Let these shit stain game players find a real job, if they have the brains for it.The league won't go broke. The people pissed off will be typical Americans and forget within a few weeks and it'll all go back to the same old shit. The MSM will invent another "breaking" news story and the little bobble heads will follow.

10-08-2017, 11:34 PM
The league won't go broke. The people pissed off will be typical Americans and forget within a few weeks and it'll all go back to the same old shit. The MSM will invent another "breaking" news story and the little bobble heads will follow.
I know they're trying to downplay it but people continue to quit watching and sponsors continue to drop the NFL since players continue to spit on the flag and anthem. The effects might take awhile, but it's going to hurt. I'm sure the NFL knows it right now.

Will they go broke? IDK... probably not... maybe... regardless, I wish they would, teach the shitty anti American bastards a fuckin' lesson.

10-09-2017, 08:06 AM
Trump TV folks. It's a game show for him. To make matters more embarrassing the photo Pence tweeted yesterday at the colts game was actually from 2014. So weird.

10-09-2017, 08:43 AM
Trump TV folks. It's a game show for him. To make matters more embarrassing the photo Pence tweeted yesterday at the colts game was actually from 2014. So weird.

Free speech for everyone! Except for those I don't like....

10-09-2017, 09:20 AM
Trump TV folks. It's a game show for him. To make matters more embarrassing the photo Pence tweeted yesterday at the colts game was actually from 2014. So weird.

Ummm, no.

The first he posted stated "looking forward..." and posted a previous picture of himself and his wife at a prior game. Couldn't very well post one from yesterday's game. Then the 2nd posted was of yesterday standing for the anthem.

Only weird when you believe what you read without doing 5 seconds of research.

10-09-2017, 09:23 AM
Where he said looking forward to the game - BEFORE the game...


And then the picture posted during the anthem, of yesterday...


10-09-2017, 09:57 AM

10-09-2017, 10:01 AM
Jim, that first photo is from 2014. For fucks sake their not even wearing the same clothes in each photo.

Did you even read what I wrote? OBVIOUSLY YOU DID NOT. I CLEARLY stated that the picture was an older picture, OF COURSE it was, he posted it and said "look forward" - did you expect him to post a picture from the future?

THIS IS WHY YOU ARE A TROLL PETE - you LITERALLY don't even read what folks write, and 2 posts you ignored no less.

10-09-2017, 10:02 AM
Ummm, no.

The first he posted stated "looking forward..." and posted a previous picture of himself and his wife at a prior game. Couldn't very well post one from yesterday's game. Then the 2nd posted was of yesterday standing for the anthem.

Only weird when you believe what you read without doing 5 seconds of research.

I thought this was clear.

10-09-2017, 10:04 AM
How you know you won a debate - when someone tries to make their entire post disappear!! LOL

Pete - wouldn't it have been easier to just say "I was wrong"?


Abbey Marie
10-09-2017, 11:26 AM
Still not watching. It’s been fine.

Black Diamond
10-09-2017, 12:28 PM
Still not watching. It’s been fine.
I heard New York is 0-5. You're not making a sacrifice. :cool:

10-09-2017, 03:59 PM

~"I am pretty much done with NFL football this season. Thank you president Trump for once again confronting Leftists, standing up for us. You the man!"~

Lloyd Marcus, is author: of “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/26/im-a-black-fan-and-im-turning-off-the-nfl/ (http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/26/im-a-black-fan-and-im-turning-off-the-nfl/)

10-09-2017, 04:05 PM
Still not watching. It’s been fine.

For now...just watch my team....they been schooled and stand up...

*More and more people of all colors know...and are starting to understand the "hands up dont shoot" was a Lie...along withn "Black lies matter"

Abbey Marie
10-09-2017, 06:59 PM
I heard New York is 0-5. You're not making a sacrifice. :cool:

Yeah, I may not be watching, but people love to let me know the Giants stink this year.
Especially all the gloating Eagles fans around here.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-09-2017, 10:25 PM
What's the NFL...

10-10-2017, 12:15 AM
Pretty expensive way to make a point...

He flew in from California for a PR stunt, then flew back, wasting a load taxpayer money.

He knew players would take a knee, the 49ers have probably got more players protesting than any other team, what the fuck did he expect?

It's not like he's a regular at the Colts games, when was the last time he attended one? 2014?

All the reports I've read say he was "following instructions from President Trump." Really? He can't think for himself?

Nope, sorry, no applause or kudos from me, the best you'll get from me is a "when are you going to pay back the taxpayer for your ill conceived and pointless PR stunt?"

Spot on.

10-10-2017, 12:39 AM
Pretty expensive way to make a point...

He flew in from California for a PR stunt, then flew back, wasting a load taxpayer money.

He knew players would take a knee, the 49ers have probably got more players protesting than any other team, what the fuck did he expect?

It's not like he's a regular at the Colts games, when was the last time he attended one? 2014?

All the reports I've read say he was "following instructions from President Trump." Really? He can't think for himself?

Nope, sorry, no applause or kudos from me, the best you'll get from me is a "when are you going to pay back the taxpayer for your ill conceived and pointless PR stunt?"

"They" chose to kneel...Pence had >>"plans there "already"<< and to watch the game...

(Dig a little more and you will understand what Im talking about)...

***forget about what the anti-Trump leftist (Media) are writing...and `Never Trumpers `are Drooling about...

*Pay attention and Ignore the twist and spin...Your smarter than that...because I know you are friend....

Black Diamond
10-10-2017, 01:06 AM
"They" chose to kneel...Pence had >>"plans there "already"<< and to watch the game...

(Dig a little more and you will understand what Im talking about)...

***forget about what the anti-Trump leftist (Media) are writing...and `Never Trumpers `are Drooling about...

*Pay attention and Ignore the twist and spin...Your smarter than that...because I know you are friend....

Explain what you mean. He isn't going to dig.

10-10-2017, 02:46 AM
So let me get this straight... the game players reaping massive rewards from the free nation they live in, and them spitting on the very flag and national anthem that represents them having all that ISN'T a STUNT?

But the vice president of the United States of America finding their actions disgusting and walking out after witnessing such jackasses spitting on the very flag and national anthem that has afforded them their riches IS a STUNT?

You have GOT to be SHITTING me.

There is no GREATER EXAMPLE of HYPOCRISY than that.

That is what PUSH BACK looks like, folks, and you don't get to claim any HIGH GROUND when it is YOU who is pulling the STUNT in the FIRST PLACE. How STUPID do you think people are?


10-10-2017, 03:30 AM
When tax payers pay to send the VP to a football game he had no prior involvement with, just for him to leave when the players took a knee is NOT a solution to anything. That is essentially Trump tossing rolls of paper towels to the people of PR.

waste of money. No benefit to the nation.

10-10-2017, 03:50 AM
When tax payers pay to send the VP to a football game he had no prior involvement with, just for him to leave when the players took a knee is NOT a solution to anything. That is essentially Trump tossing rolls of paper towels to the people of PR.

waste of money. No benefit to the nation.

It keeps the divisiveness alive and growing. Much like, '...if I had a son, he would look like...'

10-10-2017, 04:02 AM
It keeps the divisiveness alive and growing. Much like, '...if I had a son, he would look like...'
Who started it?

Putting blame on someone for walking out is just absolutely the epitome of hypocrisy.


You have got to be SHITTING me.

Where was everybody BITCHING all while the obama's racked up mega expenses flying all over hell and back? The man/woman taking a separate plane?

This is just pure BS.

10-10-2017, 04:07 AM
Who started it?

Putting blame on someone for walking out is just absolutely the epitome of hypocrisy.

Which is why nobody is doing that. What people seem to be doing is this:

"Uh...wait...we just paid to have the VP go to a football game...then leave to make a political statement. Waste of money. No national benefit/gain. Lame"

10-10-2017, 04:15 AM
Which is why nobody is doing that. What people seem to be doing is this:

"Uh...wait...we just paid to have the VP go to a football game...then leave to make a political statement. Waste of money. No national benefit/gain. Lame"
So... is there a link to prove he went to the game all paid for by the tax payers?

Does the VP or Pres go anywhere on their own dime... ever?

Is that the bitch, or is that just a deflection?

Or is that he walked out, and he's not allowed to do that... because... aaaaaahh... he's not allowed to disrespect the football players while they're disrespecting the flag and national anthem?

The left is not used to having anyone push back, and that's the problem.

10-10-2017, 04:21 AM
So... is there a link to prove he went to the game all paid for by the tax payers?

Does the VP or Pres go anywhere on their own dime... ever?

Is that the bitch, or is that just a deflection?

Or is that he walked out, and he's not allowed to do that... because... aaaaaahh... he's not allowed to disrespect the football players while they're disrespecting the flag and national anthem?

The left is not used to having anyone push back, and that's the problem.

I don't really care who 'paid' for it. What Pence was doing was 'following orders.' The fact that 1 or more players would 'take a knee' was inevitable. So now those that are offended are swearing at the players and anyone who doesn't feel the whole nonsense should not be a focal point of attention. Those who support the players or are against the President for anything, can bitch about the costs or whatever.

Bottom line is that the choice to do this appearance has no purpose other than to keep the divisiveness at a fever pitch. Personally I don't think that needs added fuel.

10-10-2017, 04:22 AM
So... is there a link to prove he went to the game all paid for by the tax payers?

Does the VP or Pres go anywhere on their own dime... ever?

Is that the bitch, or is that just a deflection?

Or is that he walked out, and he's not allowed to do that... because... aaaaaahh... he's not allowed to disrespect the football players while they're disrespecting the flag and national anthem?

The left is not used to having anyone push back, and that's the problem.

CNN says about $240,000. Now, I know CNN is so full of crap. I know they find the worst possible figures - but lets go with even HALF that. $120,000. Even 1/4 of that...$60,000

Even six hundred is too many tax dollars used for the executive office to star in political theater.


10-10-2017, 04:34 AM
I don't really care who 'paid' for it. What Pence was doing was 'following orders.'
Prove it...

10-10-2017, 04:38 AM
CNN says about $240,000. Now, I know CNN is so full of crap. I know they find the worst possible figures - but lets go with even HALF that. $120,000. Even 1/4 of that...$60,000

Even six hundred is too many tax dollars used for the executive office to star in political theater.

Is the money really the issue?

Or is the issue that a conservative isn't allowed to push back against the hollier than thou leftists?

How DARE the VP walk out and UPSTAGE the left and their pissing on the flag... he's not ALLOWED to do that. The left has ALL the moral high ground... right?

Isn't that what this is all about?

10-10-2017, 04:41 AM
Is the money really the issue?

Or is the issue that a conservative isn't allowed to push back against the hollier than thou leftists?

How DARE the VP walk out and UPSTAGE the left and their pissing on the flag... he's not ALLOWED to do that. The left has ALL the moral high ground... right?

Isn't that what this is all about?

I thought it wasn't about country or something?

10-10-2017, 04:50 AM
I thought it wasn't about country or something?
What are you trying to say, Kath?

I'm not following...

Abbey Marie
10-10-2017, 05:59 AM
I'll gladly contribute to a GoFundMe account to reimburse America for Pence's flight. But then I want Obama supporters to reimburse us for Obama's umpteen Hawaiian vacays, etc. Given the history of such flights, if Pence wants to take a 1-day vacay to a Niners game, I really don't care.

And I agree with Tom. I have not seen proof that this was a PR ploy ordered by Trump, but even if it is, he is Pence's boss. And I'm thrilled that we have a White House that cares about our military and police enough to take a stand. As opposed to a president who to all appearances did not care one whit about the execution of 9 Dallas police.

10-10-2017, 06:11 AM
I'll gladly contribute to a GoFundMe account to reimburse America for Pence's flight. But then I want Obama supporters to reimburse us for Obama's umpteen Hawaiian vacays, etc. Given the history of such flights, if Pence wants to take a 1-day vacay to a Niners game, I really don't care.

And I agree with Tom. I have not seen proof that this was a PR ploy ordered by Trump, but even if it is, he is Pence's boss. And I'm thrilled that we have a White House that cares about our military and police enough to take a stand. As opposed to a president who to all appearances did not care one whit about the execution of 9 Dallas police.

I also think Pence is capable of making decisions by himself. I highly doubt he frowned and unwillingly went to a game because he was "ordered" to do so. I'm sure it was a stunt of sorts, but one I have little issue with.

Like you, if some find THIS to be the real issue, I'd happily fork over my share to cover the costs as well. I find it refreshing that some want to show the players how we feel about the whole situation as well, and how we feel about the message it sends about the flag and our anthem, and respect.

I'll never understand how things like this get traction, where a VP does the right thing, but it was costly - and the NFL and others trash folks, ignore the flag, ignore dead police, fine players for honoring THOSE things, but aok with disrespect. ----- because if it wasn't Trump involved,even if indirectly, I think it's a different ballgame.

10-10-2017, 06:13 AM
Is the money really the issue?

Or is the issue that a conservative isn't allowed to push back against the hollier than thou leftists?

How DARE the VP walk out and UPSTAGE the left and their pissing on the flag... he's not ALLOWED to do that. The left has ALL the moral high ground... right?

Isn't that what this is all about?

Except nobody is saying he doesn't have the right to do what he did. The issue is political theater with no measurable benefit to the nation. It's sill. It's as effective as a tweet, but costs a lot more.

10-10-2017, 06:30 AM
Except nobody is saying he doesn't have the right to do what he did. The issue is political theater with no measurable benefit to the nation. It's sill. It's as effective as a tweet, but costs a lot more.

I agree about the money...

But it DOES show many out in the country that they support the flag and anthem, that sends out a huge message to the country, and to the players (as if that will matter). I also don't have an issue with politics. Hell, them bastards do that 23X7, so out side of the money, this ain't no different.

But if there's anything worthy of going a little overboard in support - it's Old Glory, imo. :) :salute: :saluting2:

Black Diamond
10-10-2017, 05:37 PM
Pretty expensive way to make a point...

He flew in from California for a PR stunt, then flew back, wasting a load taxpayer money.

He knew players would take a knee, the 49ers have probably got more players protesting than any other team, what the fuck did he expect?

It's not like he's a regular at the Colts games, when was the last time he attended one? 2014?

All the reports I've read say he was "following instructions from President Trump." Really? He can't think for himself?

Nope, sorry, no applause or kudos from me, the best you'll get from me is a "when are you going to pay back the taxpayer for your ill conceived and pointless PR stunt?"
How much does pence stunt cost compared to the subsidies the NFL gets?

10-10-2017, 06:40 PM
How much does pence stunt cost compared to the subsidies the NFL gets?

I agree that the NFL and all sports franchises, actually all businesses in general should not be subsidized. I also think the POTUS should not be getting involved with how businesses choose to deal with employees. Actually I don't think Congress should either, beyond civil rights and safety concerns in businesses that are inherently dangerous like mining and flying.

10-10-2017, 08:45 PM
I agree about the money...

But it DOES show many out in the country that they support the flag and anthem, that sends out a huge message to the country, and to the players (as if that will matter). I also don't have an issue with politics. Hell, them bastards do that 23X7, so out side of the money, this ain't no different.

But if there's anything worthy of going a little overboard in support - it's Old Glory, imo. :) :salute: :saluting2:The t hing is, it shouldn't even be an issue. Patriotism and sports should not be tied together to begin with. Neither should individual players be allowed to bring their personal issues with WHOEVER to the game. Suit up, play the game and collect your undeserved millions. Want to bitch on TV as a private citizen? DO like the rest of us and take a number then have a seat in the waiting area.

This is absolutely nothing but a media-driven, fabricated shit storm.

10-11-2017, 06:12 AM
I agree about the money...

But it DOES show many out in the country that they support the flag and anthem, that sends out a huge message to the country, and to the players (as if that will matter). I also don't have an issue with politics. Hell, them bastards do that 23X7, so out side of the money, this ain't no different.

But if there's anything worthy of going a little overboard in support - it's Old Glory, imo. :) :salute: :saluting2:

Me thinks people worship the flag more than liberty itself. It's not unlike people's worship of the bible over that of God.

Black Diamond
10-11-2017, 07:01 AM
Me thinks people worship the flag more than liberty itself. It's not unlike people's worship of the bible over that of God.
I'm the beginning was the word ..... And the word was God.

10-11-2017, 07:38 AM
Me thinks people worship the flag more than liberty itself. It's not unlike people's worship of the bible over that of God.

I think those same folks love liberty just as much. It's just hard to "show" that or "honor" that. Well, one honors it through the entirety of their life... but outside of that, I think it's the "honor" part that made it so important over the years, and why it may offend so many. I think this is a way to "honor" all those who have sacrificed, who are sacrificing & for what we have. I don't see any of it as worship, but more like a 'thank you' of sorts. I dunnu, hard to put into words.

And I don't necessarily think these players all want to dishonor the military or America, as much as they want to 'use' that opportunity to maximize getting their message across. But I think it's backfiring. Folks don't all need to worship, nor does anyone need to fawn or talk about or really anything positive with it if they don't want to - just also don't do anything negative. Ignore it. Respect other folks, knowing how they feel about it.

Someone can't say "well, that's stupid, this is what I mean, so you shouldn't be offended" <--- it doesn't work that way. :(

10-11-2017, 08:15 AM
I think those same folks love liberty just as much. It's just hard to "show" that or "honor" that. Well, one honors it through the entirety of their life... but outside of that, I think it's the "honor" part that made it so important over the years, and why it may offend so many. I think this is a way to "honor" all those who have sacrificed, who are sacrificing & for what we have. I don't see any of it as worship, but more like a 'thank you' of sorts. I dunnu, hard to put into words.

And I don't necessarily think these players all want to dishonor the military or America, as much as they want to 'use' that opportunity to maximize getting their message across. But I think it's backfiring. Folks don't all need to worship, nor does anyone need to fawn or talk about or really anything positive with it if they don't want to - just also don't do anything negative. Ignore it. Respect other folks, knowing how they feel about it.

Someone can't say "well, that's stupid, this is what I mean, so you shouldn't be offended" <--- it doesn't work that way. :(

Nobody needs to show it by being outraged. It's virtue signalling - showing folks how much they love 'Merica. And from a vet, i don't feel particularly honored by what folks do with yellow ribbons or standing or not.

I agree it's not their intent to dishonor the Military - but the stupid part of their protest is this: They are dishonoring the flag of the country that lead them FROM oppression (generations ago). They are protesting the anthem of the country that gives them the liberty to...protest. It's just stupid.

10-11-2017, 08:22 AM
Nobody needs to show it by being outraged. It's virtue signalling - showing folks how much they love 'Merica. And from a vet, i don't feel particularly honored by what folks do with yellow ribbons or standing or not.

I agree it's not their intent to dishonor the Military - but the stupid part of their protest is this: They are dishonoring the flag of the country that lead them FROM oppression (generations ago). They are protesting the anthem of the country that gives them the liberty to...protest. It's just stupid.

I don't know where this will all go. The left has repeatedly and successfully shut down voices of the right. Now the right feels they need to respond in kind. This is not the country I want, but it is what it is.

10-11-2017, 08:23 AM
Nobody needs to show it by being outraged. It's virtue signalling - showing folks how much they love 'Merica. And from a vet, i don't feel particularly honored by what folks do with yellow ribbons or standing or not.

I agree it's not their intent to dishonor the Military - but the stupid part of their protest is this: They are dishonoring the flag of the country that lead them FROM oppression (generations ago). They are protesting the anthem of the country that gives them the liberty to...protest. It's just stupid.

I think they miss what folks are saying - the argument about whether or not it's disrespectful goes on - while their intended message? What is it? Does the public even know? They're sure not talking about it, they're too busy talking about the kneeling. And hell, even the players, when approached by the media, pretty much only discuss the kneeling. Wrong or right, the approach isn't working. And whether they intend it or not, they ARE angering a lot of people that could potentially be listening to them and their stances.

10-11-2017, 08:24 AM
I don't know where this will all go. The left has repeatedly and successfully shut down voices of the right. Now the right feels they need to respond in kind. This is not the country I want, but it is what it is.

I think if the anthem issue disappeared, and a different approach was taken to speak their minds, that the majority would die down AND more would listen, ten fold and then some.

10-11-2017, 08:27 AM
I think they miss what folks are saying - the argument about whether or not it's disrespectful goes on - while their intended message? What is it? Does the public even know? They're sure not talking about it, they're too busy talking about the kneeling. And hell, even the players, when approached by the media, pretty much only discuss the kneeling. Wrong or right, the approach isn't working. And whether they intend it or not, they ARE angering a lot of people that could potentially be listening to them and their stances.

They should be more upset about paying people to protest. NFL salaries are paid by fans. Fans = paying them to make political points.

10-11-2017, 08:30 AM
They should be more upset about paying people to protest. NFL salaries are paid by fans. Fans = paying them to make political points.

True, true. Similar to Hill on ESPN wanting to boycott Cowboys advertisers, who are basically the advertisers that pay her salary.

10-11-2017, 08:49 AM
They should be more upset about paying people to protest. NFL salaries are paid by fans. Fans = paying them to make political points.

I think many fans were already protesting with ticket sales and clickers. Then came another side to take it to the political level. Soon I think businesses will have to have some sort of marking, designating them right or left. The other side I guess can skip them or when the 'civil war' comes, they can attack?

10-11-2017, 08:59 AM
The NFL and owners are supposed to have fall meetings soon, and the anthem will be the leading topic.

I'm betting they go back to pre-2009, I think it was? And the players will go back into the locker rooms and then back out again after the anthem.

Wanna bet that even that choice pisses people off? They'll still claim the same, that the choice was taken away. :(

Black Diamond
10-11-2017, 09:11 AM
The NFL and owners are supposed to have fall meetings soon, and the anthem will be the leading topic.

I'm betting they go back to pre-2009, I think it was? And the players will go back into the locker rooms and then back out again after the anthem.

Wanna bet that even that choice pisses people off? They'll still claim the same, that the choice was taken away. :(
In regular life you give up choices to keep your job.

Also I would give up choices for $16 million per.

Abbey Marie
10-11-2017, 11:39 AM
The NFL and owners are supposed to have fall meetings soon, and the anthem will be the leading topic.

I'm betting they go back to pre-2009, I think it was? And the players will go back into the locker rooms and then back out again after the anthem.

Wanna bet that even that choice pisses people off? They'll still claim the same, that the choice was taken away. :(

Can’t link right now, but a backup QB at Albright was just tossed off the team because- the team agreed to kneel during coin toss, but stand for the anthem. He sat or kneeled during the anthem anyway. So, yeah, nothing but disrespecting the anthem willl apparently do.

10-11-2017, 12:18 PM
Can’t link right now, but a backup QB at Albright was just tossed off the team because- the team agreed to kneel during coin toss, but stand for the anthem. He sat or kneeled during the anthem anyway. So, yeah, nothing but disrespecting the anthem willl apparently do.

And a backup QB as you pointed out, as if the decision was that difficult. :rolleyes: Kneeling at another time, or any other time, apparently means bowing to folks.:dunno:

I can't think of any other time... during the game is obvious, IMO, but even a handful of players have used it as an opportunity to toss up the 'black power' symbol with their fists at times. But during the games it should not be done. It shouldn't be done during the anthem. IMO, don't ruin the game and don't disrespect the anthem/flag. ANY other time should be ok. Choosing to LISTEN and understand that folks ARE feeling insulted, whether that was their intention or not, is not bowing down to anyone.

Why kneeling at ANY time anyway? Why not figure a way to maximize exposure for their message, and get that message and/or other words across to America?

Some are saying now that they ARE maximizing and getting the whole nation talking about 'this'. But the 'this' is ALL negative. Their choice I suppose.


Albright College football team cuts backup QB for kneeling during national anthem

Albright College sophomore Gyree Durante, a backup quarterback on the football team, was dismissed from the program after he kneeled during the national anthem head of Albright's Oct. 7 game against Delaware Valley University.

Durante, who had also kneeled during the anthem before Albright's previous game, told NBC10 in Philadelphia that he was kneeling "to protest against social injustices and racism in the country."

"I was just taught you fight for what you believe in and you don't bow to anyone," Durante told NBC10. "I believe heavily in this. So I decided to fight for it."

According to a statement released by the school (http://www.albright.edu/response-to-dismissal.html), Albright's football team - at the recommendation of its 24-member team leadership council - had made a team-wide decision to kneel during the coin toss and stand during the national anthem. Albright's coaching staff was aware of the team's choice to perform this pre-game expression and supported the team's decision.

The statement from Albright reads, "This action, which was supported by the coaching staff, was created as an expression of team unity and out of the mutual respect team members have for one another and the value they place on their differences. It was established as a way to find common ground in a world with many differing views."



Abbey Marie
10-11-2017, 03:47 PM
Thank you, Jim for giving us a place to safely address all these issues. Sometimes I think I might explode with all the distasteful stuff going on.

10-11-2017, 05:45 PM
I think those same folks love liberty just as much. It's just hard to "show" that or "honor" that. Well, one honors it through the entirety of their life... but outside of that, I think it's the "honor" part that made it so important over the years, and why it may offend so many. I think this is a way to "honor" all those who have sacrificed, who are sacrificing & for what we have. I don't see any of it as worship, but more like a 'thank you' of sorts. I dunnu, hard to put into words.

And I don't necessarily think these players all want to dishonor the military or America, as much as they want to 'use' that opportunity to maximize getting their message across. But I think it's backfiring. Folks don't all need to worship, nor does anyone need to fawn or talk about or really anything positive with it if they don't want to - just also don't do anything negative. Ignore it. Respect other folks, knowing how they feel about it.

Someone can't say "well, that's stupid, this is what I mean, so you shouldn't be offended" <--- it doesn't work that way. :(Take REAL hard look at the world. Jimbob. WHAT liberty? To do what the government tells you at every turn? What do you actually do in your life that is NOT controlled by the government by one means or another? Our rules have rules.

These people "love liberty"? You mean the ones that think some people should not have freedom of speech? Or the ones that "don't believe in gun control" but control every aspect of firearm and ammo purchases? Or maybe it's the ones like BLM and/or AntiFa that think that anyone who disagrees with them should have no rights?

People have to understand what liberty is before they can begin to appreciate having any.

Black Diamond
10-11-2017, 05:48 PM
Thank you, Jim for giving us a place to safely address all these issues. Sometimes I think I might explode with all the distasteful stuff going on.
So many times I think he's the antithesis of me. :laugh:

10-11-2017, 06:05 PM
So many times I think he's the antithesis of me. :laugh:Who? Jim? Worse. He owns the board. He has to at least attempt to be the voice of reason. Doesn't always work, but he tries :laugh:.

I generally give him sh*t because he's breathing. Seems like a good starting point.

10-11-2017, 06:34 PM
Take REAL hard look at the world. Jimbob. WHAT liberty? To do what the government tells you at every turn? What do you actually do in your life that is NOT controlled by the government by one means or another? Our rules have rules.

These people "love liberty"? You mean the ones that think some people should not have freedom of speech? Or the ones that "don't believe in gun control" but control every aspect of firearm and ammo purchases? Or maybe it's the ones like BLM and/or AntiFa that think that anyone who disagrees with them should have no rights?

People have to understand what liberty is before they can begin to appreciate having any.

Gunny. We should find a way to show them what life is like without FREEDOM, LIBERTY, and RIGHTS...FOR REAL. Let them see how the rest of the World works, where nearly everybody WANTS to come to the USA because we have what they don't. LIBERTY.