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10-10-2017, 07:26 AM
White Supremacy runs things now. :rolleyes: And these knuckleheads will make it right for all of us somehow.

The worst part of all of this? They have announced and have been planning this for at minimum 3 weeks now, but likely more. Antifa gets traction finally and condemnation, but not nearly as much as they deserve. They're still out there disrupting anything they are capable of. It's just fine to hit any event you want to protest - but they want to hint any event they can and try and stop it.

Back to this subject, with little to no traction. So now this group has decided that white supremacy is what is fueling this administration and more, and they will somehow put a stop to it. WHY isn't this front and center news, on every single channel, every single night?

I think some on the left and the never Trumpers want to see him fail at times, and don't care about any disruptions that may come to those on the right. :dunno:


Communist Front Group 'Refuse Fascism' Plans Nov. 4 Revolution to Unseat Trump


A front group for the Revolutionary Communist Party USA (https://refusefascism.org/2017/07/24/why-we-have-taken-up-the-fight-to-build-refuse-fascism-and-to-drive-out-the-trumppence-fascist-regime/) has declared November 4, 2017, as the day their revolution to depose the "fascist Trump/Pence regime" begins. Soros-funded "Refuse Fascism" is calling on leftists across the nation to take to the streets and declare that the Trump presidency is "illegitimate."


Refuse Fascism was formed in the wake of the 2016 election to "resist" the incoming Trump administration and was one of the groups involved with disrupting the president's inauguration.

The antifa-linked group also helped organize the violent shutdown of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California, Berkeley last February.

Refuse Fascism announced its intention to unseat Trump through sustained protests in a press release on its website on August 6. The group warned that the protests will not stop until all of their demands are met.

The slogan for their upcoming attempted coup is: "This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!"

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/10/09/communist-front-group-refuse-fascism-plans-nov-4-revolution-unseat-trump/

Abbey Marie
10-10-2017, 07:45 AM
I believe it was the appearance of a connection with Communism that kept most of America from sympathizing with anti-Viet Nam war protestors. I predict that we will see the same reaction now. Americans will only put up with so much of this nonsense.