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10-10-2017, 08:03 AM
And they are idiots that don't think. :rolleyes:

She broke company policy for starters. But anyway, she was responding to Jerry Jones stating that 'we will respect the flag'. I had to add a few comments in red.


Liberal Twitter Goes to Bat for Suspended ESPN Host Jemele Hill

Liberals sports writers and others in the entertainment and media business, wasted no time in voicing their support for suspended anti-Trump ESPN host Jemele Hill. ESPN suspended Hill for two weeks, after she violated the company’s social media policy for the second time.

A growing list of users with verified Twitter accounts jumped to Hill’s support after she posted a series of tweets that were essentially a call to boycott the Dallas Cowboys, the richest franchise in the NFL and an incredibly important franchise to ESPN.

In short order, ESPN suspended the host and issued a statement saying the following:

Jemele Hill has been suspended for two weeks for a second violation of our social media guidelines. She previously acknowledged letting her colleagues and company down with an impulsive tweet. In the aftermath, all employees were reminded of how individual tweets may reflect negatively on ESPN and that such actions would have consequences. Hence this decision.

As the news spread, many liberals immediately jumped to Hill’s support.

Liberal sports site Deadspin, for instance, insisted there was “no good reason” to suspend the offending host:


No good reason, huh? Talking smack and telling viewers to boycott advertisers, the very advertisers that pay their bills. She broke company policy. It was her second violation breaking company policy about social media in less than a month. I'm pretty confident their suspension was for a good reason.

The Bleacher Report’s Ryan McCrystal essentially accused ESPN of protecting racists, with their suspension of Hill:


Allowing her to put ESPN in a bad light via social media was not challenging racism. Calling for a boycott of the Dallas advertisers, the advertisers for ESPN, was nothing about race. Jerry Jones not only never brought up race, he supported the players just a week before!

So did the so-called “real journalist” site the Palmer Report:


How are they siding with anyone when they are enforcing company policy? At ANY other company, on a 2nd violation, she likely would have been fired. I fail to see how ESPN's decision had anything whatsoever to do with this controversy over the anthem/flag.

CNN host Brian Stelter posted a quote from a CNN contributor who wondered how ESPN could be upset that it had hired an outspoken host.

“Doesn’t she get paid to be a strong woman with strong opinions?” asked CNN’s Brooke Baldwin.


Yes, when she is working for ESPN. Was she getting paid for sending out those tweets? I didn't think so. And it's a SPORTS channel, not a political channel.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/sports/2017/10/09/liberal-twitter-goes-suspended-espn-host-jemele-hill/

10-10-2017, 08:16 AM
Another idiot heard from. :rolleyes:

Do these idiots REALLY not see how this was bad for ESPN and bad for business? That there is no racism involved here, and no support of others, just stopping the crap she's doing? Why do they feel she or others are entitled while employed somewhere?

And odd that they suddenly forget his support of the players, and kneeling alongside his players.


Al Sharpton on Jemele Hill Suspension: ‘We Won’t Stand for This’

Rev. Al Sharpton thinks it is “outrageous” ESPN is suspending “SC6” anchor Jemele Hill over her tweets calling for a Dallas Cowboys boycott because owner Jerry Jones is requiring players to stand for the national anthem.

“First of all, Jemele Hill and anyone else has the right to express their views,” Sharpton told TMZ Sports. “To try and silence her will not silence many of us that feel what Jerry Jones has done is put the Cowboys players in a position of either I must sell my right to express my feelings, my freedom of speech, my right to protest in order to do my trade and do my business. That is, in my opinion, disrespecting what the flag is supposed to stand for.”

“We will not be shut down and we will not be suspended and we will not stand for her to be suspended,” he added.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-10-2017, 08:20 AM
She is free to speak her mind , just as she is free to face the consequences of having done so-- ON THE JOB!
Seems libs are big on punishment in on the job harassment, if it is a women complaining that-- a fellow employee or boss spoke his mind, oft even if it is just a sincere and flattering comment on her looks/beauty but now that its a woman being held responsible for her words these same hypocrites cry foul!
Standard is and always has been , that the freedom of speech may be limited on the job.
You can not just keep a job if saying any damn thing you want..
Normal people know and understand that... but not lib-losers and other morons that support them, IMHO --Tyr

10-11-2017, 06:43 PM
Another idiot heard from. :rolleyes:

Do these idiots REALLY not see how this was bad for ESPN and bad for business? That there is no racism involved here, and no support of others, just stopping the crap she's doing? Why do they feel she or others are entitled while employed somewhere?

And odd that they suddenly forget his support of the players, and kneeling alongside his players.


Al Sharpton on Jemele Hill Suspension: ‘We Won’t Stand for This’

Rev. Al Sharpton thinks it is “outrageous” ESPN is suspending “SC6” anchor Jemele Hill over her tweets calling for a Dallas Cowboys boycott because owner Jerry Jones is requiring players to stand for the national anthem.

“First of all, Jemele Hill and anyone else has the right to express their views,” Sharpton told TMZ Sports. “To try and silence her will not silence many of us that feel what Jerry Jones has done is put the Cowboys players in a position of either I must sell my right to express my feelings, my freedom of speech, my right to protest in order to do my trade and do my business. That is, in my opinion, disrespecting what the flag is supposed to stand for.”

“We will not be shut down and we will not be suspended and we will not stand for her to be suspended,” he added.

http://www.breitbart.com/video/2017/10/09/al-sharpton-jemele-hill-suspension-wont-stand/Does mean Al's going to take a knee too?

10-13-2017, 08:52 AM
Does mean Al's going to take a knee too?



10-13-2017, 09:45 AM
If any single person in this country ensures racism is alive and well it's Al Sharpton. He's made a business and gotten wealthy from keeping people divided over a red herring. His passive-aggresive bullsh*t knows no bounds. He's no different than any Islamic Mullah preaching hatred and division.

10-13-2017, 10:50 AM
