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10-10-2017, 06:50 PM
Robert E Lee High School (1958) in San Antonio has changed its name to L.E.E. (Legacy Education Elegance :rolleyes: ) High School. The name change vote failed in 2015 but passed 5-3 after the Charlottesville bullshit.

Abbey Marie
10-10-2017, 07:55 PM
Robert E Lee High School (1958) in San Antonio has changed its name to L.E.E. (Legacy Education Elegance :rolleyes: ) High School. The name change vote failed in 2015 but passed 5-3 after the Charlottesville bullshit.

That isn't a name. It's a joke.

10-10-2017, 08:34 PM
That isn't a name. It's a joke.Oh the bro's are having a fit. It still says "Lee". "Enough wasn't done!:blsmile:"

10-10-2017, 09:51 PM
".....Not happy with American history you racist trouble-makers ....Then go `back` to your Roots.......history is past history...ever evolving and improving...Me...I like it here"


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-10-2017, 10:51 PM
Oh the bro's are having a fit. It still says "Lee". "Enough wasn't done!:blsmile:"

My mother's name was, Velma -LEE- Parks Lindley,,

FFk those muthffking monkeys...
Let any one of those dishonorable worthless ffking scum, disrespect that name in front of me and I'll stomp his muthhffking ass!!
We always said--this would be what they do if we allow it...
Well now it seems we allow it and guess what it will take to stop it....
As these pieces of shit, have no clue, what decency, respect , honor and being sensible is.
I will not bow down to such ffing scum.... be it white, black, red or yellow...
Soon some of us will be forced to put an end to this runaway train these ffing dem/lib/leftist/marxist communist bastards have engineered.

Trust me on this , if they get me started they gonna regret it --like nobody has seen before... ffing maggots... ---Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-10-2017, 10:52 PM
".....Not happy with American history you racist trouble-makers ....Then go `back` to your Roots.......history is past history...ever evolving and improving...Me...I like it here"


Perfect example my friend..... just perfect...-Tyr

10-11-2017, 08:19 AM
My mother's name was, Velma -LEE- Parks Lindley,,

FFk those muthffking monkeys...
Let any one of those dishonorable worthless ffking scum, disrespect that name in front of me and I'll stomp his muthhffking ass!!
We always said--this would be what they do if we allow it...
Well now it seems we allow it and guess what it will take to stop it....
As these pieces of shit, have no clue, what decency, respect , honor and being sensible is.
I will not bow down to such ffing scum.... be it white, black, red or yellow...
Soon some of us will be forced to put an end to this runaway train these ffing dem/lib/leftist/marxist communist bastards have engineered.

Trust me on this , if they get me started they gonna regret it --like nobody has seen before... ffing maggots... ---Tyr

Excellent poetry. I think your best work!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2017, 09:05 AM
Excellent poetry. I think your best work!

What? You think that comment(not poetry) was racist?
"Monkey see monkey do" has always angered me and that has no color to it moron.
All these morons following suit to get attention by way of applauding/supporting this false narrative has to stop.....
Of course a fool like like wouldnt see that nor get angry about it --but decent folks are angry about it!
Do not confuse angry comments with poetry you imbecile..
Only a dumbass would do that ,but we all know that libs like you are such jackasses--
"Qui subveherent ex Quando triturant, debent stulti."

noun: poetry; plural noun: poetries

literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.
"he is chiefly famous for his love poetry"
synonyms: poems, verse, versification, metrical composition, rhymes, balladry; archaicpoesy
"Walt Whitman's poetry"
a quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems.
"poetry and fire are nicely balanced in the music"
something regarded as comparable to poetry in its beauty.
"the music department is housed in a building that is pure poetry"
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Definition of poetry in English:

mass noun

1Literary work in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.
‘he felt a desire to investigate through poetry the subjects of pain and death’
‘she glanced at the papers and saw some lines of poetry’
‘he is chiefly famous for his love poetry’

1.1 A quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems.
‘poetry and fire are nicely balanced in the music’

1.2 Something regarded as comparable to poetry in its beauty.
‘the music department is housed in a building which is pure poetry’


Late Middle English: from medieval Latin poetria, from Latin poeta ‘poet’. In early use the word sometimes referred to creative literature in general.
************************************************** ***********


20 Poets on the Meaning of Poetry
Books | By Alison Nastasi | September 8, 2013

We’ve been thinking about poet Meena Alexander’s incredible address to the Yale Political Union, in which she refers to Shelley’s 1821 essay, A Defence of Poetry. The English poet’s work famously stated, “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.” Alexander concludes: “The poem is an invention that exists in spite of history… In a time of violence, the task of poetry is in some way to reconcile us to our world and to allow us a measure of tenderness and grace with which to exist… Poetry’s task is to reconcile us to the world — not to accept it at face value or to assent to things that are wrong, but to reconcile one in a larger sense, to return us in love, the province of the imagination, to the scope of our mortal lives.” Other poets have attempted to interpret “what is deeply felt and is essentially unsayable.” Here are a few brief definitions of poetry by famous poets.


Percy Bysshe Shelley

There are a few more choice snippets from Shelley’s 1821 essay, A Defence of Poetry, that articulated the essence of poetry:

“Poetry is indeed something divine. It is at once the centre and circumference of knowledge; it is that which comprehends all science, and that to which all science must be referred. It is at the same time the root and blossom of all other systems of thought; it is that from which all spring, and that which adorns all; and that which, if blighted, denies the fruit and the seed, and withholds from the barren world the nourishment and the succession of the scions of the tree of life. It is the perfect and consummate surface and bloom of all things; it is as the odor and the color of the rose to the texture of the elements which compose it, as the form and splendor of unfaded beauty to the secrets of anatomy and corruption.”

“Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds.”

“Poetry, in a general sense, may be defined to be ‘the expression of the imagination’: and poetry is connate with the origin of man.”

“Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted.”

“Poetry is a sword of lightning, ever unsheathed, which consumes the scabbard that would contain it.”

“All high poetry is infinite; it is as the first acorn, which contained all oaks potentially.”

10-12-2017, 07:24 PM
I want to see ALL RACIST ORGANIZATIONS for BLACKS ONLY disbanded... every friggin' last one of them.

Let's start with this list...


10-12-2017, 09:02 PM
I'll tell you like I told someone else in private. I am not racist. I despise racism. Doesn't matter WHO is doing it. Less than 15% of the US population is allowed to control what the rest of us say and some think for fear of being labeled a racist. Seems to me I'm not the one seeking attention nor making any money off my race. Don't see me at Peter Piper's Pizza extolling the injustices whites suffer daily at the hands of the MSM driven "victims of Whitey" brigade to the clown and little kids trying to have a birthday party and don't give a damned what I think.

White guy gets shot by a cop? Big deal. He deserved it. Shouldn't have been a crook. Black guy is shot by a cop? neighborhoods are burned and looted, rocks and bottles are thrown ath police and bystanders alike. I know ... Let's protest violence and injustice by being violent and unjust. THAT'LL show 'em :rolleyes:. Then we got some assclown half-black dumbshit with a multi-million dollar salary acting like he's down with the inner city bro's at a football game. Way to pick a venue, Einstein.

Blacks and their enable are MAKING people racist with this clown show they have going the past couple of years. I feel bad for you. I have to work to eat. But because someone owned your great-great-great grandaddy that on of your "bro's" sold to slavers I owe you now.

Right. Hold your breath. I don't care what color you are. Stupid doesn't have a color. You act stupid and live up to a stereotype I WILL make fun of our sorry ass. I make fun of ME. That means you're damned sure going to get it.

So, if you want to stand on a street corner with your pants around your ass, high top sneaks not tied, A $300 NFL OR NBA jacket on and your hat on half-sideways with a brim that loos like a hub cap, got a gold tooth and a gold chain around your neck that will pull the USS Missouri and wonder why fat white cops outrun your dumb ass, YOU are making fun of you and letting the world know how stupid you are. I'm just pointing you out and laughing at you.

I'm sick of hearing the incessant fucking whining from people who think someone owes them something. Produce a former slave and and former slave owner and I'll admit the latter probably owes the former something. Otherwise, STFU.

And the longer people remain silent and afraid to just tell the fuckers to go get bent somewhere, the worse it's going to get. A very small minority controlling the gutless majority.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-13-2017, 04:33 AM
I'll tell you like I told someone else in private. I am not racist. I despise racism. Doesn't matter WHO is doing it. Less than 15% of the US population is allowed to control what the rest of us say and some think for fear of being labeled a racist. Seems to me I'm not the one seeking attention nor making any money off my race. Don't see me at Peter Piper's Pizza extolling the injustices whites suffer daily at the hands of the MSM driven "victims of Whitey" brigade to the clown and little kids trying to have a birthday party and don't give a damned what I think.

White guy gets shot by a cop? Big deal. He deserved it. Shouldn't have been a crook. Black guy is shot by a cop? neighborhoods are burned and looted, rocks and bottles are thrown ath police and bystanders alike. I know ... Let's protest violence and injustice by being violent and unjust. THAT'LL show 'em :rolleyes:. Then we got some assclown half-black dumbshit with a multi-million dollar salary acting like he's down with the inner city bro's at a football game. Way to pick a venue, Einstein.

Blacks and their enable are MAKING people racist with this clown show they have going the past couple of years. I feel bad for you. I have to work to eat. But because someone owned your great-great-great grandaddy that on of your "bro's" sold to slavers I owe you now.

Right. Hold your breath. I don't care what color you are. Stupid doesn't have a color. You act stupid and live up to a stereotype I WILL make fun of our sorry ass. I make fun of ME. That means you're damned sure going to get it.

So, if you want to stand on a street corner with your pants around your ass, high top sneaks not tied, A $300 NFL OR NBA jacket on and your hat on half-sideways with a brim that loos like a hub cap, got a gold tooth and a gold chain around your neck that will pull the USS Missouri and wonder why fat white cops outrun your dumb ass, YOU are making fun of you and letting the world know how stupid you are. I'm just pointing you out and laughing at you.

I'm sick of hearing the incessant fucking whining from people who think someone owes them something. Produce a former slave and and former slave owner and I'll admit the latter probably owes the former something. Otherwise, STFU.

And the longer people remain silent and afraid to just tell the fuckers to go get bent somewhere, the worse it's going to get. A very small minority controlling the gutless majority.

The media , the dem party and the libs have it now ,where if one dares to point out the truth, then they too are racists.
That label (racist) is the club they use to beat whitey with and to try to destroy truth,decency and people that are brave enough not to bow down to them!
I bow to no man... does not matter skin color, size, attitude, reputation, fame, wealth or disposition-- I simply do not bow!
And they ever so dearly hate any person like me....
For people like me , show them up for being the damn graven, deceitful cowards that they are!
People like me scares the hell out of them.. They have spent over 50 years ( by way of the liberal public school system) molding (destroying) primarily white boys into being subservient and fearful of the blacks.
All this while they exploit blacks for their votes-- yes blacks are on the dem party plantation and most have not a clue about that reality.
I, on the other hand have never and will never exploit a black person!
So which of us is truly racist?
Petey uttered his sarcastic accusation simply as most libs do --in attempt to shut me up--for speaking the damn truth.
And therein lays the rub--one must defeat me totally to shut me up--- nobody has ever knocked me out..
and I've been in well over a hundred fights in my life usually only my fists, brain and personal principles... .
Gunny, your post was dead on the money, and shows another man that will not bow down to this idiocy and Political Correctness weapon used by the dem party, Libs/Leftists and now the blacks --to TRY TO DESTROY TRUTH, DECENCY AND WE THAT DEFIANTLY SPEAK OUT!
I have had to fight the world my entire life for taking that stand, as has every man that has dared to take such and not waver from it....-Tyr

10-13-2017, 11:07 AM
So, if we erase all of the slave owners names, and all vestiges of the Confederacy from our history books, using the method and mentality of the current idiot activists, does this not also by default erase slavery from history? That being the case, I guess no one has anything to cry about anymore, correct?

Like I would expect today's generation of whiny-ass shit crybabies to shut the f*ck up:rolleyes: