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View Full Version : GOP senators laughed at idea of wall being built

10-11-2017, 12:46 PM
Big difference between representing your state and those people - and not liking something personally, as career politicians, and planning and preventing things before anything is even seen.

Reminds me of democrats and the "we have to pass it to see what's in it" - but now we have "we have to fail it before we know what's in it".

IMO - yank them all out and send them to unemployment. Institute new 10 year max terms. Reduce pay to a minimum, and explain that they will get together for the good of the country, and for the good of their respective states and areas. Folks should WANT to go to congress and see things accomplished, to help "their" people.

Folks like to repeat his own words in sarcasm, and often about it not being built - but "Trump's big beautiful wall" - is ALSO the people that voted for him, their desired wall as well. If that don't get such a solid grip and response during the primaries, he would have likely went another way. But people were and are sick and tired of the illegal immigration and much of the crime that comes with some of them. So the wall appeals to many. So while it is something he desires to see accomplished, there are many millions of us out here that want to see that succeed.


BOOK: GOP Senators ‘Laughed Out Loud’ at Notion Border Wall Would Get Built

During a private meeting of the most senior Republican senators, GOP leaders “laughed out loud at the idea that Trump’s border wall would ever be built.”

The explosive revelation comes from Laura Ingraham’s new book, Billionaire at the Barricades: The Populist Revolution from Reagan to Trump.

Ingraham reports that her source “was there in the room” when it happened and that the sordid episode is “a reminder that the populist movement that delivered Trump into office must remain vigilant and keep the heat on the GOP Establishment.”

The bestselling author and new Fox News primetime host argues that Republicans will pay an enormous political price if the GOP Establishment succeeds in torpedoing President Trump’s border wall.

“Mark these words: If a wall—a physical wall—is not erected along our southern border, the president and his party will pay a severe political price,” writes Ingraham. She added: “Like George Bush’s promise to ‘Read [his] lips: no new taxes,’ the promise of a border wall was a searing pledge to the American people.”

Billionaire at the Barricades also dismantles arguments against the cost of erecting the border wall.

The notion that Congress can’t find $25 billion—the higher end estimated cost of building the wall—in our nearly $4 trillion annual budget is absurd. Democrats have never met a spending or building project they didn’t like. But now all of a sudden they’re fiscal hawks? Get real. And the Establishment Republicans who cowered in the corner for eight years while Obama nearly doubled the national debt to $19 trillion dollars now expect us to believe they’re courageous penny-pinchers? Spare us.

Ingraham notes that the federal government has blown $25 billion in a single year maintaining vacant and unused buildings—the same higher end cost estimates for the border wall.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/10/11/book-gop-senators-laughed-loud-notion-border-wall-get-built/

10-11-2017, 12:58 PM
Not building that wall will wreck the GOP. They're on thin ice and blowing this chance will be the end.

Black Diamond
10-11-2017, 01:16 PM
Not building that wall will wreck the GOP. They're on thin ice and blowing this chance will be the end.
Maverick McCain may have already done that.