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View Full Version : Feinstein proves my point

10-11-2017, 01:46 PM
C'mon now, she's dang 84 years old and has been in office for 47 years. Impressive, thank you, now happy retirement while you still can.

Too long and too old, IMO. WAYYYYYYYYYYY toooooo long.


Feinstein's Re-election Bid May Spur Challenge on Her Left

Senate Democrats have largely avoided the prospect of costly and divisive primary challenges, which are bedeviling their Republican colleagues and threaten to wreak havoc for the GOP as it tries to protect a narrow majority next year. But when California's Dianne Feinstein announced this week that she would seek a sixth term, she garnered criticism from some in her party who claim the senator's liberalism doesn't sufficiently match what the moment demands.

Feinstein's re-election bid appears likely to invite challengers from the left, potentially setting up a tug of war within the party in one of the most liberal states in the union.

Critics of the 84-year-old senator argue she has grown out of touch with the political shifts in California and within the party, and that she should make way to allow other Democrats to climb the political ladder.

"After 47 years in elected office and 25 years in the Senate, she continues to cling to office as a voice for the status quo," said freshman Rep. Ro Khanna, who won his Silicon Valley area district by defeating the Democratic incumbent there. Other state Democrats have weighed in on the broader concern of party leadership. Last week, Rep. Linda Sanchez, referring to colleague Nancy Pelosi, said it's time to pass the torch to a new generation in the party.

"There are a half-dozen aspiring California Democrats who went to bed last night screaming in their pillows," says Bill Whalen, a fellow at the Hoover Institution in Palo Alto. "These jobs don't come up very often."

Rest - https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2017/10/11/feinsteins_re-election_bid_may_spur_challenge_on_her_left_135233 .html

Black Diamond
10-11-2017, 01:48 PM
Take McCain with you.

10-11-2017, 03:34 PM
No, Feinstein and Pelosi should continue to feverishly cling to power until the bitter end. This is great for us.

The befuddled old fools have played an important part in the devastation of the democrats and there's a bitter civil war about to be fought by the socialists. The Bernie thing is still smoldering and 2018 will see fireworks with 2020 outright hostilities and fracturing.

Black Diamond
10-11-2017, 04:18 PM
No, Feinstein and Pelosi should continue to feverishly cling to power until the bitter end. This is great for us.

The befuddled old fools have played an important part in the devastation of the democrats and there's a bitter civil war about to be fought by the socialists. The Bernie thing is still smoldering and 2018 will see fireworks with 2020 outright hostilities and fracturing.
Music to my ears.

10-11-2017, 05:30 PM
C'mon now, she's dang 84 years old and has been in office for 47 years. Impressive, thank you, now happy retirement while you still can.

Too long and too old, IMO. WAYYYYYYYYYYY toooooo long.


Feinstein's Re-election Bid May Spur Challenge on Her Left

Senate Democrats have largely avoided the prospect of costly and divisive primary challenges, which are bedeviling their Republican colleagues and threaten to wreak havoc for the GOP as it tries to protect a narrow majority next year. But when California's Dianne Feinstein announced this week that she would seek a sixth term, she garnered criticism from some in her party who claim the senator's liberalism doesn't sufficiently match what the moment demands.

Feinstein's re-election bid appears likely to invite challengers from the left, potentially setting up a tug of war within the party in one of the most liberal states in the union.

Critics of the 84-year-old senator argue she has grown out of touch with the political shifts in California and within the party, and that she should make way to allow other Democrats to climb the political ladder.

"After 47 years in elected office and 25 years in the Senate, she continues to cling to office as a voice for the status quo," said freshman Rep. Ro Khanna, who won his Silicon Valley area district by defeating the Democratic incumbent there. Other state Democrats have weighed in on the broader concern of party leadership. Last week, Rep. Linda Sanchez, referring to colleague Nancy Pelosi, said it's time to pass the torch to a new generation in the party.

"There are a half-dozen aspiring California Democrats who went to bed last night screaming in their pillows," says Bill Whalen, a fellow at the Hoover Institution in Palo Alto. "These jobs don't come up very often."

Rest - https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2017/10/11/feinsteins_re-election_bid_may_spur_challenge_on_her_left_135233 .htmlMight want to re-think your strategy. I recall when Feinstein was considered a leftwing fruit loop progressive. SHe hand I had words, in person, as a matter of fact. What happens when you use the SSgt as a fill-in for the female Major at meetings in the Pentagon whenever said Major was out proving her manhood running triathlons.

HOWEVER, compared to what the left has been turning out lately, she seems rather tame. That's the only reason the Dem's want her to retire. She's not Maxine Waters enough for them anymore.

I think I'd prefer she have another turn than one more Dem seat filled with one of these current day morons that call themselves "liberal".