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View Full Version : I Think Obama's Iran Deal Just Got Killed

10-13-2017, 12:14 PM
Man. that was harsh. I don't think Pres Trump left out anyone concerned in slapping Iran and most particularly the Revolutionary Guard right upside the head. He's refusing to certify Iran.

If Congress cannot fix what he calls the flaws in the deal, then he (Trump) will terminate the deal in its entirety. Wasn't that a deal between Obama and Iran and not the US and Iran?

10-13-2017, 01:53 PM
Man. that was harsh. I don't think Pres Trump left out anyone concerned in slapping Iran and most particularly the Revolutionary Guard right upside the head. He's refusing to certify Iran.

If Congress cannot fix what he calls the flaws in the deal, then he (Trump) will terminate the deal in its entirety. Wasn't that a deal between Obama and Iran and not the US and Iran?

Yes...that is correct....



*​Obama...one stupid jive-talkin muslim turkey...
