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10-16-2017, 01:01 PM
Triggering? There are some seriously sad and weak folks in our country. If they truly get "triggered" by something like this, then they need a little psychiatric help. And they could be problematic? Why? Someone going to assault me if I go to a party wearing "the wall" costume? Tolerant bastards.

I wish I had somewhere to go, so I could order the wall costume, but no parties for me. And I wish there were somewhere where I knew antifa scumbags would be, as I would gladly allow them to see me in my halloween costume.


The Five Most Triggering Halloween Costumes of 2017

As the days get shorter and cooler, a familiar pre-Halloween ritual is swinging into high gear. Of course I'm talking about the spasms of faux outrage and virtue-signalling over Halloween costumes we are seeing as the big day draws near.

Business Insider has a list of fourteen costumes "you shouldn't wear this year" because some common Halloween costumes can be "problematic."

As a public service, I've whittled the number down to the top five politically incorrect costumes you should avoid this year if you don't want to trigger outrage, emotional meltdowns, and even fisticuffs on Halloween.

Hobo costume:


Insensitive and misogynistic, people. "You wouldn't make fun of a homeless person on the street," Business Insider scolds. " Homelessness is a serious issue ..."

Men's Arab Sheik Costume:

Whoopsie. This costume "draws on false stereotypes of Middle Eastern culture," Business Insider warns. "It's harmful to reinforce negative and misconceived notions about a region, religion, or group of people." Oddly enough, the tweet from ArabTV didn't seem to have a problem with it.

Native Princess Costume:


Um, hello? I think we all know better than to culturally appropriate from indigenous cultures.

Walmart Canada has pulled a bunch of these costumes from its stores and is "revisiting" its cultural sensitivity guidelines.

Inflatable Fat Ballerina:


Come on, people, it's 2017. "Try to avoid costumes that could be interpreted as body-shaming, like this one from Target," Business Insider chastises.

The Wall:


This one is triggering extreme liberal meltdowns on Twitter even though the costume may just be a reference to Pink Floyd’s "The Wall" album cover.

“Really @PartyCity? A 'Build The Wall' costume?” wrote one Twitter user.

“This isn’t about being politically correct, it’s about being decent [sic] human beings!!!!!” said another.

"If cultural appropriation on Halloween isn't for you, here's a directly racist costume straight from Party City," another upset liberal wrote.

It even has antifa types riled up: “If I see anyone wearing a 'The Wall' costume, fair warning, you’re getting punched. Like hard,” the enraged snowflake fumed.

See what I mean?

Be careful out there, folks. Halloween can be very scary -- especially if you're wearing a costume that triggers liberals.


10-16-2017, 03:13 PM
Troubling times? They pulled "To Kill a Mockingbird" out of a school in the NE because it language was "unsettling at times". Doh! H-e-l-l-o-o-o ... It's SUPPOSED TO BE unsettling, dimwits.

Another classic bites the dust at the hands of PC and black crybabies.

10-16-2017, 03:19 PM
<img src="https://images.asadart.com/sources/com/halloweenexpress/images/imagecache/369-375-FM77392.jpg">

<img src="https://sa.kapamilya.com/absnews/abscbnnews/media/2016/lifestyle2/10/21/pnp/obama-killerclown.jpg">

10-16-2017, 03:21 PM
I'm going as a black NFL player. Blackface, shoulder pads, jersey, helmet, and pink panties.

10-16-2017, 03:26 PM
I'm going as a black NFL player. Blackface, shoulder pads, jersey, helmet, and pink panties.

We can go together Gunny...

Black Diamond
10-16-2017, 04:00 PM
Harvey Weinstein?

10-16-2017, 04:56 PM
I'm going as a black NFL player. Blackface, shoulder pads, jersey, helmet, and pink panties.
Don't forget to kneel if you see an American flag...

Black Diamond
10-16-2017, 04:59 PM
Don't forget to kneel if you see an American flag...
Have to find a way to be kneeling the entire holiday.

10-16-2017, 05:30 PM
Have to find a way to be kneeling the entire holiday.My dog lucky can tow me on a creeper. H'es half horse anyway. Can't guarantee anything concerning direction though :laugh:

10-16-2017, 05:30 PM
Have to find a way to be kneeling the entire holiday.
Maybe break your collar bone like Rodgers did. He'll have plenty of time to lock arms or kneel or whatever now.

10-19-2017, 06:32 PM
hmm , Yeah i have to wonder, if a few kids came to some of you guys door dress as Kapernick etc, kneeling and playing the anthem on their phones, somehow
I suspect that few of you guys would think it was cute. and might in fact be "triggered"

Or how about someone at a party wearing and American flag that looks like it's on fire.
or wearing a Trump mask with KKK robes.
Or how about someone dressed as a Cop with several bullet holes?

I suspect that might "trigger" some on the right.
I'm not saying that the left Isn't OVER sensitive. But the right has soft spots too, areas where they feel people have crossed the line.

10-19-2017, 06:39 PM
hmm , Yeah i have to wonder, if a few kids came to some of you guys door dress as Kapernick etc, kneeling and playing the anthem on their phones, somehow
I suspect that few of you guys would think it was cute. and might in fact be "triggered"

Or how about someone at a party wearing and American flag that looks like it's on fire.
or wearing a Trump mask with KKK robes.
Or how about someone dressed as a Cop with several bullet holes?

I suspect that might "trigger" some on the right.
I'm not saying that the left Isn't OVER sensitive. But the right has soft spots too, areas where they feel people have crossed the line.That one's TOO easy, I don't answer the door anyway :laugh:

When high schoolers started showing up with pillow cases Halloween was a done deal here. I don't know what the daughter does. She and the rugrats go out Trick or Treating somewhere, I think. Probably on Base where it's safe.

Edit: OH btw revelarts I CAN put on my full uniform and be a Marine Gunnery Sergeant if the "Kaepernicks'" want to drop by

10-19-2017, 06:54 PM
hmm , Yeah i have to wonder, if a few kids came to some of you guys door dress as Kapernick etc, kneeling and playing the anthem on their phones, somehow
I suspect that few of you guys would think it was cute. and might in fact be "triggered"

I think we see 2 different definitions of what this triggering is all about. If me - I would toss a Snickers bar in the kids bag, call him a little beanhead and wish him a happy halloween and shut the door. It would make me laugh actually. Trigger? Hardly

Or how about someone at a party wearing and American flag that looks like it's on fire.

Do you think trigger only means trigger a response in general? Lefties are getting violent, screaming people down, needing safe spaces... If this is only a depiction, only appears that it's on fire, and it's a halloween party - I still think it's a retarded costume, and may even tell that person as much, and then I'll down my next shot!

or wearing a Trump mask with KKK robes.

Another retarded costume, but I can see it. Never understood the retarded political costumes. I would just ignore a dummy like this, and probably have another shot. :)

Or how about someone dressed as a Cop with several bullet holes?

I would turn the music up REAL loud on the homeowner's stereo and hope the neighbor calls in a noise complaint, and have him answer the door. :) :) I honestly wouldn't give a crap about the costume.

I suspect that might "trigger" some on the right.

I can't think of many "costumes" that would trigger something in me like it's been doing to the left with many events/words/costumes. Maybe something making fun of someone recently deceased and someone in the party knows the deceased? Would never see that probably, but who knows. I'm sure there's something I'm not thinking of, but it's sure as shit nothing lame like the things in the article I posted.

I'm not saying that the left Isn't OVER sensitive. But the right has soft spots too, areas where they feel people have crossed the line.

I agree in general. I may be a little weirder than others, a little more morbid, making me a little more understanding of Halloween stuff. I see it as all in good fun, even if some purposely try to be mean spirited about it.