View Full Version : Putin Comments on Respecting Trump

10-20-2017, 07:41 PM

Worth watch. Less than a minute. He makes some good points about Trump being stopped.

10-20-2017, 07:44 PM

Worth watch. Less than a minute. He makes some good points about Trump being stopped.

Even Putin easily sees what's going on from across Palin's back yard. :) Seriously though, that's how obvious some things are.

10-20-2017, 07:46 PM
Even Putin easily sees what's going on from across Palin's back yard. :) Seriously though, that's how obvious some things are.The funnier ones are Trump on Hitlery. If you let that video continue to play, I believe they're next up.

10-20-2017, 08:42 PM
Even Putin easily sees what's going on from across Palin's back yard. :) Seriously though, that's how obvious some things are.While that is true enough, he could spend less time shooting himself in the foot. I know he thinks he's cute or smart or something, but he's really helping others justify not supporting him at the least and the Demwits who who hate him at worst.

Look at the thread you posted earlier. They thought it was Sanders' plan and were okay with it. The second they found out it was Trump's, they were "surprised" (more like looking around for a camera and embarrassed). The idea is to get the job done, not show boat.

Putin was pretty straight-forward about the Congress, Dems in General and/or MSM obstructing everything he tries to do though.

Black Diamond
10-20-2017, 11:06 PM
While that is true enough, he could spend less time shooting himself in the foot. I know he thinks he's cute or smart or something, but he's really helping others justify not supporting him at the least and the Demwits who who hate him at worst.

Look at the thread you posted earlier. They thought it was Sanders' plan and were okay with it. The second they found out it was Trump's, they were "surprised" (more like looking around for a camera and embarrassed). The idea is to get the job done, not show boat.

Putin was pretty straight-forward about the Congress, Dems in General and/or MSM obstructing everything he tries to do though.
If Donald can bait the left the way he baited the NFL he is unstoppable.

10-21-2017, 01:07 PM

Worth watch. Less than a minute. He makes some good points about Trump being stopped.

SO Putin basically says. "Respect the Office If not the man."
like the military Salute the uniform... right?

so Trump can be horrifically craptastic in many ways but we still should be respectful.
I've got no problem with that.

Putin also says that it's Not all Trump's fault that HE's NOT GETTING HIS POLICIES DONE.
it's it's the "political system" and "the courts" that are BLOCKING Trump.
sad thing is Trump told us all that he was this MASTER DEAL maker and COULD get it all done "BELEIVE ME".
Stuff would happen so fast heads would be spinning. "BELEIVE ME".
So is it that He can't REALLY make deals with anyone even those in his own party, or is it maybe that he didn't know what he was talking about, or maybe he never intended to get some of that stuff done. ( or maybe he's FLIPPED on some of what he said)
Because Blaming the "political system" is OFF the table because Trump is a MASTER DEAL MAKER.
or maybe he's NOT. And Our political system is not a dictatorship like Russias so the president isn't all-powerful... yet. you folks still think that's a good thing right?

10-21-2017, 01:19 PM
Putin also says that it's Not all Trump's fault that HE's NOT GETTING HIS POLICIES DONE.
it's it's the "political system" and "the courts" that are BLOCKING Trump.

I snipped the rest. But this part is a FACT, and the democrats stated before day one that they would try to do exactly that, and have tried almost every step of the way. If a group of people decide they are going to vote against something, before they even have a chance to read anything, I would say that it's the "political system" partly responsible for some things not getting done.

And while not a lot, there have been instances where the courts have blocked something Trump tried to do.

And then we have had some R's that have also, IMO anyway, voted against something like healthcare, because of the fact it was Trump. That's truly what I believe about McCain and the healthcare bill. Just one thing to point out for that example, and it's a big one!!

So while not nearly everything, those comments regarding things being blocked, it wouldn't have me roll my eyes. It would make me wonder, and come to the same conclusion I have on some things. Perhaps not for everyone, and not everyone sees such things, or don't want to. Similar to other "good things" that have been accomplished by him and or even republicans in general at times.

I don't think you "hate" Rev, I don't think it's who you are. But there is a LOT of hate in our country since Trump won the election. :(

10-21-2017, 01:22 PM
SO Putin basically says. "Respect the Office If not the man."
like the military Salute the uniform... right?

so Trump can be horrifically craptastic in many ways but we still should be respectful.
I've got no problem with that.

Putin also says that it's Not all Trump's fault that HE's NOT GETTING HIS POLICIES DONE.
it's it's the "political system" and "the courts" that are BLOCKING Trump.
sad thing is Trump told us all that he was this MASTER DEAL maker and COULD get it all done "BELEIVE ME".
Stuff would happen so fast heads would be spinning. "BELEIVE ME".
So is it that He can't REALLY make deals with anyone even those in his own party, or is it maybe that he didn't know what he was talking about, or maybe he never intended to get some of that stuff done. ( or maybe he's FLIPPED on some of what he said)
Because Blaming the "political system" is OFF the table because Trump is a MASTER DEAL MAKER.
or maybe he's NOT. And Our political system is not a dictatorship like Russias so the president isn't all-powerful... yet. you folks still think that's a good thing right?

As I kinda pointed out already, folks like yourself want to act like everything Trump is a disaster and everything he stated was a lie or will never happen. This ignores every positive that happens, which has been a lot of stuff. Ignored continually. How can one come to conclusions about Trump when obviously they are only paying attention to one portion? Or when they want to not see certain portions? :)

Black Diamond
10-21-2017, 01:26 PM
I don't get why someone rolls their eyes at the comment the system has to some extent stopped trump. If not the system then what ? Trump isn't King. He could have threatened to put ice picks in mccains balls. Maybe it's trumps fault for not doing something like that. The best deal maker of all time can't get through mccains hurt pride.
Also trump has gotten a lot done. And he isn't finished yet. He has seven more years.

Black Diamond
10-21-2017, 01:27 PM
As I kinda pointed out already, folks like yourself want to act like everything Trump is a disaster and everything he stated was a lie or will never happen. This ignores every positive that happens, which has been a lot of stuff. Ignored continually. How can one come to conclusions about Trump when obviously they are only paying attention to one portion? Or when they want to not see certain portions? :)
Every presidency has been a disaster. Ron Paul will never be president.

10-21-2017, 02:16 PM
I snipped the rest. But this part is a FACT, and the democrats stated before day one that they would try to do exactly that, and have tried almost every step of the way. If a group of people decide they are going to vote against something, before they even have a chance to read anything, I would say that it's the "political system" partly responsible for some things not getting done.

And while not a lot, there have been instances where the courts have blocked something Trump tried to do.

And then we have had some R's that have also, IMO anyway, voted against something like healthcare, because of the fact it was Trump. That's truly what I believe about McCain and the healthcare bill. Just one thing to point out for that example, and it's a big one!!

So while not nearly everything, those comments regarding things being blocked, it wouldn't have me roll my eyes. It would make me wonder, and come to the same conclusion I have on some things. Perhaps not for everyone, and not everyone sees such things, or don't want to. Similar to other "good things" that have been accomplished by him and or even republicans in general at times.

I don't think you "hate" Rev, I don't think it's who you are. But there is a LOT of hate in our country since Trump won the election. :(
Why'd you SNIP and leave OFF the reason the EYEROLL icon is there in the 1st place.

Trump told us all that HE WOULD get everything done and FAST BECAUSE he's "the best" DEAL MAKER.
He didn't say that he'd get things done "as longs as the left, the courts and John McCain and other Republicans and the fake news media LET him Jim.

If you want people to be honest about what Trump does good at least be honest about what Trump said he'd do and ALL the ways he's failed to do so.
Let Trump man up and accept at least some responsibility for a change. And not JUST blame OTHERS for his shortcomings, missteps and ineffectiveness.

And let's be real Jim, some congress people on the right explicitly stated that they'd block some things from Obama ... practically Just BECAUSE it was from Obama. They shut down congress a couple of times, let the money run out they were so determined to block some of his stuff.
And I agreed with some of that Blocking. BUt simply Blocking because it's "OBAMAAAA's!" is just as stupid as Blocking because it's "TRUUUMP's !"

For you to be so concerned about fairness and simply wanting others to look at regs, policies and legislation in a purely rational way without adding any negative connotations to it because of WHO has proposed it, doesn't come across as very sincere on your, or at least many people's on the rights, part.

And Please stop lumping me in with those that have NOTHING good to say about Trump. It's lazy of you man. You already KNOW for a fact that that's not who i am. stop trying to demonize all those that aren't on the Trump train.
C'mon Jim, i'm sorry gabby or some other left wing person isn't on the board who fits your negative leftist profile but please stop using me as a surrogate for your complaints about the blind of the left who never give Trump a break. I'm not in that Group.

My Complaints are Constitutional, conservative/libertarian and morally based... mostly.
As are my compliments.

Give me a thread with a list of things that Trump's done that fit the above and I'll be there THANKING and liking those post.
but it doesn't mean I'll NOT complain if he does the opposite.
I'm not looking for a personality to heap PRAISE or Complaints onto Jim, but a Cheif Executive that follows his oath. and does his job well.

Black Diamond
10-21-2017, 02:20 PM
Why'd you SNIP and leave OFF the reason EYEROLL icon there in the 1st place.

Trump told us all that HE WOULD get everything done and FAST BECAUSE he's "the best" DEAL MAKER.
He didn't say that he'd get things done "as longs as the left, the courts and John McCain and other Republicans and the fake news media LET him Jim.

If you want people to be honest about what Trump does good at least be honest about what Trump said he'd do and ALL the ways he's failed to do so.
Let Trump man up and accept at least some responsibility for a change. And not JUST blame OTHERS for his shortcomings, missteps and ineffectiveness.

And let's be real Jim, some congress people on the right explicitly stated that they'd block some things from Obama ... practically Just BECAUSE it was from Obama. They shut down congress a couple of times, let the money run out they were so determined to block some of his stuff.
And I agreed with some of that Blocking. BUt simply Blocking because "OBAMAAAA!" is just as stupid as Blocking "TRUUUMP!"

For you to be so concerned about fairness and simply looking a regs, policies and legislation in a purely rational way without adding any negative connotations to it because of WHO has proposed it, doesn't come across as very sincere on your, or at least many people's on the rights, part.

And Please stop lumping me in with those that have NOTHING good to say about Trump. It's lazy of you man. You already KNOW for a fact that that's not who i am. stop trying to demonize all those that aren't on the Trump train.
C'mon Jim, sorry I'm gabby or some other left wing person isn't on the board who fits your negative leftist profile but please stop using me as a surrogate for your complaints about the blind of the left who never give Trump a break. I'm not in that Group.

My Complaints are Constitutional, conservative/libertarian and morally based... mostly.
As are my compliments.

Give me a thread with a list of things that Trump's done that fit the above and I'll be there THANKING and liking those post.
but it doesn't mean I'll NOT complain if he does the opposite.
I'm not looking for a personality to heap PRAISE or Complaints onto Jim, but a Cheif Executive that follows his oath. and does his job well.
I agree he should have threatened mccains short life. Pull out all the stops. Make the 9th circuit judge and McCain offers they can't refuse. Back up what you say or go home.

10-21-2017, 03:44 PM
And Please stop lumping me in with those that have NOTHING good to say about Trump. It's lazy of you man.

I've opened tons and tons and tons of threads about things that have been accomplished by Trump. Would you like me to go back, link to all of them, and compare to how many of them you chimed in and showed any support for his accomplishments? Because I can confidently say right now before I would even begin a search, that those time would be extremely extremely rare.

I'm not saying that you have never said anything good about him at all. What I am saying, is that if folks are going to point out every last negative thing that Trump does, then they should acknowledge when he does positive things as well. But some pay little attention to those positive things, his accomplishments.

Am I wrong in my assessment in your attention paid to his negative things versus positive things? And that I'm not exaggerating when I state extremely minimal acknowledgement has been made in the accomplishment threads? That's not lazy in the slightest bit. I'm happy to research like the past 100 threads, for example, for comparison sake.

Black Diamond
10-21-2017, 03:53 PM
I wonder. Was it Ronald Reagans fault Robert Bork didn't become Supreme Court justice ?

10-21-2017, 06:11 PM
I've opened tons and tons and tons of threads about things that have been accomplished by Trump. Would you like me to go back, link to all of them, and compare to how many of them you chimed in and showed any support for his accomplishments? Because I can confidently say right now before I would even begin a search, that those time would be extremely extremely rare.

I'm not saying that you have never said anything good about him at all. What I am saying, is that if folks are going to point out every last negative thing that Trump does, then they should acknowledge when he does positive things as well. But some pay little attention to those positive things, his accomplishments.

Am I wrong in my assessment in your attention paid to his negative things versus positive things? And that I'm not exaggerating when I state extremely minimal acknowledgement has been made in the accomplishment threads? That's not lazy in the slightest bit. I'm happy to research like the past 100 threads, for example, for comparison sake.

"My Complaints are Constitutional, conservative/libertarian and morally based... mostly.
As are my compliments."

I suspect that you'll find that I haven't chimed in on many of the Trump Threads positive or negative since his election AT ALL Jim.
If you notice I'm not posting in most threads that much anymore.

And when my comments may have been longer it's been in those threads with complaints about Trump's UnConstitutional, unconservative/unlibertarian or lack of moral actions of some severity. And even the length of my replies probably have more to do with the push back against my points from some folks here.

But OK jim, fine, You say there are "tons and tons and tons of threads about things that have been accomplished by Trump". Again i have to stress Constitutional, conservative/libertarian and morally based actions are what i'm talking about.

SO yes please stop lumping me in with, or linking me too the group you're now calling
".."'folks' are going to point out every last negative thing that Trump does, then they should acknowledge when he does positive things as well."

If i were to point out EVERY LAST thing Trump did negative I would be posting new threads every other day (half would be useless stupid tweets).
If i were posting the positive things he's done... what?... maybe once or twice a month... a quarter? After that mixed bag of Executive orders from the 1st hundred days.

So please Again Find another target on DP to complain about who "ONLY" post about Trump's negatives and NEVER acknowledge his FEW positives.

I'm still waiting for most here to acknowledge a few positives from Obama's 8 years.
Can you give me a few POSITIVE OBAMA threads or even a compliment or ONE solid acknowledgment of something good he did and how fair you are? Then I might take your repeated complaints about me and OTHERS not being fair and ONLY being negative ALL the TIME a bit more seriously.

So yes Jim please start a thread that List all, or many, of the accomplishments of Trump. And SEE how i react rather than assume my horrible anti-Trump intent. That's a FAIR request isn't it? Honestly, i'm sure I never saw most of the TONS of threads about Trump's accomplishments on DP. And right now If i look at the most CURRENT threads there's nothing there about his accomplishments, and i have to go back a few pages deep in "USA Political Discussion" category before i hit one to 2 items about Trump's accomplishments. so Yes post them up Jim.
Oh and yes Go back into my post record and see how many Trump threads i've posted over the past 3 - 6 months, and list the anti-Trump threads i've been in jim. If you can count over 4 i'll be shocked.

10-21-2017, 06:23 PM
But OK jim, fine, You say there are "[/COLOR]tons and tons and tons of threads about things that have been accomplished by Trump". Again i have to stress Constitutional, conservative/libertarian and morally based actions are what i'm talking about.

SO yes please stop lumping me in with, or linking me too the group you're now calling
".."'folks' are going to point out every last negative thing that Trump does, then they should acknowledge when he does positive things as well."

If i were to point out EVERY LAST thing Trump did negative I would be posting new threads every other day (half would be useless stupid tweets).
If i were posting the positive things he's done... what?... maybe once or twice a month... a quarter? After that mixed bag of Executive orders from the 1st hundred days.

So please Again Find another target on DP to complain about who "ONLY" post about Trump's negatives and NEVER acknowledge his FEW positives.

YOU are the one I am complaining about, because you are the one of those I find in the threads often against him, and very rarely if ever in the threads positive for him. I'm not speaking of you starting threads of either. I was actually more thinking along the lined of the threads that I myself have started. Your comment about him only doing something once/twice a month or per quarter, shows exactly what I mean. I've posted many, many threads on positive things, so it's obviously more than that, but I suppose it's all you see.

And you WILL be lumped in with others when I see postings as such, sorry if the facts don't suit what you would prefer stated about you.

If you say that you really only ever complain about "Constitutional, conservative/libertarian and morally based actions", then so be it, there's a lot less to complain about. (even though I believe you complained about more than just that). It doesn't matter, my entire point still stands.

I fully expect that folks against Trump to likely not stand in and reply and support him positively as much as they are willing to bash him when he does something wrong. But at least accept it when pointed out. I would imagine that any threads posted in support of Hillary or Sanders, one would either find me debating it, or ignoring some. I admit it.

10-21-2017, 06:29 PM
Btw, Rev... this went off tangent, and I don't want to debate/discuss past crap. I made a statement, a point I wanted to make. If you don't like hearing it, so be it. That's how I see a lot behind politics right now. Anyway, moving on.

10-21-2017, 06:40 PM
sorry if i don't agree with you that Trump is doing an overall GREAT JOB Jim.
And that you think only supportive comments are proper.
and that in your mind that those who make MORE negative comments, means that they get lumped in with those than NEVER have anything to say positive.
That doesn't really seem fair or like someone who really cares about "THE FACTS". Seems more like someone who just can't stand any criticism of his leader.

So we'll just have to disagree then.
ANd I do think that there are MORE negatives to Trumps actions and words than positives. that's a fact.
But I don't think it's ALL negative. and I think Hillary would have been worse... at least up to this point in time.
but I'm getting the picture that 20% praise to 60% of complaints to you is the SAME as ZERO praise.

"You're either for me or against me", black and white thinking, Ok fine, Some people don't like being nuanced and accurate. It is much easier to broad brush people. and lump others into an "enemy" camp.

10-21-2017, 07:34 PM
sorry if i don't agree with you that Trump is doing an overall GREAT JOB Jim.

I don't expect you to agree about anything overall. That's not what I was pointing out. Nothing like that at all.

And that you think only supportive comments are proper.

I never said that at all. So here we are and you're going to misquote and make things up again?

and that in your mind that those who make MORE negative comments, means that they get lumped in with those than NEVER have anything to say positive.

Misquote and make things up again? It's not a contest. I made a point about some that like to point out all the time negative things about him, but don't want to say anything when things about his accomplishments are posted.

That doesn't really seem fair or like someone who really cares about "THE FACTS". Seems more like someone who just can't stand any criticism of his leader.

Yes, because AGAIN you MAKE SHIT UP, and then debate yourself over this made up shit! I'm happy to debate the negative things, but more than likely, I'd prefer to just point them out and hope he does better. I like to post his accomplishments to show that not all is gloom and doom.

And "his leader", speaking like a true dickhead. I can stand the criticism, and even give it and not give a crap. It's you that sees things one way, just like you do with every single race and black issue.

So we'll just have to disagree then.
ANd I do think that there are MORE negatives to Trumps actions and words than positives. that's a fact.

Your opinion isn't fact, dipshit make up artist. I personally think there are more positives, but acknowledge that's my POV. I don't pretend to think my opinion is fact.

But I don't think it's ALL negative. and I think Hillary would have been worse... at least up to this point in time.
but I'm getting the picture that 20% praise to 60% of complaints to you is the SAME as ZERO praise.

You and your getting the picture literally suck ass. You like to THINK you know what you know, and you have made up quotes and make up things people have apparently said for years. How about folks think for themselves? And when not, you FUCKING ACTUALLY QUOTE PEOPLE AND LET THEIR WORDS DO THE TALKING - instead of you always slanting things, downright making shit up, misquoting - again and again and again, no matter how many times pointed out.

"You're either for me or against me", black and white thinking, Ok fine, Some people don't like being nuanced and accurate. It is much easier to broad brush people. and lump others into an "enemy" camp.

What a bunch of bullshit. How about continue forward happily when you see something he does wrong, and acknowledge if/when something is accomplished? That's not "for or against" bullshit you are claiming. THAT is fair and accurate. You brush yourself, with the 'lying brush' you like to use. And I have no "enemy camp" asswipe, my only enemy are fucking idiots that make up things I supposedly said, over and fucking over and over, even knowing we have had this issue endless times.

You would think, that you would at least say to yourself when posting something "I'm making it appear that Jim said this or is taking this stance - before I hit the submit button, did Jim really say this shit or take such a stance?"

And the majority of the time when posting back and forth with me, the answer to your question would be "No he did dang diddly did fucking not".

10-21-2017, 08:06 PM
ANd I do think that there are MORE negatives to Trumps actions and words than positives. that's a fact.

that is to say, THAT'S THE FACT of what I think. seems pretty clear.

YOU are the one I am complaining about, because you are the one of those I find in the threads often against him, and very rarely if ever in the threads positive for him. ..And you WILL be lumped in with others when I see postings as such, ...

..and that in your mind that those who make MORE negative comments, means that they get lumped in with those than NEVER have anything to say positive.
revelarts = "That doesn't really seem fair or like someone who really cares about "THE FACTS". Seems more like someone who just can't stand any criticism of his leader."
Jimnyc = "And "his leader", speaking like a true dickhead."

so he's not your leader, OK.
Jimnyc = "I can stand the criticism.."

Doesn't look like it.

10-22-2017, 08:20 AM
Jimnyc = "I can stand the criticism.."

Doesn't look like it.

I can stand criticism, but what I have an issue with is someone who repeatedly makes things up about the other person and places words in their mouth. You do this NON STOP. You've been told about this like 50x already and yet you continue to do it.

"I will continue to make things up so long as Trump is in office"

When you wrote things like that I didn't think you were serious.

Or when you spoke of "I didn't speak up when Obama did it purposely...." -- I believe you 100% and understand why :rolleyes:

10-22-2017, 08:46 AM
Everything I put quotes around you wrote.
If you have a problem with it being quoted then don't write it Jim.

10-22-2017, 08:56 AM
Everything I put quotes around you wrote.
If you have a problem with it being quoted then don't write it Jim.

Are you seriously this retarded?

Yeah, you may place YOUR own quotes around MISQUOTES - how about you just actually quote the actual posts I made? Instead of just placing quotes and my name around what YOU wront?

I have a problem with you MAKING SHIT UP.

And if you continue, I won't quote you anymore either like I did above, I'll just do as your doing, and miss by a mile and a half with misquotes.

You are NOT quoting what folks write - you are apparently guessing. Are you unable to copy/paste or use the quote function properly? Unbelievable, and then blame me when you can't figure it out. :rolleyes:

Reminds me of that time when you said "I'll always side against Trump, no matter what, even when unconstitutional, I don't care. I just hate him. Whatever it takes, even if I have to lie like Maxine Waters, whatever will work"

Try using the QUOTE BUTTON, and I will too.

10-22-2017, 09:02 AM
Are you seriously this retarded?
Yeah, you may place YOUR own quotes around MISQUOTES - how about you just actually quote the actual posts I made? Instead of just placing quotes and my name around what YOU wront?
I have a problem with you MAKING SHIT UP.
And if you continue, I won't quote you anymore either like I did above, I'll just do as your doing, and miss by a mile and a half with misquotes.
You are NOT quoting what folks write - you are apparently guessing. Are you unable to copy/paste or use the quote function properly? Unbelievable, and then blame me when you can't figure it out. :rolleyes:
Reminds me of that time when you said "I'll always side against Trump, no matter what, even when unconstitutional, I don't care. I just hate him. Whatever it takes, even if I have to lie like Maxine Waters, whatever will work"
Try using the QUOTE BUTTON, and I will too.

Do me a Favor, show me ONE place in this thread where i put in quotes words that you did not write Jim.

10-22-2017, 09:06 AM
Do me a Favor, show me ONE place in this thread where i put in quotes words that you did not write Jim.

Seriously? LOL You truly don't even see it.

This ONE was quick

And that you think only supportive comments are proper.

There - JUST MADE UP SHIT, never said, you just made it up. All I EVER said was that I thought that folks who jumped on him for every negative thing he does, would also acknowledge when he does something positive.

10-22-2017, 09:07 AM
AND - then in the same posts, you use the QUOTE function for things NO ONE here said, giving no credit, making things more confusing.

10-22-2017, 09:08 AM
Seriously? LOL You truly don't even see it.

This ONE was quick

There - JUST MADE UP SHIT, never said, you just made it up. All I EVER said was that I thought that folks who jumped on him for every negative thing he does, would also acknowledge when he does something positive.

that's not a quote Jim.
that's my opinion of your comments.

do you have mis-QUOTE

10-22-2017, 09:09 AM
More I never said in same post:

and that in your mind that those who make MORE negative comments, means that they get lumped in with those than NEVER have anything to say positive.
That doesn't really seem fair or like someone who really cares about "THE FACTS". Seems more like someone who just can't stand any criticism of his leader.

A mind reader, you know everything I think, AND what my thoughts mean!! :laugh:

10-22-2017, 09:12 AM
More I never said in same post:

A mind reader, you know everything I think, AND what my thoughts mean!! :laugh:
That's my opinion of your view.
Show me where i MADE UP a "QUOTE" and Assigned it to YOU please.

10-22-2017, 09:15 AM
that's not a quote Jim.
that's my opinion of your comments.

do you have mis-QUOTE

Oh fuck off. :rolleyes:

You're so fucking lame and full of excuses. So not only do you "misquote", but then you write and state things AS IF I SAID THEM - and then bail yourself out by claiming it's only an opinion, while anyone reading at first glance will easily see you're saying that it is something I said. How lame and retarded, as opposed to simply discussing what I DID say, instead of what you think things mean. Odd.

Easily solved, should have stuck with this the last 25x you did this, and just stay away from replying/discussing shit with your lame us, ain't worth the aggravation when I have to defend lame shit like that instead of just having a discussion, like the rest who know how to use the built in quote function.

10-22-2017, 09:36 AM
Oh fuck off. :rolleyes:

You're so fucking lame and full of excuses. So not only do you "misquote", but then you write and state things AS IF I SAID THEM - and then bail yourself out by claiming it's only an opinion, while anyone reading at first glance will easily see you're saying that it is something I said. How lame and retarded, as opposed to simply discussing what I DID say, instead of what you think things mean. Odd.

Easily solved, should have stuck with this the last 25x you did this, and just stay away from replying/discussing shit with your lame us, ain't worth the aggravation when I have to defend lame shit like that instead of just having a discussion, like the rest who know how to use the built in quote function.

So the bottom line is you CAN NOT show ANY instance where i "MADE UP" quotes for you or "put words in your mouth".
so you are wrong in accusing me of that.

And it seems to me that you're essentially assuming that other people reading my words ..."at 1st glance" or longer maybe... are not smart enough to tell the difference between my opinions of your statements and your statements.

...while anyone reading at first glance will easily see you're saying that it is something I said...
We disagree again, I think folks here are bright enough to tell the difference.
They are able to read what you said and decide for themselves if my POV of your statements are gross misinterpretations... or if they have any merit.
Either way they can certainly see that i haven't "misquoted" you.

10-22-2017, 09:45 AM
Continually misquote folks, I'm not hardly the only one that's told you this. And you're one sided in several areas and fail to see/admit to it. Funny how sometimes you go on and on, and other times Rev is nowhere to be found. Until maybe the next UFO is located.

10-22-2017, 09:52 AM
Frankly, Jim, you are the only one that makes the accusation that i "Continually misquote folks".
Not even AboutTime accuses me of that.

10-22-2017, 10:25 AM
Frankly, Jim, you are the only one that makes the accusation that i "Continually misquote folks".
Not even AboutTime accuses me of that.

It's been so many times with me alone that you have done so that it's comical. Then the amount of other folks that complained of the same? Coincidence? I don't think so. But just you and I have had this same conversation about 100x. And in 99% of them you NEVER used the quote function, and in the majority of them, you use "quotes" around things that you claim that I, or others, have apparently stated in other threads. And you are full of shit, or just too dumb to use the multi-quote system, or a combination of both.

Perhaps AT doesn't accuse you of such as he doesn't take the time to discuss or debate things with you? I can't begin to speak for others or others that have said the same dang thing.

How many times alone have I stated you are misquoting me AGAIN? How many times have I told you that you need to use the multi-quote system so that people see the exact words of what people wrote?

Hell, you more or less just stated back a few posts that you write things of what you THINK about others posts, and they aren't quotes. Well hell, that difference, it wouldn't matter if you just fucking actually quote people instead of running off of failed memory and opinions of quotes. :rolleyes:

Black Diamond
10-22-2017, 10:54 AM
Frankly, Jim, you are the only one that makes the accusation that i "Continually misquote folks".
Not even AboutTime accuses me of that.
You misquote people.

10-22-2017, 10:58 AM
You misquote people.

LOL :laugh:

I was hoping someone else that was misquoted, or saw others misquoted, would chime in, but I was happy to stake my claims solo as well.

10-22-2017, 11:51 AM
It's been so many times with me alone that you have done so that it's comical. Then the amount of other folks that complained of the same? Coincidence? I don't think so. But just you and I have had this same conversation about 100x. And in 99% of them you NEVER used the quote function, and in the majority of them, you use "quotes" around things that you claim that I, or others, have apparently stated in other threads. And you are full of shit, or just too dumb to use the multi-quote system, or a combination of both.

Perhaps AT doesn't accuse you of such as he doesn't take the time to discuss or debate things with you? I can't begin to speak for others or others that have said the same dang thing.

How many times alone have I stated you are misquoting me AGAIN? How many times have I told you that you need to use the multi-quote system so that people see the exact words of what people wrote?

Hell, you more or less just stated back a few posts that you write things of what you THINK about others posts, and they aren't quotes. Well hell, that difference, it wouldn't matter if you just fucking actually quote people instead of running off of failed memory and opinions of quotes. :rolleyes:
Or Maybe others don't accuse me of it because I don't do it.

Maybe 9+ years ago when i 1st came to the board i did it a few times, in the sense that I obviously and Jokingly MADE UP quotes exaggerating your position. But you complained ...vigorously... and i stopped. cold.
And since then I've Only used "EXACT" quotes for all members. It's the board rules and i follow them. your accusations other wise for the past several YEARS have been lies.
So it seems clear to that you just don't like my POVs and assessments of your POVs and still somehow want to think that I'm "misquoting" you or "Making Up" words that others will ignorantly think belong to you.

Look If you want to complain about my post in that vien here's a suggestion, you might want to say:
--Revelarts I think you are MIS-REPRESENTING my view, --or maybe--, Revelarts i think you may have MIS-UNDERSTOOD my words because...--

Because it's a LIE to say I've misquoted you. Look I'm well aware of your sensitivity to misquotes and make a special effort to make sure. i quote you exactly.
But obviously, it hasn't helped me or mattered very much.
You still go into a weird rage and cussing fit if i DIRECTLY quote you and say how your statements come across to me or the meaning they seem to carry.

and even here in this thread you CAN NOT provide ONE example of a MISQUOTE, and you're so upset that you've moved the thread to the freakin' STEEL CAGE. WTH?!
you're the one that's cussing, name calling, and going off on tangents trying to bait me with insults here. I've done NOTHING wrong.
Look if I've broken a board rule TODAY or anytime in the past 12 months POINT IT out. If you don't like my opinion fine, what's NEW?
I've broken no rules and quoted you EXACTLY.
So frankly I think you should back off me here.

10-22-2017, 12:08 PM
Or Maybe others don't accuse me of it because I don't do it.

Maybe 9+ years ago when i 1st came to the board i did it a few times, in the sense that I obviously and Jokingly MADE UP quotes exaggerating your position. But you complained ...vigorously... and i stopped. cold.
And since then I've Only used "EXACT" quotes for all members. It's the board rules and i follow them. your accusations other wise for the past several YEARS have been lies.
So it seems clear to that you just don't like my POVs and assessments of your POVs and still somehow want to think that I'm "misquoting" you or "Making Up" words that others will ignorantly think belong to you.

Look If you want to complain about my post in that vien here's a suggestion, you might want to say:
--Revelarts I think you are MIS-REPRESENTING my view, --or maybe--, Revelarts i think you may have MIS-UNDERSTOOD my words because...--

Because it's a LIE to say I've misquoted you. Look I'm well aware of your sensitivity to misquotes and make a special effort to make sure. i quote you exactly.
But obviously, it hasn't helped me or mattered very much.
You still go into a weird rage and cussing fit if i DIRECTLY quote you and say how your statements come across to me or the meaning they seem to carry.

and even here in this thread you CAN NOT provide ONE example of a MISQUOTE, and you're so upset that you've moved the thread to the freakin' STEEL CAGE. WTH?!
you're the one that's cussing, name calling, and going off on tangents trying to bait me with insults here. I've done NOTHING wrong.
Look if I've broken a board rule TODAY or anytime in the past 12 months POINT IT out. If you don't like my opinion fine, what's NEW?
I've broken no rules and quoted you EXACTLY.
So frankly I think you should back off me here.

Oh brother, again FULL OF SHIT.

I just don't like people placing words in my mouth, THAT is the simple fact. I don't like people writing things to make it look like I stated as much, and then claim it was their opinion of my words, not quoting me. Whatever. It all boils down to the same thing. I've pointed it out politely and what not many times, and it made no difference. And it would mostly be solved or not be an issue if you would just use the multi-quote and simply quote what I wrote and where. Then it solves my problem and you'll have me dead to rights for actual words I wrote. Apparently clicking a button here and there is too much to ask for.

Abbey Marie
10-23-2017, 08:56 PM
I wish so many things.

10-23-2017, 11:48 PM
I wish so many things.

"I also wish many things...."

11-05-2017, 03:41 PM
[QUOTE=revelarts;883414]SO Putin basically says. "Respect the Office If not the man."
like the military Salute the uniform... right?

so Trump can be horrifically craptastic in many ways but we still should be respectful.
I've got no problem with that.

Putin also says that it's Not all Trump's fault that HE's NOT GETTING HIS POLICIES DONE.
it's it's the "political system" and "the courts" that are BLOCKING Trump.
sad thing is Trump told us all that he was this MASTER DEAL maker and COULD get it all done "BELEIVE ME".
Stuff would happen so fast heads would be spinning. "BELEIVE ME".
So is it that He can't REALLY make deals with anyone even those in his own party, or is it maybe that he didn't know what he was talking about, or maybe he never intended to get some of that stuff done. ( or maybe he's FLIPPED on some of what he said)
Because Blaming the "political system" is OFF the table because Trump is a MASTER DEAL MAKER.
or maybe he's NOT. And Our political system is not a dictatorship like Russias so the president isn't all-powerful... yet. you folks still think that's a good thing right?[/QUOTE revelarts I lost this thread. Now I see why. It got put in the Cage. I normally don't go searching the Cage for benign threads. So, I'll go from here. If I have time, I may read some of whatever the crap is following it.

Fact is, are YOU not the one ALWAYS pointing out the Constitutionality of every little rule and law? So, I can only half-agree with you because you are going against your own usual stance on Constitutionality.

What you are doing is blaming Trump for not acting like King Obama and issuing edicts with his pen? Trump has repeatedly tried to do things the right way Constitutionally and go through Congress instead of around it, and he has been thwarted at every turn. You can label it any way you want, in THAT, what Putin says is correct.

"Master of the Deal"? What "deal" should the Republican President have to make to not be thwarted at every turn by McCain and whichever other losers are butt burt over Trump winning? Answer: He shouldn't have to negotiate with the Dems just to get some extra money in hurricane relief because C'Lame has his head up his ass. Nothing unreasonable about the request.

Nothing unreasonable about his changes to Obamacare. I'd prefer he get Obamacare declared Unconstitutional and thrown out since it IS Unconstitutional, but we're stuck with it, or so it seems, because too many people want it. The same people the f*cked Trump on amending Obamacare (minus McPenis) applauded him for using signing orders. Nothing like showing one's yellow streak by keeping one's name out of the decision.

He's getting credit for the economy, whether or not you agree with it.

McLame and his posse will probably screw him on tax reform. Schumer has already said no Dems will support it.

He's probably going to get screwed on his albatross, "The Great Pointless Wall", too. He HAS however done other things that will actually affect illegal immigration. He doesn't need Congress to uphold law that is already on the books.

So WHERE exactly is Putin wrong? I'm not a fan of Putin except in one regard: dislike his methods all you want, he gets sh*t done.

My opinion of trump's Presidency thus far doesn't extend into my personal opinion of him. You civilian types seem rather incapable of divorcing the former from the latter while recon-ing the situation. Fact is, and even though some of us called it beforehand, The Republican Congress has screwed Trump. You can't blame him for not putting the papers on the table in the correct and legal manner. Congressional Republicans are squandering an opportunity to nail the Dem coffin closed. They'd rather cut their own throats over being butt hurt.

11-05-2017, 06:03 PM
Your complaints are Not Constitutional, Rev. Your complaints are based on YOUR INTERPRETATION of the Constitution; which, usually leaves quite a bit to be desired.

And before you try the same tactic on me you used on jimbob, I'm on the bad guy, I dare say things bad about Trump list WAY ahead of YOU. You indeed DO sound like someone trying to find fault no matter what with Trump. Your response goes outside the parameters of the OP. What Putin said is essentially correct. The reasons you believe Trump failed are just that, but a different subject.

The fact is, Congress, McLame especially, has not done its job. You can't lay THAT one on Trump. If Trump did all the paperwork to initiate the process as required by the Constitution, he isn't the one who fell flat. If just started out issuing EOs and end-running Congress you'd be bitching up a storm about THAT.SO what exactly can he do that will be right in your eyes?