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View Full Version : Trump is going to release JFK documents

10-21-2017, 12:51 PM
It's not really him making some major change, just following what was set in 1992. So will this reveal amazing surprises as conspiracy theorists suspected over the years, or will it reveal little to not much more than we already know about his assassination?

Or will it perhaps be stopped before it's even released?


Trump to Release Remaining JFK Assassination Documents

More than a million documents relating to the assassination of John F. Kennedy have been released in the last 25 years by the National Archives. But U.S. defense and intelligence agencies resisted releasing the remaining several thousand files, citing national security concerns.

This morning, Donald Trump announced that he would be making the remaining assassination documents public.

The 1992 Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act required all JFK assassination records to be released by October 26 of this year. Some assassination buffs anticipated resistance from the White House. But Trump made it clear he would release all records "subject to the receipt of further information" from the agencies.

Washington Post: (https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trump-plans-to-release-of-jfk-assassination-documents-despite-concerns-from-federal-agencies/2017/10/21/d036cf36-b65d-11e7-9e58-e6288544af98_story.html?utm_term=.02c7f97ad8da)

But one final batch remains and only the president has the authority to extend the papers’ secrecy past the October deadline. In his tweet, Trump seemed to strongly imply he was going to release all the remaining documents. But he also hedged, suggesting that if between now and Oct. 26, other government agencies made a strong case not to release the documents, he wouldn’t. Also, Trump was not clear about whether he would publish all of the documents in full, or with some of them redacted.

In the days leading up to Trump’s tweet, a National Security Council official told The Washington Post that government agencies were urging the president not to release some of the documents. But Trump’s longtime confidant Roger Stone told conspiracy theorist Alex Jones of Infowars this week that he personally lobbied Trump to publish all of the documents.

Assassination experts don't expect much from the released documents.

Though Kennedy assassination experts say they don’t think the last batch of papers contains any major bombshells, the president’s decision to release the documents could heighten the clarity around the assassination, which has fueled so many conspiracy theorists, including Trump himself.

In May 2016, while on the presidential campaign trail, Trump gave an interview to Fox News strongly accusing the father of his GOP primaries opponent, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, of consorting with Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald right before the shooting.

The assassination experts do suspect the papers will shed light on the activities of Oswald while he was traveling in Mexico City in late September 1963 and courting Cuban and Soviet spies.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/trump-release-remaining-jfk-assassination-documents/

Trump to release JFK files, subject to 'further information'

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday that, subject to receipt of further information, he planned to allow the opening of long-secret files on the November 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy due for release next week.

Politico magazine earlier quoted Trump administration and other U.S. government officials as saying the president would almost certainly block the release of information from some of the thousands of classified files, which the U.S. National Archives is scheduled to make public by an Oct. 26 deadline. (http://politi.co/2yGjMtr)

"Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened," Trump said in a tweet.

The Nov. 22 1963 assassination cut short "Camelot," as the 1,000 days of the Kennedy presidency became known. Kennedy was 46 and remains one of the most admired U.S. presidents.

Thousands of books, articles, TV shows, movies and documentaries have been produced about the assassination and surveys have shown a majority of Americans still distrust official evidence pointing to Lee Harvey Oswald as the sole killer.

Despite serious questions about the official inquest, and theories purporting that organized crime, Cuba or a cabal of U.S. security agents was involved, conspiracy theorists have yet to produce conclusive proof Oswald acted in consort with anyone.

Over the years, the National Archives has released most documents related to the case, but a final batch, amounting to tens of thousands of pages, remains and only Trump has the authority to decide whether some should continue to be withheld or released in redacted form.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-release-jfk-files-subject-further-information-132254683.html

Black Diamond
10-21-2017, 12:56 PM
it's been so long, if it turns out (I believe the official story) the government or Russia or Castro killed him , would it make any difference ? If so, what? I am curious.

forgot the mafia angle.

Black Diamond
10-21-2017, 01:01 PM
I remember the end of the Oliver stone movie they mentioned something of congress saying there was "probable conspiracy".

10-21-2017, 01:33 PM
we'll see if he does it.
Sad thing is that somehow people think its OK that gov't has kept the info (whatever it is) a secret for so long.
If all the evidence pointed to Oswald as the lone assassin, then there's ZERO need to keep any of it a secret right?

Black Diamond
10-21-2017, 01:36 PM
we'll see if he does it.
Sad thing is that somehow people think its OK that gov't has kept the info (whatever it is) a secret for so long.
If all the evidence pointed to Oswald as the lone assassin, then there's ZERO need to keep any of it a secret right?
Unless there is information about JFK himself that has been kept secret. I think people underestimate that possibility.

10-21-2017, 02:28 PM
Unless there is information about JFK himself that has been kept secret. I think people underestimate that possibility.

Like what, that he slept around? that he was very ill? that he was a Manchurian candidate or traitor?
what could come out about him that the U.S. Gov't felt it had SEAL the records for DECADES?

Black Diamond
10-21-2017, 02:29 PM
Like what, that he slept around? that he was very ill? that he was a Manchurian candidate?
what could come out about him that the U.S. Gov't felt it had SEAL the records for DECADES?
Yes re the first two. Not sure what you mean by Manchurian candidate.

You're assuming his family didn't do all they could to protect jacks image. Or that they won't in the coming weeks.