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10-24-2017, 12:17 PM
I like Kid Rock, always have!!

Not anymore. What a dick move. He couldn't figure out in return, that a lot of folks take this shit seriously, and myself included, thought he was serious in thinking about running.

I don't think politics is something to fuck around with, and fuck with the people about. And to think I would have supported him. :rolleyes: I was a fool, and got duped. And I wouldn't ever spend a dime on anything of his ever again. :(


BUMMER=> Kid Rock: F**k No I’m Not Running for Senate!

Rocker Kid Rock announced today he is not running for senator in Michigan.

Kid Rock was running neck-and-neck with the Democrat Senator Stabenow in the Great Lakes State.

It was all a publicity stunt for his new album.

That’s too bad.
Kid Rock in the senate would have been incredible.

The Detroit News reported: (http://www.freep.com/story/entertainment/music/2017/10/24/kid-rock-course-im-not-running-senate/791831001/)

Mocking people who took the idea seriously, Kid Rock said this morning he’s not running for U.S. Senate.

“F— no, I’m not running for Senate. Are you kidding me?” Rock said on Howard Stern’s SiriusXM show. “Who couldn’t figure that out? I’m releasing a new album. I’m going on tour too. Are you f—— s——- me?”

Rock’s new album, “Sweet Southern Sugar,” will be released Nov. 3, Stern said.

Rock said the Senate idea — which he has publicly toyed with for months — was a mixed blessing.

“It’s the worst advice I ever gave myself, but it’s been the most creative thing I’ve ever done,” he said. “And I’ve gotten to see everyone’s true colors.”


10-24-2017, 12:31 PM
I don't even know what to say. I mean it's Kid Rock. C'mon. Next up, Rob Schnider for senate.

10-24-2017, 12:34 PM
I don't even know what to say. I mean it's Kid Rock. C'mon. Next up, Rob Schnider for senate.

I thought Al Franken was a joke, but he won, and has done better than I thought, since I had originally thought it was a joke. Jesse Ventura was similar. The Terminator himself. It happens, and sometimes they surprise us and do well.

Schneider, now that's different, I think he truly is retarded! :laugh:

10-24-2017, 12:38 PM
I thought Al Franken was a joke, but he won, and has done better than I thought, since I had originally thought it was a joke. Jesse Ventura was similar. The Terminator himself. It happens, and sometimes they surprise us and do well.

Schneider, now that's different, I think he truly is retarded! :laugh:

True, but there is a difference in professional persona vs real persona. I guess Kid Rock plays the bum and really is a bum.

10-24-2017, 12:42 PM
True, but there is a difference in professional persona vs real persona. I guess Kid Rock plays the bum and really is a bum.

Yup, apparently so. I wouldn't have minded a bum in there, if his stances were on point, and that person came off intelligent... they can go into office dressed as a rock star daily for all I care!

But he left the political stage like a rock star as well, and that's what makes him the asshole.

10-24-2017, 01:48 PM
I don't even know what to say. I mean it's Kid Rock. C'mon. Next up, Rob Schnider for senate.Rob Schneider would be better than Rangel, Waters, Wilson, Pelosi, lest we forget, Schneider's co-actor on SNL Al Franken (except Schneider was funny) and pretty-much just about ANY Dem-bulb. Kid Rock makes a lot more sense than any of the aforementioned.

I don't think he's a dick for not running. Probably one of his wiser choices. Look forward to being constantly labeled by the MSM and left for the next 6 years? You can have it.

On the other hand, he might as well reconsider his reconsideration. The MSM and left have already been working over his music career at just the thought of him running. Probably downhill from here now.

10-24-2017, 06:43 PM
