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View Full Version : Mueller Has Been ‘Absolutely, Indisputably’ Compromised

10-25-2017, 02:02 PM
Dems and Repubs alike touted his credentials from day one. Will everyone feel the same IF he goes rabid on Russia - and goes after all involved in Uranium one? Do those who are aggressive in remaining neutral and investigating as long as it takes - do you feel the same for him and his group investigating the Clinton foundation, Podesta, Bill Clinton, Obama and anyone else?

James Comey. Did friendships/decisions and what not, effect the way he handled Hillary's email crap?

I think this just left the Trump collusion crap, and also left the "democrat versus republicans" type of vibe to all of this. This makes any accusations prior to this look like bubble gum tales, IMO.


Frank Gaffney: Mueller Has Been ‘Absolutely, Indisputably’ Compromised by Latest Clinton-Russia Collusion Revelations

Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney joined SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily to talk about the latest revelations regarding the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee, the politicized Obama Justice Department, and actual collusion with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign.

Gaffney said the current news environment provided a “target-rich environment” for punditry, but was regrettably “hard on the country.”

“I particularly am thinking of this dossier business and the attacks on Donald Trump that have been relentlessly pursued,” he said. “Interestingly enough, with the help – in some cases more than just help, the active participation – of some people who have prominently featured in an actual case of Russian collusion at the highest levels of the United States government.”

“You can’t make this stuff up,” he exclaimed. “It’s an extraordinary tale. It’s worth exploring.”

“There now seems to be, at long last, a willingness on the part of congressional Republicans – amazingly! – to conduct the kinds of investigations into this actual saga of collusion by Hillary Clinton, by Bill Clinton, apparently by the Democratic National Committee – and, by the way, by people like Robert Mueller, and James Comey, and Andrew McCabe, and Rod Rosenstein, and Eric Holder.”

“These are people who have been prominently featured, either in condemning Donald Trump for the putative collusion of members of his campaign with the Russians, or are actively involved in the investigation thereof,” Gaffney explained. “The trouble is, I don’t see how a one of these people, if they’re not actually going to be subject to criminal prosecution – and I say that advisedly – at the very least are now completely incapable of performing an independent and honest investigation into these so-called allegations against Donald Trump.”

Gaffney added that the latest developments in the story put another organization in the crosshairs: the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States or CFIUS.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/radio/2017/10/25/frank-gaffney-mueller-absolutely-indisputably-compromised-latest-clinton-russia-collusion-revelations/

10-25-2017, 02:03 PM
Rep. DeSantis: Comey’s Role in Russian Dossier ‘a Major Issue’ Congress Must Investigate

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) joined Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Wednesday to discuss developments regarding the infamous Russian dossier, the House of Representatives set to vote Thursday on a Senate-passed budget, and moving forward on tax reform.

Regarding the dossier, DeSantis pointed to the media hypocrisy as to how the issue was reported prior to the discovery that Democrats were behind it versus now.

Also, DeSantis said, “I think now the question with the dossier is we know the funding, we know the democrats are knee deep in it, but what was the FBI’s role in this?”

“Yesterday, we announced two major investigations, ” he continued, “one into the Uranium One/Clinton Cash and that got most of the media but we also announced on the Judiciary and Oversight committee’s investigations into Comey’s handling of some of these cases, particularly the Clinton case.”

“I think this dossier and his role in it,” meaning Comey, “is going to be a major issue that Congress is going to have to investigate,” said DeSantis.


10-26-2017, 06:56 AM
Rep. DeSantis: Comey’s Role in Russian Dossier ‘a Major Issue’ Congress Must Investigate

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) joined Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Wednesday to discuss developments regarding the infamous Russian dossier, the House of Representatives set to vote Thursday on a Senate-passed budget, and moving forward on tax reform.

Regarding the dossier, DeSantis pointed to the media hypocrisy as to how the issue was reported prior to the discovery that Democrats were behind it versus now.

Also, DeSantis said, “I think now the question with the dossier is we know the funding, we know the democrats are knee deep in it, but what was the FBI’s role in this?”

“Yesterday, we announced two major investigations, ” he continued, “one into the Uranium One/Clinton Cash and that got most of the media but we also announced on the Judiciary and Oversight committee’s investigations into Comey’s handling of some of these cases, particularly the Clinton case.”

“I think this dossier and his role in it,” meaning Comey, “is going to be a major issue that Congress is going to have to investigate,” said DeSantis.

And let's also not forget that Comey wrote up his exoneration of Hitlery a MONTH BEFORE he gave his over stepping speech about there was no intent therefore she shouldn't be charged with anything.

The level of corruption, AND LAW BREAKING, among these FILTHY democrats is mind numbing. People DO need to go to jail. This type of thing has completely soiled Washington and the justice community, and the trash really needs to be taken out.