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10-27-2017, 12:10 PM
Scream all you like, snowflakes, but if you don’t get your s**t together soon, Trump’s going to be your President for another seven years

In two weeks it is the first anniversary of Donald Trump’s astonishing US election victory.

To ‘celebrate’, thousands of Trump-hating liberals in cities like Boston, New York and Philadelphia are planning a day of protest in which they will go outside, stare upwards and shout their little heads off in rage.

I’m not joking.

The planned event is actually titled on Facebook: ‘Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election’.

Organizer Johanna Schulman told Newsweek: ‘This administration has attacked everything about what it means to be an American. Who wouldn’t feel helpless every day?’


Well, let me try to explain, Johanna, if you haven’t already started preemptively screaming.

There are tens of millions of Americans right now who don’t feel helpless at all. In fact, they’ve never felt happier that they’ve finally got a guy in the White House who THEY believe stands up for THEM.

They don’t share YOUR view of what it means to be an American.

They share Trump’s view, because it’s THEIR view.

That’s why he was elected President, and that’s why I am beginning to think he will be comfortably re-elected in 2020.

Rest - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5016619/PIERS-MORGAN-Scream-snowflakes-Trump-win-again.html

10-27-2017, 01:01 PM
<img src="http://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/66e8e228dc6457bcca4f7c8a945bed88">

10-27-2017, 04:44 PM
I'm not shittin' one bit... you have to be RETARDED to do this... seriously.

10-27-2017, 05:50 PM
I'm not shittin' one bit... you have to be RETARDED to do this... seriously.

We're about to see HOW MANY DIZZY LIBERAL AMERICANS there really are.

10-27-2017, 06:14 PM
I'm not shittin' one bit... you have to be RETARDED to do this... seriously.I think it is NO SHIT hilarious. Better no one do that shit around ME, or be prepared for some SERIOUS heckling :laugh2:

10-28-2017, 10:00 AM
https://scontent-mia3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/22814072_770635636465771_4360047713029598046_n.jpg ?oh=d580ab27da805a8a0eefcb6bb399295c&oe=5A714103

11-02-2017, 08:21 PM

11-02-2017, 08:51 PM

Lets add a little action and sound to get the full effect of leftist (Liberal) SnowFlake craziness....



11-08-2017, 05:34 PM

The hubs and I visited San Francisco last spring (we were actually touring wine country but stayed in Oakland) and we went through the Berkeley area. We started a quick game in the car "Berkeley student or homeless?"

11-08-2017, 06:13 PM
Anyone else notice Pete is rather conspicuous by his absence?:laugh2:

To quote Aerosmith, Petey: Scream On ... Scream until your screams come true .... :crying11:

11-08-2017, 06:47 PM
Anyone else notice Pete is rather conspicuous by his absence?:laugh2:

To quote Aerosmith, Petey: Scream On ... Scream until your screams come true .... :crying11:

So he can't type any more Liberal Lies Today.

11-09-2017, 10:24 AM
He's probably over at Moveon.org, enjoying the circle jerk.

11-09-2017, 10:57 AM
He's probably over at Moveon.org, enjoying the circle jerk.

Do you mean the Mutual Mental Masterbation Club? :laugh2:

11-09-2017, 04:33 PM
Well here it is...


... they did it, and I still contend, you have to be FUCKING RETARDED to do that... GOOD GOD AL'MIGHTY, what kind of SPECIAL MORONS these people are. I honestly believe the entire LOT of them should have been LOCKED UP for a MENTAL EVALUATION..!!

Something else I'm finding, not a SINGLE STORY about this on Drudge, in fact, VERY few stories about anything negative to DEMOCRATS, but a VAST number of stories from every LEFTARD MOONBAT WEBSITE on the web BASHING republicans. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Drudge has decided he's going to start batting for the PROGS.

Well fuck him.

11-09-2017, 04:52 PM
Well here it is...


... they did it, and I still contend, you have to be FUCKING RETARDED to do that... GOOD GOD AL'MIGHTY, what kind of SPECIAL MORONS these people are. I honestly believe the entire LOT of them should have been LOCKED UP for a MENTAL EVALUATION..!!

Something else I'm finding, not a SINGLE STORY about this on Drudge, in fact, VERY few stories about anything negative to DEMOCRATS, but a VAST number of stories from every LEFTARD MOONBAT WEBSITE on the web BASHING republicans. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Drudge has decided he's going to start batting for the PROGS.

Well fuck him.

Don't blame Drudge. He has published more than a few stories about the Snowflake, Screamers. I guess he doesn't want to waste time on stupidity.

11-09-2017, 05:11 PM

11-09-2017, 05:48 PM
Don't blame Drudge. He has published more than a few stories about the Snowflake, Screamers. I guess he doesn't want to waste time on stupidity.
It isn't just that with drudge. I've noticed he links to a LOT of HUFF'N PUFF, the WASHPO, Politico, YAHOO news, Rueters, etc, I mean he links to them a LOT. I don't see the same amount of links to stories about DEMS, and I notice it's recent and getting worse. Maybe Drudge has decided he doesn't like Christians and/or conservatives either, because the guy is a homo. With all the BAD things surrounding Hitlery, Comey, Lynch, Mueller, Rosenstein, the entire emailgate, uranium 1, on and on, I don't see the same number of stories about ANY of that on drudge compared to the huge number of links he posts to LEFTIST websites. That's a recent observation... and like I say, I think it's getting worse. Makes me wonder if he too is beginning to bow to the never ending threats and attacks from the... ahem... "peace loving" left.

Am I wrong? IDK... that's what I see anyway... and I think I really missed my calling, seriously, I would have LOVED to have been a detective. One of my favorite shows on TV is this show called, "Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda"... I love that guy, love the show, wish I could do that.

11-09-2017, 06:16 PM
It isn't just that with drudge. I've noticed he links to a LOT of HUFF'N PUFF, the WASHPO, Politico, YAHOO news, Rueters, etc, I mean he links to them a LOT. I don't see the same amount of links to stories about DEMS, and I notice it's recent and getting worse. Maybe Drudge has decided he doesn't like Christians and/or conservatives either, because the guy is a homo. With all the BAD things surrounding Hitlery, Comey, Lynch, Mueller, Rosenstein, the entire emailgate, uranium 1, on and on, I don't see the same number of stories about ANY of that on drudge compared to the huge number of links he posts to LEFTIST websites. That's a recent observation... and like I say, I think it's getting worse. Makes me wonder if he too is beginning to bow to the never ending threats and attacks from the... ahem... "peace loving" left.

Am I wrong? IDK... that's what I see anyway... and I think I really missed my calling, seriously, I would have LOVED to have been a detective. One of my favorite shows on TV is this show called, "Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda"... I love that guy, love the show, wish I could do that.

No, you're not wrong. But, if you look at his entire page....at the bottom. He has lists of nearly every possible INTERNET site related to all sorts of news, left/right/middle/liberal/conservative and so on.
He's an equal opportunity kind of site that lets you choose which side you want to learn about. I'm not defending him, but he DOES have nearly the Highest Visitor numbers online.