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View Full Version : Democrats Notch Big Wins in Virginia and New Jersey

11-07-2017, 09:03 PM
yeah yeah Trump is still president so save your fingers

Tuesday delivered a string of high-profile victories for Democrats in gubernatorial races. Democrat Ralph Northam won the Virginia governor’s race in what had become a nail-biter of a contest, defeating Republican Ed Gillespie in the election to replace outgoing Democratic governor Terry McAuliffe. In New Jersey, Democrat Phil Murphy prevailed in the race to replace Republican governor Chris Christie, an expected victory over Republican Kim Guadagno.

11-07-2017, 09:47 PM
Already throwing him under the bus

11-08-2017, 11:33 AM
Don't ever criticize the level of responses you get here anymore. Your twitter link just about says it all about the intelligence level of the idiots that voted for these "big wins".

Fact is, Gillespie got busted running a false campaign. Can't say it was any worse than the shit for brains that ran the add of redneck Nazis with guns in a truck running down poor little black kids. Nothing but class, that was.

Nirginia already had a moron for a Governor. No loss. Oh yeah, so did NJ. I guess technically that was a loss because a Republican held the office. Know what a NJ Republican is down here? A Democrat.

Black Diamond
11-08-2017, 01:45 PM
Already throwing him under the bus
You're not going to make up for the crow you had to eat a year ago. You're like a super bowl loser beating the super bowl winner the following regular season and calling it revenge.

Madame president.

11-08-2017, 02:41 PM
yeah yeah Trump is still president so save your fingers

Tuesday delivered a string of high-profile victories for Democrats in gubernatorial races. Democrat Ralph Northam won the Virginia governor’s race in what had become a nail-biter of a contest, defeating Republican Ed Gillespie in the election to replace outgoing Democratic governor Terry McAuliffe. In New Jersey, Democrat Phil Murphy prevailed in the race to replace Republican governor Chris Christie, an expected victory over Republican Kim Guadagno.

Oh really petey. I have lived in Virginia as a resident since 1979. The Dems didn't get anything new. McAwfull was the Clinton contribution to Virginia Politics, so nothing really changed with Northam taking over. Most of the RINO's in Virginia sold their souls to McAwfull, and they are now gonna be running toward the new Gov. for more of the promised FEDERAL aid McAwfull agreed to bring from Washington...per the Clinton False promises before she Lost.
Keep an eye on this state. McAWFULL only has one intention....to run against Trump in 2020...as planned by Clinton...before she Lost.
FEDERAL DOLLARS FOR A SANCTUARY STATE LIKE VIRGINIA/CALIFORNIA...won't be one of NORTHAMS happier moments. Virginia is right across the river from D.C.
And Donald isn't gonna play any games with the ELITE Northern, Liberals of Virginia.

11-08-2017, 02:42 PM
Already throwing him under the bus

YOU are the only one making that claim petey. How typically Liberally Stupid can you be?

11-08-2017, 02:57 PM
Just replied in another, didn't see this one first. Good wins for the Dems there Mr. Petey! I never cared much for the governor races. Not that they aren't important, but more so for their individual states. I'm glad I don't live in Virginia anymore! :)

I did watch a lot of the NJ race, or should say I had no choice with the media in our area. And it was expected. I hope Murphy does good by the state, since I'm there so often, and have family living there.

11-08-2017, 05:14 PM
Just replied in another, didn't see this one first. Good wins for the Dems there Mr. Petey! I never cared much for the governor races. Not that they aren't important, but more so for their individual states. I'm glad I don't live in Virginia anymore! :)

I did watch a lot of the NJ race, or should say I had no choice with the media in our area. And it was expected. I hope Murphy does good by the state, since I'm there so often, and have family living there.Virginia is one of those states where the leftwingers/minorities piled up in the cities dictate to the rest of the state because no one can stop them from procreating like roaches.

They can paint it whatever color they wish. I lived in Alexandria (just over the Potomac from DC). There were more illegal aliens THERE than there are here in San Antonio. Alexandria alone is a sanctuary city for all forms of idiots. My apt complex was Little Mexico City. The other minority in majority there were black awaiting their reparations. When the Civil War ended, freed slaves descended on DC/NoVa/MD waiting on their 40 acres and a mule "Linkum" promised them and their descendants are still there.

11-08-2017, 05:39 PM
`The Swamp Thinks They’ve Finally Sunk Trump`https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/SCHUMERELECTIONPRESSER-296x300.jpg
Chuck Schumer is saying, “This was a profound election result.

This was the rejection of Donald Trump personally, and this was the rejection of Donald Trump’s policies.

This was a full-fledged and total rejection of Donald Trump.” Schumer said it in his own words, in his own ways. And, you know, just watching it, what else is he gonna say? There’s no attempt at any intellectual honesty. This was just pure party pap.`

It was what everybody would expect him to say. There wasn’t anything there that could be judged as enlightened or genuinely informative or even learned, and it’s so silly. If this was what Chuck Schumer says it is — and who is the message for?

So he goes out… He’s a Senate leader, ranking Democrat leader in the Senate, and he goes out and mouths all these expected, formulaic things. For what purpose? Who is he trying to persuade?

Members of both parties. In the northern suburbs of Virginia, that’s the suburbs of Washington.

To the extent that Virginia’s a red state, it’s all mid-state, down south. But the northern suburbs, it’s Washington, DC. It’s people that live, work, and breathe government.

And there is no way that any of those people are gonna vote against a Democrat, pro-establishment. It just isn’t gonna happen. Those people are gonna circle the wagons.`

**The ABC/Washington Post poll that we cited just yesterday (https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2017/11/07/one-year-later-drive-by-stunned-by-notion-trump-would-still-win/)said that if the election were held today and it was Hillary and Trump all over again, even after one year, Trump would still win if the election were done over today.

>>>Now, they’ve forgotten all of that, because, in their minds, Trump’s dead. They finished Trump off. It’s over. I mean, they’re practically back in the White House already. That’s the place they frequently occupy, this place of overconfidence.`

**They lie to themselves, create these false realities where they reside, and they end up getting swamped and snookered, and it’s still relevant, these elections they won, but you go back starting at 2010 and move forward, they have been losing elections left and right. And part of that was the fact that Obama was on the ballot, can’t deny that, and he’s gone.

But it doesn’t hide the fact that they lost. `

*******​Now Read This Below: See if you remember....

"Listen to this. This is a Breitbart story from back in July of 2015, so over two years ago. Headline: “New California: Mass Immigration Turning Virginia Blue. (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/26/new-california-mass-immigration-turning-virginia-blue/)” Now, this article turns out to be 14 pages. It’s about how overrun Virginia is, purposefully, with illegal aliens and that it is a plan that dates back years. This story is two years old, don’t forget. Let me give you a pull quote.
“According to DHS, of those refugees issued admissions slips into the United States, 75 percent came from four countries — Iraq, Burma, Somalia and Bhutan — while another 15 percent came from Iran, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and the Dominican Republic.”
The Washington Post reported in 2011: “Soaring number of Hispanics and Asians pushed Virginia’s population over 8 million in the past decade.” Asians means Muslims, not people from China or South Korea or Japan.

You have to know how to read this stuff. Hispanics and Asians mean Democrats, people that vote for the administrative state.
>>>>Then the next story — and this is from a year ago as well. Saturday, November 5th, 2016: “In Virginia, Ex-Felons Find Empowerment in the Voting Booth. (http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/05/politics/virginia-felons-voting-rights/index.html)” In April of 2016, Terry McAuliffe, the Democrat governor, signed an executive order to restore voting rights to more than 200,000 convicted felons.
>>>>So if you couple the purposeful flooding of Virginia with illegal immigrants from specific parts of the world with McAuliffe legalizing the vote for felons, convicted felons, 200,000 people — this is what I meant earlier with the various machinations that McAuliffe had put in place to secure election results even before Election Day hit."


11-08-2017, 05:57 PM
`The Swamp Thinks They’ve Finally Sunk Trump`

Chuck Schumer is saying, “This was a profound election result.

This was the rejection of Donald Trump personally, and this was the rejection of Donald Trump’s policies.

This was a full-fledged and total rejection of Donald Trump.” Schumer said it in his own words, in his own ways. And, you know, just watching it, what else is he gonna say? There’s no attempt at any intellectual honesty. This was just pure party pap.`

It was what everybody would expect him to say. There wasn’t anything there that could be judged as enlightened or genuinely informative or even learned, and it’s so silly. If this was what Chuck Schumer says it is — and who is the message for?

So he goes out… He’s a Senate leader, ranking Democrat leader in the Senate, and he goes out and mouths all these expected, formulaic things. For what purpose? Who is he trying to persuade?

Members of both parties. In the northern suburbs of Virginia, that’s the suburbs of Washington.

To the extent that Virginia’s a red state, it’s all mid-state, down south. But the northern suburbs, it’s Washington, DC. It’s people that live, work, and breathe government.

And there is no way that any of those people are gonna vote against a Democrat, pro-establishment. It just isn’t gonna happen. Those people are gonna circle the wagons.`

**The ABC/Washington Post poll that we cited just yesterday (https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2017/11/07/one-year-later-drive-by-stunned-by-notion-trump-would-still-win/)said that if the election were held today and it was Hillary and Trump all over again, even after one year, Trump would still win if the election were done over today.

>>>Now, they’ve forgotten all of that, because, in their minds, Trump’s dead. They finished Trump off. It’s over. I mean, they’re practically back in the White House already. That’s the place they frequently occupy, this place of overconfidence.`

**They lie to themselves, create these false realities where they reside, and they end up getting swamped and snookered, and it’s still relevant, these elections they won, but you go back starting at 2010 and move forward, they have been losing elections left and right. And part of that was the fact that Obama was on the ballot, can’t deny that, and he’s gone.

But it doesn’t hide the fact that they lost. `

*******​Now Read This Below: See if you remember....

"Listen to this. This is a Breitbart story from back in July of 2015, so over two years ago. Headline: “New California: Mass Immigration Turning Virginia Blue. (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/26/new-california-mass-immigration-turning-virginia-blue/)” Now, this article turns out to be 14 pages. It’s about how overrun Virginia is, purposefully, with illegal aliens and that it is a plan that dates back years. This story is two years old, don’t forget. Let me give you a pull quote.
“According to DHS, of those refugees issued admissions slips into the United States, 75 percent came from four countries — Iraq, Burma, Somalia and Bhutan — while another 15 percent came from Iran, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and the Dominican Republic.”
The Washington Post reported in 2011: “Soaring number of Hispanics and Asians pushed Virginia’s population over 8 million in the past decade.” Asians means Muslims, not people from China or South Korea or Japan.

You have to know how to read this stuff. Hispanics and Asians mean Democrats, people that vote for the administrative state.
>>>>Then the next story — and this is from a year ago as well. Saturday, November 5th, 2016: “In Virginia, Ex-Felons Find Empowerment in the Voting Booth. (http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/05/politics/virginia-felons-voting-rights/index.html)” In April of 2016, Terry McAuliffe, the Democrat governor, signed an executive order to restore voting rights to more than 200,000 convicted felons.
>>>>So if you couple the purposeful flooding of Virginia with illegal immigrants from specific parts of the world with McAuliffe legalizing the vote for felons, convicted felons, 200,000 people — this is what I meant earlier with the various machinations that McAuliffe had put in place to secure election results even before Election Day hit."


Those "people" are almost exclusively elitist white and affirmative action blacks. They are the bureaucracy. The REAL power in DC.

White conservatives need not apply.

11-08-2017, 06:15 PM
Anyone know why the leftwingnuts are acting like they just won the Presidential election? Wasn't it just one year ago today ....:laugh:

11-08-2017, 06:23 PM
I lived in Alexandria (just over the Potomac from DC).

I lived around the corner in Arlington, on Arlington Ridge Road, just overlooking the Pentagon. I didn't really live in the area long enough to fully understand the politics in Virginia, nor did I care as much at the time. I got to see a lot of Black Hawks near the pentagon though, that was cool!

11-08-2017, 06:32 PM
I lived around the corner in Arlington, on Arlington Ridge Road, just overlooking the Pentagon. I didn't really live in the area long enough to fully understand the politics in Virginia, nor did I care as much at the time. I got to see a lot of Black Hawks near the pentagon though, that was cool!I could see the Pentagon from where I worked, and stated at Arlington National Cemetery every day out the window. We used to run through Arlington across the Memorial Bridge and around the Lincoln Memorial for a 3 1/2 mile run. 7.9 to go all the way around the Washington Monument and 11.7 to go all the way around the Capitol.

Guess we'll have to get rid of the Washington Monument being as he owned slaves:rolleyes:

11-08-2017, 06:44 PM
Anyone know why the leftwingnuts are acting like they just won the Presidential election? Wasn't it just one year ago today ....:laugh:

Of course we do Gunny. BECAUSE...they are leftwingnuts who still haven't gotten over Trump Derangement Syndrome. They actually believe they won something? Like Virginia?
How could that be? Terry McAWFULL was a Lib-Democrat, and offspring of the Clinton's.
Virginia has been blue since the SMURFS were on TV.
<img src="http://statici.behindthevoiceactors.com/behindthevoiceactors/_img/chars/grouchy-smurf-smurfs-the-lost-village-9.89.jpg">

The only difference today is....The SMURFS were smarter than your average Liberal from Virginia.

11-09-2017, 10:26 AM
Trump didn't win either one of those States. They're blue states.

Why would you think that means anything?

11-09-2017, 11:48 AM
Trump didn't win either one of those States. They're blue states.

Why would you think that means anything?

Agree...But what else can Leftist do? They have nothing...except Deceit and twist hoping to keep their low-info Lemmings happy and hopeful....