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11-07-2017, 09:50 PM
Times, they are a changing

Danica Roem is Va.’s first openly transgender elected official

11-08-2017, 12:44 AM
...Cancer of Liberalism and its social experiments that regular folks have to look at and explain to their children......


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-08-2017, 07:22 AM
Times, they are a changing

Danica Roem is Va.’s first openly transgender elected official

Times are indeed a changing, in that acceptance of perversion, insanity , sexual deviancy is being systematically heaped upon on us and dem party/mainstream media/government propaganda and force being used to vilify and harm those that refuse to accept such darkness, lewdness, ignorance and love of the depraved..
I accept none of it, and not a damn thing any human can do to make me change.
Trying to convince me that such darkness/perversion is normal and should be embraced, well you'd have more success beating down a granite wall with using only a peacock feather.
Some of us still have integrity, personal honor and a morality that understnds right from wrong, good from evil!!
Obvious to me, that you do not.. --Tyr

11-08-2017, 11:24 AM

11-08-2017, 11:36 AM
Times, they are a changing

Danica Roem is Va.’s first openly transgender elected official
https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/danica-roem-will-be-vas-first-openly-transgender-elected-official-after-unseating-conservative-robert-g-marshall-in-house-race/2017/11/07/d534bdde-c0af-11e7-959c-fe2b598d8c00_story.html?utm_term=.83292ade370eYes they are. Another fag for the Dems. Sounds like some serious credentials. "I'm running for office because I want to cut off my dick and know the loons on the left will vote for that. What's the position again?"


11-08-2017, 12:11 PM
Sounds like VA is having tranny problems.

Black Diamond
11-08-2017, 01:42 PM
So much for Virginia.

11-08-2017, 02:46 PM
Times, they are a changing

Danica Roem is Va.’s first openly transgender elected official

So you are endorsing RACISM petey? The only thing open about ROEM, will be the disgust IT brings to politics in Virginia. Listen to how RACIST you are by bragging about his election. Then remember who you are talking to when you call us RACISTS.

11-08-2017, 02:53 PM
Times, they are a changing

Danica Roem is Va.’s first openly transgender elected official

Of course they're changing, bad things and good things happen all the time. Just like the weather and climate change all the time. Don't get a tingling feeling up your leg. :)

Definitely a good win for the transgender group. But I wouldn't go too awfully far into the meaning, or thinking that times are changing. It doesn't change much at this point. 2018 is much more important, and will likely swing the other way, as it generally does back and forth and back and forth. But I think a lot of folks are getting tired of the same 'ol crap over and over, hence seeing changes like this one, and Trump.

11-08-2017, 04:57 PM
Times, they are a changing

Danica Roem is Va.’s first openly transgender elected official

With such insightful and erudite commentary it's a wonder media outlets aren't beating a path to your front door.

Of course they're changing, bad things and good things happen all the time. Just like the weather and climate change all the time. Don't get a tingling feeling up your leg. :)

Definitely a good win for the transgender group. But I wouldn't go too awfully far into the meaning, or thinking that times are changing. It doesn't change much at this point. 2018 is much more important, and will likely swing the other way, as it generally does back and forth and back and forth. But I think a lot of folks are getting tired of the same 'ol crap over and over, hence seeing changes like this one, and Trump.

I wouldn't bet on a swing to the GOP in 2018.

I'm looking for Republicans to lose the senate. Think about it... When Barack Obama ran and won in 2008, his campaign brought out people who probably hadn't voted in years, by the midterms none of them showed and the GOP stirred up their base and took the senate. I see Trump's campaign in much the same light. He drew people to the polls who probably hadn't voted for years, now the Democrats are getting their base stirred up in advance of 2018 to get them to the polls. Unless Trump and the GOP do something spectacular between now and then, I'm afraid the outcome of next year's elections are going to make some folks on the right weep.

11-08-2017, 05:06 PM
Sick bull shit.

Black Diamond
11-08-2017, 05:13 PM
Sick bull shit.
And then some. You gotta love how the country celebrates this crap. Unreal.

11-08-2017, 05:20 PM
Sick bull shit.

And then some. You gotta love how the country celebrates this crap. Unreal.Yeah. Got to love those cheering THAT crap. Look who WE put in charge! A guy too stupid to know that's a dick between his leg and he wants to cut it off so he can get someone else's dick. I'm going to trust THAT moron's judgment.

"Sir, we need to activate the Guard NOW!"

"I'm S-O-O-O confused. Is it a boy or a girl? Hell, at least fags know what the fuck they want straight up.

Black Diamond
11-08-2017, 05:23 PM
How do we compare to Rome at this point ?

11-08-2017, 05:26 PM
And then some. You gotta love how the country celebrates this crap. Unreal.
I'd amend that to... "you DON'T gotta love how the PROGTARDS celebrate this crap. Unreal"


The DEVIL has ALL these people right in the palm of his hand. I'd have never said that ten years ago, but I'm REALLY starting to believe it nowadays. This is the work of SATAN.

OFF the fucking grid ALASKA is looking better and better all the time. Maybe I'll sell out lock, stock 'n barrel and move to McCarthy, Alaska... "the end of the road."

11-08-2017, 05:31 PM
How do we compare to Rome at this point ?Collapsing from within due to a decadent society that lived only for its own pleasure but unwilling to fight for it?

How'd the Romans go about that, you ask .... Statesmen (politicians) and lawyers disenfranchised the warrior class misusing words and fearmongering. JUST LIKE US.

Black Diamond
11-08-2017, 05:39 PM
Collapsing from within due to a decadent society that lived only for its own pleasure but unwilling to fight for it?

How'd the Romans go about that, you ask .... Statesmen (politicians) and lawyers disenfranchised the warrior class misusing words and fearmongering. JUST LIKE US.
How long did it take for Rome to fall once that crap began happening ?

11-08-2017, 05:51 PM
How long did it take for Rome to fall once that crap began happening ?It took a couple of centuries. Have to bear in mind if you were travelling alone back then, if you averaged 30 miles a day you were doing good. Armies took twice as long. News traveled at the same speed. They could spend years doing what would take a month or so now.

if we today, had to fight a war like WWII where all hands had to be on deck and contribute, we'd likely lose.

Black Diamond
11-08-2017, 05:55 PM
It took a couple of centuries. Have to bear in mind if you were travelling alone back then, if you averaged 30 miles a day you were doing good. Armies took twice as long. News traveled at the same speed. They could spend years doing what would take a month or so now.

if we today, had to fight a war like WWII where all hands had to be on deck and contribute, we'd likely lose.
Imagine the PC US going against the ruthless SS. Or imperial Japan.

Black Diamond
11-08-2017, 05:56 PM
It took a couple of centuries. Have to bear in mind if you were travelling alone back then, if you averaged 30 miles a day you were doing good. Armies took twice as long. News traveled at the same speed. They could spend years doing what would take a month or so now.

if we today, had to fight a war like WWII where all hands had to be on deck and contribute, we'd likely lose.
Yeah I worry that "couple centuries " translates into like 10 years max here.

11-08-2017, 06:07 PM
Yeah I worry that "couple centuries " translates into like 10 years max here.Depends. It could be 10 minutes. An organized resistance would last longer.

The idiots are taking over the asylum. The people that COULD and are capable of stopping them are doing nothing. The longer we sit and watch, the more we lose. The left is relentless in chipping away at our mores and values, our history, and just about anything else that opposes it in any way. It has always been that way. With the Greeks. Rome. Egypt. Us. By the time anyone will actually do anything to try and stop it, it will be too late.

These crybabies we're hearing today went from childhood to alleged adulthood with a totalitarian dictator as President and they are now of age to vote, crying little pussies or not. They think fags are okay. guns kill people. If they just make a new rule everything will go away even though history dictates just the opposite.

And who will be crying the loudest when they suddenly wake up and realize they got exactly what they asked for?

So will the right for sitting by and doing nothing to stop these tards, the right deserves what it gets.

Now, unlike these tards that threatened to leave but don't have the balls, let me know what you think about a bar in Thailand or fishing boat in Costa Rica. I'm not afraid to leave and have lived outside the US several times before.

11-08-2017, 06:19 PM
I wouldn't bet on a swing to the GOP in 2018.

I'm looking for Republicans to lose the senate. Think about it... When Barack Obama ran and won in 2008, his campaign brought out people who probably hadn't voted in years, by the midterms none of them showed and the GOP stirred up their base and took the senate. I see Trump's campaign in much the same light. He drew people to the polls who probably hadn't voted for years, now the Democrats are getting their base stirred up in advance of 2018 to get them to the polls. Unless Trump and the GOP do something spectacular between now and then, I'm afraid the outcome of next year's elections are going to make some folks on the right weep.

That's what I was saying, I expect it to go Dem... what I mean by it going the other way. I should have been clearer.

11-08-2017, 06:35 PM
Depends. It could be 10 minutes. An organized resistance would last longer.

The idiots are taking over the asylum. The people that COULD and are capable of stopping them are doing nothing. The longer we sit and watch, the more we lose. The left is relentless in chipping away at our mores and values, our history, and just about anything else that opposes it in any way. It has always been that way. With the Greeks. Rome. Egypt. Us. By the time anyone will actually do anything to try and stop it, it will be too late.

These crybabies we're hearing today went from childhood to alleged adulthood with a totalitarian dictator as President and they are now of age to vote, crying little pussies or not. They think fags are okay. guns kill people. If they just make a new rule everything will go away even though history dictates just the opposite.

And who will be crying the loudest when they suddenly wake up and realize they got exactly what they asked for?

So will the right for sitting by and doing nothing to stop these tards, the right deserves what it gets.

Now, unlike these tards that threatened to leave but don't have the balls, let me know what you think about a bar in Thailand or fishing boat in Costa Rica. I'm not afraid to leave and have lived outside the US several times before.
You nailed it. I was just saying much of the same to my son earlier.

And I have friends in Thailand... RICH friends... and if I sold out here and moved to Thailand, I'd be rich by their standards. I won't live here under another obama with both houses dem, and when I say I'll move out of here, I damn well mean it.