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11-13-2017, 02:47 PM
The man has some golden gonads!! I was losing faith in Mitch more and more and more. So aside from this scandal, I was leaning in that direction for awhile now. But no way related to this stuff. But if McConnell is going to call for him to bail, then this man replied with what many others feel, to an extent anyway.

I'll wait for all the proof to come forward. He claims he will be showing soon why the Washington Post made this story? Or will he pull a Trump and then never bring that up again. But I figure if the man is telling the truth, that he's being railroaded and this never happened, then it would surely explain the golden gonads! I'd fight like hell too if I never did it. I don't know personally how to see this one. I don't know the man and the timing is extremely suspect. But any time someone comes forward about someone assaulting them, when they were underage no less, it should be listened to at least. Investigate the claims. But solid proof needs to be brought forward to destroy someone's career. But if they do find proof of this - adios to him too, in a heartbeat, and would be a shame that the statute of limitations would 'protect' people over such crimes.


Roy Moore: McConnell's the One Who Should Step Down

Alabama Republican Roy Moore says it's Mitch McConnell who should quit, not him.

Moore is responding to McConnell, the Senate majority leader, who says he believes Moore's accusers and thinks he should drop out of the race for Senate. At issue is a Washington Post story saying Moore had sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl and pursued romantic relationships with other teenage girls decades ago.

Moore says on Twitter: "The person who should step aside is @SenateMajLdr Mitch McConnell. He has failed conservatives and must be replaced. #DrainTheSwamp."


Rest - http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/alabama-moore-mcconnell/2017/11/13/id/825796/

11-13-2017, 02:52 PM
On the other side, apparently yet another woman will be coming forward today. But I tend to wonder when they come out on national television with Gloria Allred as the lawyer. Almost seems like an attention whoring and shaming expedition. It doesn't prove guilt or innocence, I personally just detest these types of actions.

But if yet another woman - let's see if she has any hard proof. The more that come out, I would say the more harm against him of course, and the better chance of finding proof to sink him.

11-13-2017, 03:08 PM
Here is the new accusation

11-13-2017, 03:28 PM
​Leftist media..(Liberals) working hard...digging ...searching...willing to pay and protect those women who want to come out of ...39 year old woodwork willing to raise their hand and make un-provable statements to help smear a Conservative Judge for money....anti-Trump Rhino`s clapping...agreeing... jumping in on the action with out a shred of evidence.....If the man is Guilty show some evidence ....Just like the Russian anti-Trump collusion / election fix garbage...for over a year...no evidence ...but the smear continues....

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/05/10/article-urn:publicid:ap.org:6fa0db9bf74d4abaa4d23b926b332f 57-3A2Dy098f29967bdbd3699ce077e-566_634x950.jpg

11-13-2017, 03:34 PM
Here is the new accusation

Place enough Liberal bread crumbs on the floor...hungry roaches will come out...


11-14-2017, 07:34 AM
None of this matters now. The question is whether US society believes in the principle of innocent until proven guilty. McConnell has already said that he won't seat Moore. What matters is the people of Alabama not getting a Senator that doesn't represent the ideology shoved down their throats.

11-14-2017, 11:10 AM
Here is the new accusation
My VERY FIRST THOUGHT when I saw this new bimbo with G-L-O-R-I-A was, I wonder how much the DNC paid this shill to put on her act?

11-14-2017, 11:33 AM
Irrespective of Roy Moore, this seat should NOT be filled by a Democrat. If Moore needs to drop out, have him do it after the election. The system will work to either condemn or exonerate Roy Moore.

11-14-2017, 12:19 PM
The man has some golden gonads!! I was losing faith in Mitch more and more and more. So aside from this scandal, I was leaning in that direction for awhile now. But no way related to this stuff. But if McConnell is going to call for him to bail, then this man replied with what many others feel, to an extent anyway.

I'll wait for all the proof to come forward. He claims he will be showing soon why the Washington Post made this story? Or will he pull a Trump and then never bring that up again. But I figure if the man is telling the truth, that he's being railroaded and this never happened, then it would surely explain the golden gonads! I'd fight like hell too if I never did it. I don't know personally how to see this one. I don't know the man and the timing is extremely suspect. But any time someone comes forward about someone assaulting them, when they were underage no less, it should be listened to at least. Investigate the claims. But solid proof needs to be brought forward to destroy someone's career. But if they do find proof of this - adios to him too, in a heartbeat, and would be a shame that the statute of limitations would 'protect' people over such crimes.


Roy Moore: McConnell's the One Who Should Step Down

Alabama Republican Roy Moore says it's Mitch McConnell who should quit, not him.

Moore is responding to McConnell, the Senate majority leader, who says he believes Moore's accusers and thinks he should drop out of the race for Senate. At issue is a Washington Post story saying Moore had sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl and pursued romantic relationships with other teenage girls decades ago.

Moore says on Twitter: "The person who should step aside is @SenateMajLdr Mitch McConnell. He has failed conservatives and must be replaced. #DrainTheSwamp."


Rest - http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/alabama-moore-mcconnell/2017/11/13/id/825796/
I think this is turtle face telling/showing Bannon that he can stuff his backed candidates where the sun don't shine, that how dare he try and challenge his position and authority as senate majority leader. How DARE Bannon attempt to get ANTI swamp dwellers elected... that's what this is.

11-14-2017, 04:31 PM

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/05/10/article-urn:publicid:ap.org:6fa0db9bf74d4abaa4d23b926b332f 57-3A2Dy098f29967bdbd3699ce077e-566_634x950.jpg

Holy shit, I thought that was Eddie Izzard...


11-15-2017, 09:15 AM
When Sean Hannity stops defending you, you know it's bad

11-15-2017, 09:55 AM
When Sean Hannity stops defending you, you know it's bad
Is the TDS washpo the only website you read?

You do realize that they're a frothing at the mouth, unhinged bunch of leftist partisan hacks... right?

11-15-2017, 10:12 AM
Is the TDS washpo the only website you read?

You do realize that they're a frothing at the mouth, unhinged bunch of leftist partisan hacks... right?

Get a gripe man. Are you saying Hannity did not say this?

“Here’s where I am tonight,” Hannity continued. “Between this interview that I did and the inconsistent answers, between him saying ‘I never knew this girl’ and then that yearbook comes out. For me, the judge has 24 hours. He must immediately and fully come up with satisfactory explanations for your inconsistencies that I just showed. You must remove any doubt. If he can’t do this, then Judge Moore needs to get out of this race.”

That is from the conservative National Review

11-15-2017, 10:26 AM
Get a gripe man. Are you saying Hannity did not say this?

“Here’s where I am tonight,” Hannity continued. “Between this interview that I did and the inconsistent answers, between him saying ‘I never knew this girl’ and then that yearbook comes out. For me, the judge has 24 hours. He must immediately and fully come up with satisfactory explanations for your inconsistencies that I just showed. You must remove any doubt. If he can’t do this, then Judge Moore needs to get out of this race.”

That is from the conservative National Review
You linked to the washpo, and that is what I commented on.

I don't give a crap what Hannity said, and I didn't comment on what Hannity said, yet you're stuck on what Hannity said. You basically ignored entirely the content of my post.

11-15-2017, 10:29 AM
You linked to the washpo, and that is what I commented on.

I don't give a crap what Hannity said, and I didn't comment on what Hannity said, yet you're stuck on what Hannity said. You basically ignored entirely the content of my post.

Then next time please don't make a tangent comment. My point was not on the reputation of WaPo. But you are like a child and can't seem to help yourself.

11-15-2017, 10:48 AM
Then next time please don't make a tangent comment. My point was not on the reputation of WaPo. But you are like a child and can't seem to help yourself.
And you get defensive when your total leftist indoctrination is highlighted.

11-15-2017, 10:50 AM
And you get defensive when your total leftist indoctrination is highlighted.

And you are fair and balanced. hahahahahahahahahahahaha. pot kettle black.

11-15-2017, 10:57 AM
And you are fair and balanced. hahahahahahahahahahahaha. pot kettle black.
Please link to where I said I was "fair and balanced."

You really are gifted at just making shit up.

11-15-2017, 11:05 AM
Please link to where I said I was "fair and balanced."

You really are gifted at just making shit up.

Then you are a hypocrite for being a radical righty

11-15-2017, 11:26 AM
Then you are a hypocrite for being a radical righty
That comment is an absolutely vapid, moronic, pathetic bunch of retarded leftist buzz words.

Looks like I win again.

11-15-2017, 12:16 PM
Moore said he would come out with information in a few days to explain why the story was ran in the WaPo. I haven't seen that happen. But I did see more accusations come out, even if very old & little facts behind them. He needs to come out with what he's talking about, address this stuff and defeat it somehow. I dunno. They need to ensure a (R) gets that seat, and a decent one. I don't know the alternatives at this point. Whether a replacement now, or replace him once in office, which would also guarantee the (R). But these accusations are troubling. But man, how easy it would be to come up with such old crap. I don't want the women diminished, but they should have proof as well. All I've seen thus far is a signed letter from him, which would prove nothing to begin with. But handwriting experts (if believed) state it's not him. Now they're also stating that document has 2 different pen colors.

11-15-2017, 12:21 PM
Moore said he would come out with information in a few days to explain why the story was ran in the WaPo. I haven't seen that happen. But I did see more accusations come out, even if very old & little facts behind them. He needs to come out with what he's talking about, address this stuff and defeat it somehow. I dunno. They need to ensure a (R) gets that seat, and a decent one. I don't know the alternatives at this point. Whether a replacement now, or replace him once in office, which would also guarantee the (R). But these accusations are troubling. But man, how easy it would be to come up with such old crap. I don't want the women diminished, but they should have proof as well. All I've seen thus far is a signed letter from him, which would prove nothing to begin with. But handwriting experts (if believed) state it's not him. Now they're also stating that document has 2 different pen colors.

The forged letter of pastor support is crazy that he thought he'd get away with it. We want that in the senate?

11-15-2017, 12:24 PM
The forged letter of pastor support is crazy that he thought he'd get away with it. We want that in the senate?
Why not? We had a president that forged his certificate of birth.

11-15-2017, 12:25 PM
The forged letter of pastor support is crazy that he thought he'd get away with it. We want that in the senate?

The letter I speak of is what the left is stating he wrote, backing up claims that he knew or was with her or whatever at that date:


Now we have the step-son of the accuser, stating he stands behind the judge. Weird.

Stepson of Roy Moore Accuser Says She’s LYING – ‘I STAND BEHIND THE JUDGE 100%’

Darrel Nelson, the stepson of Judge Roy Moore accuser Beverly Young Nelson says the allegations are all lies. Nelson says he is baffled by the timing of the sexual advancement claims and voices his staunch support for the Alabama GOP Senate candidate.

Nelson, 56, held a press conference in New York with embattled attorney Gloria Allred on Monday, alleging Judge Roy Moore sexually harassed her when she was 16 years old.

According to Beverly Young Nelson’s account reported by the Washington Examiner, “Moore offered to drive her home from work one night but instead parked in a “dark, deserted” part of a parking lot behind the restaurant where she worked. Nelson said Moore groped her and “began squeezing my neck attempting to force my head onto his crotch.”

Nelson begins the video by saying “Mr. Moore, I support you. I don’t believe the acts that she claims you’ve done — I don’t believe it.”

“I’ve known the woman, she married my father many, many years ago. I’ve known her for a while now, and I truly do not believe that she’s being honest about this,” added Nelson.

“You, Mr. Moore, your wife, I apologize for whatever reasons she is doing this i am truly sorry… I stand behind you 100%!”

“To my stepmother, whatever reason you did this, I have a few questions on this. Why did you wait so long if this did happen? You said you were a teenager when it happened, but here it is now, how many years later? And all of a sudden you’re going to bring it up when we voted him into the House and you trying to get him [taken] out? I’m not going to have.”

Later, Nelson acknowledged that he knew he was going to get backlash from his family, but said clearing up the false allegation is worth the trouble.

“I don’t believe a word she says, but I do believe [Moore] is innocent.”

Nelson concludes the video by offering to issue a statement on behalf of the Moore campaign.

On Monday evening, Judge Moore vehemently denied Nelson’s accusations.

Here’s what he told the press:

JUDGE ROY MOORE: “Thank ya’ll for being here tonight. Thank-you to all the people have came out at this late hour and for being here. I want to address what’s been brought out on television today by Gloria Allred and a client she has about things I allegedly did. I want to make it perfectly clear, the people of Alabama know me, they know my character, they know what I’ve stood for in the political world for over 40-years. I can tell you without hesitation, this is absolutely false. I never did what she said I did. I don’t even know the woman. I don’t know anything about her. I don’t even know where the restaurant is or was. If you look at this situation you’ll see because I’m eleven or ten points or eleven points ahead, this race being just 28 days off, that this is a political maneuver and has nothing to do with reality. It’s all about politics.”
