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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-16-2017, 07:08 AM

Pentagon To Pay For Soldier’s Gender Confirmation Surgery
Carla Herreria

,HuffPost•November 14, 2017
Pentagon To Pay For Soldier’s Gender Confirmation Surgery
The Pentagon will pay for an active-duty soldier’s gender confirmation surgery, which took place Tuesday afternoon, according to a statement sent to multiple news outlets.

The Pentagon will pay for an active-duty soldier’s gender confirmation surgery, which took place Tuesday afternoon, according to a statement sent to multiple news outlets.

The surgery and its approval come months after President Donald Trump signed a memo to ban transgender recruits from serving in the military and cut future funding for gender confirmation surgeries.

The Pentagon said that the service member had the surgery in a private hospital Tuesday afternoon after it was approved by the Pentagon under a waiver that allowed the military to pay for the operation.

According to a statement sent to NBC News and BuzzFeed’s Jon Passantino, Pentagon spokeswoman Dana W. White said that the waiver for the surgery was approved because the service member had already begun a “sex-reassignment course of treatment” and the treating doctor said it was “medically necessary.”

“This afternoon, an active-duty military member received a sex-reassignment surgery,” White explained. “Military hospitals do not have the surgical expertise to perform this type of surgery, therefore it was conducted in a private hospital.”

White added: “The Supplemental Health Care Program will cover this surgery in accordance with the Department’s interim guidance on transgender Service members.”

Active-duty service members typically use the Supplemental Health Care Program to pay for treatment completed within the private sector.

Pentagon confirms an active-duty military member received sex-reassignment surgery today, and it will pay for the procedure for the first time pic.twitter.com/4WQGnPDlhd
— Jon Passantino (@passantino) November 15, 2017

NBC News, which first reported on the approval of the surgery, identified the service member as an infantry solider who identifies as a woman after speaking to a source who is close to the soldier.

The transgender soldier got her Combat Infantry Badge in Afghanistan in Operation Anaconda in 2003.

After announcing his plans on Twitter, Trump signed a presidential memo in August in an attempt to ban transgender men and women from serving in the military and to stop the military’s funding of gender confirmation surgery.

Trump defended the policy change as a cost-saving measure, despite a 2016 Rand Corp. study that found that allowing transgender people to serve openly in the military would have a minimal effect on readiness and health care costs.

A federal judge temporarily blocked the White House’s transgender ban in late October, saying that the reasons Trump provided for the ban “do not appear to be supported by any facts.”

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

Hell no. Say it aint so....--Tyr

11-16-2017, 10:24 AM
The transgender soldier got her Combat Infantry Badge in Afghanistan in Operation Anaconda in 2003.

I always have to laugh when these pervert loving leftists refer to a MAN as "her."

This was obviously approved by an obama holdover in the Pentagon. He/she/they should be fired and dishonorably discharged for gross mismanagement of military funds.

And in fact, the pervert that got his dick cut off should be sued by the DOD for the money that was spent on this. Make *HIM* pay it back.

The Sage of Main Street
11-16-2017, 01:26 PM
Hell no. Say it aint so....--Tyr
Without a draft, the military has to drag in the dregs of society. So we need one before our military becomes even more ridiculous. And the next draft better get rid of the college deferment and allow no volunteers for the National Guard or Reserves except veterans. Any shortages there will be filled by a draft quota. So no more outs for Dubdud and Danny Quayle (the Kokomo Commando).

Tough-guy sissy NFL rookies can't pull that phony Reservist service they all ran away to—well, they'll get drafted before they play in college anyway. No more doctors being bribed to come up with bogus physical disqualifications. During my war, anti-democratic privileges were extended even to matters of life and death, so all the other ones must be abolished too.

11-16-2017, 02:53 PM
More of what Obama left us, with the Leftover Pentagon Ass Kissers who kissed Obama so much to save their jobs...most of them probably also switched to TRANNY service...under the Cesspool tunnels beneath the Pentagon.

<img src="http://www.barenakedislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/traitor-e1408686178826.jpg">

<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/736x/76/d7/88/76d788da976c72e7b3bb755758eb4c9a--muslim-faith-obama-phone.jpg">

<img src="http://obamaforwards.com/content/binary/031910_0946_NobamaBumpe31.jpg">

11-18-2017, 08:40 AM
when did "sex change" become "gender confirmation".......that has got to be the dumbest PC ever.......

11-18-2017, 09:31 AM
Without a draft, the military has to drag in the dregs of society. So we need one before our military becomes even more ridiculous. And the next draft better get rid of the college deferment and allow no volunteers for the National Guard or Reserves except veterans. Any shortages there will be filled by a draft quota. So no more outs for Dubdud and Danny Quayle (the Kokomo Commando).

Tough-guy sissy NFL rookies can't pull that phony Reservist service they all ran away to—well, they'll get drafted before they play in college anyway. No more doctors being bribed to come up with bogus physical disqualifications. During my war, anti-democratic privileges were extended even to matters of life and death, so all the other ones must be abolished too.

Obama started the military "leftist social experiment" Garbage.....(Remember leftist hate the military) its their way of weakening it using red tape and diversity transgender garbage.


**Trump and company will clean it up....so much on the Table now....but it will be taken care of...

11-19-2017, 12:30 PM
when did "sex change" become "gender confirmation".......that has got to be the dumbest PC ever.......No shit. Was wondering the same thing when I first saw the stupid term. Gender confirmation? Easy. Got a dick? Guy. Got a female hoo-hah? Girl.

Whoever coined that term needs to re-take 5th grade science and English.

11-19-2017, 01:28 PM
The Pentagon is paying? Remind me, where does the Pentagon get its money?

Black Diamond
11-19-2017, 01:34 PM
The Pentagon is paying? Remind me, where does the Pentagon get its money?
Probably not from trees??