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11-16-2017, 12:21 PM
Now considering how Moore has been treated on just 40 year old allegations, one would think that with such iron clad proof such as a picture, Franken should be being perp walked off of legislative premises and his office cleaned out... right GOP? You wouldn't want to look like ass hats for the way you've been treating Judge Moore because of unsubstantiated 40 year old hearsay to be over the top now would you? Now what will you do when the proof is BLATANT, as in PICTURES, GOP? Gonna him-haw and do the five knuckle shuffle, or step up and demand Franken be THROW OUT like NOW?

I couldn’t believe it. He groped me, without my consent, while I was asleep.
I felt violated all over again. Embarrassed. Belittled. Humiliated.
How dare anyone grab my breasts like this and think it’s funny?
I told my husband everything that happened and showed him the picture.
I wanted to shout my story to the world with a megaphone to anyone who would listen, but even as angry as I was, I was worried about the potential backlash and damage going public might have on my career as a broadcaster.


11-16-2017, 12:56 PM
While I agree about the hypocrisy...

I saw the picture and it would appear he doesn't even touch her. She published her story and referred to him as grabbing her breasts and what not. I don't see that happening.

This doesn't clear him, as the photo he took is still uncool. But I do see a difference between the two.

11-16-2017, 01:06 PM
Wrong and he apologized

11-16-2017, 01:08 PM
Wrong and he apologized

An apology makes it all alright... good to know

11-16-2017, 01:09 PM
Wrong and he apologized

Well, his apology was lame as well, IMO.

But watching this happen while the Dems are frothing at the mouth over Moore is comical. Like yourself, most others are speaking softly about his and stating 'well, at least he apologized'.

If they want to remain consistent - call for his head.

11-16-2017, 01:18 PM
While I agree about the hypocrisy...

I saw the picture and it would appear he doesn't even touch her. She published her story and referred to him as grabbing her breasts and what not. I don't see that happening.

This doesn't clear him, as the photo he took is still uncool. But I do see a difference between the two.
But remember, her just *SAYING* he grabbed her breasts is supposed to be GOOD ENOUGH, and here we have a picture of him with his fingertips looking to touch her shirt. Moore is being condemned and CONVICTED on 40 year old gossip just because people THINK it's credible, here we have a picture showing it either did or was about to happen. Franken is definitely showing that was his intent.

Yeah the double standard and hypocrisy is sickening, and Pete's apathy and pathetic comment that he apologized is just toilet worthy.

11-16-2017, 02:17 PM
An apology makes it all alright... good to know

I said it was alright, where?

11-16-2017, 02:19 PM
Well, his apology was lame as well, IMO.

But watching this happen while the Dems are frothing at the mouth over Moore is comical. Like yourself, most others are speaking softly about his and stating 'well, at least he apologized'.

If they want to remain consistent - call for his head.

Frankin has accepted an ethics investigation. I would support his removal. Night and day difference in response from Frankin vs Moore.

11-16-2017, 02:30 PM
I said it was alright, where?

Aw cmon...we all know you were thinking it....

and thanks for the neg rep...

11-16-2017, 02:31 PM
what a fucking joke :( I don't buy it.

11-16-2017, 02:38 PM
what a fucking joke :( I don't buy it.

Buy what? He admitted to it.

11-16-2017, 02:38 PM
Franken only did the prescribed, typical, liberal, DNC tactic of Apologizing while crossing his fingers behind his back, and pretending....like all the other Liberal Liars who get caught...he's sorry, and won't do it again.

Democrats have a record of apologizing....without really meaning it....
A common theme that runs through President Obama's statements is the idea the United States must atone for its past policies, whether it is America's application of the war against Islamist terrorism or its overall foreign policy. At the core of this message is the concept that the U.S. is a flawed nation that must seek redemption by apologizing for its past "sins."

11-16-2017, 02:40 PM
Buy what? He admitted to it.

Just as you should learn to do petey. Feel like honestly answering any questions yet?

11-16-2017, 02:47 PM
Just as you should learn to do petey. Feel like honestly answering any questions yet?

Ask away, and no I have not sexually assaulted anyone

11-16-2017, 02:57 PM
Ask away, and no I have not sexually assaulted anyone

Never said you did. As for answering questions. You are a joke. Sounding so liberal, and playing the DNC instructions so well. We all know...you will NEVER honestly answer any of the previous questions. Your distraction is as stupid as you are.

Black Diamond
11-16-2017, 03:17 PM
Never said you did. As for answering questions. You are a joke. Sounding so liberal, and playing the DNC instructions so well. We all know...you will NEVER honestly answer any of the previous questions. Your distraction is as stupid as you are.
Wait. I thought he was skipping your posts.

11-16-2017, 03:23 PM
Frankin has accepted an ethics investigation. I would support his removal. Night and day difference in response from Frankin vs Moore.
Night and day difference in proof too.

Moore accusers are purporting events that may or may not have happened 40 years ago, and suspicious as hell they all of a sudden decided to make these claims just days before an important election, and we know now they're democrats and their stories are being dismantled as we speak.

Franken was caught in the act with his hands all over her tits, and she also described him forcing himself on her sticking his tongue down her throat.

There's your night and day difference.

11-16-2017, 03:24 PM
Never said you did. As for answering questions. You are a joke. Sounding so liberal, and playing the DNC instructions so well. We all know...you will NEVER honestly answer any of the previous questions. Your distraction is as stupid as you are.

I feel sadness at witnessing you waste away your few remaining days hurling insults at a stranger on a message board.

11-16-2017, 03:25 PM
Buy what? He admitted to it.

I don't buy any lingering trauma. He didn't admit kissing her, but apologized for taking a pic where he almost touched her but didn't.

11-16-2017, 03:25 PM
Night and day difference in proof too.

Moore accusers are purporting events that may or may not have happened 40 years ago, and suspicious as hell they all of a sudden decided to make these claims just days before an important election, and we know now they're democrats and their stories are being dismantled as we speak.

Franken was caught in the act with his hands all over her tits, and she also described him forcing himself on her sticking his tongue down her throat.

There's your night and day difference.

Whatever, I'm not defending the man. I support his removal.

11-16-2017, 03:26 PM
I don't buy any lingering trauma. He didn't admit kissing her, but apologized for taking a pic where he almost touched her but didn't.

Everyone caught seems to be massaging their apologies. I agree it's not right.

11-16-2017, 03:26 PM
While I agree about the hypocrisy...

I saw the picture and it would appear he doesn't even touch her. She published her story and referred to him as grabbing her breasts and what not. I don't see that happening.

This doesn't clear him, as the photo he took is still uncool. But I do see a difference between the two.

`They have any Pic`s On Judge Moore? That was a still pic Im sure there was more to it on the long flight back...Including sticking his tongue down her throat...`

"So I’ll take your yearbook and I’ll double down on an actual photo. You can take your forged yearbook and put it wherever you want.

I got an actual photo here. What are the Democrats gonna do? Seriously. What are the Democrats gonna do? They’re trying to get rid of two Republicans, and here comes this big hypocrite, Al Franken, totally gumming up the works, totally screwing up the plan!." The woman is sleeping and she’s wearing, you know, camo gear on a C-17 on the way back from a USO tour.

Her name is Leeann Tweeden. She was on a USO tour with Franken back in 2006, and on this tour she describes a circumstance where Franken demanded to rehearse a kiss that was gonna be in the show, part of the show. He kept telling her (paraphrasing), “Yeah, we actors, you know, we rehearse everything.”

She said, “I’m not gonna kiss you.” “Well, we gotta rehearse it,” and he kept forcing himself on her and forcing himself and finally jammed his tongue halfway down her throat in the rehearsal. She refused to let it happen on stage in the actual show.

She has now gone public with this on the website for the radio station where she works in the morning, KABC in Los Angeles.

And there is a photo on the flight home on Christmas Eve of 2006, there is a photo of Al Franken cupping her breasts. Well, I wouldn’t call it cupping. But he’s either pretending to or it’s the real thing. And she’s dead asleep. He’s got this big “look at what I’m getting away with” grin on his face.With Roy Moore we have allegations and a possibly forged high school yearbook. With Trump we have the Access Hollywood video where he’s talking to Billy Bush about things, but there is no photographic evidence. With Al Franken there is. Mitch McConnell has already said that there needs to be a serious Ethics Committee investigation into Franken. The Democrats, what are they gonna do here?

***They can’t defend this. Although I wouldn’t put it past them to try, given their close association, friendship with the Drive-By Media.
But it really presents a problem, because this is something you can’t ignore, because there’s a photo of it. And everything that we’ve heard now in this effort to get rid of Moore, what is it? We’ve got to believe the women.

Everybody under the sun is saying the women don’t lie. The women have to be believed. Everybody’s saying it about the women involved with Roy Moore.
*** >>Here comes Leeann Tweeden. Are they gonna say, “Well, we need further investigation. We can’t just take the woman’s word for it.” Are they gonna do that? They can’t do that. Well, I say they can’t do that, but these people are capable of anything."

Leeann explans it here all of it (starts at 40 seconds in)


"But again, "They" say...Roy Moore gotta go. No latitude, no leeway, not gonna wait, not gonna wait to find out if any of this is actually true. The allegations alone are enough. And everybody thinks that, by the way. It is an amazing thing."


11-16-2017, 03:27 PM
I don't buy any lingering trauma. He didn't admit kissing her, but apologized for taking a pic where he almost touched her but didn't.
But remember, Darin... we can't forget how Roy Moore has been condemned and convicted simply on the WORD of his accusers about something that there's no proof of happening FOUR DECADES AGO.

We have to treat Franken the same or there's obviously a double standard here.

11-16-2017, 03:32 PM
"Now that Al Franken has been implicated with photographic evidence (https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2017/11/16/democrats-have-a-problem-al-franken-is-a-big-fat-hypocrite-pervert/), the Democrats have no interest in going to the cameras and microphones. I don’t know if the Republicans do, either."


11-16-2017, 03:48 PM
https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/t9aYjcUtvQ7oqseonJljhQ--~B/Zmk9c3RyaW07aD0zODg7cHlvZmY9MDtxPTk1O3c9NzIwO3NtPT E7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-images/GLB/2017-11-16/5f1d6750-caea-11e7-87cc-d39ae499a647_afnh.jpg.cf.webp
http://images.taboola.com/taboola/image/fetch/f_jpg%2Cq_auto%2Ch_217%2Cw_260%2Cc_fill%2Cg_faces: auto%2Ce_sharpen/https://prezna.com/get/uAx-2609383895220320915.jpeg
"Al aint gonna get away with it"

11-16-2017, 04:57 PM
I feel sadness at witnessing you waste away your few remaining days hurling insults at a stranger on a message board.

Not as sad as I feel for you and your endless hypocrisy....remember when you said you would SKIP my posts? By the way when I hurl anything, it will be down a drain before flushing....and you STILL WON'T GO AWAY.

11-17-2017, 10:09 PM
I feel sadness at witnessing you waste away your few remaining days hurling insults at a stranger on a message board.I feel sadness at witnessing YOU neg repping the Sergeant Major. He had more rep than you when he was a PFC :laugh:

Black Diamond
11-18-2017, 01:47 AM
I feel sadness at witnessing YOU neg repping the Sergeant Major. He had more rep than you when he was a PFC :laugh:
Since Christ was a corporal. ROFLMAO.