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View Full Version : Trump, Golf & hypocritical statements

11-25-2017, 11:45 AM
Can't get past this one. He made statements in the past about the amount of times that Obama shot rounds of golf during his presidency. And now he does the same, and much more. At the very very least, he should tweet something about how we was WRONG, and that perhaps golf is one of the only outlets a president can get?

My take is that they shouldn't be doing so, unless on vacation and/or when there is no urgent work needing to get done.

I don't have a problem with a president having a vacation, never did. My issues were always about how many, and what the costs are. I know the Trump family alone makes the costs extra high, so I hope they don't bring friends along with them on vacations outside the area, that can get VERY expensive. That's why local rounds of golf which need less security are better outlets for him. And I would hope any vacations would be limited to the Prez, his wife and son, to keep costs and protection low. For example, bringing the entire family on vacation to Hawaii for example. Can you imagine the costs involved? Yikes.

I don't think his amount of golf is harming his work or amount of work, as he's a workaholic. But I still think he has become a hypocrite on this issue. I would also hope we would see the golf disappear should we be involved in a crisis, or that his attention is better needed in Washington.