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View Full Version : Grope women and still be an icon - as long as you're on the left

11-27-2017, 04:35 PM
It does kinda appear that way. Yesterday, or the day before, even Pelosi was defending Clinton, Conyers, Franken... while she condemned Trump & Moore. Talk about your rose colored glasses! At least be consistent on such matters. :rolleyes:


You Can Grope Women And Still Be An ‘Icon’ To Morning Joe, As Long As You Have The Right Political Beliefs

Joe Scarborough started Monday by defending Rep. John Conyers Jr, even in the midst of sexual harassment allegations raised against him and his subsequent stepping down as ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee.

Despite the allegations of sexual misconduct against the congressman, including a 2015 settlement of $27,000 to a woman Conyers had apparently fired due to her refusal to cooperate with the congressman’s sexual demands, Joe Scarborough claimed that Conyers is an “icon” who, even in the midst of scandal, deserves to be praised for his past work.

“But he is still an icon,” Mika Brzezinski stated.

Scarborough then went on to list many of the congressman’s accomplishments but omitted any detail of the allegations against him.

“Tell me, what do you call this person before this happened, a guy who was a Korean war veteran, a guy who when he got into congress there were four black members in Congress, a guy who single-handedly started the congressional black caucus,” Scarborough stated. He then mentioned his role in helping Rosa Parks and his presence in Selma.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2017/11/27/you-can-grope-women-and-still-be-an-icon-to-morning-joe-as-long-as-you-have-the-right-political-beliefs/

11-27-2017, 05:01 PM
It does kinda appear that way. Yesterday, or the day before, even Pelosi was defending Clinton, Conyers, Franken... while she condemned Trump & Moore. Talk about your rose colored glasses! At least be consistent on such matters. :rolleyes:


You Can Grope Women And Still Be An ‘Icon’ To Morning Joe, As Long As You Have The Right Political Beliefs

Joe Scarborough started Monday by defending Rep. John Conyers Jr, even in the midst of sexual harassment allegations raised against him and his subsequent stepping down as ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee.

Despite the allegations of sexual misconduct against the congressman, including a 2015 settlement of $27,000 to a woman Conyers had apparently fired due to her refusal to cooperate with the congressman’s sexual demands, Joe Scarborough claimed that Conyers is an “icon” who, even in the midst of scandal, deserves to be praised for his past work.

“But he is still an icon,” Mika Brzezinski stated.

Scarborough then went on to list many of the congressman’s accomplishments but omitted any detail of the allegations against him.

“Tell me, what do you call this person before this happened, a guy who was a Korean war veteran, a guy who when he got into congress there were four black members in Congress, a guy who single-handedly started the congressional black caucus,” Scarborough stated. He then mentioned his role in helping Rosa Parks and his presence in Selma.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2017/11/27/you-can-grope-women-and-still-be-an-icon-to-morning-joe-as-long-as-you-have-the-right-political-beliefs/Wow. Single-handed built the Congressional BLACK caucus, a discriminatory organization within the Congress? I'm impressed:rolleyes:.

I KNEW this shit was going to happen. Not a damned thing is going to happen to a single one of these Dems. Now think of the number of Republicans forced to step down BY REPUBLICANS for less...

11-27-2017, 05:11 PM
Pelosi is getting hammered on the news by BOTH Republicans and Dems :laugh:

11-27-2017, 06:10 PM
On that same note, and what I mentioned earlier.


In Brutal Takedown, Paper Explains How Nancy Pelosi Has ‘Enabled Sexual Predators For Decades’

The political world is in shock over Nancy Pelosi’s reprehensible defense of alleged sexual harasser and fellow Democrat, Rep. John Conyers on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Sunday morning.

Townhall’s Katie Pavlich writes Pelosi’s defense of Conyers is part of her long history of enabling sexual predators.

But first, a recap.


Pelosi called the embattled Congressman an “icon.”


When “Meet the Press,” host Chuck Todd asked Pelosi if she believed the allegations against Conyers, she had this to say, “I don’t know who they are. Do you? They have not really come forward. And that gets to…Well, that’s for the Ethics Committee to review. But I believe he understands what is at stake here and he will do the right thing. But all of these non-disclosure agreements have to go. By the way, some of them are there to protect the victim because they didn’t want some of it to be public. But that’s over. In other words, if the victim wants to be private, she can be…he or she can be.”

In the same segment, Todd played Pelosi a flashback clip of her defending former President Bill Clinton against the impeachment process stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit brought by Arkansas state employee Paula Jones.


Below is a transcript of the exchange between host Tim Russert and Pelosi in 1998.

RUSSERT: “Why the silence when there have been these allegations, serious ones about President Clinton?

PELOSI: “Well, I’d like to say that I think that the women of America are speaking out about, uh, what they think about this whole situation. The women of America are just like other Americans, in that, they value fairness, the value privacy, and do not want to see a person with uncontrolled power, uncontrolled time, uncontrolled, uh, unlimited money, uh, investigation the President of the United States.

“..[T]hat’s exactly what Pelosi is: That woman, a faux feminist who has been enabling sexual predators for decades,” says Pavlich.

The op-ed notes two examples of how Pelosi has enabled sexual predators previously covered by The Gateway Pundit, while highlighting disgraced ex- San Diego Mayor Bob Filner.

Per Townhall: (https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2017/11/27/nancy-pelosis-history-of-defending-sexual-abusers-n2414627)

During her time as Speaker of the House, Pelosi ignored disgraceful sexual harassment by former Congressman and San Diego Mayor Bob Filner. During his time as Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, Filner sexually harassed female veterans who were victims of rape during their time in the military. He knew about their vulnerable positions and took advantage of them. He offered them “help” in return for dinner dates. A total disgrace and gross abuse of power.

Filner’s record as an advocate for veterans, and female veterans in particular, make the latest developments in the charges of sexual harassment against him that much more deplorable.

Three more women this week — two survivors of military sexual assault and a nurse who cared for a female veteran — came forward with allegations that they were sexually harassed by the San Diego mayor and former 10-term congressman.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/11/brutal-takedown-paper-explains-nancy-pelosi-enabled-sexual-predators-decades/

11-27-2017, 07:41 PM
Remember Trent Lott? said something nice about an old man on his birthday or retirement or whatever? Republicans forced him out running scared from the wagging Fem "racist" finger.

How about Henry Bonilla? That lunatic lefty DA is STILL trying to nail him for something. Republicans forced him out amid Dem accusations.

Newt Gingrich? Forced out by Republicans amid Dem accusations.

John Conyers? Icon

Al Franken? Misunderstood

Bill Clinton? Just a Good ol' boy, shyster lawyer playing semantics.

Hillary Clinton? She didn't know. About anything. Except she could feel Trump leering at her from behind :laugh:. (Like ANYONE would)