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View Full Version : Much of nothing

12-02-2017, 11:02 AM
So for a minute there, the never Trumpers and everyone on the left were literally celebrating, thinking they found "collusion" between Trump and the Russians. Folks were HAPPY. Why not be happy that it DIDN'T happen, and that the country is doing well? The twitter feeds from the hollywood elite and the lefties - it was an early Christmas for them. The MSM ran with breaking news, and they had smiles for the first time since the election. You see the folks on "The View", celebrating when they got the news.

But it was premature, and more or less nothing when it comes to Trump and/or this administration. Flynn did the normal - he reached out to world powers, and spoke about Isis and other plans for the future. Nothing underhanded happened at all, and certainly nothing by Donald Trump.

So now back to normal, put the corks back in the champagne - and enjoy a country that is succeeding all the way around - except in the 'get the dirt on Trump' department.

He did lie about one thing though. He said I would get tired of winning. I'm not tired of it yet. Not until Obama disappears, another SC justice is put in place & more inroads against illegal immigration is made. :thumb:

12-02-2017, 11:17 AM
Joy Behar today...


12-02-2017, 11:21 AM
SnowFlakes...Never Trumpers....Back to life...Back to TRUMP reality!:dance:


12-02-2017, 05:03 PM
Joy Behar today...


Anybody know if this screamer had a funeral, or a party under the cesspool???