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12-04-2017, 06:01 PM


Senate Democrats Blatantly Lied About Hillsdale College

Every single Democrat senator owes Hillsdale an apology for the blatant lies spread about the college during Senate debate over tax reform.

Last night, while losing to the GOP in the Great Tax Bill Debate of 2017, Senate Democrats eked out a small victory.

They persuaded a handful of Senate Republicans to join them to strip from the GOP tax bill a provision characterized as an unjustified earmark for Michigan’s conservative Hillsdale College, a school that famously declines to accept federal funds.

As the Washington Post reports:

Four Republicans joined all [48] Senate Democrats in voting to adopt [Sen. Jeff] Merkley’s amendment [to strip the provision]. They were Sens. Deb Fischer of Nebraska, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and John Kennedy of Louisiana.

The trouble is, the premise of the vote was false. The alleged “earmark” was not an earmark. It did not exclusively benefit Hillsdale. The vote to strip it was a mistake.

Hillsdale was innocent. Fifty-two senators owe her an apology.

Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the leader of the chamber’s Democrats, falsely claimed last night that the college would be “the only institution” to benefit from an “exemption” from a new excise created under the bill.

In the crush of the late-night amendment “vote-a-rama,” Schumer’s lies flew past the finish line while the truth was still looking for its running shoes.

The New York Democrat went so far as to dub the imaginary exemption a “metaphor” for the entire Republican tax plan:

A single wealthy college, the pet project of a billionaire campaign contributor to the Republican party [Dick DeVos, husband of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos], exempted by [an amendment from Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania], who fought to get rid of earmarks. … This unfortunately is the metaphor for this bill and how high the stench is rising in this chamber as we debate the bill tonight.

Well, actually, Senator, that stench is coming from your own bogus narrative.

The controversial provision benefitted, not just Hillsdale, but every college that declines to take federal money. There are at least six such colleges in the country, and they all follow this policy for the same reason: to preserve their liberty.

● Grove City College (Pennsylvania)
● Christendom College (Virginia)
● Patrick Henry College (Virginia)
● Pensacola Christian College (Florida)
● Gutenberg College (Oregon)
● Wyoming Catholic College (Wyoming)

And despite Democratic claims, Hillsdale does not decline federal money so it can engage in “discrimination.” Just the opposite. In refusing to comply with federal education bureaucrats’ race-tracking rules, the school’s board insists on not discriminating.

Rest - http://thefederalist.com/2017/12/02/senate-democrats-blatantly-lied-hillsdale-college/

12-04-2017, 07:50 PM
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