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View Full Version : It's Not Just Franken, Conyers, and Dem With Problems

12-07-2017, 07:53 PM

No word yet on why but Roll Call is whispering about allegations of “inappropriate behavior.” I posted this tweet earlier but it’s worth re-upping:

SEE ALSO: Former cop Michael Slager gets 20 years for murder of Walter Scott

Michael Trujillo
SOURCES: @CNN and @washingtonpost working on exposing 20-30 congressional members 4 sexual harassment. #DC
9:59 AM - Dec 7, 2017

Uh oh: GOP Rep. Trent Franks expected to resign; Update: Harassment? Update: Asked employees to be surrogate mothers
Neil King, a former WSJ reporter based in D.C., responded to that with this:

Neil King

Hearing the total may top 40. https://twitter.com/mikehtrujillo/status/938815136571129856 …
11:16 AM - Dec 7, 2017

Congressional reporter Haley Byrd tweeted this ominous PSA not long before the Franks news broke:

Haley Byrd

Now would be a good time to bookmark the House press gallery's member casualty list that tracks lawmaker resignations and retirements. https://pressgallery.house.gov/member-data/casualty-list …
2:06 PM - Dec 7, 2017
Casualty List
Retiring/Seeking other office.

She noted later that the Franks rumors had been circulating earlier this afternoon in the Capitol. He’s a member of the House Freedom Caucus and an ardent pro-life warrior — and, apparently, a soon-to-be ex-congressman:

“We will have a statement a little bit later, but that’s all I can tell you right now,” Franks told Roll Call. “The statement will explain.”

It is unclear exactly why Franks is stepping down, but one Arizona Republican said there had been rumors of inappropriate behavior. The Republican said the congressman had apparently been making plans to run for Senate in 2012, but abruptly canceled those plans.

“There’s been rumors swirling around him for years, at least in 2012,” the Republican said. “And if this turns out to be true, there won’t be that many people who are surprised.”

Roy Moore’s about to be elected to the Senate and Al Franken may yet get a second chance to hold onto his seat. What the hell could be coming out on Franks that’s so terrible that he’s impelled to resign before it even breaks? Is the idea that if he hands over his scalp before anything is published, the story might be scrapped on grounds that there’s no point hounding someone who’s already fallen on his sword? I don’t think the #MeToo moment in journalism will allow that.

I suppose quitting at least spares him the ordeal of being questioned by reporters about whatever it is in the Capitol’s hallways.

He told reporters on his way off the House floor a few minutes ago that his statement will “speak for itself.” Stand by for updates.

Update: While we wait for Franks’s statement, note that defenses of Al Franken are beginning to congeal.

Jonathan Alter

Democrats will rue the day they demanded @alfranken resign. They’ve given into the conflation of crimes (Weinstein, Moore) and power abuse (bosses) with boorishness. It won’t get more women voters and will lose more anti- PC men. Sucker’s game.
1:53 PM - Dec 7, 2017

Richard W. Painter
Minnesota Governor Dayton should wait until next week to sort this out, making it clear that if Alabama chooses to drastically lower the bar Franken is going right back in. Doug Jones is the only decent candidate in that race.
3:30 PM - Dec 7, 2017

Here’s Sen. Bill Cassidy — a Republican — emphasizing repeatedly that Franken received no due process.

Update: If you’re worried about Franks’s district flipping to Democrats, don’t be. It’s deep red.

Update: The first clue on Franks comes from CNN:

MJ Lee

New: House Ethics Committee to investigate whether Rep. Trent Franks engaged in "sexual harassment and/or retaliation for opposing sexual harassment”
4:30 PM - Dec 7, 2017
6 6 Replies 70 70 Retweets 103 103 likes

The Arizona Republic says it asked Franks last week if “he was aware of any legal settlements to resolve claims against him involving sexual harassment or creating a hostile workplace for women.” He declined to answer.

Update: Well, that’s a new one. Note to male bosses everywhere: Asking your women employees if they’d like to carry your unborn child isn’t proper workplace behavior.

Kyle Cheney

BREAKING: Franks has come under investigation for asking two female staffers about becoming a surrogate for his child. Story TK
4:34 PM - Dec 7, 2017

Not that it makes the request more appropriate, but was this an earnest invitation or was this some weird come-on to get them in the sack? “No, see, we’d only be doing it to procreate,” etc?

Update: Here’s Franks’s full statement. If he’s telling the truth it was definitely not a come-on but a sincere request to help him and his wife add another child to their family. How often do you see sexual harassment cases where there’s no lascivious intent?

View image on TwitterView image on Twitter

Phil Mattingly

Full @RepTrentFranks statement:
4:42 PM - Dec 7, 2017

12-07-2017, 08:10 PM
All of this should be seen as the CLEANSING, and DRAINING process taking place in the U.S. Congress. Americans want ALL of the "former" UNTOUCHABLE members of Congress, who have broken any laws, or been involved in harassment of any kind, spending American Tax dollars in that SLUSH FUND....to be "GONE!"

Until the entire swamp is drained...."Down to the Last Drop"...America, and Americans will not be satisfied to maintain the "STATUS QUO!"

Obama, and the Clintons are only the top of the ILLEGAL WASHINGTON ICEBERG.

<img src="http://i.imgur.com/idPLVQ7.gif">

<img src="https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-sx5L-HbpVrM/WQtW4y_atkI/AAAAAAAB964/hvlJdxerzIocv0p9DNRxp-3iIMS4aguywCLcB/s1600/11swamp.gif">

12-08-2017, 10:10 AM
This copied from the news post above:

Update: Well, that’s a new one. Note to male bosses everywhere: Asking your women employees if they’d like to carry your unborn child isn’t proper workplace behavior.

It's a new one to me, too. Soooooo............ this 60-year-old man was trying to worm his way into the pants of young female employees by talking about how much he needed them to bear his child, huh? Let's talk about it some more. Let's talk about why I need this. Come over about 10 and we'll talk about it some more, over wine.

The scope for perversion in the U.S. Congress is breathtaking. I thought I'd heard it all with Rep. Bob Bauman picking up 16-year-old male prostitutes, plural, at a Georgetown bar. (Yes, it was a long time ago, but at that time he was MY congressman! Darn. One loses faith.) And Rep. Mark Foley harassing male pages for sex day and night, texting them obscenities while on the floor of the House, haunting their dorm, singing drunkenly.

Even so, the Franks thing is new to me. I feel so naïve. Apparently he has been suspect for YEARS. And this was a good cop: the girls went right to the Ethics Committee and reported him in a timely fashion.

Seriously --------------------- Roy Moore is looking better all the time. We KNOW he hasn't done anything bad in 38 years (if then) because the Dems turned over every rock in Alabama trying to get something on him. He's stayed married all these years. Compare that to some of these turkeys harassing now and doing it daily right in the Halls of Congress.

Old ridge Runner
12-08-2017, 04:26 PM

I say good get rid of them all.