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View Full Version : Trump Official LAUGHS OUT LOUD at Obama for Taking Credit for Trump Economic Boom!

12-08-2017, 04:08 PM
Was it Pete? LOL

And while he is being wrong, watch and listen to his video of him taking credit for himself.


Trump Official LAUGHS OUT LOUD at Obama for Taking Credit for Trump Economic Boom!

It’s common knowledge that Barack Obama was the worst economic president since at least 1949.

Barack Obama was the only President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth.

Barack Obama has the worst GDP growth of any postwar president.

Barack Obama’s best year of GDP growth was 2.6 in 2015 (a year in which the stock market decreased in value).
2009 — -2.8
2010 — 2.5
2011 — 1.6
2012 — 2.2
2013 — 1.7
2014 — 2.4
2015 — 2.6
2016 — 1.5

President Trump has seen quarterly GDP rates of 1.2, 3.1 and 3.3.

The New York Federal Reserve revised its estimated fourth quarter GDP of 2017 to 3.93.

This will give President Trump an annual GDP rate of 2.9 in 2017 or possibly higher.

President Trump’s first year in office will beat Barack Obama’s best year ever.

But that won’t stop Barack Obama for taking credit for President Trump’s stunning results.

In a speech this week in Chicago Barack Obama took full credit for President Trump’s record economic numbers.


Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/12/trump-official-laughs-loud-obama-taking-credit-trump-economic-boom-video/