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12-08-2017, 04:35 PM
But do they? Will we ever know for sure? Will any type of true independent investigation, with full throttle against Hillary, the Clinton foundation & other shenanigans that are now just coming to light - will it ever happen?

This article - over the top? Well, then an investigation won't hurt. But NO DOUBT that Clinton's actions and information about the Clinton foundation - wrongdoings at least merit an investigation. Same goes with everything around Uranium One. Same goes with this Trump Dossier, and every person who touched it, created it, had $$ in it. PLENTY to investigate. But again, will it ever happen? I think there may be other things holding it back more than "your boy" Sessions, although I would LOVE to hear from him and feedback to all the above.


US Engulfed in the Most Corrupt Event in History and All Roads Lead Back to Former President Obama

While the mainstream media (MSM) focuses on the fake news Trump-Russia collusion farce, the US is engulfed in the most corrupt event in its history and all roads lead back to former President Obama.

As a matter of fact, the fake Trump investigation is a major piece in the attempted coup d’état currently in place and the MSM’s fake news reporting is part of the Coup.

Just this past week former UN Ambassador John Bolten stated that this is the “First Attempted Coup D’état in US History”.

Bolton is right. This is the biggest challenge to the survival of the country since the Civil War.

Democrats in the 1860’s would rather break up the Union than accept the election of the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln.

Today’s Democrats would rather remove another Republican President, Donald Trump, from office than accept the results of the 2016 election.

Democrats in the 1860’s broke up the Union because they didn’t want to give up their power over the executive branch of government and they didn’t want to end slavery, Democrats today are partaking in their Coup D’état because they don’t want to give up their power over the federal government and don’t want to be put in jail for their crimes committed in the years before the election.

The Obama Administration and the deep state, those individuals in government that have created crimes and continue to commit crimes to support their cause, don’t want President Trump to change the destructive direction in the US. The Obama Administration did all it could to destroy this great nation and hand it over to the world of global elites. President Trump and the Americans that voted for him want to save America and the world by standing for freedom, life, human rights and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans. The US is at a crossing point.

This started long before the 2016 election. The Obama Administration was the most corrupt group of villains in the White House ever. They were involved in numerous crimes and corrupt dealings and efforts to destroy America including covering up their decision not to save four Americans in Benghazi, lying about Obamacare, doubling the US Debt with nothing to show for it, trading the Taliban 5 for a traitor, creating ISIS, giving 20 percent of US uranium to Russia (Uranium One), etc. The list goes on and on.

Then during the 2016 election the Obama Administration took a fake dossier to the FISA court and used it as a means to spy on their political opponent during the election. We now know that the dossier was as fake as a National Enquirer article created by a company known to create nasty, made up accusations against individuals for a significant payout. This dossier was then taken by the FBI to the FISA Court to obtain approval to spy on candidate and now President Trump.

Representative Jim Jordan has many questions that the deep state refuse to answer related to the fake dossier and its use with the FISA Court –


We know that every request to the FISA Court during Obama’s last four years to spy on Americans was signed by former Attorney General Lynch. We also know that Obama’s dishonest spy Chief James Clapper said he knew of every FISA request that was requested and also that no FISA warrants could have been issued without President Obama knowing. We also know that only 1 in 10,000 FISA requests were turned down by the court and this was the first request made by the Obama Administration to spy on Trump. Obama then apparently used the fake dossier to obtain the warrant on Trump. We also know that the entire FISA court was Obama appointees in May of 2016, about the time the court the approved Obama’s request to spy on Trump.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/12/us-is-engulfed-in-the-most-corrupt-event-in-its-history-and-all-roads-lead-back-to-former-president-obama/

12-08-2017, 04:42 PM
But do they? Will we ever know for sure? Will any type of true independent investigation, with full throttle against Hillary, the Clinton foundation & other shenanigans that are now just coming to light - will it ever happen?

This article - over the top? Well, then an investigation won't hurt. But NO DOUBT that Clinton's actions and information about the Clinton foundation - wrongdoings at least merit an investigation. Same goes with everything around Uranium One. Same goes with this Trump Dossier, and every person who touched it, created it, had $$ in it. PLENTY to investigate. But again, will it ever happen? I think there may be other things holding it back more than "your boy" Sessions, although I would LOVE to hear from him and feedback to all the above.


US Engulfed in the Most Corrupt Event in History and All Roads Lead Back to Former President Obama

While the mainstream media (MSM) focuses on the fake news Trump-Russia collusion farce, the US is engulfed in the most corrupt event in its history and all roads lead back to former President Obama.

As a matter of fact, the fake Trump investigation is a major piece in the attempted coup d’état currently in place and the MSM’s fake news reporting is part of the Coup.

Just this past week former UN Ambassador John Bolten stated that this is the “First Attempted Coup D’état in US History”.

Bolton is right. This is the biggest challenge to the survival of the country since the Civil War.

Democrats in the 1860’s would rather break up the Union than accept the election of the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln.

Today’s Democrats would rather remove another Republican President, Donald Trump, from office than accept the results of the 2016 election.

Democrats in the 1860’s broke up the Union because they didn’t want to give up their power over the executive branch of government and they didn’t want to end slavery, Democrats today are partaking in their Coup D’état because they don’t want to give up their power over the federal government and don’t want to be put in jail for their crimes committed in the years before the election.

The Obama Administration and the deep state, those individuals in government that have created crimes and continue to commit crimes to support their cause, don’t want President Trump to change the destructive direction in the US. The Obama Administration did all it could to destroy this great nation and hand it over to the world of global elites. President Trump and the Americans that voted for him want to save America and the world by standing for freedom, life, human rights and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans. The US is at a crossing point.

This started long before the 2016 election. The Obama Administration was the most corrupt group of villains in the White House ever. They were involved in numerous crimes and corrupt dealings and efforts to destroy America including covering up their decision not to save four Americans in Benghazi, lying about Obamacare, doubling the US Debt with nothing to show for it, trading the Taliban 5 for a traitor, creating ISIS, giving 20 percent of US uranium to Russia (Uranium One), etc. The list goes on and on.

Then during the 2016 election the Obama Administration took a fake dossier to the FISA court and used it as a means to spy on their political opponent during the election. We now know that the dossier was as fake as a National Enquirer article created by a company known to create nasty, made up accusations against individuals for a significant payout. This dossier was then taken by the FBI to the FISA Court to obtain approval to spy on candidate and now President Trump.

Representative Jim Jordan has many questions that the deep state refuse to answer related to the fake dossier and its use with the FISA Court –


We know that every request to the FISA Court during Obama’s last four years to spy on Americans was signed by former Attorney General Lynch. We also know that Obama’s dishonest spy Chief James Clapper said he knew of every FISA request that was requested and also that no FISA warrants could have been issued without President Obama knowing. We also know that only 1 in 10,000 FISA requests were turned down by the court and this was the first request made by the Obama Administration to spy on Trump. Obama then apparently used the fake dossier to obtain the warrant on Trump. We also know that the entire FISA court was Obama appointees in May of 2016, about the time the court the approved Obama’s request to spy on Trump.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/12/us-is-engulfed-in-the-most-corrupt-event-in-its-history-and-all-roads-lead-back-to-former-president-obama/Racist.

12-08-2017, 04:44 PM

"Ambassador Bolton on Deep State Attacks on Trump: This Is First Attempted Coup D'état in US History"

