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12-10-2017, 01:42 PM
Why in the world would they give a crap about the panning of the crowd so much, the total size of a small arena type crowd? Did he think he was playing a game of "gotcha"? Either way, he got nailed.

The press has been weird about that since the day Trump got into the race. The press seemingly never wanted or wants to show crowd sizes. Why? Are they afraid of showing the huge numbers that he draws in?

At least everyone got to see him put on blast for posting the small size, as if it was going to harm him somehow. Plus, he was kind enough to apologize almost immediately when called on it.

Apparently they (the press) don't like being called on it like they do themselves. :) And oh my, he is being "bullied" now. Get over it, then simply don't post crap/lies next time.


Trump Blasts WaPo’s Dave Weigel After Reporter Heckles Him with Fake Photo

President Trump blasted the left-wing Washington Post’s Dave Weigel after the reporter taunted him with a fake photograph that falsely depicted a mostly empty auditorium at the president’s Friday night rally. After receiving an apology, the president said Weigel “should be fired.”

Although everyone knows (and any exceptions do not include political journalists) that Trump’s Friday night rally in Pensacola, Florida, was another jam-packed event with a near-capacity crowd of 12,000, Weigel appeared to be under the impression that the media has not already suffered enough of a black eye this week.

There is no other way to explain why Weigel would use his verified Twitter account to openly taunt Trump with photographic fake news:


The context here is crucially important…

1) The photo Weigel published was taken before the Trump rally began. And, as you will see below, Weigel knew he was publishing a photo not taken during the actual rally.

2) Weigel, who identifies as an objective reporter, is not only publishing a misleading photo, but the link at the top of his now-deleted tweet proves that he is responding directly to one of Trump’s tweets — in other words, he is publicly heckling the president personally.

3) By responding directly to the president in this way, Weigel is openly taunting Trump, even going so far as to troll the president with his own “packed to the rafters” comment.

Even if the photo had been a legitimate representation of the crowd-size, directly jeering the president in this way is still outrageous behavior from anyone who describes himself as a legitimate journalist.

The only problem is that Weigel’s photo was not legitimate, and Trump called him out on it:


Weigel responded quickly with an apology, the claim that he had already deleted tweet, and the excuse that he “was confused by the image of you walking in the bottom right corner” — which only proves that Weigel knew the photo was not taken during the rally.


Weigel is claiming that in his fake news photograph, this is Trump:


Well, even if that is Trump, it is a backstage photo. Therefore, Weigel has no idea what time that particular photo was taken, and no one with any sense of ethics or concern for accuracy would judge crowd size based on any photograph without Trump standing at the podium.

Trump was not interested in Weigel’s apology, and fired back with “FAKE NEWS, he should be fired.”


Naturally, the elite media responded — not by admonishing Weigel over his inexcusably inaccurate trolling — but with their favorite claim that Trump is the one man in America who does not have the First Amendment right to criticize the media:



Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/12/10/trump-blasts-wapos-dave-weigel-reporter-heckles-fake-photo/