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View Full Version : Is Objectum Sexual (OS) the Next Set of Letters in the LGBTQWTF Acronym?

12-11-2017, 11:32 AM
Yeps, saw this the other day when that cuckoo bird lady was getting engaged to her newly found chandelier. This world, this society, the swirly whirly of the bowl is getting quicker and quicker.

Someone needs to stand up and say "STOP" you mudderuffers!! WTF!!


Is Objectum Sexual (OS) the Next Set of Letters in the LGBTQWTF Acronym?

Recently, we all learned about new sexual identities like "two spirit" and "questioning" when a teacher's group in Canada reeducated us about the latest victim groups that need attention. Right on cue, a new sexual orientation has leapt onto the scene. "Objectum sexual" describes people who are sexually attracted to inanimate objects like cars or statues. Amanda Liberty is one such person whose attraction for hanging chandeliers cannot be suppressed. Inside Edition reports,

Amanda Liberty, 33, of Leeds, said she proposed to her favorite chandelier on Valentine’s Day while continuing an open relationship with the rest of her collection of 25 chandeliers. “You can't control who you fall in love with and things just went from there,” [Liberty said].

Perhaps not surprisingly, her new spouse's name is "Lumiere." Liberty once had a relationship with the Statue of Liberty but the traveling costs put a damper on their passion.

She was also previously been in love with the Statue of Liberty — for which she legally changed her name in 2010 — and has traveled to New York six times to visit it, but said the distance took its toll on their relationship.

I would imagine the size difference was also a stumbling block. If you think Liberty is a lone mental case, you would be wrong. An entire organization exists to support other OS people called Objectum-Sexuality Internationale, which describes OS on their website.

We love objects on a very significant level and many of us in an intimate way. This feeling is innate. Objectům-sexual love comes for most in a similar awakening as other sexualities at the start of puberty. This is often followed by an acute awareness that we do not relate to peers due to the source of projected feelings. Often objectům-sexual people feel outcast or pressured by mainstream sexuality with a helpless feeling that we cannot change what comes so naturally to us.

We can thank Swede Eija-Riitta Eklöf for this latest perversion to go mainstream.

June 17, 1979, Eija-Riitta Eklöf followed her heart and married the object of her true desire, the Berlin Wall, unofficially adding Berliner-Mauer to her surname... In 1999, Eija-Riitta launched the first internet group with an extended invitation to anyone interested in discussing objectům-sexual issues.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/objectum-sexual-os-next-set-letters-lgbtqwtf-acronym/

Black Diamond
12-11-2017, 11:34 AM
I am guessing these marriages would be consummated.

12-11-2017, 11:41 AM
ALL this PERVERSION, and IMMORALITY, and CORRUPTION etc, etc, etc... is being DRIVEN by DEMOCRATS.

12-11-2017, 12:41 PM
I read the OP carefully and I am convinced this is a hoax.

I read such a hoax that made the news very briefly a couple years ago (like for five minutes --): this guy was writing a pity piece for discrimination and prejudice against people who really need, sexually, to sneak into women's houses at night and suck blood from their necks. They would do this much of the night and liked repeat visits, though it seemed to result in anemia for their victims, but they felt it was a need that society ought to understand and tolerate: everyone is different, in diversity is our strength. They'd sleep most of the day.

12-11-2017, 12:44 PM
Thanks for the great new term, objectum-sexual. I've been studying Latin: clearly there IS a renaissance going on for Latin.

I saw a list last week of wonderful defensive euphemisms for women who aren't quite............the Hollywood ideal, and this was from a leftwing site so the euphemisms were all totally serious and angry. My personal favorite continues to be "woman of size."

12-11-2017, 01:16 PM
Idolatry, pure and simple. Societal sickness on display without shame.