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12-12-2017, 02:56 PM
That's just it, what WILL stand up in court? 30-40 year old accusations with zero proof? I don't think so, I'm sorry.

One is an elevator story of being kissed. No complaint of course was ever made. One woman claims she never met him, but he just decided to lift the armrest and molest her basically while they were on the airplane. Once again, no complaints were made to a stewardess or anyone else of authority? The other is a woman from a beauty pageant. She said he would come and inspect each woman, and it made her feel the dirtiest she has ever felt in her life. Of course she continued, and no complaints ever made to anyone of any type of authority.

Look, I'm in no position to state that nothing ever happened with any of these women. But I'm also not going to claim they even 'could' sue, let alone win, as I find that would get them laughed out of court. And lastly, I really don't find any of these claims credible. I find the Dems pounding on a few of their folks that were busted with proof, and then quickly marched out these women to try and capitalize on the feelings across the nation at the moment.


Trump Accusers Explain Why They Aren’t Taking the President to Court

On Monday, three of the women accusing Donald Trump of sexual assault publicly called on Congress to investigate their allegations. Even so, they also explained why they decided not to bring the president to court.

"What am I going to sue him for? Being really creepy? That's not something that would stand up in court," Samantha Holvey, a former Miss North Carolina 2006 who accused Trump of entering a dressing room to peek at undressed contestants, said in a press conference.

Rachel Crooks, a former Bayrock Group receptionist who accused Trump of kissing her on the lips without her consent in 2005, agreed that the sixteen accusers intended to take their case to "the court of public opinion."

"I don't think the courts are the place to go," added Jessica Leeds, who accused Trump of moving his hand up her skirt during a flight. In Leeds' case, the event happened so long ago that a legal case is unimaginable — the statute of limitations has passed.

"I don't even think a judge would enter into any sort of case in it," Leeds added. "I don't have any thoughts of going to the courts for this. We have to deal with the public."

The women came forward once again in the wake of the #MeToo movement. Many women have accused various men of sexual assault, most notably Harvey Weinstein, Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), and Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Trump re-endorsed Moore last week (following the sexual assault allegations), leading the Republican National Committee (RNC) to follow suit. Each of the women condemned the president for this.

"I think the endorsement is disgusting, absolutely disgusting," Holvey said. "I don't think he should have been elected to begin with."

"He was able to just deny what we said and that got him elected just fine," Holvey added. She said the Moore endorsement constituted Trump "passing the torch for Roy to do the same."

Leeds flatly stated that Trump "doesn't have any moral compass, so the accusations against Roy Moore, it puts him in the same category." She said it is "horrifying" that America has "gotten so polarized through the politics that they want to keep a Republican seat even though it's a pedophile."

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/trump-accusers-explain-why-they-arent-taking-the-president-to-court/

Black Diamond
12-12-2017, 03:01 PM
I don't get why anyone was forced to resign. Why not let the voters decide ?

12-13-2017, 09:06 AM
I think this was all understood a year ago. Then, accusations just 'happened' to appear, at the most critical time before the election, with timing that allowed for the full salacious 'flavour' of the accusations to permeate voters' consciousness, yet, be simultaneously invulnerable from efforts to actually, properly, PROVE them.

The same burden of proof will still apply. The highly 'historic' nature of such allegations makes managing it difficult at absolute best.

I think that the point here is that all this is being chucked into the media 'mix', as an integral ongoing plot to destabilise and ruin Trump's Presidency. It's also typically Leftie in its nature ... demonise to the hilt until it 'sticks' ... and to hell with objective fairness.