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View Full Version : Deputy AG Won’t Say Whether The FBI Paid For Dossier

12-13-2017, 06:05 PM
If it turns out that they DID pay for this, then things should explode, IMO. I can't think of any legit reasons as to why they would pay for this crap. And then to find out that the Dems and others had it as well. Can you imagine the potential of a scandal this has written on it? Even if they lamely try and claim it was trying to get information - lame - as that's THEIR job.


Deputy AG Won’t Say Whether The FBI Paid For Dossier

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein refused to say on Wednesday whether the FBI paid for the infamous Trump dossier.

Rosenstein, who was grilled by the House Judiciary Committee, suggested that he knew the answer to the question, which was posed by Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis.

“Did the FBI pay for the dossier?” DeSantis asked.

“I’m not in a position to answer that question,” Rosenstein responded.

“Do you know the answer to the question?” the Republican DeSantis followed up.

“I believe I know the answer, but the Intelligence Committee is the appropriate committee…” Rosenstein began.

DeSantis interjected to assert that the Judiciary panel has “every right to the information” about payments for the dossier.

Congressional Republicans have long questioned the Justice Department and FBI over whether payments were made for the Trump dossier, which was written by former British spy Christopher Steele and funded by the Clinton campaign and DNC.

According to some reports published earlier this year, Steele and the FBI struck an informal agreement that he would be paid to continue his investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia. It has been reported that Steele was never paid for his work, though the FBI and DOJ have not publicly disclosed those details.

CNN reported earlier this year that Steele was compensated for some expenses from his work investigating Trump.


12-13-2017, 06:09 PM
Jim Jordan Grills Rosenstein Over Dossier, Agent Strzok

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan grilled Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday about the objectivity of the FBI and the special counsel’s Russia investigation.

Jordan asked Rosenstein during a House Judiciary Committee hearing what he was going to do so that the public could regain trust in the FBI. Jordan focused on the FBI’s alleged reliance on the Democrat-funded Trump dossier and the recently-fired FBI agent Peter Strzok, who was caught sending anti-Trump text messages.

“If you guys paid Christopher Steele at the same time the Democrats and the Clinton campaign paid him,” Jordan said, referring to the author of the infamous Trump dossier, “or if you took the dossier, dressed it all up, took it to the FISA court and used it as the basis to get a warrant … this is unbelievable.”

“This guy thought he was super agent James Bond at the FBI,” Jordan said of Strzok. “I’m here to tell you, Mr. Rosenstein, that I think the public trust in this whole thing is gone.”

Jordan urged Rosenstein as “the guy in charge” to get a second special prosecutor who can look into the FBI’s alleged anti-Trump bias.

Rosenstein asserted that the DOJ is reviewing Strzok’s behavior, which led to the release of the anti-Trump texts, but Jordan argued that those actions weren’t enough.

“What’s it going to take to get a second special counsel to answer these questions?” Jordan pressed. “How many text messages do you have to see before you decide it’s time for a second special counsel?”


12-13-2017, 10:15 PM
We know they did, all we need is to see is the proof and I believe it is forthcoming, and when that is released the finger comes out of the dam and all hell will break lose. This is by far and then some, the biggest scandal to ever rock Washington politics in the history of this nation... barring only Barry Soetoro, aka, Barack Obama, and his forged digitally created scan of a purported certificate of birth used to illegally be elected president.

No matter how you slice it, all the worst corruption in the history of this nation centers around the democrat party and obama.