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View Full Version : The Nuclear Option: NYC’s ‘Chain Migration’ Bomber Vindicates Trump

12-14-2017, 01:36 PM
People DO have to realize this - this WAS NOT an "attempted" attack, it WAS an attack and the dipshit failed himself was all. By all means, this was a successful attack, and if he didn't screw up himself, the amount of people that he could have killed, maimed or injured is a scary thought.

Since it will be seen that way, I have to wonder if others may be inspired by this scumbag, and try and repeat the attack. A place like the Port Authority would be huge, same as Penn Station, Grand Central Station..... NYC is just loaded. :( :(


The Nuclear Option: NYC’s ‘Chain Migration’ Bomber Vindicates Trump

Man, that scorched tummy has got to hurt!

Curled up in fetal position in a New York City subway tunnel with his belly seared black, terrorist Akayed Ullah could only bury his face into the filthy tiles of the floor — only made dirtier by his presence.

Some media organizations were quick to downplay the incident as an “attempted” terror attack.

No. It was a terror attack.

The animal was not detected beforehand and his plot was not foiled by authorities. A bomb did go off and terror was most certainly struck in hearts of millions. It all could have ended very, very differently and untold numbers of innocent humans would have — once again — been slaughtered in the name of Allah.

It was only Akayed Ullah’s stupidity and incompetence that spared us a far worse tragedy.

So much for 72 virgins, Ullah. Looks like you will be the only virgin — when you get to prison.

Almost immediately, the delusional wags in the media set out to blame President Trump. Obviously.
