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View Full Version : final solution to the mexican problem

08-13-2007, 08:27 PM
i couldnt think of a name for what i propose, but the title of this thread seemed right to me. a few steps will rid us of this mexican disease. i have listed them below:

1. forced labor camps for any mexican or south american. starting today. we shove them all into chained guarded fenced in areas. there they will work for no money until they have paid back their debt to america. the ones who came here "legally" have to go to, to pay for what the others did. in my opinion, no mexican is here legally. this is a white nation, not a nation of poverty and odor like mexico is.

2. unregulated, all access for squads of citizens who do random checks on homes for mexicans. if someone calls in and finds a mexican on the street, they can detain it until this group shows up. then it will be taken away to a camp where it wont be seen again.

3. internet border control. set up guns along the border than can be controlled via webcams over the internet. that way if someone sees a mexican family trying to cross, they can open fire on them. this will keep them from trying, and if they do try, maybe take a few out before they get here.

4. if none of that works, we should legalize slavery of all hispanics. even mexicans arent dumb enough to go to a nation where they are automatically slaves. if this is implemented, we would warn them first. despite having them as slaves, the goal is to get rid of them, so hopefully most would leave.

5. illegal for mexicans to breed. we dont need any more of them, legal or otherwise. they are a dumb specie and we dont need to be encouraging them making more of themselves. a mexican baby is about the most useless thing in the world. it has no potential and feeding it is a waste. we should sterilize all mexicans.

these are some moderate solutions. if the problem gets bad, there are more that i can think of that we would implement.

08-13-2007, 08:34 PM
Are you just trying to see how fast you can get banned here?:poke:

08-13-2007, 08:38 PM
i couldnt think of a name for what i propose, but the title of this thread seemed right to me. a few steps will rid us of this mexican disease. i have listed them below:

1. forced labor camps for any mexican or south american. starting today. we shove them all into chained guarded fenced in areas. there they will work for no money until they have paid back their debt to america. the ones who came here "legally" have to go to, to pay for what the others did. in my opinion, no mexican is here legally. this is a white nation, not a nation of poverty and odor like mexico is.

2. unregulated, all access for squads of citizens who do random checks on homes for mexicans. if someone calls in and finds a mexican on the street, they can detain it until this group shows up. then it will be taken away to a camp where it wont be seen again.

3. internet border control. set up guns along the border than can be controlled via webcams over the internet. that way if someone sees a mexican family trying to cross, they can open fire on them. this will keep them from trying, and if they do try, maybe take a few out before they get here.

4. if none of that works, we should legalize slavery of all hispanics. even mexicans arent dumb enough to go to a nation where they are automatically slaves. if this is implemented, we would warn them first. despite having them as slaves, the goal is to get rid of them, so hopefully most would leave.

5. illegal for mexicans to breed. we dont need any more of them, legal or otherwise. they are a dumb specie and we dont need to be encouraging them making more of themselves. a mexican baby is about the most useless thing in the world. it has no potential and feeding it is a waste. we should sterilize all mexicans.

these are some moderate solutions. if the problem gets bad, there are more that i can think of that we would implement.

Welcome aboard, Adolf. Seig Heil!

08-13-2007, 08:39 PM
is that all u libs can do is threaten to silence speech?

08-13-2007, 08:40 PM
i couldnt think of a name for what i propose, but the title of this thread seemed right to me. a few steps will rid us of this mexican disease. i have listed them below:

1. forced labor camps for any mexican or south american. starting today. we shove them all into chained guarded fenced in areas. there they will work for no money until they have paid back their debt to america. the ones who came here "legally" have to go to, to pay for what the others did. in my opinion, no mexican is here legally. this is a white nation, not a nation of poverty and odor like mexico is.

2. unregulated, all access for squads of citizens who do random checks on homes for mexicans. if someone calls in and finds a mexican on the street, they can detain it until this group shows up. then it will be taken away to a camp where it wont be seen again.

3. internet border control. set up guns along the border than can be controlled via webcams over the internet. that way if someone sees a mexican family trying to cross, they can open fire on them. this will keep them from trying, and if they do try, maybe take a few out before they get here.

4. if none of that works, we should legalize slavery of all hispanics. even mexicans arent dumb enough to go to a nation where they are automatically slaves. if this is implemented, we would warn them first. despite having them as slaves, the goal is to get rid of them, so hopefully most would leave.

5. illegal for mexicans to breed. we dont need any more of them, legal or otherwise. they are a dumb specie and we dont need to be encouraging them making more of themselves. a mexican baby is about the most useless thing in the world. it has no potential and feeding it is a waste. we should sterilize all mexicans.

these are some moderate solutions. if the problem gets bad, there are more that i can think of that we would implement.


Seriously you are about the dumbest motherfucker we've had here and we got some really illiterate fucks here.

08-13-2007, 08:41 PM
is that all u libs can do is threaten to silence speech?

Your speech has to be coherent first.

08-13-2007, 08:42 PM
y cant u and ur leftist goons handle some facts?

is what im saying resonating with the american public? a public sick of mexicans, homoists, the liberal left, the media, etc?

08-13-2007, 08:45 PM
y cant u and ur leftist goons handle some facts?

is what im saying resonating with the american public? a public sick of mexicans, homoists, the liberal left, the media, etc?

Did you come over here to see if getting your ass waxed by a bunch of conservatives is different than getting it waxed by a bunch of liberals?

08-13-2007, 08:47 PM
y cant u and ur leftist goons handle some facts?

is what im saying resonating with the american public? a public sick of mexicans, homoists, the liberal left, the media, etc?


Dude, when do we build the ovens?

Don't lecture me about queers......... ever.

Your solutions are void of any reality and have zero chance of ever being implemented. Loved the Mexico comment, proves you've never been there and just repeat what you hear on Stormfront.

08-13-2007, 08:48 PM
Did you come over here to see if getting your ass waxed by a bunch of conservatives is different than getting it waxed by a bunch of liberals?

Yeah LMFAO! He calls us leftists! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

This guy wouldn't know conservatism if it was tossing his salad.

08-13-2007, 08:48 PM

Seriously you are about the dumbest motherfucker we've had here and we got some really illiterate fucks here.
It's actually slightly insightful though. A liberal pretending to be a conservative and expressing what he assumes a conservative is thinking. I am reminded of a line in a Jethro Tull tune: "Wise men don't know how it feels/ to be thick as a brick". At least with this guy, we can get a little glimpse. :cheers2:

08-13-2007, 08:49 PM
is what im saying resonating with the american public?

No. No one is calling for the mass imprisonment and extermination of Mexicans.

08-13-2007, 09:39 PM
You know, the truth is, our best hope in defeat the rise of Islamofacism is the Mexican, Central American, South American, Italian, and Spanish populations. Being predominantly Catholic, they are the only people who are reproducing as fast as the Muslims. I say we embrace them and help them flourish.

(Please note: this post is meant to be humorous and was typed with my tongue planted firmly in my cheek)

Pale Rider
08-13-2007, 09:49 PM
i couldnt think of a name for what i propose, but the title of this thread seemed right to me. a few steps will rid us of this mexican disease. i have listed them below:

So which loony left, crack job, moonbat, liberal ass rag board did you come from?

Testing to see how long it takes to get banned? Well, just to let you know, because I used to be on staff here and very well may be again someday, this would be your first warning. Next time, post the kind of bullshit you posted here in the HUMOR section, or you will be banned for trolling. Which, I have absolutely no doubt you ARE a troll, signing up with a pig fuckin' name like "liberalism," but that won't get you banned. Keep it up shit stain, then, b'bye.

08-13-2007, 09:57 PM
So which loony left, crack job, moonbat, liberal ass rag board did you come from?

Testing to see how long it takes to get banned? Well, just to let you know, because I used to be on staff here and very well may be again someday, this would be your first warning. Next time, post the kind of bullshit you posted here in the HUMOR section, or you will be banned for trolling. Which, I have absolutely no doubt you ARE a troll, signing up with a pig fuckin' name like "liberalism," but that won't get you banned. Keep it up shit stain, then, b'bye.

LMFAO. He's been at USMB.

Pale Rider
08-13-2007, 10:03 PM
LMFAO. He's been at USMB.

And that "used to be" such a nice board. If it's now infected with the likes of this dipshit, it's trash.

08-13-2007, 10:11 PM
And that "used to be" such a nice board. If it's now infected with the likes of this dipshit, it's trash.

Shit, they don't even tolerate him there.

Pale Rider
08-13-2007, 10:16 PM
Shit, they don't even tolerate him there.

They come to conservative boards like this just to troll and see how long it takes to get banned, nothing more. Their sign up name tells it all. His long time standing board membership is probably at the DU, or moveon, or KOS.

Chances are the piece of shit won't even post again soon. Just drop in every now and then and drop a turd like gabby does. Useless som bitch. I'd ban him, and her, but I no longer have my finger on the button.

08-13-2007, 10:26 PM
is that all u libs can do is threaten to silence speech?

Neither Jeff or Gunny are Libs..........Well Jeff for sure isn't...............

08-13-2007, 10:28 PM

Since liberalism has come up with this idea for Mexicans...
I think we should first try it on the LIBERALS....Just to make sure it's humane and all that jazz...:dance:

Michael Savage says.......Liberalialism is a mental disorder....
and it was well proven by the thread starter...:cuckoo:

08-13-2007, 10:29 PM
I do agree as far as we do need to get rid of illegals. I am sick and tired of them being here and not learning english. It offends me as a veteran and a citizen of this great nation. I will not stand idly by and watch them do nothing I will try and get a group together to put pressure on the government. I am about to start writing all of our senators and congress about this issue and demand action. I say let them work here tax them 60% and lower our taxes they can pay for us for a change.

08-13-2007, 10:32 PM
No. No one is calling for the mass imprisonment and extermination of Mexicans.

Im calling or a mass imprisonmint of Illegals. Anyone caught here Illegally should be put in a Jail simular to Arpiao's in AZ. Even our prisons are a reward to these people as it is better then living in their country. If we made the punishment hard labor at one of these types of jails and then deported they would think twice about coming back. It basically costs next to nothing to do it this way.

Also what if we put a tracking chip in everyone who is caught here Ilegally to where if they cross into our country then the Boarder Patrol is notified. These assholes get sent home and they are back within a week. Also these Coyotes who bring them here should be charged with a capitol offense with a mandatory Death Sentance if convicted. These guys are causing a major National Security issue.

What Liberalism said is way out of line, and I think he is just doing it for attention.

08-13-2007, 10:33 PM
I do agree as far as we do need to get rid of illegals. I am sick and tired of them being here and not learning english. It offends me as a veteran and a citizen of this great nation. I will not stand idly by and watch them do nothing I will try and get a group together to put pressure on the government. I am about to start writing all of our senators and congress about this issue and demand action. I say let them work here tax them 60% and lower our taxes they can pay for us for a change.

You can write them until your hand falls off, they wont do shit. We need to get people like Tancredo Elected to be President. Also there is a group already formed, Tancredo's Army against Amnesty.

08-13-2007, 10:35 PM
Im calling or a mass imprisonmint of Illegals. Anyone caught here Illegally should be put in a Jail simular to Arpiao's in AZ. Even our prisons are a reward to these people as it is better then living in their country. If we made the punishment hard labor at one of these types of jails and then deported they would think twice about coming back. It basically costs next to nothing to do it this way.

Also what if we put a tracking chip in everyone who is caught here Ilegally to where if they cross into our country then the Boarder Patrol is notified. These assholes get sent home and they are back within a week. Also these Coyotes who bring them here should be charged with a capitol offense with a mandatory Death Sentance if convicted. These guys are causing a major National Security issue.

What Liberalism said is way out of line, and I think he is just doing it for attention.


Anyways I say make them wear pink panties and dresses in prison and make the bastards work, I do agree that they are a major threat to national security and need to be dealt with. WITH ACTION.

08-13-2007, 10:35 PM
They come to conservative boards like this just to troll and see how long it takes to get banned, nothing more. Their sign up name tells it all. His long time standing board membership is probably at the DU, or moveon, or KOS.

Chances are the piece of shit won't even post again soon. Just drop in every now and then and drop a turd like gabby does. Useless som bitch. I'd ban him, and her, but I no longer have my finger on the button.

The only reason Gabby only posts now and then is because after almost every post she makes she earns a Ban. That bitch would post everyday otherwise.

08-13-2007, 10:36 PM
You can write them until your hand falls off, they wont do shit. We need to get people like Tancredo Elected to be President. Also there is a group already formed, Tancredo's Army against Amnesty.

I have written and offered to volunteer my time I sent them an email but they have not responded as of yet and i wrote like 2 weeks ago.

08-13-2007, 10:39 PM

Anyways I say make them wear pink panties and dresses in prison and make the bastards work, I do agree that they are a major threat to national security and need to be dealt with. WITH ACTION.

Uhhhhhh you want to see Illegals dress in pink panties and dresses? You have some sick fantasies..............

08-13-2007, 10:40 PM
I have written and offered to volunteer my time I sent them an email but they have not responded as of yet and i wrote like 2 weeks ago.

Do you realize how busy they are? Just call them.

08-13-2007, 10:41 PM
Uhhhhhh you want to see Illegals dress in pink panties and dresses? You have some sick fantasies..............

What I am saying is make them wear it to humiliate them.

08-13-2007, 10:52 PM
you realize that all you guys really do is help the liberals with their propaganda that we somehow hate mexicans. Why? because you guy dont think about what you say before you say it.

There is nothing wrong with immigration. The problem is the illegal immigration, which while mostly mexican, is not completely Mexican.

We don't have a problem with Mexicans. We have a problem with illegal immigration. Though some may be mexican, their nationality has nothing to do with it. and the way to deal with it is to stop the influx and enforce the laws we have against the ones already here.

So people, please stop saying stupid things that HURT our efforts for border security.

08-13-2007, 10:52 PM
Neither Jeff or Gunny are Libs..........Well Jeff for sure isn't...............

Dude, who are you trying to fool? Yourself?

08-13-2007, 10:54 PM
why is everyone calling me a liberal? i am no liberal. certainly not in disguise. what i post i believe. if u leftists and i guess rightards cant handle it, that is ur problem. have fun pressing 2 for english.

08-13-2007, 11:00 PM
why is everyone calling me a liberal? i am no liberal. certainly not in disguise. what i post i believe. if u leftists and i guess rightards cant handle it, that is ur problem. have fun pressing 2 for english.


08-13-2007, 11:14 PM
you realize that all you guys really do is help the liberals with their propaganda that we somehow hate mexicans. Why? because you guy dont think about what you say before you say it.

There is nothing wrong with immigration. The problem is the illegal immigration, which while mostly mexican, is not completely Mexican.

We don't have a problem with Mexicans. We have a problem with illegal immigration. Though some may be mexican, their nationality has nothing to do with it. and the way to deal with it is to stop the influx and enforce the laws we have against the ones already here.

So people, please stop saying stupid things that HURT our efforts for border security.

I don't believe anybody on this board has ever brought up a nationiality when referring to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS...

The thread starter brought up Mexicans....
And I didn't see where anyone took his post, seriously....
As well......they shouldn't of.....


08-13-2007, 11:16 PM
Only a moron would say that mexicanism has nothing to do with the problem. They are uneducated, criminally inclined and dont speak english.

08-13-2007, 11:24 PM
Only a moron would say that mexicanism has nothing to do with the problem. They are uneducated, criminally inclined and dont speak english.


08-13-2007, 11:27 PM

There you have it folks. This is what true patriots have to deal with. :pee:

08-13-2007, 11:41 PM
There you have it folks. This is what true patriots have to deal with. :pee:



08-14-2007, 12:01 AM
Only a moron would say that mexicanism has nothing to do with the problem. They are uneducated, criminally inclined and dont speak english.

do you or have you ever eaten mexican food?

08-14-2007, 12:05 AM
:coffee: I was a bit shocked at the verascity, but why ban ideas?, when we can just debate them?. The market place of ideas should not ban certain ideas. This man isnt going out lynching blacks, shooting jews, stabbing mexicans, nor is he saying to kill an entire race.

My humble opinion, debate the ideas, before you throw labels.

Maybe u agree , maybe you dont , but just calling names is a cop out.

Are you just trying to see how fast you can get banned here?:poke:

08-14-2007, 12:12 AM
:coffee: I was a bit shocked at the verascity, but why ban ideas?, when we can just debate them?. The market place of ideas should not ban certain ideas. This man isnt going out lynching blacks, shooting jews, stabbing mexicans, nor is he saying to kill an entire race.

My humble opinion, debate the ideas, before you throw labels.

Maybe u agree , maybe you dont , but just calling names is a cop out.

How the hell do you debate such a stupid idea...:poke:

08-14-2007, 12:28 AM

i couldnt think of a name for what i propose, but

With all due respect, there is a difference between having an extreme view (that which is out of the mainstream) and going crazy.

The problem is the majority of illegal aliens, are not assimilating and not learning english. Logically speaking, if they were african speaking swahili, germans speaking german, or israelies speaking hebrew, we would still have the problem.

The problem is not about race, we do have some hispanics who are here legally, and I dont want to punish them. I do want to be fair about this though, lets punish the employers, lets punish the people who house the illegals, give them material and comfort. Lets seal both borders.

My god, this is not about rounding them all up, and throwing them in ovens, atleast to the 99% of us, who are not against illegal immigration because of race, but because you cant have a seperate class of citizens in any country, who dont speak the common language, dont pay their fair share in taxes, because most are paid under the table, get free education for their kids, free emergency room health care, and jobs illegally, by stealing peoples identity.

I wish for once, there was some common sense in this debate, but no...

To anyone in the pro-illegal group, you are even with them or against them. And if your against them, you must be shouted down, threatened, and even physically harmed if neccessary, because simply disagreeing makes you a racist.

Remind me, what country am i living in again?

the title of this thread seemed right to me. a few steps will rid us of this mexican disease. i have listed them below:

1. forced labor camps for any mexican or south american. starting today. we shove them all into chained guarded fenced in areas. there they will work for no money until they have paid back their debt to america. the ones who came here "legally" have to go to, to pay for what the others did. in my opinion, no mexican is here legally. this is a white nation, not a nation of poverty and odor like mexico is.

2. unregulated, all access for squads of citizens who do random checks on homes for mexicans. if someone calls in and finds a mexican on the street, they can detain it until this group shows up. then it will be taken away to a camp where it wont be seen again.

3. internet border control. set up guns along the border than can be controlled via webcams over the internet. that way if someone sees a mexican family trying to cross, they can open fire on them. this will keep them from trying, and if they do try, maybe take a few out before they get here.

4. if none of that works, we should legalize slavery of all hispanics. even mexicans arent dumb enough to go to a nation where they are automatically slaves. if this is implemented, we would warn them first. despite having them as slaves, the goal is to get rid of them, so hopefully most would leave.

5. illegal for mexicans to breed. we dont need any more of them, legal or otherwise. they are a dumb specie and we dont need to be encouraging them making more of themselves. a mexican baby is about the most useless thing in the world. it has no potential and feeding it is a waste. we should sterilize all mexicans.

these are some moderate solutions. if the problem gets bad, there are more that i can think of that we would implement.

Pale Rider
08-14-2007, 12:30 AM
:coffee: I was a bit shocked at the verascity, but why ban ideas?, when we can just debate them?. The market place of ideas should not ban certain ideas. This man isnt going out lynching blacks, shooting jews, stabbing mexicans, nor is he saying to kill an entire race.

My humble opinion, debate the ideas, before you throw labels.

Maybe u agree , maybe you dont , but just calling names is a cop out.

Well gee... call us all stupid but... how in the hell did we ever get the idea liberalism was a liberal? :uhoh:

Wise up... he's been over at USMB, and he's a known liberal over there.

08-14-2007, 03:20 AM
u need to learn to read moran

LIE-BERALISM is my name

08-14-2007, 04:01 AM
Only a moron would say that mexicanism has nothing to do with the problem. They are uneducated, criminally inclined and dont speak english.

only a moron hates people because of how they look.

08-14-2007, 04:03 AM
There you have it folks. This is what true patriots have to deal with. :pee:

pee huh? I wouldnt have called you pee but hey whatever floats your boat.

If you want to stop making us true patriots deal with you, you can always go elsewhere.

08-14-2007, 08:31 AM
5. illegal for mexicans to breed. we dont need any more of them, legal or otherwise. they are a dumb specie and we dont need to be encouraging them making more of themselves. a mexican baby is about the most useless thing in the world. it has no potential and feeding it is a waste. we should sterilize all mexicans.

If you think it should be illegal to breed with :


.....then you're a homo.

08-14-2007, 08:49 AM
Those babies are real.:salute:

The ClayTaurus
08-14-2007, 09:06 AM
Only a moron would say that mexicanism has nothing to do with the problem. They are uneducated, criminally inclined and dont speak english.The nail in the coffin. :cheers2:

08-14-2007, 09:22 AM
If you think it should be illegal to breed with :


.....then you're a homo.

Mmmmm...Salma...part Lebanese part Mexican...all beautiful...

Pale Rider
08-14-2007, 09:51 AM
Mmmmm...Selma...part Lebanese part Mexican...all beautiful...

(Salma) Proof? - - :link:

Yup... found it... never mind.

red states rule
08-14-2007, 09:52 AM
Mmmmm...Selma...part Lebanese part Mexican...all beautiful...

Who needs proof? A picture is worth a thousand words

08-14-2007, 10:05 AM
(Salma) Proof? - - :link:

My bad, Salma...

The amazing Salma Hayek was born on September 2, 1966, in the oil boomtown of Coatzacoalcos, Mexico. Hayek has freely admitted that she and her brother, Sami, were spoiled rotten by her well-to-do Lebanese-Mexican businessman father and her Mexican-born opera-singing mother. (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000161/bio)

red states rule
08-14-2007, 10:17 AM
Being stuck in a phone booth with her would give new meaning to southern comfort

08-14-2007, 10:30 AM
Being stuck in a phone booth with her would give new meaning to southern comfort

So true, so true. I've always had a thing for her.

red states rule
08-14-2007, 10:31 AM
So true, so true. I've always had a thing for her.

She would be a great personal banker - very large assests

Pale Rider
08-14-2007, 10:32 AM
So true, so true. I've always had a thing for her.

That makes two of us. She's even in my friends list on my myspace.

red states rule
08-14-2007, 10:34 AM
very attractive women and a great smile

08-14-2007, 12:20 PM
If you think it should be illegal to breed with :


.....then you're a homo.

Don't forget Daisy Fuentes:


red states rule
08-14-2007, 12:45 PM
The posts on this thread keep getting better and better

08-14-2007, 02:02 PM
salma hayek is ok to fuck, but u cant make babies with her if u are white. we dont need a mexican child. they are useless. but if u r into beastism, go ahead and have sex with her.

08-14-2007, 03:09 PM
salma hayek is ok to fuck, but u cant make babies with her if u are white. we dont need a mexican child. they are useless. but if u r into beastism, go ahead and have sex with her.

Mexicans can outwork you any day of the week and have a higher sense of morality than you.........that is undebateable.

I'd rather have 18,000,000 illegals allowed in than 1 of you.

08-14-2007, 03:11 PM
salma hayek is ok to fuck, but u cant make babies with her if u are white. we dont need a mexican child. they are useless. but if u r into beastism, go ahead and have sex with her.

you sir are quite disgusting.

08-14-2007, 03:11 PM
They are uneducated, criminally inclined and dont speak english.

Untrue, untrue and untrue. The first Mexican I find as long as they can slobber and spell is more educated than you. I say get rid of white trash such as yourself.

You are not a patriot.

08-14-2007, 03:13 PM
you sir are quite disgusting.

Except for Selma would not do him........her standards are too high.

08-14-2007, 03:13 PM
There you have it folks. This is what true patriots have to deal with. :pee:

You are not a patriot.

08-14-2007, 03:26 PM
salma hayek is ok to fuck, but u cant make babies with her if u are white.

Actually, you can make babies with her, because her reproductive system works the same way that white women's reproductive systems work.

08-14-2007, 04:02 PM
Actually, you can make babies with her, because her reproductive system works the same way that white women's reproductive systems work.

As an American and true patriot, as a conservative libertarian, a Republitarian, if you will, I volunteer to test this information. It is a sacrifice I am willing to make. For the good of my country. Our country. :salute:

08-14-2007, 04:08 PM
Actually, you can make babies with her, because her reproductive system works the same way that white women's reproductive systems work.

maybe he can't. Maybe he is infertile.

However, i would also volunteer for this great sacrifice.

08-14-2007, 04:09 PM
maybe he can't. Maybe he is infertile.

However, i would also volunteer for this great sacrifice.

Get in line, soldier!

08-14-2007, 04:50 PM
You guys can experiment with Selma Hayek. I'll bravely volunteer for the Daisy Fuentes mission.

red states rule
08-14-2007, 07:49 PM
salma hayek is ok to fuck, but u cant make babies with her if u are white. we dont need a mexican child. they are useless. but if u r into beastism, go ahead and have sex with her.

You have fit in perfectly in 1932 Berlin - they felt the same way about the Jews

08-15-2007, 11:13 PM
If they want to be citizens then they need to be sterilized. They have way too many kids I dont care if they breed but jesus they dont need 15 kids. It seems they all have at least 10 to 15 kids... Thats my problem with them. I want all ILLEGALS DEPORTED NOW

08-16-2007, 03:34 AM
:clap: to waterrescuedude

Pale Rider
08-16-2007, 03:49 AM
If they want to be citizens then they need to be sterilized. They have way too many kids I dont care if they breed but jesus they dont need 15 kids. It seems they all have at least 10 to 15 kids... Thats my problem with them. I want all ILLEGALS DEPORTED NOW

I've heard this said before.... "the illegals will breed themselves into power." I am not the author of that statement, however, I would say that it's closer to the truth than not.

08-16-2007, 05:11 AM
If they want to be citizens then they need to be sterilized. They have way too many kids I dont care if they breed but jesus they dont need 15 kids. It seems they all have at least 10 to 15 kids... Thats my problem with them. I want all ILLEGALS DEPORTED NOW

Why? Why do you want them deported? Do you even know? I mean other than the fact that you are racist against Mexicans which is fairly obvious, why do you want them deported? Are you afraid of competition? Afraid of getting outworked? What is it?

Sterilization...................ok Dr. Mengele.

red states rule
08-16-2007, 05:55 AM
I've heard this said before.... "the illegals will breed themselves into power." I am not the author of that statement, however, I would say that it's closer to the truth than not.

Dems see them as a bigger voting block then the black vote

red states rule
08-16-2007, 05:56 AM
Why? Why do you want them deported? Do you even know? I mean other than the fact that you are racist against Mexicans which is fairly obvious, why do you want them deported? Are you afraid of competition? Afraid of getting outworked? What is it?

Sterilization...................ok Dr. Mengele.

What part of ILLEGAL do you not understand?

08-16-2007, 06:13 AM
What part of ILLEGAL do you not understand?

the restrictions you employ when using it......

red states rule
08-16-2007, 06:14 AM
the restrictions you employ when using it......


08-16-2007, 06:15 AM
What part of ILLEGAL do you not understand?

The word "illegal" is not a "Get of jail free card" that covers all, obvious racial slurs.

Illegals are illegals. Mexicans are Mexicans. NOT mutually inclusive terms.

red states rule
08-16-2007, 06:19 AM
The word "illegal" is not a "Get of jail free card" that covers all, obvious racial slurs.

Illegals are illegals. Mexicans are Mexicans. NOT mutually inclusive terms.


We need to deport the illegals - not all Mexicans. I have no problem with legal immigration - only illegal immigration

08-16-2007, 06:21 AM

why do you choose to be outraged by the illegality of the immigrant and not the illegality of those who hired immigrants without visas......why not the illegality of those who deal with immigrants without visas on a daily basis but did not bring about their deportation.....

you're simply a fisherman who experimented with a variety of colorful spoons, then gets pissed at the fish that he finally catches......

08-16-2007, 06:23 AM

We need to deport the illegals - not all Mexicans. I have no problem with legal immigration - only illegal immigration

I'm not arguing that, except that it is not feasible to do that.

I'm pointing out you are defending a racist statement.

red states rule
08-16-2007, 06:23 AM
why do you choose to be outraged by the illegality of the immigrant and not the illegality of those who hired immigrants without visas......why not the illegality of those who deal with immigrants without visas on a daily basis but did not bring about their deportation.....

you're simply a fisherman who experimented with a variety of colorful spoons, then gets pissed at the fish that he finally catches......

I am outraged over the companies that hire them - as well as the politicans who refuse to enforce the law, offer them free handouts at taxpayer expense, and the liberal media that runs sob stoires when they are busted and deported

red states rule
08-16-2007, 06:24 AM
I'm not arguing that, except that it is not feasible to do that.

I'm pointing out you are defending a racist statement.

Racist statement? LOL

Now calling illegals illegals is now racist?

08-16-2007, 06:28 AM
why do you choose to be outraged by the illegality of the immigrant and not the illegality of those who hired immigrants without visas......why not the illegality of those who deal with immigrants without visas on a daily basis but did not bring about their deportation.....

you're simply a fisherman who experimented with a variety of colorful spoons, then gets pissed at the fish that he finally catches......

I don't disagree with you, but in all fairness, you are introducing something not part of the topic yet. Wanting the illegals stopped and deported does not preclude going after their enablers ... in fact, it is an integral part of stopping illegal immigration.

red states rule
08-16-2007, 06:31 AM
I don't disagree with you, but in all fairness, you are introducing something not part of the topic yet. Wanting the illegals stopped and deported does not preclude going after their enablers ... in fact, it is an integral part of stopping illegal immigration.

What I have said over and over again is - first we need to seal the border. Build the fence, put troops, and /or border agents on the front lines,; whatever it takes to close it tight - but just do it

Once we stop the flow, then we need to deal with the illegals that are here. I would like to see them sent back and make them apply legally.

The US government cannot keep up with the ones who are here on visas and passport requests from US citizens. How the hell will they deal with an increased number if the current illegals are allowed to stay?

and yes, those who employ illegals need to have the book thrown at them

08-16-2007, 07:28 AM
I am outraged over the companies that hire them - as well as the politicans who refuse to enforce the law, offer them free handouts at taxpayer expense, and the liberal media that runs sob stoires when they are busted and deported

so, if there is no amnesty for illegals that means no amnesty for the companies and politicians and media, right?

red states rule
08-16-2007, 07:30 AM
so, if there is no amnesty for illegals that means no amnesty for the companies and politicians and media, right?

are you dense or do you play one on the board?

enforce the laws we have on the books - I know I am typing English - do you have trouble reading English?

08-16-2007, 10:45 AM
are you dense or do you play one on the board?

no, actually it's a tool to get you to realize YOU are.....

all this "NO AMNESTY" bullshit is a cover for job protectionism.....the proof of it is that you are selective about who you are willing to extend amnesty to......no amnesty for the 'illegals', unless the illegals are people who aren't taking US'merican's jobs......

and job protectionism is liberalism.....what I don't understand is why all these folks who pretend to be conservatives are acting like liberals......

08-16-2007, 10:54 AM
no, actually it's a tool to get you to realize YOU are.....

all this "NO AMNESTY" bullshit is a cover for job protectionism.....the proof of it is that you are selective about who you are willing to extend amnesty to......no amnesty for the 'illegals', unless the illegals are people who aren't taking US'merican's jobs......

and job protectionism is liberalism.....what I don't understand is why all these folks who pretend to be conservatives are acting like liberals......

Its not about job protectionism. Its about protecting our country. Its about not having our hospitals close down because they are going bankrupt since they cannot refuse care to illegals. Its about our education system overrun and overcrowded by illegal's kids. Its about our prison system having to house and feed millions of illegals that should have never been able to get into our country in the first place. Its about following our own fucking laws that we pass.

08-16-2007, 10:59 AM
so, if there is no amnesty for illegals that means no amnesty for the companies and politicians and media, right?

You're God damned right. Fine and jail employers who hire illegal aliens, or would that be "undocumented citizens"? Vote out the politicians who refuse to address the issue of illegal immigration in a manner that solves the problem. I'm not real sure what the media has to do with the issue, aside from being sympathetic to the illegals. Boycott those who are.

08-16-2007, 11:19 AM
Its not about job protectionism. Its about protecting our country. Its about not having our hospitals close down because they are going bankrupt since they cannot refuse care to illegals. Its about our education system overrun and overcrowded by illegal's kids. Its about our prison system having to house and feed millions of illegals that should have never been able to get into our country in the first place. Its about following our own fucking laws that we pass.

no it isn't....because if it was, we could have solved it already....but the solution was blocked by the "NO AMNESTY" crowd.....and the only reason they blocked it was job protectionism......

08-16-2007, 11:33 AM

So now we're called protectionist, for wanting to make sure that A UNITED STATES CITIZEN has a job, before an ILLEGIAL IMMIGRANT has them...

WoW....what a novel idea!

Geezzzzzz...I've been called a lot of things before...But...:poke:

08-16-2007, 11:35 AM
no it isn't....because if it was, we could have solved it already....but the solution was blocked by the "NO AMNESTY" crowd.....and the only reason they blocked it was job protectionism......

How could any of that had been solved? We haven't IMPLEMENTED anything to prevent it. And what "solution" are you talking about? There was no "solution" ever proposed. No one in Washington has proposed anything yet that will FIX the problem. The only thing they tried to propose would of made the situation worse. Hence why we are outraged.

Are you suggesting that the amnesty bill should had been passed?

red states rule
08-16-2007, 11:36 AM

So now we're called protectionist, for wanting to make sure that A UNITED STATES CITIZEN has a job, before an ILLEGIAL IMMIGRANT has them...

WoW....what a novel idea!

Geezzzzzz...I've been called a lot of things before...But...:poke:

Hell, he thinks I am a liberal

08-16-2007, 11:37 AM

08-16-2007, 01:23 PM
So now we're called protectionist, for wanting to make sure that A UNITED STATES CITIZEN has a job, before an ILLEGIAL IMMIGRANT has them...

would your view change if the word 'illegal' were dropped from that sentence?......

are you prepared to create a valid, enforceable work visa program that permits any non-citizen to enter this country to work, if an employer wishes to hire him?

I say it's smoke.....

people complain that we can't afford to have a system in place that will keep track of millions of people in this country under work visas.....shucks, we can pay for it twice over with the money we save from having to truck 12 million people to the Rio Grande and herd them back across the border......

what the 'NO AMNESTY' crowd is really afraid of is that their paychecks are going to go down because somebody from Teijuana might be willing to do their job for a few dollars an hour less.....

Hell, he thinks I am a liberal

but that's just because you talk without thinking.....

Are you suggesting that the amnesty bill should had been passed?

what didn't you like about it, besides the fact somebody told you it was an 'AMNESTY' bill....

Pale Rider
08-16-2007, 02:31 PM
Its not about job protectionism. Its about protecting our country. Its about not having our hospitals close down because they are going bankrupt since they cannot refuse care to illegals. Its about our education system overrun and overcrowded by illegal's kids. Its about our prison system having to house and feed millions of illegals that should have never been able to get into our country in the first place. Its about following our own fucking laws that we pass.

That's it to a tee, in a nut shell.

You must spread some reputation around before giving it to theHawk again.

Pale Rider
08-16-2007, 02:41 PM
would your view change if the word 'illegal' were dropped from that sentence?......
Should we stop calling breaking the law "illegal?" What do you suggest? Law challenged?

are you prepared to create a valid, enforceable work visa program that permits any non-citizen to enter this country to work, if an employer wishes to hire him?
Sure. There always has been, and there always should be. But only a certain number of them. BUT, there CERTAINLY isn't any need for 20,000,000 of them.

I say it's smoke.....

people complain that we can't afford to have a system in place that will keep track of millions of people in this country under work visas.....shucks, we can pay for it twice over with the money we save from having to truck 12 million people to the Rio Grande and herd them back across the border......
The INSTANT savings to this country having all the illegals gone would be colossal. What we CAN'T afford is to keep the illegals here WITH benefits. They are crippling our economy.

what the 'NO AMNESTY' crowd is really afraid of is that their paychecks are going to go down because somebody from Teijuana might be willing to do their job for a few dollars an hour less.....
That's just pure bullshit. To say something like that simply shows us all that you really don't have a clue what the hell you're talking about.

what didn't you like about it, besides the fact somebody told you it was an 'AMNESTY' bill....
Maybe YOU should tell US what was so damn GOOD about it. You're the illegal invader defender here...

08-16-2007, 02:47 PM
The voting down of the amnesty bill was in reality a vote for the status quo. There will be no mass deportation of illegals since its financially and logistically impossible(i've stil yet to hear someone prove that it is), they will remain here as long as they wish or as long as they don't make theirselves visible. You guys complained that they use services without putting anything in, Bush tried to fix that by bringing them into the fold but..........what would happen if the problem was fixed? What would you guys have to bitch about then?

Well like it or not 1 result of the defeat of the amnesty bill is we are ensured of seeing no action in Congress on this until Hillary is elected, then just what the hell do you think will happen at that time? Thats right, a Dem oval office and a Dem Congress=amnesty times a 1000.

Probably should've taken Bush's deal.

08-16-2007, 04:39 PM
The voting down of the amnesty bill was in reality a vote for the status quo. You guys complained that they use services without putting anything in, Bush tried to fix that by bringing them into the fold but..........what would happen if the problem was fixed? What would you guys have to bitch about then?

Our gov. has already tried amnesty and it didn't work. It didn't stop illegal immigration then and it won't stop it now. WE NEED TO BUILD A FENCE AND PROSECUTE THOSE WHO HIRE THEM.


Amnesties clearly do not solve the problem of illegal immigration. About 2.7 million people received lawful permanent residence ("green cards") in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a result of the amnesties contained in the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986. But these new INS figures show that by the beginning of 1997 those former illegal aliens had been entirely replaced by new illegal aliens, and that the unauthorized population again stood at more than 5 million, just as before the amnesty.

08-16-2007, 04:45 PM
Our gov. has already tried amnesty and it didn't work. It didn't stop illegal immigration then and it won't stop it now. WE NEED TO BUILD A FENCE AND PROSECUTE THOSE WHO HIRE THEM.


Amnesties clearly do not solve the problem of illegal immigration. About 2.7 million people received lawful permanent residence ("green cards") in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a result of the amnesties contained in the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986. But these new INS figures show that by the beginning of 1997 those former illegal aliens had been entirely replaced by new illegal aliens, and that the unauthorized population again stood at more than 5 million, just as before the amnesty.

Please think about this question and don't just give me the canned answer of lower wages: why do employers, under threat of prosecution, hire illegals?

I know the true answer, do you?

08-16-2007, 04:47 PM
Our gov. has already tried amnesty and it didn't work. It didn't stop illegal immigration then and it won't stop it now. WE NEED TO BUILD A FENCE AND PROSECUTE THOSE WHO HIRE THEM.


Amnesties clearly do not solve the problem of illegal immigration. About 2.7 million people received lawful permanent residence ("green cards") in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a result of the amnesties contained in the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986. But these new INS figures show that by the beginning of 1997 those former illegal aliens had been entirely replaced by new illegal aliens, and that the unauthorized population again stood at more than 5 million, just as before the amnesty.

Also why the prosecution? I understand stemming the flow but why prosecute employers who just want the best workers?

Amnesty would work, but you must stem the flow first then you legalize those already in country.

Pale Rider
08-16-2007, 04:53 PM
There will be no mass deportation of illegals since its financially and logistically impossible(i've stil yet to hear someone prove that it is),


(It's simple really...)

By: Devvy Kidd
April 6, 2006


The continued sell out in Washington, DC over the illegal alien invasion continues. One of the biggest reasons illegals smuggle themselves across the border is financial incentives. Illegals are more than happy to risk being caught for free medical care, free education for their children who are also here illegally and for jobs. They have no fear of deportation because we have gutless cowards serving in Congress along with the four border governors. In this "new" bill sitting in the senate is a provision for in-state tuition for illegals! I wish this were an April Fool's joke, but it's no joke and a further indication that pond scum like John McCain could care less about the law and stopping the further rape and pillage of the public treasury to reward criminal behavior.

As I pointed out in my last column, border agents are being over run by this invading army. They warn amnesty doesn't work and they should know. That hasn't stopped Bush and Dictator Vicente Fox continuing to ooze their sophistry about rewarding the criminals already here with citizenship down the road. This promotion of lawlessness will do the same thing that happened after Reagan signed the monumental failure "immigration reform" bill back in 1986: We now have another 15-20 million criminals who have entered this country and demanding rights when they have none. Bush and Fox are fostering anarchy in this country as the rage over this invasion grows.

On April 5, 2006, Drudge had an interesting flashback from 1993:

Dem. Senate Leader Harry Reid: 'Our Federal Wallet Stretched To Limit By Illegal Aliens Getting Welfare' 'Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally'

August 5, 1993 The Office of Sen. Harry Reid issued the following:

"In response to increased terrorism and abuse of social programs by aliens, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) Today introduced the first and only comprehensive immigration reform bill in Congress. Currently, an alien living illegally in the United States often pays no taxes but receives unemployment, welfare, free medical care and other federal benefits. Recent terrorist acts, including the World Trade Center bombing, have underscored the need to keep violent criminals out of the country.

"Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools and social programs," Reid said. "The Immigration and Naturalization Service needs the ability to step up enforcement. Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care and other benefits often without paying any taxes. Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world. "Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally," Reid said."

Like the lying jackal he is, Reid now says this, "

“What the Kyl-Cornyn amendment really does is undermine the earned citizenship program in the committee bill. It would prevent millions of Mexicans, Central Americans, Irish and other nationals from applying for legal status because of status violations, not crimes. The vast majority of undocumented immigrants who would be affected by this amendment are not criminal aliens, but rather the exact classes of immigrants intended to be covered by title 6 of the judiciary committee bill. Our analysis shows that over 95% of the people potentially affected by this amendment are individuals whose only crime -- and crime is very loosely construed for purposes this have discussion -- is being in the United States out of status. 95%.

“If the Kyl-Cornyn amendment passes, the United States will still confront a crisis of illegality and it will deny the will of the American people. Three out of four whom favor earned legalization for immigrants, who work, pay their taxes, learn English and stay out of trouble.

“Mr. President, the bill before this body is a very fine piece of legislation....And it will allow places like Las Vegas, Nevada -- and Las Vegas isn't the only place, who is going they are going to build within the next few years, four to five years, 50,000 new hotel rooms. They need a minimum of 100,000 new workers. This legislation will allow that to happen. And there are places all over America that are faced not with those numbers that are as huge as that, but with big, big numbers.

“And finally, Mr. President, what this legislation does that is now before the senate, it allows 11 million-plus people not to have to live in the shadows of America. A path of earned legalization, not like the old amnesty that was done when I served in the House of Representatives, but a path toward legalization. Stay out of trouble, pay your taxes, have a job, learn English, go to the back of the line."

"Deny the will of the American people"? What BS. Hey, Harry: Turn on the tube, buddy. These illegals aren't "in the shadows of America." Old Harry apparently doesn't understand the concept of appeasement with an enemy. Reid is advocating rewarding criminal behavior for cheap labor. As Henrietta points out in her current column, this is what illegal aliens are costing you, me and our children: Education: $22.5 billion Bilingual Education: $3.3 billion AFDC: $2.4 billion SSI: $2.9 billion Social Security: $24.8 billion Housing Assistance: $2.6 billion Criminal Justice: $2.6 billion Jobs Lost by Americans: $10.8 billion Other Programs: $51.4 billion Food Stamps: $7 billion Health Care: $1.4 billion. All for "cheap" labor for big money donors regardless of the death and destruction. Reid's sell out position is to make sure Tyson and other corporations who buy these whores in Congress will get their money's worth. Reid wants you to continue funding the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars from the sweat of your labor for this current crop of illegals and the tens of millions who will smuggle themselves across the border now that they can see we have cowards running this country. [Watch this flash presentation]

Additionally, the necessary infrastructure for any "guest worker" program is a joke:

"Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), who has seen the report, told his colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee on March 2: “Let's be realistic. Our government bureaucrats simply cannot implement a program for 11 million illegal aliens. You'd all be shocked if you learned about the internal fraud and abuse at the Citizenship and Immigration Service. I have been investigating the internal problems at CIS as well as their backlog of national security cases. The bureau doesn't have an effective practice for reviewing these cases. Officials are being bribed. Visas are being given away. Green cards are being sold. CIS is giving out interim benefits, which is a precursor for additional privileges.... And we want this agency to handle the program in an effective manner? That's unrealistic.” Full column here.

Uh, you can't deport illegals already here, there's too many

These geniuses in Congress are using that mantra to prop up their endorsement of criminal behavior and the destruction already taking place by this invading army. They don't have the guts or the brains to figure out how to correct their previous mistakes with so called "immigration reform." So how do you round up and deport 15 million illegals?

The federal government announces that all illegals will be immediately rounded up, so put your affairs in order and leave. Criminals do NOT get a free pass in this country or it makes a total mockery of our laws. If illegals don't leave, they will be rounded up by local law enforcement in cooperation with INS and deported. Where will you put the hordes during this process? Earlier this year it was announced that Kellog, Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a $385 million dollar contract by the unnecessary and wasteful Department of Homeland Security to construct detention and processing facilities in the event of a "national emergency." In the language of the agreement it would appear these facilities will be used for temporary holding centers for illegals being rounded up for deportation. If that is indeed the case, then get them built and begin the process.

Employers should be the first target of enforcement for identifying illegals. All employers should be required to have on file a certified birth certificate from any current or future job applicant. That employer would then call the county recorder's office in the state on the birth certificate to confirm that it was issued by that office and authenticate the document. If the current worker or applicant's birth certificate is a phony, the employer notifies INS immediately. It would be very easy to prove if an employer is lying. The individual at the county recorder/clerk's office simply fills out a form while on the phone with the employer which states that such and such a birth certificate for John Smith was verified to Janet Singer at ABC Candle Company on this date by me, and so forth. That way there is verification at both ends. It's cheap (one phone call) and manpower expended would be about five minutes.

Mandatory jail time for employers who knowingly hire illegals. No fines. They haven't worked in the past because employers just pay the fine and continue hiring illegals. Six months in the slammer, no early time out. You do the jail time and then we'll see how many employers are willing to risk their freedom to hire criminals. It's called getting tough.

Schools at all levels, including colleges, must turn over their lists of all illegals currently enrolled. The destruction of America's schools is documented to the moon regarding illegals so there's no need to rehash it here. Illegals have no right to free education in this country because they are not U.S. citizens. It's not my daughter's job to work her fingers to the bone to educate illegals. Indentured servitude is illegal in this country.

Massive crack down on fake-ID mills: "At the root of the demand for counterfeit documents is a 20-year-old federal law that gave amnesty to roughly 3 million undocumented immigrants and, to discourage further illegal immigration, set rules for the workplace. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 required job applicants to present employers identification proving their eligibility to work in the United States. However, it did not require employers to verify authenticity." This is important and you can read a comprehensive analysis here about this loophole in the previous immigration "reform" law.

Congress must notify the Social Security Administration to turn over their lists of all illegals. They've got them because illegals are paying social security taxes. All banks operating in the U.S. must turn over the identities of illegals they have given home loans.

DEMAND the appropriate fence get built along the southern border and get it done NOW. Don't tell me there isn't enough money. This administration has been unconstitutionally raping the American people to the tune of ONE BILLION DOLLARS A MONTH destroying Iraq while leaving our borders open. The federal government can provide the materials ($$) and the National Guard for the four border states can get down there on the weekends and get that fence/wall finished in no time. I am sick of hearing how things can't get done instead of getting them done. All it takes is guts and the stomach to get a nasty job done. Of course, since we have few real men left in this country serving in public office, it's difficult.

Without a doubt, once the round up begins, there will be violence, but we already have violence and lots of it from illegals. I have documented it as has Frosty Wooldridge and so many others. Our state prisons are overflowing with illegals running up costs and bankrupting the system. Whether these fools in Congress want to acknowledge it or not: this is a war. A war right here on our soil, not just on the border. Big trouble is coming. If we don't rout out these millions of illegals and deport them to their country of origin now, we may as well forfeit our country and I for one and not going to sit around and let that happen no matter how rough the going gets.

Again: we must reconstitute the state militias because when these illegals go berserk, and they will, there is nothing standing between the hordes and your family and property. The states of the Union MUST take the lead on this and let me give you a few paragraphs from Dr. Edwin Vieira's column on the issue of the state militias and repelling invasion:

"Second, although "the Militia of the several States" are State institutions, the States cannot dispense with them, either, because the Constitution presupposes their permanence, and the Constitution is "the supreme Law of the Land"...Obviously, if the States could dissolve their Militia at will, they could erase Congress's power to "call[ ] forth the Militia". They could render unfulfillable the duty of the United States to "guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government" and to "protect each of them against Invasion; and * * * against domestic Violence"...And they could even disarm themselves from "engag[ing] in War" when "actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay", because (absent dispensation from Congress) they would have no other armed forces to deploy. Article I, Section 10, Clause 3.

"Third, because the Militia are State institutions, the Constitution reserves to the States an exclusive power and duty to "govern[ ] such Part of them as may [not] be employed in the Service of the United States", and a concurrent power and duty to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining their Militia if Congress refuses, fails, or is unable to do so, in whole or in part.....Indeed, if a negligent or criminal Congress, by shirking its duties or conspiring to defeat the Constitution, could render the Militia impotent and thereby put the Nation and States in peril, and the States nevertheless could do nothing to correct the situation, it would be absurd to speak of "the Militia of the several States" at all." (End of excerpt)

In order to effectively round up these criminals and get them deported, INS will have to have back up at the state level. Due to the sheer numbers, beside regular law enforcement, it should come in the form of the state militias as mandated by the Second Amendment. I have sent the Dr. Edwin Vieira CD (scroll down to the bottom) to my sheriff and members of my state legislature. Don't use the excuse that it won't make a difference. A determined lady in Florida sent her sheriff a letter about the un-Patriot Act and he sent her a response in which he said that he would not violate anyone's rights for "that cause." See his hand written note here.


08-16-2007, 04:59 PM
Please think about this question and don't just give me the canned answer of lower wages: why do employers, under threat of prosecution, hire illegals?

I know the true answer, do you?

Oh please, I realize your stock answer is "they work harder".......and I hope you realize...........as most everyone else here does..............that that answer is :bsflag:

The bridge builder who hired those illegals..who by the way weren't trained as welders..........did it not because they're such fabulous workers, he did it because they work cheap!!!!!!

Also guess what skippy they won't work cheap anymore once they're legal. They'll demand, and get, higher pay.

08-16-2007, 05:19 PM
More on those hard working illegals....

U.S. Deported Record Number of Criminal, Illegal Aliens in 2004
Separate program targeting sexual predators arrests 4,300 people

The United States has removed a record number of 157,281 criminal and other illegal aliens from the United States in fiscal year 2004, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) largest investigative arm.

"Removing criminal aliens and other illegal aliens from the United States is critical to the integrity of our immigration system and important to the safety of our communities," said DHS Assistant Secretary for ICE, Michael J. Garcia, in a November 16 press release.

According to the release, under a new program specifically targeting criminal and fugitive aliens, nearly 53 percent of those removed were "criminal aliens." Criminal aliens are foreign nationals who are eligible for removal based upon a criminal conviction in the United States. ICE removed 82,802 criminal aliens in fiscal year 2004, which ended in October, an increase of 6.6 percent over fiscal year 2003. Removals of noncriminal aliens increased by over 10 percent in the same period, to 74,479, the release states.

08-16-2007, 07:40 PM
Oh please, I realize your stock answer is "they work harder".......and I hope you realize...........as most everyone else here does..............that that answer is :bsflag:

The bridge builder who hired those illegals..who by the way weren't trained as welders..........did it not because they're such fabulous workers, he did it because they work cheap!!!!!!

Also guess what skippy they won't work cheap anymore once they're legal. They'll demand, and get, higher pay.

Yes, they work harder.........i'm sorry, thats a fact.

And you have this info. on the bridge welders where? Can I get a link to that?

Once made legal they should get higher pay since they work harder and longer.

08-16-2007, 07:46 PM
More on those hard working illegals....

U.S. Deported Record Number of Criminal, Illegal Aliens in 2004
Separate program targeting sexual predators arrests 4,300 people

The United States has removed a record number of 157,281 criminal and other illegal aliens from the United States in fiscal year 2004, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) largest investigative arm.

"Removing criminal aliens and other illegal aliens from the United States is critical to the integrity of our immigration system and important to the safety of our communities," said DHS Assistant Secretary for ICE, Michael J. Garcia, in a November 16 press release.

According to the release, under a new program specifically targeting criminal and fugitive aliens, nearly 53 percent of those removed were "criminal aliens." Criminal aliens are foreign nationals who are eligible for removal based upon a criminal conviction in the United States. ICE removed 82,802 criminal aliens in fiscal year 2004, which ended in October, an increase of 6.6 percent over fiscal year 2003. Removals of noncriminal aliens increased by over 10 percent in the same period, to 74,479, the release states.

I'm on record as being for immediate deportation of illegals convicted of felonies, you'll get no argument from me on this. But really the implication was that illegals(Mexicans) are criminals specifically sexual predators........lol come on now, you are making a generalization on a race based upon what? Would you like me to start picking apart White(I hate to use that term because White is not a race) people and making broadbrushed generalizations about them?

08-16-2007, 07:52 PM
Yes, they work harder.........i'm sorry, thats a fact.

And you have this info. on the bridge welders where? Can I get a link to that?

Once made legal they should get higher pay since they work harder and longer.
Here that wasn't too hard to find there for yaa OCA especially since this was in another thread.


JACKSON, Miss. - The owner of the Tarrasco Steel company made his initial appearance in federal court yesterday following his arrest by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents on an indictment from the Northern District of Mississippi, as part of an ongoing investigation into charges that he hired illegal alien workers from Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico to work at critical infrastructure construction sites throughout the Gulf Coast region.

Jose S. Gonzalez, 32, was arrested without incident Thursday morning at his office in Greenville, Mississippi. Gonzalez was involved as a subcontractor providing steel "re-bar" and installation services to major highway bridge construction projects. On March 29, 2007, ICE agents conducted coordinated worksite enforcement actions at the Greenville-Arkansas Highway 82 bridge in Greenville Mississippi; the Huey P. Long bridge in New Orleans, Louisiana; the US 90 bridge in Biloxi, Mississippi; the I-40 seismic retro-fit in Memphis, Tennessee, and the LA-1 bridge in Leeville, LA. These structures are part of our nation's critical infrastructure and are closely scrutinized when it comes to security matters. The investigation also revealed that the employees did not have proper welding certifications.

I do beg to differ with you on the working harder part. I have to agree with Trigg here it is BS.

Most first generation legal/illegal immigrants work hard but not neccessarily any harder than most US citizens. They are after all trying to get ahead that is all.

They still need to come here.... and here's the word for you.....


OCA, no one here has a problem with immigration its the illegal part that you are failing to comprehend. I have to question your allegenge to a bunch of law breaking individuals and why you are such a staunch supporter of "illegal immigrants"

08-16-2007, 07:55 PM
Racist statement? LOL

Now calling illegals illegals is now racist?

Did you bother to read the initial post to this thread, or just see the word "mexican" and start running your suck in clueless fashion, as usual?

08-16-2007, 07:57 PM
so, if there is no amnesty for illegals that means no amnesty for the companies and politicians and media, right?

why should there be? In fact, the employers should be penalized severely enough that it actually hurts.

08-16-2007, 08:01 PM
Here that wasn't too hard to find there for yaa OCA especially since this was in another thread.


I do beg to differ with you on the working harder part. I have to agree with Trigg here it is BS.

Most first generation legal/illegal immigrants work hard but not neccessarily any harder than most US citizens. They are after all trying to get ahead that is all.

They still need to come here.... and here's the word for you.....


OCA, no one here has a problem with immigration its the illegal part that you are failing to comprehend. I have to question your allegenge to a bunch of law breaking individuals and why you are such a staunch supporter of "illegal immigrants"

Because i'm a capitalist first and foremost and business should have access to any resource it can lay its hands on in order to increase profit and keep the economy revving.

The #1 most important thing in America is the economy and the stark reality is is that cheap labor, labor jobs that are not being filled by Americans, is vitally important to the U.S. economy. What happens if the economy goes south? Bye bye America. This isn't me just spouting off, bad economies have ruined empires, can anyone say Soviet Union?

Really i'm for compromise, everyone agrees that the border must be sealed but where we are apart is what to do with illegals ALREADY in country. It is not possible to deport even a small fraction of them so you can see that if you want to seal the border properly a middle ground is going to have to be found, no?

08-16-2007, 09:25 PM
Should we stop calling breaking the law "illegal?" What do you suggest? Law challenged?

you weren't paying attention were you.....the question is whether you oppose immigration?.....obviously, since you go on to object to large numbers of immigrants, you do....

conservatives in this country have a long history of promotiing immigration....seems to me some of you boys have sold out to the liberals....

08-16-2007, 09:31 PM
Amnesty would work, but you must stem the flow first then you legalize those already in country.

forget about "amnesty"/no "amnesty"......just start from the fact that there are people willing to perform work that people want to hire them to do.....somewhere around 12 million of them.....

create a system that makes them LEGAL, then they won't be illegals.....create a system that makes anyone that can find a job LEGAL.......then, nobody will try to enter the country illegally ever again, since there will be a simple, cheap way to enter the country legally......

08-16-2007, 09:39 PM

Really i'm for compromise, everyone agrees that the border must be sealed but where we are apart is what to do with illegals ALREADY in country. It is not possible to deport even a small fraction of them so you can see that if you want to seal the border properly a middle ground is going to have to be found, no?
WTF OCA are you on drugs? Compromise? You? I'm crushed and disillusioned.

Seriously I thing deporting them would be a disaster. Put making them build work camps to first build the border wall then make license plates for a while before they were allowed to get in the back of the line to apply for citizenship would be a compromise in my book.

Pale Rider
08-16-2007, 10:25 PM
OCA, no one here has a problem with immigration its the illegal part that you are failing to comprehend. I have to question your allegenge to a bunch of law breaking individuals and why you are such a staunch supporter of "illegal immigrants"

How can one be "illegal," and an "immigrant?" In order for one to be an "immigrant," one must FIRST be "LEGAL!"

Illegal "ALIENS" Nukeman, don't follow the PC crowd, watered down, bullshit. Call 'em what they are.

Pale Rider
08-16-2007, 10:31 PM
There's just too much crap in this thread already.... first off, I have posted MANY, MANY articles CRAMMED with FACTS outlining how illegal aliens COST this country FAR MORE than anything they contribute. THEY ARE NOT HELPING US, THEY ARE HURTING US.

And this article that I posted seems to have just been TOTALLY IGNORED. You can't deport illegals? WELL WHY THE FUCK NOT? Is this America, and would it not be ENFORCING THE LAW? Every time I hear that LIBERAL MANTRA, "we can't deport the illegals," I JUST WANT TO PUKE!!!!!!!! Talk about the liberals being terrorist appeasers and surrendering COWARDS sending up the white flag, anyone that lays down and gives up and says we can't deport illegal aliens is NOT a real American. WE FIGHT when we get pissed, and the VAST MAJORITY of Americans are PISSED! WE WANT THE FUCKING ILLEGALS GONE, AND WE GOT THE STOMACH TO SEE IT DONE.

AND HERE'S HOW YOU'D DO IT............

Uh, you can't deport illegals already here, there's too many

These geniuses in Congress are using that mantra to prop up their endorsement of criminal behavior and the destruction already taking place by this invading army. They don't have the guts or the brains to figure out how to correct their previous mistakes with so called "immigration reform." So how do you round up and deport 15 million illegals?

The federal government announces that all illegals will be immediately rounded up, so put your affairs in order and leave. Criminals do NOT get a free pass in this country or it makes a total mockery of our laws. If illegals don't leave, they will be rounded up by local law enforcement in cooperation with INS and deported. Where will you put the hordes during this process? Earlier this year it was announced that Kellog, Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a $385 million dollar contract by the unnecessary and wasteful Department of Homeland Security to construct detention and processing facilities in the event of a "national emergency." In the language of the agreement it would appear these facilities will be used for temporary holding centers for illegals being rounded up for deportation. If that is indeed the case, then get them built and begin the process.

Employers should be the first target of enforcement for identifying illegals. All employers should be required to have on file a certified birth certificate from any current or future job applicant. That employer would then call the county recorder's office in the state on the birth certificate to confirm that it was issued by that office and authenticate the document. If the current worker or applicant's birth certificate is a phony, the employer notifies INS immediately. It would be very easy to prove if an employer is lying. The individual at the county recorder/clerk's office simply fills out a form while on the phone with the employer which states that such and such a birth certificate for John Smith was verified to Janet Singer at ABC Candle Company on this date by me, and so forth. That way there is verification at both ends. It's cheap (one phone call) and manpower expended would be about five minutes.

Mandatory jail time for employers who knowingly hire illegals. No fines. They haven't worked in the past because employers just pay the fine and continue hiring illegals. Six months in the slammer, no early time out. You do the jail time and then we'll see how many employers are willing to risk their freedom to hire criminals. It's called getting tough.

Schools at all levels, including colleges, must turn over their lists of all illegals currently enrolled. The destruction of America's schools is documented to the moon regarding illegals so there's no need to rehash it here. Illegals have no right to free education in this country because they are not U.S. citizens. It's not my daughter's job to work her fingers to the bone to educate illegals. Indentured servitude is illegal in this country.

Massive crack down on fake-ID mills: "At the root of the demand for counterfeit documents is a 20-year-old federal law that gave amnesty to roughly 3 million undocumented immigrants and, to discourage further illegal immigration, set rules for the workplace. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 required job applicants to present employers identification proving their eligibility to work in the United States. However, it did not require employers to verify authenticity." This is important and you can read a comprehensive analysis here about this loophole in the previous immigration "reform" law.

Congress must notify the Social Security Administration to turn over their lists of all illegals. They've got them because illegals are paying social security taxes. All banks operating in the U.S. must turn over the identities of illegals they have given home loans.

DEMAND the appropriate fence get built along the southern border and get it done NOW. Don't tell me there isn't enough money. This administration has been unconstitutionally raping the American people to the tune of ONE BILLION DOLLARS A MONTH destroying Iraq while leaving our borders open. The federal government can provide the materials ($$) and the National Guard for the four border states can get down there on the weekends and get that fence/wall finished in no time. I am sick of hearing how things can't get done instead of getting them done. All it takes is guts and the stomach to get a nasty job done. Of course, since we have few real men left in this country serving in public office, it's difficult.

Without a doubt, once the round up begins, there will be violence, but we already have violence and lots of it from illegals. I have documented it as has Frosty Wooldridge and so many others. Our state prisons are overflowing with illegals running up costs and bankrupting the system. Whether these fools in Congress want to acknowledge it or not: this is a war. A war right here on our soil, not just on the border. Big trouble is coming. If we don't rout out these millions of illegals and deport them to their country of origin now, we may as well forfeit our country and I for one and not going to sit around and let that happen no matter how rough the going gets.

Again: we must reconstitute the state militias because when these illegals go berserk, and they will, there is nothing standing between the hordes and your family and property. The states of the Union MUST take the lead on this and let me give you a few paragraphs from Dr. Edwin Vieira's column on the issue of the state militias and repelling invasion:

"Second, although "the Militia of the several States" are State institutions, the States cannot dispense with them, either, because the Constitution presupposes their permanence, and the Constitution is "the supreme Law of the Land"...Obviously, if the States could dissolve their Militia at will, they could erase Congress's power to "call[ ] forth the Militia". They could render unfulfillable the duty of the United States to "guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government" and to "protect each of them against Invasion; and * * * against domestic Violence"...And they could even disarm themselves from "engag[ing] in War" when "actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay", because (absent dispensation from Congress) they would have no other armed forces to deploy. Article I, Section 10, Clause 3.

"Third, because the Militia are State institutions, the Constitution reserves to the States an exclusive power and duty to "govern[ ] such Part of them as may [not] be employed in the Service of the United States", and a concurrent power and duty to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining their Militia if Congress refuses, fails, or is unable to do so, in whole or in part.....Indeed, if a negligent or criminal Congress, by shirking its duties or conspiring to defeat the Constitution, could render the Militia impotent and thereby put the Nation and States in peril, and the States nevertheless could do nothing to correct the situation, it would be absurd to speak of "the Militia of the several States" at all." (End of excerpt)

In order to effectively round up these criminals and get them deported, INS will have to have back up at the state level. Due to the sheer numbers, beside regular law enforcement, it should come in the form of the state militias as mandated by the Second Amendment. I have sent the Dr. Edwin Vieira CD (scroll down to the bottom) to my sheriff and members of my state legislature. Don't use the excuse that it won't make a difference. A determined lady in Florida sent her sheriff a letter about the un-Patriot Act and he sent her a response in which he said that he would not violate anyone's rights for "that cause." See his hand written note here.

red states rule
08-17-2007, 05:10 AM
Did you bother to read the initial post to this thread, or just see the word "mexican" and start running your suck in clueless fashion, as usual?

running a protection racket for OCA now?

08-17-2007, 05:13 AM
running a protection racket for OCA now?

*yawn* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

red states rule
08-17-2007, 05:14 AM
How can one be "illegal," and an "immigrant?" In order for one to be an "immigrant," one must FIRST be "LEGAL!"

Illegal "ALIENS" Nukeman, don't follow the PC crowd, watered down, bullshit. Call 'em what they are.

This is a classic..............

Census Bureau Asks That Immigration Raids Halt for 2010 Count
Thursday, August 16, 2007

WASHINGTON — The Census Bureau wants immigration agents to suspend enforcement raids during the 2010 census so the government can better count illegal immigrants.

Raids during the population count would make an already distrustful group even less likely to cooperate with government workers who are supposed to include them, the Census Bureau's second-ranking official said in an Associated Press interview.

Deputy Director Preston Jay Waite said immigration enforcement officials did not conduct raids for several months before and after the 2000 census. But today's political climate is even more volatile on the issue of illegal immigration.

Enforcement agents "have a job to do," Waite said. "They may not be able to give us as much of a break" in 2010.

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman declined to say whether immigration officials would halt raids. "If we were, we wouldn't talk about it," Pat Reilly said.

"For us to suspend that enforcement would probably take a lot more than one meeting," Reilly said. "We would have to discuss this at the highest levels of both agencies."

The issue arises as the U.S. struggles to resolve the fate of an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. After Congress failed to pass an immigration overhaul sought by the president, the Bush administration last week said it would step up efforts to enforce immigration laws.

One lawmaker said she thinks "it's nuts" for the Census Bureau to ask for a break in enforcement.

"I don't know what country the Census Bureau is living in," Rep. Candice Miller, R-Mich., said in a telephone interview from her district. "I can tell them the American people have grown sick and tired of their immigration laws not being enforced. They are not going to tolerate enforcement being suspended for any amount of time."

The Constitution requires the Census Bureau to count everyone, including illegal immigrants, in the census. The once-a-decade population count is then used to apportion seats in Congress and to appropriate billions of dollars in federal spending each year.

Miller has introduced a constitutional amendment that would apportion seats in Congress based only on the number of U.S. citizens in each state.

The Census Bureau plans to approach all federal agencies for help in getting an accurate count, Waite said.

Illegal immigrants are notoriously hard to count, although outside experts estimate that census workers count 85 percent to 90 percent of them.

Census workers ask immigrants if they are citizens; they do not ask if they are in the country legally.

"We're supposed to count every resident. If you go out and ask, 'Are you here illegally?' they are going to run," said Kenneth Prewitt, who directed the Census Bureau during the 2000 census.

Prewitt said the public already is suspicious of government workers knocking on their doors and asking personal questions. Those suspicions are amplified among illegal immigrants, even though personal information collected by Census Bureau is private by law.

Prewitt said immigration officials informally agreed to cooperate with the Census Bureau during the 2000 census by not conducting any large-scale raids.

"If they had a reason to think it was important to carry out an action, they would have done so," Prewitt said. "But they did offer to cooperate as much as possible so they didn't create a climate of fear. They did not carry out any major raids."

Reilly, the immigration enforcement spokeswoman, said she could not confirm any informal agreements to scale back enforcement during the 2000 census.

She said the agency "continued to perform its duty to enforce the nation's immigration laws by continuing to investigate, pursue and arrest criminal and other egregious violators."

Arturo Vargas, executive director of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, said the intense debate over immigration has made immigrants even more suspicious of the government today.

"The Census Bureau has a job to do," said Vargas, who belongs to a committee that advises the bureau on the 2010 census. "They need to convince people that they need to report themselves to the federal government and that it's going to remain confidential. That's a hard sell."

Supporters of stricter immigration laws said the whole discussion

of suspending raids shows that the immigration system is broken.

"If you don't enforce your laws, this is what you are going to get, one agency asking another agency to subvert the law," said Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates stricter enforcement of immigration laws.


WTF OCA are you on drugs? Compromise? You? I'm crushed and disillusioned.

Seriously I thing deporting them would be a disaster. Put making them build work camps to first build the border wall then make license plates for a while before they were allowed to get in the back of the line to apply for citizenship would be a compromise in my book.

If he was on drugs - he would make more sense then he does now

Pale Rider
08-17-2007, 12:42 PM
Arturo Vargas, executive director of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, said the intense debate over immigration has made immigrants even more suspicious of the government today.

Gee... I wonder if this "vargas" is hispanic? I also wonder if he's a member of la raza? Or mecha? I wonder if his slogan is reconquista? These mother fuckers are working from the inside to take America over. Think I'm crazy? Read for yourself. There's a lot to read on this web page, but this is just a small portion. I have to read it in segments, because I get too mad to continue. I want to start a war...

"Reconquista" specifically calls for formal return of Mexico’s lost territories (what we call the U.S. Southwest) to Mexico.

The classic argument for reconquista was spelled out 25 years ago. In 1982, Mexican columnist Carlos Loret de Mola visited Los Angeles, California. He was intrigued by the burgeoning Mexican community there (which was much smaller than today’s). Loret de Mola saw beyond the situation, and overcoming the traditional Mexican embarrassment over emigration, saw it as an opportunity for reconquest.

In his Excelsior column entitled The Great Invasion: Mexico Recovers Its Own, Loret de Mola exulted that:

"A peaceful mass of people, hardworking, carries out slowly and patiently an unstoppable invasion…You cannot give me a similar example of such a large migratory wave by an ant-like multitude, stubborn, unarmed, and carried on in the face of the most powerful and best-armed nation on earth. They have marked social and family characteristics, agility for adapting to the environment and for conquering a great region, once primitive and virgin, that belonged to our fatherland, and we lost it. But it seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without the firing of a single shot, nor requiring the least diplomatic action, by means of a steady, spontaneous, and uninterrupted occupation….The territory lost in the 19th century by a Mexico torn by internal strife and under centralist dictatorships led by paranoid chiefs, like Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, seems to be restoring itself through a humble people who go on settling various zones that once were ours on the old maps….Land, under any concept of possession, ends up in the hands of those who deserve it.

What Loret de Mola spells out here is a re-conquest of the U.S. Southwest by demography. Other Mexican writers have expressed similar sentiments, more recently Elena Poniatowska, who while visiting Venezuela in 2001, was quoted by a newspaper there:

"The Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska affirmed today that Mexico is presently recovering the territories lost in the past to the United States, thanks to emigration. ‘The people of the poor, the lice-ridden and the cucarachas are advancing in the United States, a country that wants to speak Spanish because 33.4 million Hispanics impose their culture’ affirmed Poniatowska …"" El Imparcial" (July 3rd, 2001),

In Mexico, it’s writers and journalists who promote reconquista. Mexican politicians rarely mention it.

What the Mexican government does, however, is encourage and foster illegal immigration in various ways, and encourage Mexicans in the U.S., even dual citizens and Mexican-Americans, to identify with Mexico, not the U.S. Mexican government activity is not limited to the Southwest. Mexican consulates will meddle just as readily outside the Southwest as in it.

A formal annexation of the Southwest by Mexico is not implausible, but another option would be a form of condominium, in which the U.S. and Mexico share sovereignty. The U.S. would be responsible for maintaining the territory, Mexico would control the immigration policy, most of the people would be loyal to Mexico, and the U.S. would foot the bill.

Much, MUCH more here... (http://www.vdare.com/awall/070705_memo.htm)

red states rule
08-17-2007, 03:19 PM
Yea, now we have to stop enforcing the laws so they can count the illegals

WTF are these idiots thinking?

Pale Rider
08-17-2007, 06:42 PM
Yea, now we have to stop enforcing the laws so they can count the illegals

WTF are these idiots thinking?

That shit isn't a done deal yet... there's a big brew ha ha over it going on.

08-18-2007, 09:10 PM
Why? Why do you want them deported? Do you even know? I mean other than the fact that you are racist against Mexicans which is fairly obvious, why do you want them deported? Are you afraid of competition? Afraid of getting outworked? What is it?

Sterilization...................ok Dr. Mengele.

I never said anything about mexicans I said Illegalls. Yes most of the Illegals are hispanic but I want all Illegalls not just hispanics.

Sock Puppet
08-18-2007, 09:20 PM
I want these Mexicans out of the Country because the are here illegally, not because I am racist against them. Same goes for anyone else that is living in this country illegally. :cool:

08-18-2007, 10:57 PM
I want these Mexicans out of the Country because the are here illegally, not because I am racist against them. Same goes for anyone else that is living in this country illegally. :cool: