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View Full Version : What Joe Biden's Anita Hill apology tells us about his 2020 plans

12-15-2017, 11:21 AM
Joe Biden, always a nice guy. Always a toucher too, even if lamely. He has a habit of plagiarizing things.

Hillary, Clinton foundation, FBI & DOJ.... with all of the negatives from the Dem side - will Biden be a shining light... and even more so against Trump?


What Joe Biden's Anita Hill apology tells us about his 2020 plans

(CNN)The biggest tell to date of Joe Biden's 2020 plans came this week, when he apologized to Anita Hill.

"I wish I had been able to do more for Anita Hill," Biden told Teen Vogue in an interview. "I owe her an apology."

Hill, you will remember, worked for Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas when they were both at the Department of Education. During Thomas' 1991 confirmation hearings, Hill alleged that he had sexually harassed her. She came under withering criticism from the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, which Biden chaired at the time.

Biden, as the years have passed, has been widely perceived as doing too little to defend Hill in that hearing. The optics of a committee of all white men questioning Hill, who is African-American, also aged poorly.

Amid the growing #metoo movement -- and the series of politicians who have either resigned or lost races while battling allegations of sexual harassment -- Biden's past with Hill was sure to grow as an issue in the coming weeks and months.

So he nipped it in the bud. For the second time in a month. (Last month, Biden was asked about the Thomas hearings and his role. "What I do feel badly about is the bad taste that got left in the mouth of some of the people around Anita Hill, and maybe even Anita, about whether or not the witnesses should have been called who were called and weren't called," he said.)

That is not an accident. Biden, a 75-year-old white man, understands how the treatment of Hill was perceived by many women and, in light of the cultural movement around women speaking out about harassment, he is working to clear up any sort of misunderstanding or hurt feelings around it. He is clearing the decks, purging his past of anything that could be seized on by, say, a future political opponent.

Rest - http://www.cnn.com/2017/12/15/politics/joe-biden-analysis/index.html