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View Full Version : Just in case

12-15-2017, 02:11 PM
Just in case anyone should wonder....

I recently spoke of bipolar. And then I post a lot. Some shouldn't assume any connection. :)

Now should anyone assume that I am a conspiracy theorist running off of "Gateway Pundit". As stated before, there's a bunch of sites I visit daily, or every other day, and have even added a few sites to my list!!

Not everyone here posts threads. And then I find it funny if some should ever complain about the amount I post, or amount of threads I post or whatever. The point? Hopefully that if I post, for example, 15 articles from various sites. Maybe if I'm lucky, 6-8 of them may take a grab and get some discussion going. If no one else posts threads, well then....

So anyway, here's the sites I try to visit.

DemocratUnderground - just for thinking ideas and links, and what are those weirdos up to.
Daily Beast - same as above, get some ideas and what not. Not really much to offer from that site.
NBC News
PJ Media
Huffington Post
CNS News
ABC News
CBS News
NY Times
NY Post
NY Daily News
WashingtonPost - but have went WAY WAY down on my list, generally only use them if someone links to them, and then I verify the "facts" of course.

Now, I don't always find news from all of those sites. Many times, I will see things from a site, and then peek around on a few of other sites, and then post from wherever.

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I do visit a bunch of news sites, and I do post a lot of threads to try and get some traction. Hell, not everyone does it, and since I kinda own the place, I feel a little responsible for doing so, so bite me! :) :)

Just because I shared about bipolar, that hardly means since I post a lot in one day that it's because I'm bipolar. :( So again, bite me.

Abbey Marie
12-17-2017, 11:32 AM
Tell me who implied/said this, so I can give them a swift e-kick to the buttocks.


12-17-2017, 11:54 AM
Tell me who implied/said this, so I can give them a swift e-kick to the buttocks.


-I think I have been clear and listed sites here quite a few times.
-I have been honest over the years, and have told everyone about dealing with bipolar, good or bad.
-I have explained all the sites I visit over the years, the steps I take to ensure the facts are valid... so even if posted from DU - if the "facts" within the story are correct, that's all that matters.
-I have explained, as owner, why I post so many threads to try and get the ball rolling. I would rather others do it for me, but it is what it is.

Threads started, per active members:

jimnyc 6,533
Kathianne 3,928
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot 1,753
gabosaurus 1,709
Abbey 1,556
darin 1,532
LongTermGuy 1,066

Some will complain about too many threads by me, too many from same source, blah blah blah. Then the source lies. I offered $$$ for showing the lies that I have posted, not the rhetoric, but no one ever took me up on the offer. I try to triple check before I post, but it doesn't matter to some. 999 times out of 1,000, the folks complaining about such things, happen to be the very folks that very rarely, if ever, start their own threads from the sources they prefer themselves.

I don't like the source. I don't like the lies. Same 2 sites every day. Conspiracy sites. Blah blah blah.


I paid $20 and then $25 per month to host from 2003-2007, and then the same after I started this site. This sometimes, as stated, includes other lame fees, and then software we opt to install which costs as well. Sure, it all adds up over years and years, but you don't hear me complaining! I love this, I love everything about it. This is my main "hobby" if you will. But I find it odd that I go out like that with things, and then every now and again having someone or folks condemn in which the manner I put it forward. Hell, even I'll admit that sometimes I post too many threads and from the same sites - but hell, if I'm the main one posting threads, that's what happens! If 20 different people were posting just 1 or 2 stories per day, from their own favorite sources - what a difference it would make. And then maybe a person or 2 wouldn't be upset by seeing my name up there so often. :)

12-17-2017, 12:28 PM
I paid $20 and then $25 per month to host from 2003-2007, and then the same after I started this site. This sometimes, as stated, includes other lame fees, and then software we opt to install which costs as well. Sure, it all adds up over years and years, but you don't hear me complaining! I love this, I love everything about it. This is my main "hobby" if you will. But I find it odd that I go out like that with things, and then every now and again having someone or folks condemn in which the manner I put it forward. Hell, even I'll admit that sometimes I post too many threads and from the same sites - but hell, if I'm the main one posting threads, that's what happens! If 20 different people were posting just 1 or 2 stories per day, from their own favorite sources - what a difference it would make. And then maybe a person or 2 wouldn't be upset by seeing my name up there so often. :)
I try... and I'm going to make my board contributions a yearly thing, if not more, because I know damn well it isn't FREE to keep the lights on here, and I enjoy myself here and like the vast majority of people that post. So send you a few bucks here and there, hell that's only fair.

Oh... and you can NEVER post "too many threads." Whoever is bitching about that, (which I don't even GET), while Abbey is giving them an e-kick in the buttocks, I'll give them an e-kick in the 'NADS. (Assuming it's a guy.)