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12-15-2017, 05:01 PM
Dianne Feinstein of California is not happy with how quickly these judges have been confirmed. Oh well. It's not an easy task to accomplish, so tough tootsies on her!


Trump Has Record Number of Judges Confirmed in 1st Year

President Donald Trump's 12th federal appeals court nominee was approved by Senate Republicans — setting the record for the most circuit court picks confirmed during a president's first year in office, Axios reported.

Trump's selection of young, conservatives for the lifetime posts will easily outlast his presidency. The judges have significant say in almost every area of policy, according to Axios.

The Senate confirmed James Ho to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, on Thursday, HuffPost noted.

Ho's confirmation officially broke the record for Trump, who now surpasses Presidents Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy, who had 11 circuit court judges approved in their first year, according to the Axios. By comparison, President Barack Obama had just three.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, noted the record-setting confirmation in a tweet:


But Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, blasted Republican efforts to push through the confirmation, Axios reported.

She noted the "speed at which these judges are being rammed through the process is stunning."


12-15-2017, 07:02 PM
yeah, there's some awesome trumplings being nominated

like this guy :laugh:


kennedy is a republican, btw

12-15-2017, 07:09 PM
yeah, there's some awesome trumplings being nominated

like this guy :laugh:


kennedy is a republican, btw

There's a lot of folks during the nominee process that fuck up, sometimes for judges and other positions.

Either way, the "trumpling" is in, whether folks laugh at them or not. Whether folks like the speed or not. Whether folks like Trump or not.


12-15-2017, 07:19 PM
yeah, there's some awesome trumplings being nominated

like this guy :laugh:


kennedy is a republican, btwMight as well fight fire with fire. Push comes to shove, it works.

And Diane Feinstein can kiss my Marine ass and I came REAL close to telling her to do so to her ugly face. I wouldn't care what her opinion was on boiling water. I'm sure she can fuck it up though.

12-15-2017, 07:25 PM
There's a lot of folks during the nominee process that fuck up, sometimes for judges and other positions.

Either way, the "trumpling" is in, whether folks laugh at them or not. Whether folks like the speed or not. Whether folks like Trump or not.


i make no secret of my contempt for trump and anyone over the age of forty who voted for him.

if you think having incompetent judges on the federal bench is *winning*, you deserve what you'll get.

this clown will only see the inside of a federal judges chambers as a tourist

12-15-2017, 07:33 PM
i make no secret of my contempt for trump and anyone over the age of forty who voted for him.

if you think having incompetent judges on the federal bench is *winning*, you deserve what you'll get.

this clown will only see the inside of a federal judges chambers as a touristI think we already have incompetent judges on the Federal bench. Replacing them with "your flavor of choice" didn't just happen because of Trump. I don't give a shit about Trump. Whoever puts conservative justices on the bench is at least keeping Dems out. When Trump is being stupid I say so. When he's hurting the other side, I'm not going to bitch when he's doing what I want.

12-15-2017, 07:44 PM
I think we already have incompetent judges on the Federal bench. Replacing them with "your flavor of choice" didn't just happen because of Trump. I don't give a shit about Trump. Whoever puts conservative justices on the bench is at least keeping Dems out. When Trump is being stupid I say so. When he's hurting the other side, I'm not going to bitch when he's doing what I want.

it's a country, not a football game.

you might want to keep that in mind as you cheer for more incompetence on the federal bench

12-15-2017, 07:56 PM
it's a country, not a football game.

you might want to keep that in mind as you cheer for more incompetence on the federal benchI didn't order for anything. Don't assume here, Del. You can take a poll on how much of a Trump fan I am if you want. I just don't hate the guy. His personality sucks and he was AFTER my last choice for Republican nominee. Which was STILL a notch above the criminal or the commie. Any Democrat that loses is a good Democrat.

Not my FIRST shitty hand. Probably not the last. I'm playing with what I've been dealt and while I'm quick to call Trump a dick, he's also been doing a lot of things people on the right have been screaming for the GOP to do for years. Shoving the same shit they deal right back down the Dems throats is one of them.

12-15-2017, 11:42 PM
There's a lot of folks during the nominee process that fuck up, sometimes for judges and other positions.

Either way, the "trumpling" is in, whether folks laugh at them or not. Whether folks like the speed or not. Whether folks like Trump or not.


Yup....But some folks caint help themselves and love to show off what "CNN" has to offer...like special little "clips"....and a whole bunch of "sources say" Garbage...These folks who do this are Never Trumpers....and wish Hillary won....


**Back on topic...Good for Trump...The man is doing well and Pissing off the left and Never Trumpers...



12-16-2017, 01:45 AM
Only Trump would nominate a dude who never tried a case and didn't know law 101 terms. I have a first year law student friend who is appalled he didn't know some of that.

12-16-2017, 09:00 AM
i make no secret of my contempt for trump and anyone over the age of forty who voted for him.

if you think having incompetent judges on the federal bench is *winning*, you deserve what you'll get.

this clown will only see the inside of a federal judges chambers as a tourist

To be clear, then: you've contempt for anyone who thought it worthwhile to vote for a person promising to 'drain the swamp' in Washington ?

You've contempt for someone patriotic enough to unashamedly take an 'America first' line ... and work hard to further this ?

You've contempt for a person who will do what it takes, fight whatever battles he must, to push through promises and an agenda which he WAS VOTED IN TO ACHIEVE ?

Perhaps your contempt extends to anyone in power who tries to undo the damage Obama did, during his terms in Office ?

OK, Del ... tell us, are you pro-Democrat, and do you have reverence for Obama ? Do you hate the fact (it appears you do ?) that the American People exercised their democratic right to vote in a President, and leadership, that THEY wanted to see in charge ?

How do you feel about the democratic process, anyway ? Do those voting in a manner you don't approve of, deserve scorn for DARING to do so ?

Del -- I'm British. I envy America for having a figure such as Trump they can call upon to be patriotically fired-up to do all he can for his country. I wish we in the UK had someone, ANYONE, comparable to Trump today. Del ... you just don't know how fortunate you are.

12-16-2017, 09:08 AM
Only Trump would nominate a dude who never tried a case and didn't know law 101 terms. I have a first year law student friend who is appalled he didn't know some of that.

Consider: what political background did Donald Trump have, before he was elected President ? But he's doing an enviable job in the White House. He is a 'new broom sweeps clean' sort of figure. He works hard to keep election promises, fighting as he must those who hate him for it.

If Trump's example is a meritorious one -- AND IT IS -- then, it seems to me that someone 'inexperienced' as you claim this nominee to be, will bring a freshness to his job which may well do him, and his country, a power of good.

Perhaps your only real reason for opposition here is that he is seen to be a so-called 'Trumpling' ... h'mm ? Perhaps, if he is one, and brought a massive amount of experience with him, you'd still offer the same strength of opposition ?

12-16-2017, 10:16 AM
... and the leftist whine and cry... boo freakin' hoo... yes when they do that, that's winning... you're doing something right.

12-16-2017, 10:30 AM
Consider: what political background did Donald Trump have, before he was elected President ? But he's doing an enviable job in the White House. He is a 'new broom sweeps clean' sort of figure. He works hard to keep election promises, fighting as he must those who hate him for it.

If Trump's example is a meritorious one -- AND IT IS -- then, it seems to me that someone 'inexperienced' as you claim this nominee to be, will bring a freshness to his job which may well do him, and his country, a power of good.

Perhaps your only real reason for opposition here is that he is seen to be a so-called 'Trumpling' ... h'mm ? Perhaps, if he is one, and brought a massive amount of experience with him, you'd still offer the same strength of opposition ?

Then next time you need a brain surgeon, ask the man who cleans the toilets. Being a judge is a highly technical and specialized job. Joe the plummer can't be a judge.

12-16-2017, 10:32 AM
... and the leftist whine and cry... boo freakin' hoo... yes when they do that, that's winning... you're doing something right.

Even from this community, this thinking is highly stupid and you know it. You're just trolling. You don't put joe the plummer in secretary of defense just because it would make liberals mad.

12-16-2017, 10:45 AM
Then next time you need a brain surgeon, ask the man who cleans the toilets. Being a judge is a highly technical and specialized job. Joe the plummer can't be a judge.
That was a stupid, insulting thing to say.

12-16-2017, 10:49 AM
Even from this community, this thinking is highly stupid and you know it. You're just trolling. You don't put joe the plummer in secretary of defense just because it would make liberals mad.
No... sorry... I don't think like you, thank God, I know this person is fully qualified to be a judge, and no amount of you radical progs trashing him for one little slip up is going to change anything. I'm a retired MASTER Harley Davidson Technician, but I'm sure if I was set down in front of a panel of Harley Davidson engineers, they might be able to ask my something I either didn't know or was unsure of.

You people are a joke, and your hysteria and hyperbole is just so predictable it's pathetic... YOU are pathetic.

12-16-2017, 11:38 AM
No... sorry... I don't think like you, thank God, I know this person is fully qualified to be a judge, and no amount of you radical progs trashing him for one little slip up is going to change anything. I'm a retired MASTER Harley Davidson Technician, but I'm sure if I was set down in front of a panel of Harley Davidson engineers, they might be able to ask my something I either didn't know or was unsure of.

You people are a joke, and your hysteria and hyperbole is just so predictable it's pathetic... YOU are pathetic.

You're not getting it. The guy didn't know first year law student material, never tried a case or given a deposition. And now you think he's fully qualified to be a federal judge? How?

12-16-2017, 11:52 AM
You're not getting it. The guy didn't know first year law student material, never tried a case or given a deposition. And now you think he's fully qualified to be a federal judge? How?
He couldn't be nominated if he wasn't "fully qualified."

Not to mention, he's not a leftist activist shit stain that thinks you can legislate from the bench, and that makes him perfect for the job far as I'm concerned.

I know that pisses you progs off, and that also makes me happy, so cry me a river.

12-16-2017, 12:05 PM
He couldn't be nominated if he wasn't "fully qualified."

Not to mention, he's not a leftist activist shit stain that thinks you can legislate from the bench, and that makes him perfect for the job far as I'm concerned.

I know that pisses you progs off, and that also makes me happy, so cry me a river.

The point of the senate questioning is to determine if he is fully qualified. You appear to not understand how any of this works.

Your last couple sentences are really really dumb. I mean it and I know you know it. You shouldn't have joe the plummer become a federal judge just because it pisses off liberals. Stop trolling.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-16-2017, 02:15 PM
it's a country, not a football game.

you might want to keep that in mind as you cheer for more incompetence on the federal bench

Did you cheer for the obama's leftist/socialist/activist choices?
If so and I suspect such is the case(as you hate Trump),you have no room to talk....
Go ahead, ignore my posts to you as I hit hard with --truth-- and you libs can not handle that..-Tyr

12-16-2017, 03:02 PM
I don't know the law as far as judging is concerned. It really doesn't sound like this guy knew some basic questions, and then said more or less that he could find out? Well hell, I could look up terms and find out too.

It sounds like some folks steered Trump in a direction to nominate certain people, and he trusted and went with them. I mean hell, what does Trump know about being a judge?

They easily have the numbers. Just be fair, toss him and get someone else in there and nominate him. There is no shortage of good conservative judges to put forth out there that does know all of this stuff. And if more qualified, that much more it will help conservatives and conservative decisions over the years. Stuffing an unqualified person out there really won't help, other than in the "success" column, and that's easily attainable anyway.

12-16-2017, 03:24 PM
The point of the senate questioning is to determine if he is fully qualified. You appear to not understand how any of this works.

Your last couple sentences are really really dumb. I mean it and I know you know it. You shouldn't have joe the plummer become a federal judge just because it pisses off liberals. Stop trolling.
To even be NOMINATED, you have to have completed a certain number of years of college, probably EIGHT or BETTER, you have to have a degree(s) in the required fields pertaining to the LAW, ETC... so this ASININE, "Joe the plumber" HORSE SHIT you keep spewing is what the REAL garbage is. I know ANY conservative judge that gets nominated is going to PISS YOU PEOPLE OFF because your little MEDDLESOME leftist ACTIVISTS are being systematically REPLACED, and you hate ALL these conservatives judges in the same UNHINGED, FROTHING AT THE MOUTH, LUNATIC FRINGE WAY that you hate president Trump, and you'll find SOMETHING to BITCH and WHINE about with ANY MOTHER FUCKING ONE OF THEM. You show us that's what you're all about every stinking time you pop on this board!

So go pound sand, ya moron, you sound like you need to put your fuckin' DUNCE HAT on and take a time out sitting in the corner staring at the wall... go do it.

My "last couple sentences" sure got the hell under YOUR thin little prog skin didn't they... ya.

12-16-2017, 04:42 PM
My "last couple sentences" sure got the hell under YOUR thin little prog skin didn't they... ya.

Maybe you want to reread your reply to me and then consider again who has the thin skin.

Black Diamond
12-16-2017, 04:52 PM
You're not getting it. The guy didn't know first year law student material, never tried a case or given a deposition. And now you think he's fully qualified to be a federal judge? How?
You thought a community organizer who served one term in the senate and barely showed up and had never led anything in his life was qualified to be president. You shouldn't be talking about who is qualified and who isn't.

Black Diamond
12-16-2017, 05:03 PM
The point of the senate questioning is to determine if he is fully qualified. You appear to not understand how any of this works.

Your last couple sentences are really really dumb. I mean it and I know you know it. You shouldn't have joe the plummer become a federal judge just because it pisses off liberals. Stop trolling.
You shouldn't have voted for the race baiting baby killing anti-American porch monkey with virtually no experience just because he pisses off conservatives. Stop trolling.

12-16-2017, 05:04 PM
poor petey, at it again. At least the man who couldn't answer any of the law questions followed, and obeyed the Constitution....which your buddy Obama, Holder, and Lynch managed to ignore, and abuse.
The example of the MAN who couldn't answer questions was a known, Liberal trick that TRUMP probably was playing on all of you LOSER-LIBERAL SNOWFLAKES, to show you how LIMITED, and UNDER-EDUCATED Democrats that are already Judges, and members of Congress really are....WHO CAN'T ANSWER QUESTIONS EITHER!

Such as Maxine IMPEACH 45 Waters, and Rep. Johnson of TIPPING GUAM fame.

People like yourself petey, who live in those glass houses...shouldn't throw Liberal Stones.

12-16-2017, 05:24 PM
You thought a community organizer who served one term in the senate and barely showed up and had never led anything in his life was qualified to be president. You shouldn't be talking about who is qualified and who isn't.

This isn't about me. Amazing you think a nominee without any trial experience and who doesn't know first year law terms should be a federal judge.

12-16-2017, 05:26 PM
You shouldn't have voted for the race baiting baby killing anti-American porch monkey with virtually no experience just because he pisses off conservatives. Stop trolling.

This has nothing to do with it. Stop using Obama and Hillary as some kind of magical defense. This is about a lawyer with no experience becoming a federal judge. I say it again, next time you need major surgery, go ask the man who cleans toilets. No? I didn't think so. Expertise matters.

12-16-2017, 05:26 PM
This isn't about me. Amazing you think a nominee without any trial experience and who doesn't know first year law terms should be a federal judge.It's ALWAYS about YOU, Pete. Been busy Christmas shopping?

12-16-2017, 05:26 PM
poor petey, at it again. At least the man who couldn't answer any of the law questions followed, and obeyed the Constitution....which your buddy Obama, Holder, and Lynch managed to ignore, and abuse.
The example of the MAN who couldn't answer questions was a known, Liberal trick that TRUMP probably was playing on all of you LOSER-LIBERAL SNOWFLAKES, to show you how LIMITED, and UNDER-EDUCATED Democrats that are already Judges, and members of Congress really are....WHO CAN'T ANSWER QUESTIONS EITHER!

Such as Maxine IMPEACH 45 Waters, and Rep. Johnson of TIPPING GUAM fame.

People like yourself petey, who live in those glass houses...shouldn't throw Liberal Stones.

At it again? I didn't start the thread nor did I post the video.

12-16-2017, 05:30 PM
At it again? I didn't start the thread nor did I post the video.You commented in it, taking a position. Fair game, bubba.

Black Diamond
12-16-2017, 05:31 PM
This isn't about me. Amazing you think a nominee without any trial experience and who doesn't know first year law terms should be a federal judge.
Amazing you thought Obama with his qualifications should be president of the United States. Oh wait he's black. That makes up for all he's lacking.

Black Diamond
12-16-2017, 05:37 PM
This has nothing to do with it. Stop using Obama and Hillary as some kind of magical defense. This is about a lawyer with no experience becoming a federal judge. I say it again, next time you need major surgery, go ask the man who cleans toilets. No? I didn't think so. Expertise matters.
So expertise doesn't matter when voting for president but it does when choosing a federal judge. And I didn't mention Hillary. She had 10 times the experience Obama had and didn't sit under David duke for 20 years.

12-16-2017, 05:37 PM
Amazing you thought Obama with his qualifications should be president of the United States. Oh wait he's black. That makes up for all he's lacking.

Amazing this thread is not about Obama. How many years you gonna use him as a crutch?

12-16-2017, 05:38 PM
So expertise doesn't matter when voting for president but it does when choosing a federal judge. And I didn't mention Hillary. She had 10 times the experience Obama had and didn't sit under David duke for 20 years.

false equivalence

12-16-2017, 05:40 PM
Amazing this thread is not about Obama. How many years you gonna use him as a crutch?

Funny, considering that democrats were prancing around about GWB up until, well.... about now still!

Black Diamond
12-16-2017, 05:43 PM
Amazing this thread is not about Obama. How many years you gonna use him as a crutch?
Pointing out your inconsistency is not a crutch.

And you don't like it that trump is president ? You should have voted for Romney, the mealy mouthed moderate. You didn't. You voted for the extremist again. Now the pendulum swung all the way the other way and you can't handle it.

Black Diamond
12-16-2017, 05:44 PM
false equivalence
It is false equivalence. The potus is a far more important position than a federal judge.

Black Diamond
12-16-2017, 07:29 PM
Also, why should I believe this guy doesn't know basic law terms? Because Petes friend, who would vote for Saddam Hussein over trump said so ?

12-16-2017, 08:43 PM
Amazing this thread is not about Obama. How many years you gonna use him as a crutch?

petey. You mean...like OBAMA used BUSH as his daily crush, to blame everything on Bush, while Odumbdumb sold an entire nation down the muddy river of Terrorism??

How quickly you forget the still repeated words from liberals "It's Bush's Fault".


12-16-2017, 10:25 PM
Also, why should I believe this guy doesn't know basic law terms? Because Petes friend, who would vote for Saddam Hussein over trump said so ?

Or... you can watch the video genius, it's all recorded

12-16-2017, 10:30 PM
I know the current crop of judicial dumbasses are not indicative of what has been confirmed in the past. We do need judges who actually know how the law works. As opposed to political patronage appointments.

12-17-2017, 09:56 AM
Maybe you want to reread your reply to me and then consider again who has the thin skin.
I know you're mad. You're mad every time you come here... because you THINK you have something legitimate to cry about, and that no one should be able to disagree with you.

Well, one thing I think you don't get is, this board isn't your far left radical echo chamber. We're not part of your liberal ANTIFA circle jerk. This isn't your bunch of brain washed little lock step group think snowflakes like you're used to.

I know it pisses you off to think there's actually patriotic Americans out there that still believe in the constitution and the rule of law, but all I can offer you is, you're going to have to find a way to deal with it, and the fact that Trump is president, and is going to STAY president.

12-17-2017, 10:02 AM
As opposed to political patronage appointments.
Glad to see you agree that getting rid of the "current crop" of leftist activist trash on the bench is a good thing.

Abbey Marie
12-17-2017, 10:44 AM
Dianne Feinstein of California is not happy with how quickly these judges have been confirmed. Oh well. It's not an easy task to accomplish, so tough tootsies on her!


Trump Has Record Number of Judges Confirmed in 1st Year

President Donald Trump's 12th federal appeals court nominee was approved by Senate Republicans — setting the record for the most circuit court picks confirmed during a president's first year in office, Axios reported.

Trump's selection of young, conservatives for the lifetime posts will easily outlast his presidency. The judges have significant say in almost every area of policy, according to Axios.

The Senate confirmed James Ho to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, on Thursday, HuffPost noted.

Ho's confirmation officially broke the record for Trump, who now surpasses Presidents Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy, who had 11 circuit court judges approved in their first year, according to the Axios. By comparison, President Barack Obama had just three.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, noted the record-setting confirmation in a tweet:


But Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, blasted Republican efforts to push through the confirmation, Axios reported.

She noted the "speed at which these judges are being rammed through the process is stunning."



Abbey Marie
12-17-2017, 10:49 AM
yeah, there's some awesome trumplings being nominated

like this guy :laugh:


kennedy is a republican, btw

There are judges who aren't even law grads, and sit without much if any courtroom experience. They all have to start somewhere.

These questions would take him (or his clerk) 5 minutes to research. I was awarded best paper in my Evidence class. Learning it is not a biggie.

Abbey Marie
12-17-2017, 10:51 AM
i make no secret of my contempt for trump and anyone over the age of forty who voted for him.

if you think having incompetent judges on the federal bench is *winning*, you deserve what you'll get.

this clown will only see the inside of a federal judges chambers as a tourist

Or perhaps, he will approach each case with fresh eyes and a lack of jaded bias.
We do know he is well-acquainted with studying the law, do we not? Or did you skip over the work he's been doing for years?

Abbey Marie
12-17-2017, 10:53 AM
Then next time you need a brain surgeon, ask the man who cleans the toilets. Being a judge is a highly technical and specialized job. Joe the plummer can't be a judge.

And they have law clerks, who can and often do the research and writing for them.

12-17-2017, 11:33 AM
And they have law clerks, who can and often do the research and writing for them.

Please stop defending this nominee's incompetence. I know you know better.

Abbey Marie
12-17-2017, 11:42 AM
Please stop defending this nominee's incompetence. I know you know better.

Pete, there is a ton of law out there. And I'd assume you know that lawyers, like doctors, tend to specialize. An Estates attorney will not know many Securities regulations, etc. And I surely have forgotten most of what I learned in law school. That does not mean we can't easily learn new things.

The important things here are that he:
1. Studied law
2. Still works with it
3. Undoubtedly knows how to parse a case and research the law.
4. Will be impartial
5. Unlike liberal judges, will not be a Constitution-shredding activist, legislating from the bench

12-17-2017, 11:46 AM
Pete, there is a ton of law out there. And I'd assume you know that lawyers, like doctors, tend to specialize. An Estates attorney will not know many Securities regulations, etc. And I surely have forgotten most of what I learned in law school. That does not mean we can't easily learn new things.

The important things here are that he:
1. Studied law
2. Still works with it
3. Undoubtedly knows how to parse a case and research the law.
4. Will be impartial
5. Unlike liberal judges, will not be a Constitution-shredding activist, legislating from the bench

Abbey, I appreciate your effort here, but this man is not applying to be some city traffic judge. This is akin to a med student applying for chief of surgery. Watch the video. He doesn't know basic 101 law and doesn't have experience.

Abbey Marie
12-17-2017, 11:47 AM
Abbey, I appreciate your effort here, but this man is not applying to be some city traffic judge. This is akin to a med student applying for chief of surgery. Watch the video. He doesn't know basic 101 law and doesn't have experience.

I did watch the video, honest.

He does know the law. He hasn't worked with and/or has forgotten some terms used in litigation. I'm serious- it's not a biggie. They are easily picked up.

12-17-2017, 11:48 AM
Pete, there is a ton of law out there. And I'd assume you know that lawyers, like doctors, tend to specialize. An Estates attorney will not know many Securities regulations, etc. And I surely have forgotten most of what I learned in law school. That does not mean we can't easily learn new things.

The important things here are that he:
1. Studied law
2. Still works with it
3. Undoubtedly knows how to parse a case and research the law.
4. Will be impartial
5. Unlike liberal judges, will not be a Constitution-shredding activist, legislating from the bench
Pete's just mad because the appointee isn't a leftist activist. He's mad because they're being systematically replaced.

It's obvious.

Black Diamond
12-17-2017, 11:49 AM
I did watch the video, honest.

He does know the law. He hasn't worked with and/or has forgotten some terms used in litigation. I'm serious- it's not a biggie. They are easily picked up.
Go figure.

12-17-2017, 11:49 AM
I did watch the video, honest.

He does know the law. He hasn't worked with and/or has forgotten some terms used in litigation. I'm serious- it's not a biggie. They are easily picked up.

Ok next time you need brain surgery, ask the dentist, it can all be easily picked up.

12-17-2017, 11:50 AM
Pete's just mad because the appointee isn't a leftist activist. He's mad because they're being systematically replaced.

It's obvious.

Oh really? Please do tell of my rants about all the other nominees? Where is my outrage for the others? This INDIVIDUAL was clearly exposed.

12-17-2017, 11:53 AM
Ok next time you need brain surgery, ask the dentist, it can all be easily picked up.
Still trotting out that ASININE comment? Looks like it.

This person HAD to meet certain CRITERIA to even be NOMINATED for this position.

What part about that isn't sinking into that PEA BRAIN of your's?

12-17-2017, 11:54 AM
Oh really? Please do tell of my rants about all the other nominees? Where is my outrage for the others? This INDIVIDUAL was clearly exposed.
You've been holding it in until you thought you had something... like the many times you radicals thought you had president Trump.

This is how you leftists operate and we know it. You all got your orders to go out and whine about this, lock step, group think... and here you are.

Black Diamond
12-17-2017, 11:55 AM
Abbey, I appreciate your effort here, but this man is not applying to be some city traffic judge. This is akin to a med student applying for chief of surgery. Watch the video. He doesn't know basic 101 law and doesn't have experience.
Funny. Obama wasn't applying to be traffic judge either. But you're upset now because this guy had a bad interview.

Abbey Marie
12-17-2017, 12:03 PM
Ok next time you need brain surgery, ask the dentist, it can all be easily picked up.

Surgery and sitting as judge on a case are really not equivalent. They are not even ballpark.

I would more hesitate to have this nominee try a case than judge one. Actually doing the litigating is a far more intense skill where the more experience the better. Judges have it easier.

12-17-2017, 12:03 PM
Oh really? Please do tell of my rants about all the other nominees? Where is my outrage for the others? This INDIVIDUAL was clearly exposed.

Big deal, one down, let him go for all I give a shit - put someone else more qualified in there and keep the record pace of conservative judges going.

One unqualified judge.

It's more the LACK of rants that concerns me. I replied, my reply was ignored because it wasn't against you this time. But while you speak out against this, the best we can get out of you with perhaps the worst scandal ever -still - is "your boy" crap.

this, is just an unqualified judge, and I agree with you. And THIS has you up in arms. But what is slowly but surely coming out about:

Uranium One
FBI involvement and maybe even payment
Top Dems involved up to and maybe Obama
Clinton foundation more than involved
Money going in 99 different directions
Peter Stzrok and the bias, and far from just him

And you WERE VERY set against many similar things when you thought it was Trump and/or anyone from his camp. Now the roles are reversed - and "meh", no big deal, right? Not unless our "boy" wants to do something?

So an unqualified judge, by some statements anyway in nominee process - nothing illegal of course, has you up in arms. The Russia stuff 1 1/2 years in and NOTHING with Trump, and that has you up in arms. But what could be 700000000% worse - meh, who gives a dead dogs poop.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-19-2017, 02:16 PM
Abbey, I appreciate your effort here, but this man is not applying to be some city traffic judge. This is akin to a med student applying for chief of surgery. Watch the video. He doesn't know basic 101 law and doesn't have experience.

He doesn't know basic 101 law and doesn't have experience.

You mean like the -experience-- your demigod obama had..
I see Petey, you libs love to hold everybody to the -same- high standard. right? :rolleyes:

No,the truth is hat you hold your enemies to an impossible to meet standard and give every kind of pass in world to your own kind of ilk.
Especially to your kind of politician ilk...

And again we find ourselves coming to the word-- hypocrite--........
Look it up, Webster dictionary can help ya..--Tyr

Black Diamond
12-19-2017, 02:39 PM
You mean like the -experience-- your demigod obama had..
I see Petey, you libs love to hold everybody to the -same- high standard. right? :rolleyes:

No,the truth is hat you hold your enemies to an impossible to meet standard and give every kind of pass in world to your own kind of ilk.
Especially to your kind of politician ilk...

And again we find ourselves coming to the word-- hypocrite--........
Look it up, Webster dictionary can help ya..--Tyr

12-19-2017, 03:51 PM
To be clear, then: you've contempt for anyone who thought it worthwhile to vote for a person promising to 'drain the swamp' in Washington ?

You've contempt for someone patriotic enough to unashamedly take an 'America first' line ... and work hard to further this ?

You've contempt for a person who will do what it takes, fight whatever battles he must, to push through promises and an agenda which he WAS VOTED IN TO ACHIEVE ?

Perhaps your contempt extends to anyone in power who tries to undo the damage Obama did, during his terms in Office ?

OK, Del ... tell us, are you pro-Democrat, and do you have reverence for Obama ? Do you hate the fact (it appears you do ?) that the American People exercised their democratic right to vote in a President, and leadership, that THEY wanted to see in charge ?

How do you feel about the democratic process, anyway ? Do those voting in a manner you don't approve of, deserve scorn for DARING to do so ?

Del -- I'm British. I envy America for having a figure such as Trump they can call upon to be patriotically fired-up to do all he can for his country. I wish we in the UK had someone, ANYONE, comparable to Trump today. Del ... you just don't know how fortunate you are.

to be clear, i think anyone over the age of 40 who voted for trump should have a court appointed guardian, as they are clearly incapable of managing their own affairs.

the man is and has been a huckster and a fraud for 30+ years. anyone naive, gullible or stupid enough to have voted for him shouldn't be allowed to handle anything sharper than a butter knife nor operate machinery more complicated than a toaster.

12-19-2017, 04:16 PM
to be clear, i think anyone over the age of 40 who voted for trump should have a court appointed guardian, as they are clearly incapable of managing their own affairs.

the man is and has been a huckster and a fraud for 30+ years. anyone naive, gullible or stupid enough to have voted for him shouldn't be allowed to handle anything sharper than a butter knife nor operate machinery more complicated than a toaster.

I'm soon to be 47, I voted for Trump and I'm doing quite nicely.

My guy is getting things done and I couldn't be happier with the way things are going. I sleep well at night.

That you disapprove of me and my political decisions counts for exactly zero unless you add the humorous factor of a snowflake in the throes of impotent rage as this country gets back on course.

Suck it up, Sweet Pea! You've got 7 more years to rage and I plan on enjoying every minute. :thumb:

12-19-2017, 05:44 PM
Our rights will be eroded.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-19-2017, 05:56 PM
to be clear, i think anyone over the age of 40 who voted for trump should have a court appointed guardian, as they are clearly incapable of managing their own affairs.

the man is and has been a huckster and a fraud for 30+ years. anyone naive, gullible or stupid enough to have voted for him shouldn't be allowed to handle anything sharper than a butter knife nor operate machinery more complicated than a toaster.

I am 63 and I voted for Trump.
I live in the South amigo, come on down and be my ""guardian"".
We'd have one helluva time..;)
I operate many things , some of them weapons, have done so since the age of six.. Never hurt myself or others by accident.
Off course I have done so on ""purpose"" over a hundred times(that is hurt others).
That is my stating fact, not intended as a threat to you, mind you.
But if you ever want to call me gullible or stupid, please do so to my face--Jim can give you my address-I give my permission to him on that .
We can chat live-but tis very likely that you will not care for how I "speak"!

12-19-2017, 06:03 PM
The judge in question has withdrawn his name from nomination. Maybe he can try again next time after he does some "simple" research.

12-19-2017, 06:06 PM
to be clear, i think anyone over the age of 40 who voted for trump should have a court appointed guardian, as they are clearly incapable of managing their own affairs.

the man is and has been a huckster and a fraud for 30+ years. anyone naive, gullible or stupid enough to have voted for him shouldn't be allowed to handle anything sharper than a butter knife nor operate machinery more complicated than a toaster.

To be clear. Your insane..... Maybe 8 years of "yes we can" Failed Obama / Corrupt Hillary...deceit...lies and Ignorance messed you up and made you a certified Lemming...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-19-2017, 06:10 PM
To be clear. Your insane..... Maybe 8 years of "yes we can" Failed Obama / Corrupt Hillary...deceit...lies and Ignorance messed you up and made you a certified Lemming...

His comment says to me that he is a hell of a lot more than just 8 years messed up..-Tyr

12-19-2017, 10:52 PM
to be clear, i think anyone over the age of 40 who voted for trump should have a court appointed guardian, as they are clearly incapable of managing their own affairs.

the man is and has been a huckster and a fraud for 30+ years. anyone naive, gullible or stupid enough to have voted for him shouldn't be allowed to handle anything sharper than a butter knife nor operate machinery more complicated than a toaster.

To be clear. Being 70, and proud that I voted for Trump, and DID NOT VOTE TWICE for Obama brings the question...as to WHY YOU del, disrespect your DNC guardian, and grounds keeper for the Kool-aid factory where all the FROZEN GRAPE SNOWFLAKES live.

Abbey Marie
12-20-2017, 09:26 AM
#MeToo (Over 40 and voted for Trump) :cool:

Now, tell me how to manage my own affairs. I wait breathlessly...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-21-2017, 09:22 AM
#MeToo (Over 40 and voted for Trump) :cool:

Now, tell me how to manage my own affairs. I wait breathlessly...

He wouldn't dare do so methinks.
Hell, a lady as smart and tough as you would scare me if I tried that. Not that I would ever disrespect you that way or any other way my friend.
Had to smile reading the -- "over 40 bit"-- in your reply--, my friend.
Women are smart about that (age)and know that revealing too much too soon is a disadvantage.
My sisters all do that too. When it is called for.
I have four sisters, all of them very, very intelligent,,and beautiful too....-Tyr

12-21-2017, 09:34 AM
#CountMeIn... over 40 and voted for Trump.

Funny I own my own home, have a few expensive toys and am living quite comfortably. Wonder how that happened if I don't know how to manage my own affairs.