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View Full Version : Sen. Graham: 70 Percent Chance Trump Attacks If NKorea Tests Again

12-15-2017, 05:07 PM
Maybe they purposely tossed this out there to get the little fat bastard thinking about his own actions? If not, and the haircut guy does in fact keep pushing buttons, I'm almost a little worried about where this may be going - only for the sake of the South Koreans. I surely wish there was a way to kill their electronics for about a 2 minute period, and during that period, use the time wisely to drop about 1 or 2 or 50 or so of the MOAB's and obliterate all that is necessary, including the life of the little chubs.


Sen. Graham: 70 Percent Chance Trump Attacks If NKorea Tests Again

Sen. Lindsey Graham said the odds right now are at 30 percent that President Donald Trump attacks North Korea, the South Carolina Republican told The Atlantic.

If North Korea runs another nuclear test — 70 percent, Graham told The Atlantic.

"I would say there's a three in 10 chance we use the military option," Graham told The Atlantic. "If the North Koreans conduct an additional test of a nuclear bomb — I would say 70 percent. … We're not to the tipping point yet (but) if they test another weapon, then all bets are off."

He told The Atlantic he talks to Trump about it "all the time."

"War with North Korea is an all-out war against the regime," Graham told The Atlantic. "There is no surgical strike option. Their [nuclear weapons] program is too redundant, it's too hardened, and you gotta assume the worst, not the best.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/lindsey-graham-donald-trump-attacks-north-korea/2017/12/14/id/831860/

Black Diamond
12-15-2017, 05:12 PM

frightening considering what that guy told me.

12-15-2017, 06:58 PM
Maybe they purposely tossed this out there to get the little fat bastard thinking about his own actions? If not, and the haircut guy does in fact keep pushing buttons, I'm almost a little worried about where this may be going - only for the sake of the South Koreans. I surely wish there was a way to kill their electronics for about a 2 minute period, and during that period, use the time wisely to drop about 1 or 2 or 50 or so of the MOAB's and obliterate all that is necessary, including the life of the little chubs.


Sen. Graham: 70 Percent Chance Trump Attacks If NKorea Tests Again

Sen. Lindsey Graham said the odds right now are at 30 percent that President Donald Trump attacks North Korea, the South Carolina Republican told The Atlantic.

If North Korea runs another nuclear test — 70 percent, Graham told The Atlantic.

"I would say there's a three in 10 chance we use the military option," Graham told The Atlantic. "If the North Koreans conduct an additional test of a nuclear bomb — I would say 70 percent. … We're not to the tipping point yet (but) if they test another weapon, then all bets are off."

He told The Atlantic he talks to Trump about it "all the time."

"War with North Korea is an all-out war against the regime," Graham told The Atlantic. "There is no surgical strike option. Their [nuclear weapons] program is too redundant, it's too hardened, and you gotta assume the worst, not the best.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/lindsey-graham-donald-trump-attacks-north-korea/2017/12/14/id/831860/This has been addressed in different places in different threads. What AT pretty much DIDN'T tell you is we have EMPs FAR better than anything that little douchebag does. If WE are on the offense and employ an EMP first. His weapons systems, communications, etc are toast. He's dead in the water.

The problem with it is using the weapon without turning off your own shit.

Graham apparently needs to listen to his military people instead of trying to think for them. There is no place in Korea we cannot hit from the sea. That equals a surgical strike. Last I heard we have 2 battle groups doing combat boxes offshore, and Okinawa is an island base for the USAF and USMC. Kadena AFB is there, and III MEF. I'm not sure if we can still used Clark in the RP or not, but Anderson AFB on Guam is a B-52 base.

So I don't know where Graham is getting his info, and EVEN IF it was true? Why the fuck put the knowledge in the hands of our f-ing blabbermouth media? They couldn't keep Christmas Day a secret.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-16-2017, 11:57 AM
This has been addressed in different places in different threads. What AT pretty much DIDN'T tell you is we have EMPs FAR better than anything that little douchebag does. If WE are on the offense and employ an EMP first. His weapons systems, communications, etc are toast. He's dead in the water.

The problem with it is using the weapon without turning off your own shit.

Graham apparently needs to listen to his military people instead of trying to think for them. There is no place in Korea we cannot hit from the sea. That equals a surgical strike. Last I heard we have 2 battle groups doing combat boxes offshore, and Okinawa is an island base for the USAF and USMC. Kadena AFB is there, and III MEF. I'm not sure if we can still used Clark in the RP or not, but Anderson AFB on Guam is a B-52 base.

So I don't know where Graham is getting his info, and EVEN IF it was true? Why the fuck put the knowledge in the hands of our f-ing blabbermouth media? They couldn't keep Christmas Day a secret.

I think Graham spoke about it publicly as a deterrent and in hopes the little fat asshole finally understands he is about to pull a tiger by is tail
and has no clue about how fast it can destroy him and his entire nation if it so desires!
I also believe that China is using the little bastard too, in many different ways, to get things from us when we beg China to help avert this coming war and its horrendous aftermath...-Tyr

12-16-2017, 05:58 PM
I think Graham spoke about it publicly as a deterrent and in hopes the little fat asshole finally understands he is about to pull a tiger by is tail
and has no clue about how fast it can destroy him and his entire nation if it so desires!
I also believe that China is using the little bastard too, in many different ways, to get things from us when we beg China to help avert this coming war and its horrendous aftermath...-TyrI think I got what he meant. And he is correct in that there is no "surgical strike". Meaning, a strike could not be contained within the borders of North Korea.

For one thing, the North's government hugs the China and Russia borders. They can call Pyongyang their capitol if they want. I bet their weapons are where we would have no choice but draw Russia, China or both in with a strike. In THAT sense, Graham is correct.

The gloom and doom aspect is unwarranted. Why make the citizens of the US believe we're in trouble? And why NOW? PsyOps is a funny thing. So why do you drop a PR bomb (no pun intended) on your own people 2 weeks before Christmas?

12-16-2017, 07:05 PM
Kim Jong-un knows EXACTLY what he is doing. He knows how unstable Trump is and is trying to push his buttons. He wants to make the U.S. look bad. Each nuclear test provokes an outburst by Trump that makes him look irrational.
The U.S. military will never launch a nuclear strike on North Korea, even if Trump ordered it. This has already been decided. Cooler heads know that an attack on NK is also a attack on China and Russia. Which would be unsurvivable.

12-16-2017, 08:00 PM
Kim Jong-un knows EXACTLY what he is doing. He knows how unstable Trump is and is trying to push his buttons. He wants to make the U.S. look bad. Each nuclear test provokes an outburst by Trump that makes him look irrational.
The U.S. military will never launch a nuclear strike on North Korea, even if Trump ordered it. This has already been decided. Cooler heads know that an attack on NK is also a attack on China and Russia. Which would be unsurvivable.I disagree. You're giving an inbred moron too much credit. Saddam Hussein thought HE knew exactly what he was doing defying Bush, and said so after he was captured. He never believed Bush would attack.

I also don't think Trump is as unstable as you lefties try to make him out to be. He's "playing Nixon". Nixon's game with Hanoi was he was bad cop and Kissinger was good cop. Every time N Vietnam walked from the peace table Nixon bombed the crap out of Hanoi and Kissinger would give them the "*I* want to work with you, but this guy Nixon who's my boss ...". It worked, regardless the fact the North had no intention of keeping any agreement and Nixon knew it. He wanted a face value signature to walk on and he got it.

Trump is trying to play the same game.

And attack on NK is NOT unsurvivable aand there is no guarantee Russia and or China will even back the little quack.

And I got news for you, NOTHING has "already been decided". There are no "cooler heads". It would require a mutiny to stop him. That is punishable by death during a time of war; which, presumably we would be at if a nuclear strike was ordered.

You're talking out your ass. Good to finally see you again ;). A baseball game is NOT that important. I can get you a "World Champions" hat if you want. They're cheap here. :)