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View Full Version : More ignoring by media of sexual harasser, congress this time

12-17-2017, 02:49 PM
What's worse is that this piece of crap claims to know nothing about any settlement. THAT is what's ludicrous, IMO. That's lame!


CNN, WaPo, NYT Ignore Top Democrat’s $220K Sexual Harassment Settlement

CNN, The Washington Post and The New York Times have ignored sexual harassment allegations against Democratic Florida Rep. Alcee Hastings, whose alleged sexual harassment of a staffer resulted in a $220,000 taxpayer-funded settlement in 2014.

The three outlets have yet to report on the massive settlement to Hastings’ accuser, former committee staffer Winsome Packer, which Roll Call first revealed a week ago on December 8. Packer accused Hastings of making sexual advances, touching her legs and threatening her job. The former staffer said she was “blackballed” for speaking out.

Hastings claimed that he was unaware of the settlement and called the sexual harassment allegations “ludicrous” on Friday.

Two Florida Democrats, Rep. Frederica Wilson and Rep. Lois Frankel, have said they are standing by Hastings, who was cleared by an ethics committee investigation in 2014. Democratic New York Rep. Kathleen Rice previously said that ethics committee investigations are not “real” accountability.

Other Democrats have been able to avoid talking about Hastings’ allegations, thanks to a lack of interest from news organizations like WaPo, the NYT and CNN.

Hastings is one of four congressmen (including three Democrats) who have indicated that they will remain in Congress, despite allegations that they engaged in or covered up sexual harassment or assault.

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2017/12/15/cnn-wapo-nyt-ignore-top-democrats-220k-sexual-harassment-settlement/

12-17-2017, 03:47 PM
Ya know... it's to the point now where with a democrat, it's like the old saying says... "if their lips are moving, they're lying."

12-17-2017, 08:36 PM
Congressman Bobby Scott denies accusations of inappropriate touching

This is a Liberal Congresscritter who supported Obama, and Loves Terry McAWFUL, our outgoing, Clinton Loving GOV. of Virginia...who is also under federal scrutiny for donating funds to the WIFE of an FBI top guy...who assisted in the FRAMING of Trump with Russia.

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3351/3479687796_4bc62833dc_o.jpg">

<img src="https://mgtvwric.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/12345671.jpg">

12-17-2017, 09:47 PM
McCauliffe is a freakin' moron.

12-17-2017, 10:05 PM
McAuliffe and the Clintons: A friendship as close as family, with benefits, risks for both

Terry McAuliffe Aided Wife of FBI Official Later Tasked With Clinton Email Probe
Terry McAuliffe's latest scandal just the tip of the iceberg