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View Full Version : America still hasn't reckoned with the election of a reckless con man as president

12-18-2017, 11:17 AM

I'm tired of hearing about how Russia intervened in the recent U.S. election and tired of the talk about collusion, and I'm especially fed up with the speculation that all this will doom the Trump presidency.

My weariness is not due to a lack of indignation at how a foreign country covertly helped a reckless con man become president. And I would certainly celebrate if the uncovering of crimes forced President Trump to abandon the White House and slink back to his tower. But I fear that the Russia investigations — and the hope that they will save the republic — are turning too many opponents of this administration into passive, victimized spectators of a drama performed by remote actors over which they have no control.

The psychic, intellectual and emotional energy expended on this issue would be better employed, I believe, by addressing a more fundamental concern: What was it, what is it, in our American soul that allowed the Russians to be successful?

Russians voting in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin [didn't hand] the election to the Republican candidate by a bit more than 80,000 votes.

Those were not Russians voting in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, handing the election to the Republican candidate by a bit more than 80,000 votes. They were American men and women. As were the 62,984,825 others who decided that such a troublesome, inflammatory figure expressed their desires and dreams.

Trump could be impeached or resign, or his policies could simply implode under the weight of their malice, divisiveness and mendacity, and the country would still be defined and pressed by the same conditions and dread that enabled his rise. America would still need to engage in a process of national self-scrutiny to fathom how such a nightmare could have been avoided, how it can be prevented from happening again.

12-18-2017, 11:27 AM

Shouldn't this go to the "humor" section? I think it's funny as hell....

12-18-2017, 11:51 AM
Shouldn't this go to the "humor" section? I think it's funny as hell....

Well, it is just the opinion section at least, so it's not one of their "regular writers".

I can't read the rest of the article as it won't allow me when I click the link. But if it's Russia related, and of course no facts, then of course this person is about a year and a half behind and also without facts. :)

And America HAS reckoned with it. Half are more than happy with what they got. Some are still trying to take back Trump's win somehow, anyhow they can, and of course avoiding their jobs and obstructing at every turn as well. While they of course ignore the other 'what should be' investigation and whistle in the wind, showing this isn't about America, and laws, and right and wrong, but simply about "getting Trump".

12-18-2017, 12:26 PM
-------------------------------------------- http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/laughter.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

12-18-2017, 12:32 PM


12-18-2017, 03:48 PM
Well, it is just the opinion section at least, so it's not one of their "regular writers".

I can't read the rest of the article as it won't allow me when I click the link. But if it's Russia related, and of course no facts, then of course this person is about a year and a half behind and also without facts. :)

And America HAS reckoned with it. Half are more than happy with what they got. Some are still trying to take back Trump's win somehow, anyhow they can, and of course avoiding their jobs and obstructing at every turn as well. While they of course ignore the other 'what should be' investigation and whistle in the wind, showing this isn't about America, and laws, and right and wrong, but simply about "getting Trump".

if half are *more than happy with what they got*, how come his approval rating never gets out of the 30s?


if half are *more than happy with what they got*, why does more than half the country think we're going in the wrong direction?


Black Diamond
12-18-2017, 03:51 PM
if half are *more than happy with what they got*, how come his approval rating never gets out of the 30s?


if half are *more than happy with what they got*, why does more than half the country think we're going in the wrong direction?

More than half thought we were going in the wrong direction under Obama, yet his approval rating was astronomical. There was a disconnect there.

Black Diamond
12-18-2017, 03:57 PM
I you're restricting the "half are happy with what they got" to trump vs Hillary, then I agree. If it's being happy that trump
is there in general. Different story.

12-18-2017, 03:59 PM

Admit it gabby. You are tired, offended, disgusted, and angry with anyone, and anything that makes you look like a fool whenever you complain.

You do have the option (RIGHT) to remain quiet, and refuse to accept every benefit the rest of the nation will begin to enjoy with the new Tax cuts. Further. You have every right to return all extra monies you, and your family may receive to any 401K's, School funding breaks, and less Local, and State taxes of that $10,000 dollar deduction you and your family will receive as well.
Finally. Please tell us, or share...if you will...exactly WHAT Trump has done to you? How has he hurt you in any way? And, if you have suffered any of the FIRE Damage from living in California...PLEASE return any FEDERAL funds you may get, or have gotten, since you hate TRUMP so much.

Almost forgot gabby. YOU and the Dems are the only people insisting that the Russians had anything to do with Trump. It has been proven, over, and over again. There was no collusion....and even if there had been any. IT WASN'T ILLEGAL.

12-18-2017, 08:05 PM
I'd say the author is pretty spot on except for the "minor" detail that his little "time warp" has landed us on a road to ruin following the leftwingnut agenda over a cliff into the abyss of hel. So he thinks we'd be better off with the Clinton criminal empire in control than Trump. I wouldn't care if Trump was Donald Duck he's STILL a far cry above moronic, suicide pact Democrats bleeding us dry for theor broken social programs.

Be nice if this guy would beam himself to his Leftwingnut Hell-hole "Utopia" and take every last one of his ilk with him.

12-18-2017, 09:08 PM
if half are *more than happy with what they got*, how come his approval rating never gets out of the 30s?


if half are *more than happy with what they got*, why does more than half the country think we're going in the wrong direction?


Are those like the same polls that told us that Hitlery was going to win in a landslide?

Ya... that's what I thought... fake polls.

12-18-2017, 09:21 PM
Sounds like the butthurt continues. And that's a good thing.


12-18-2017, 09:21 PM
Are those like the same polls that told us that Hitlery was going to win in a landslide?

Ya... that's what I thought... fake polls.

got nothing, huh?

color me stunned.

12-18-2017, 09:23 PM
got nothing, huh?

color me stunned.

Meh. Reagan was in the 30's at first, too.

I trust polls about as far as I could dropkick Micheal Moore.

Trump's doing what I want, and that's what matters.

Black Diamond
12-18-2017, 09:29 PM
Meh. Reagan was in the 30's at first, too.

I trust polls about as far as I could dropkick Micheal Moore.

Trump's doing what I want, and that's what matters.
You got me thinking. Is there anyone who could drop kick Michael Moore ?

12-18-2017, 09:34 PM
got nothing, huh?

color me stunned.
You got nothin' and you're stunned... figured as much there too.

Just pretend we all don't know about how WRONG these polls are... go ahead... ain't me lookin' stupid.

Black Diamond
12-18-2017, 09:39 PM
You got nothin' and you're stunned... figured as much there too.

Just pretend we all don't know about how WRONG these polls are... go ahead... ain't me lookin' stupid.

12-18-2017, 09:50 PM
Not to mention the obvious... if you want a poll to say 60% of the people polled have an unfavorable view of president Trump, just poll demtards in NYC or LA, or just be DISHONEST about the RESULTS.

If we've learned ANYTHING about polls in the last couple years, it's that they're NOT to be trusted.

President Trump still packs them into his rallies by the thousands with standing room only, and these mutton heads think they're going to shove some fake poll in my face and tell me that his approval rating is hovering in the 30's?

Pfft... they can go pound sand.


Pull the same old pathetic trick again and expect people to believe it. How stupid are these people?

Black Diamond
12-18-2017, 09:53 PM
Not to mention the obvious... if you want a poll to say 60% of the people polled have an unfavorable view of president Trump, just poll demtards in NYC or LA, or just be DISHONEST about the RESULTS.

If we've learned ANYTHING about polls in the last couple years, it's that they're NOT to be trusted.

President Trump still packs them into his rallies by the thousands with standing room only, and these mutton heads think they're going to shove some fake poll in my face and tell me that his approval rating is hovering in the 30's?

Pfft... they can go pound sand.


Pull the same old stupid trick again and expect people to believe it. How stupid are these people?
I think the 2016 election will be studied for generations. Assuming we have generations.

12-18-2017, 09:59 PM
I think the 2016 election will be studied for generations. Assuming we have generations.
Well... if the leftist learn anything from it, it's that their corrupt efforts to get a total POS elected weren't corrupt enough. They'll need more corruption than just a corrupt DOJ and FBI plot to take down the winner if they lose.

This nation is in dire need of a house cleaning of lawless leftist trash. We could fill an entire single penitentiary with just them.

12-18-2017, 10:08 PM
if half are *more than happy with what they got*, how come his approval rating never gets out of the 30s?


if half are *more than happy with what they got*, why does more than half the country think we're going in the wrong direction?


Didn't the polls have the Hildabeast walking away with the election?

Why yes they did.


So you'll forgive me in my disbelief in "polls" :laugh:

12-18-2017, 10:18 PM

12-19-2017, 03:24 PM
You got nothin' and you're stunned... figured as much there too.

Just pretend we all don't know about how WRONG these polls are... go ahead... ain't me lookin' stupid.

whatever you say, kellyanne

12-19-2017, 04:50 PM
whatever you say, kellyanne
Yup... same ole del... hoping your sarcasm will somehow win you a debate.


12-19-2017, 10:04 PM
whatever you say, kellyanne

"...Snowflake...watch your mouth and go find a safe place...Or I`ll Kick yo @ss"


12-19-2017, 10:26 PM
Are those like the same polls that told us that Hitlery was going to win in a landslide?

Ya... that's what I thought... fake polls.

I normally won't read on in any article after the word "polls" comes up --- if we haven't learned from 2016 that polling doesn't work, when were we going to learn it? I learned it, anyway. So has High_Plains_Drifter, looks like. However, before I stopped reading in the Journal today I spotted something very, very odd in their 2017 retrospective: supposedly Trump's approval ratings are very low for the first year of a presidency. BUT -- at the same time, supposedly 80% of all Republicans approve of Trump.

Looks to me like more useless polling that makes no sense. I think he's doing great. Let's continue.

12-19-2017, 10:45 PM
got nothing, huh?

color me stunned.

Polls mean nothing. The polls most of us hear, come from known LIBERAL sources, which will always explain the low numbers for Trump. Most of the people who hate Trump, or anyone who isn't Liberal...are still scared to admit they hated Obama, and Hillary because they are afraid of being labeled as RACISTS...just the way Democrats insist.
Truth is. Trump, and I, don't give a crap about how Liberals feel, or vote about him.
He's the one who's gonna give ALL OF YOU those tax cuts...The DNC will insist...is only for the UPPER 1 percent of the RICH, and CORPORATIONS...which just happen to be PEOPLE.
10 Supreme Court Rulings That Turned Corporations Into People
Last week's decision is the latest in a 200-year-long line of rulings giving businesses the same rights as humans.

DEMOCRATS CRY THAT CORPORATIONS are other than the members..Called PEOPLE.